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Jasper (Cloves County Cowboys Book 2)

Page 23

by Amelia Shea

  “How would this work? I don’t have much savings to invest.”

  Garr rested back in his seat. “You keep your savings. We’ll draw ten percent from your check each week. It’ll cover it for when we retire. Down the road, we’ll negotiate a fifty-fifty split for a determined amount of time.”

  “Seems like you guys are getting the short end of the stick. I have about six thousand in savings that I can give you.”

  Garr’s eyes widened, and he slammed his hand on the desk. “You got six in savings, and you haven’t gotten your goddamn car fixed?”

  “I don’t need a car, everywhere I go is within walking distance.” Well, it was, until Jasper.

  Garr threw his pen down on the desk. “Damn women.”

  “Oh hush, you brute. Not everyone likes putting their money into a car.”

  “It’s a necessity. What are you saving for? Shoes?”

  Kellie smirked. “A down payment on a house. I’ve got a way to go, but I’ll get there. Eventually.”

  Garr’s stone mask chiseled slightly. His eyes softened ever so slightly and his pursed lips relaxed.

  “Well, this will get you to your house sooner than waiting tables, girl. What do you say?”

  Do it! Do it! Say yes!

  “On one condition. I want to invest half my savings. Three thousand.”

  Patty’s smiled faltered, and she shook her head. If Kellie was going to really do this, she wanted to put her money in. Before Patty could rebut, Garr shouted.

  “No. You keep your money.”

  “Nope, the only way I’m doing this is buying into Steers. This is an opportunity, and I want you both to know how serious I am about it.”

  “Sweetheart, we know. Let’s just do the ten percent.”

  Kellie shook her head. “You take my three and the ten percent weekly or you have to find another partner.”

  Patty sighed. Kellie smiled at her, knowing it was breaking her heart to take her money, but it had to be this way. This was business.

  “Write me a check.” Garr pinned Kellie with his stare.

  Patty rushed over, giving her a big hug and a kiss on her cheek. “You have no idea how happy this makes me.” Patty gave her a tight squeeze on her arms and released her. Kellie waited for her to leave before turning to Garr. His head was deep in paperwork again.

  “Thanks, Garr.”

  He glanced up with a grunt and nodded his chin. “It’s important you have something that’s yours.”

  It clicked in her head like a lightbulb. Jasper. Her racing heart slowed to a snail’s pace as her excitement deflated.

  “This has to do with Jasper, doesn’t it? That’s why you’re offering it to me.”

  He took a breath, resting back into his seat. “I’m offering you a partnership because I trust you and think you’d be the best person to partner up with. But I ain’t gonna lie and say Fords got nothing to do with it. Look, I don’t know where this thing with you two is headed, but with or without him, you gotta have something that’s yours.”

  “This sounds like a handout.”

  “Ain’t no handout here. You don’t know me too well if you think I give them out. I’m offering you a partnership ’cause you earned it. Besides, you think Jasper would be living the way he does if he hadn’t been born into ranching and the Triple R?” Garr shrugged. “Maybe he would, maybe not. Ain’t no one around here including Jasper Fords didn’t get a little help along the way. It’s not about the opportunity you’re given that makes you a success; it’s what you do with it. But I’ll tell you this, didn’t consider no one else when Patty suggested taking on a partner. No one but you, Kellie.” He pointed his pen in her direction. “And it’s got nothing to do with helping you out. When I see a future of making money at this bar, I see it in you.”

  Kellie inhaled deeply, but it served no purpose in stopping her tears.

  “Thank you.”

  Garr sighed, biting on the inside of his lip. His scowl was deep and penetrated between his eyebrows. “You’re welcome.”

  “I’m gonna be the best partner you ever had.”

  “You’re the only partner.”

  “See, I’m already the best.”

  Garr snorted. “Right now, I’d settle with you getting on the floor and making some sales.”

  She walked to the door and stopped. “I got some ideas, ya know, if you’re up to some changes.”

  Garr didn’t look up from his desk. “You say karaoke, and this will be the shortest partnership in history.”

  Kellie burst out laughing and walked out the door. Karaoke rocked, she’d wear him down eventually. She was halfway down the hall when Garr called out her name. She turned around to see him in the doorway.

  “Cara’s been asking for doubles, got two extra from Lena next week. Anything I should be worried about with her need for extra cash?”

  Kellie sighed. She knew exactly why but she wasn’t about to tell Garr.

  “I’ll talk to her.”

  She walked through the bar and caught Lena. “Where’s Cara?”

  “Out back on break, I think. Girl was practically falling asleep at the bar so she might be out there napping.”

  “Can you cover us for ten minutes?”

  Lena smiled. “Yeah, I got this.”

  Kellie headed down the hall and out the door. She found Cara sitting at the picnic table throwing back an energy drink. Kellie would skip the small talk and get right to it.

  “You get the donation letter?”

  “Yep, I got it.”


  “Uh, please spare me the lecture, Kellie. I know it was stupid. My big fucking mouth has yet again gotten me knee deep in shit.” She tossed the can in the garbage. “But I don’t want a lecture, okay?”

  Kellie shrugged. “I wasn’t gonna give you one.”


  “I wasn’t, Cara. I was just going to tell you that I have enough money in savings to cover the five hundred. I’ll write you a check, you deposit it then write a check to the fundraiser. Every week you can give me a little, whatever you can spare until it’s paid off.”

  Cara scoffed. “I’m not taking your money.”

  “You have no choice. Look, I get what you’re trying to do, but me and Lena, we need our shifts. This way, everybody gets what they want, and no one is the wiser.”

  Cara gritted her teeth. “I can’t take your money.”

  “Yes, you can, and you will.” Kellie sat next to Cara, bumping her knee into Cara’s. “I get why you did it. Not many people would understand, but I do. I could sit here for hours telling you ya got nothing to prove to anyone but it won’t make an ounce of difference until you believe it.” Kellie wrapped her arm around Cara’s shoulder. “And whatever issue you have with Lucas or anyone else in this town, it’s yours. But I can tell you one thing. Lucas doesn’t think he’s better than you, neither does Jasper or Britt or Grey or the rest of them.”

  “Sarah does.”

  Kellie laughed. “Yeah, Sarah does.”

  Cara chuckled. “God, the thought of her makes me want to hurl.”

  “I know the feeling, but who cares what Sarah thinks, Cara. You got nothing to prove to her or anyone else around here.”

  “Tell that to my wallet.”

  Kellie squeezed her shoulder. “Take the money, Cara. This is between you and me, no one will ever know. I promise.”


  Kellie got up from the table.

  “Thanks, Kell.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Not many people would understand the donation. To most, it would seem foolish, but Cara could put a price tag on her pride and wounded ego. Five hundred dollars.

  “You seeing Jasper tonight?”

  Kellie shook her head. “No, he got caught up at the ranch, and it’ll be late before he could come get me.”

  “Let me return the favor; I’ll drive ya over.”

  Kellie turned around.

  Cara shrugge
d. “We both get off at eleven tonight, I’ll drop you off. You can surprise him.”

  Kellie was about to say no, but a thought popped in her head.

  “I’m gonna take you up on that offer.”


  Jasper was pissed. It wasn’t often he was filled with this much anger, but if anyone could set him off it was Tripp. Stupid, lazy bastard. Just when it seemed like he was getting his shit together, he fucked up in the worst possible way.

  Jasper dragged up the back stairs and threw open the door. It was past midnight, and he was beat tired and angry. It was bad enough he had to work double shifts in the barn to cover for Tripp, but hearing the disappointment in Kellie’s voice when he had to cancel made him want to rip his brother apart.

  He shucked off his boots and his shirt. He glanced into the kitchen, taking note of the glowing light. He walked through the door and stopped dead in his tracks.

  “Welcome home.” Kellie stood leaning against the doorframe near the living room. Her hair fell over her shoulders, brushing against the peaks of her bare, hard nipples. His gaze traveled down her naked body and back up to her face.

  “I wanted to surprise you.” Her lips curled up. “Are you surprised?”

  Jasper took in her body again, unable to come up with any audible words. This wasn’t the first time seeing her naked body, but in his kitchen, being greeted this way after a shit day, Jasper was speechless. His gaze scanned over every inch of her, and he stepped forward.

  “Say something Jas. I’m starting to rethink this whole naked greeting.”

  His eyes shot up to her face.

  Jasper swallowed a breath. “Come here.”

  She pushed off the wall and sauntered forward. Her body was perfection, and her confidence only enhanced her beauty. She was two feet away when he stalked forward. She was walking too slowly for his liking. He gripped her waist and pulled her against his chest, catching her gasp and sealing his lips to hers.

  He hoisted her up on the counter and ripped his jeans open. She gripped the hem, yanking them down faster than he could. He shucked his pants faster than if they’d been on fire and cupped his hands over her bare ass, pulling her into him. His dick lined up with her core perfectly, and had she not ripped her lips from his, he would have been seated inside her in two seconds flat.


  His hands gripped her ass harder in frustration at himself. The crown of his cock was lined up against her pussy. He sighed and released her. “I got them in my room.” He backed up, and Kellie slid off the counter. He stopped her, shaking his head, and surprised her when he gripped her hips and sat her back on the counter.

  “Don’t move.”

  She laughed. “Someone wants to fuck on the kitchen counter, huh?”

  He raised his brows and smirked but didn’t answer her. He’d had lovers but none as sexually adventurous as Kellie. Most women he’d been with wanted to be in a bed, which served Jasper, too. He was never a one-position type of man; he liked variety just as much as the next guy, but Kellie was opening his eyes to new places. All of them he liked.

  He took the stairs two at a time and rushed inside his room. He caught sight of Kellie’s clothes on the side chair. They looked perfect dangling off the arm like they were exactly where they should be.

  He double-timed it back to the kitchen and smiled when he saw she had taken his order and was seated on his counter where he’d left her. He bent down, prepared to get her ready for him, but the second his mouth touched her lips, he knew she was ready. He slid past her lips sucking the sensitive bead. Her hands dug into his shoulder, gripping hard and pushing him back.

  “Jas, please.”

  He pulled away, glancing up. “I’m trying, but you’re pushing me away.”

  “That’s ’cause I wanna come with you inside me.”

  It was enough to set his cock straight out and begging for entrance inside her. Jasper ripped the condom open and slid it over his cock. He was barely standing straight when she clasped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. His length was drawn to her core, and in one shift of his hips, his groan and her moan echoed through the small room as he entered her fully. Her knees locked on his thighs, caging him. As if he was going to go anywhere, anyway. This was pure heaven. He moved inside of her, feeling the walls clasp against him and sending a tremor of heat over his dick. It didn’t seem possible but his cock jerked, and he would bet he got harder from every pulsing grip from the walls of her core.

  He bowed against her shoulder, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair. His lips swiped down her neck, and she turned, searching for his lips. He took her mouth and stroked his cock inside her slowly, making it last as long as he could. It would be hard. He’d been on the verge of coming since he walked inside to find her naked.

  Her nails bit into his back through his shirt as he moved inside her. He nestled her neck, and her head drew back. He lined her neck with kisses down to her breasts. Her tits bounced with every thrust, sending her jiggling. He latched onto her nipple and sucked between his teeth, getting a soft, purred moan from her. His teeth grazed over her nipple, and she cried out a breathy scream. “I love when you do that.” Jasper continued, not breaking his stride. He knew she liked it and anything to get her off he’d do.

  He was mere seconds away from his release. He had no stamina when it came to her. He drove his cock inside while sucking on her beading nipple. His hands gripped her ass, holding her in place as he slammed into her, sending her back ramming against the cabinet.

  He grunted and thrust inside of her, his hands shaking against her flesh, and he came hard and pulsated into her. He jerked one last time before going completely deep inside her core. His face fell into her neck and his breaths were heavy. Her hands draped down his back.

  “The naked greeting is definitely going to happen again.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her deep against his chest.

  God, he loved this woman. “I love you.”

  She purred a raspy moan and tightened her hold on him. Her lips pressed against his neck. “I love you too, Jasper.”

  The moment was perfect. Nothing could ruin their connection. Between their breathing and the hum of the fridge, Jasper could hear a creak of the door. He jerked his head up from her neck and twisted toward the mudroom.

  “Saw your light on.” Tripp’s voice sounded from the closed door. It all happened in slow motion. The knob turned, and Kellie gasped. “Figured I’d…”

  “Get out!” Jasper shouted, standing with his bare ass facing Tripp. If he moved, he would expose Kellie in the complete nude. That sure as hell wasn’t going to happen.

  “Oh shit.” Tripp face blazed red, and he stumbled to turn around, slamming into the doorframe and almost falling to the ground. The door slammed shut a second later. “Sorry.”

  Jasper was going to kill his little brother. The hair on his arms rose while the blood coursed through him, heating in anger. He was plotting his death and imagining his fist slamming across his mouth when a soft giggle erupted, and Kellie’s body shook. He turned back toward her. She had her lips pressed together so tight they were almost white, and her eyes were tearing up. At first glance, she seemed upset, which infuriated Jasper even more. Then she barked out a laugh.

  Her cheeks flushed, and she continued to laugh, trying hard to catch her breath unsuccessfully.

  “It’s not funny,” Jasper said, keeping a straight face but completely lost it when Kellie laughed again, snorting in the process.

  She waved her hand and shook her head, inhaling. “I know, I’m sorry but…” She laughed again, making Jasper smile. “Did you see his face?” She drew in a breath with a chuckle. “Then when he fell into the wall…”

  Seeing it through her eyes, it was pretty funny, especially considering Tripp wasn’t one to usually be caught off guard. Jasper shook his head and snickered. Kellie grasped his chin between her palms. “Baby, it was funny.”

  He leaned in, taking h
er lips. If she could see the humor, then so could he.

  “I’m still gonna beat his ass for coming in here.”

  Kellie smiled. “Well, yeah, of course. But I have to say that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a face turn that exact shade of red. Ever.”

  They had a few more laughs at Tripp’s expense. Maybe this would be a lesson learned for his brother to not barge into his place anymore. Knowing Tripp, probably not, though.

  The next morning, he led Kellie down the path from his house to the barn. It was early, but he wanted to take her for another ride. If she was going to be a part of his life, which he was certain of, riding was a must. Besides, Kellie loved it.

  “Can I have Ollie again?” she asked when he opened the barn door and gestured her in.

  “Taking a liking to him, huh?”

  “He’s sweet.” She smirked. “And old, so I know he won’t be going rogue on me.”

  Jasper laughed and walked to Ollie’s stall. He was surprised when he came out to see Kellie nearly falling half over with the saddle in her arms.

  “Can I try to do it myself?”

  He took a step back and watched her mount the horse on the third try. Pride was what he felt.

  Riding up the trail was quicker this time around than the last. Although neither one of them spoke much, it was one of those memories he’d bank away in his mind. He knew exactly where to take her. Kellie had loved the view at the west end, and it got Jasper to start thinking of it as their spot.

  Forty minutes later, he had his girl at their spot.

  “God, I love it up here.”

  Kellie was seated between his legs with her back resting against his chest. He was trying to see the view from her eyes. He had probably taken it for granted. It was a view he’d seen his whole life. The clouds hovered over the mountain tips, so close they almost touched. The lush green valley illuminated by the sunbeam casting over it. Miles and miles of nature. Seeing it through her eyes, it was truly extraordinary.

  “We should make a pact, at least once a month we come up here.”

  Jasper smiled, resting his chin on her head. “You gonna make me do the girly pinky swear?”


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