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Jasper (Cloves County Cowboys Book 2)

Page 25

by Amelia Shea

  Kellie watched Abby’s face brighten like a freshly picked cherry. Fucking, touché!

  Cara’s face tensed, and she lifted her brows. “Next time you decide to call someone else a tramp, make sure you take a good long look in the mirror before you do.”

  There was only a brief second before Abby turned left and slammed open the door and walked through. Truth hurts.

  Cara burst out laughing and waved as the door closed. “See ya, Abby!”

  “Cara,” Kellie said.

  Cara rushed over to the bar, practically skipping, and jumped onto the stool, seating herself next to Kellie.

  “Nope, I don’t wanna hear it.” Cara shook her head, grinning. “It had to be done. Too many hypocrites in the world, and not enough of us calling them out on their shit.”

  Kellie snickered and shrugged. “I was going to say thanks, and nicely done.”

  Garr made a gruff snort. “That mouth of yours is gonna get you in trouble one of these days.”

  Two beers were heavily placed on the bar in front of the women.

  “Is this a farewell beer ’cause I’m fired?” Cara asked.

  Garr’s harsh glare cracked and the corner of his mouth curled. “No, I’m actually thinking about giving you a raise.” He shook his head and walked out from behind the bar and down the hall.

  Cara grabbed the glass, raising it high. “Cheers!”


  Jasper stretched out his arm in search of her, but the bed was empty. He pried his left eye open and yawned. He could use another few hours of sleep, but in her bed, it wasn’t going to happen. They rarely stayed at her place, opting to sleep at his house instead. He was thankful for those nights. Kellie’s bed was small and old, and while he’d never say it to her, the springs poking out were killing his back.

  He turned on his side, rising up to his elbow and glancing over at her clock. It was way too early to be up on his only day off for the week.

  Footsteps from the hallway caught his attention and seconds later she walked through the doorway in a tiny tank and her panties. Nothing sexier than his woman. The corner of his mouth curled as he took in the girl walking toward him.

  “You’re up.” She kneeled on the bed carrying a plate and ambled up the mattress. “I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed.”

  “This is a first for me.” He pulled himself up, and Kellie sat cross-legged facing him with a grin donning her face.

  “I like being your first.”

  Jasper chuckled and grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate. Kellie may not realize it, but she was his first for many things.

  “What’s on the agenda for today?”

  “Domesticated shit.”

  They finished the plate of food in record time. He leaned back against the headboard and watched her. As she leaned forward to put the plate on the nightstand, the collar of her shirt shifted, and he was graced with her cleavage pouring out. He hardened with just a look. He grabbed her hips and in a quick motion, pulled her over his lap, her legs straddling his hips.

  She gasped and then laughed, resting her hands over his chest, her fingers sliding across his nipples. “Someone’s got his energy back.”

  “I’m refueled.”

  He reached up, taking her lips for a kiss. He felt pressure on his chest playfully pushing him away. He fell back on the bed and noticed Kellie biting her lip and seemingly nervous. He had noticed last night something was off. Nothing blatant, but she seemed almost distracted at times.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She glanced around the room, avoiding his stare until he dug his fingers into her waist, and she wiggled on top of him. She snorted and grasped his wrists. “You gonna tickle me until I answer?”

  “If I have to.” He winked. “What’s going on?”

  She drew in a breath. “I wasn’t going to say anything because it’s really no big deal.” She licked her lips and gazed down at his chest. “I don’t think,” she whispered.


  She sighed. “Abby stopped by the bar last night.”

  Oh hell, what now with Abby? How could he make himself clearer to her? He thought he’d seen the end at the BBQ. He had given Abby the time and listened to her and then, he thought, gave her the honesty she needed. Jasper tensed and clenched his jaw. Abby was his problem, not Kellie’s. Showing up at her work was unacceptable.

  “What did she want?”

  “Well, she asked me to do the right thing.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “In Abby’s mind?” She quirked her brows. “She wanted me to step aside and give you guys a chance to work things out.”

  Jasper shot up from the bed, almost knocking Kellie off his lap. His hands gripped her waist tightly to keep her in place. Anger was not a usual emotion for Jasper, being as laid back as he was, but he was enraged at the moment. His body heated in anger.

  “What the hell is wrong with her? There is no chance for anything with me. God dammit.” He moved Kellie to the side and jumped up from the bed in search of his pants. He was finally exactly where he wanted to be, with Kellie. Life with her was damn near perfect, and Abby was threatening to ruin his happiness. He was officially done. He was going to make Abby understand once and for all. He stormed around the room in a frustrated huff.

  “Where the hell are my jeans?”

  “Jasper, baby, calm down. I took care of it.”

  He jerked his body to the bed. He was so fired up, he was seeing red. “What?”

  Kellie moved across the bed on her knees, reaching out slowly and taking his hand in hers. “I told her I was going to do the right thing.”

  His eyes narrowed.

  Kellie smiled softly and kissed his hand. “I told her, your heart was mine now, and there was no way I was giving it up.” She smirked. “I think she got the message. I mean, I wouldn’t put it past her to try again, but let her. You and I are unbreakable.”

  Jasper moved forward, knocking her back on the bed and covering her body with his. He stared at her green eyes, the same eyes he wanted to see looking up at him in fifty years.

  “We are, darlin’.”

  Kellie smiled, wrapping her hands over his shoulders and whispered, “You and me.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “I’m excited.” Kellie gripped his hand tighter. Jasper cocked his head and stared back at Kellie. She was always pretty, but today she was especially beautiful. Her hair flowed down her back, and his hand itched to run his fingers through it. She wore a sundress which flowed down around her thighs.

  “Sunday dinner is usually uneventful, darlin’.”

  She shrugged and smiled. “I just like that your dad invited me.”

  Jasper nodded as they walked to the path of his parents’ house. His father had stopped by yesterday to discuss the plans for the fall crops. They had been at it for hours getting all the minor details, the tedious ones, cleared out. Kellie had spent time over at Grey and Britt’s but came back early while his dad was still there.

  She came through the door and stopped in midstep, staring at the table. “Sorry, should I come back?”

  Jasper smiled. “No, we’re about done anyway.”

  His father stood up and faced Kellie. “Not sure why you left in the first place.”

  Kellie clamped her lips shut. His father had a presence which made most people nervous, Kellie included. It would take time for her to completely relax in front of his parents. Jasper had the feeling Kellie still felt as though her reputation carried over in their house. It didn’t, and he’d spend the rest of his life if he had to convincing her of that.

  His father put on his hat and rinsed out his mug before putting it in the dishwasher, all while Kellie remained in her spot. She moved off to the side as his dad passed her. When he stopped next to her, her eyes widened. Jasper held back a chuckle.

  “Dinner is at four tomorrow.”

  Jasper knew this, but it was fun to watch Kellie’s face when she real
ized his dad was speaking to her. Kellie smiled. “Okay.”

  His dad cocked a brow. “Don’t be late.”

  “I won’t.”

  His dad left without another word, but from the profile, he saw his dad smirk. Then he watched Kellie’s lips spread wide directly at Jasper.

  “I’m going to Sunday dinner.”

  He would let her think she was going because his father asked, but in truth, he had already told his mom Kellie would be coming along. Jasper had the feeling his mother must have said something to his dad. It wasn’t often Edward Fords went out of his way to make someone feel welcome, but this was his way with Kellie.

  Now, here they were going to Sunday dinner, and the smile on Kellie’s face was priceless. They climbed up the steps, and Jasper opened the door, gesturing her inside. They were the last ones to arrive and made their way into the living room. He could feel the pull of his hand and glanced over his shoulder. Kellie was looking at a picture on the wall.

  Her lips spread into a grin and she giggled. “Oh God, Jas, this is you.”


  “You seriously were the cutest kid ever.”

  Jasper hooked his arm around her waist and nuzzled her nose against her neck. “See how adorable our kids will be?”

  Kellie turned her head and smirked. “Damn cute, ’cause I don’t mean to brag, but I was a cutie, too.”

  “She was, gapless smile and pigtails. I remember.”

  The voice sounded from behind them, and Jasper rolled his eyes.

  Tripp was a pain in the ass. He turned to his youngest brother who was smiling as though he was purposely trying to get on his nerves, which was an easy feat for Tripp.

  “Dad talk to ya yet?”

  “About what?”

  Tripp drew in a breath and shook his head. “Guess not.” He turned and walked away, leaving Jasper completely confused. He’d spent hours with his father yesterday, and nothing about Tripp was brought up.

  “What’s that about?” Kellie asked.

  “I don’t know, let’s find out.”

  Everyone was sitting in the living room, including his dad, who was talking with Sarah on the couch. Jasper could feel the tension rise in the hold on Kellie’s hand. He’d borne witness last summer to Sarah’s outright rudeness aimed at Kellie. At the time, he had taken up for Kellie but didn’t completely shut Sarah down. This time he would not let a harsh word be directed toward his woman.

  “Hey all.”

  Jasper greeted everyone, shaking his brother’s hand and taking a hug from Britt. He kept his eyes on Tripp who was busting at the seams with whatever it was his dad needed to talk to him about. He walked over to Sarah, and she stood up and smiled.

  “Hi Jas, how are you?”

  He leaned in for a kiss on her cheek. “I’m fine, and you?”

  “Good.” Sarah’s eyes flashed over his shoulder. “Hi, Kellie.” The tone said it all, cordial with no sincerity.

  “Hi, Sarah.” She paused, and Kellie’s voice spiked up a notch. “Hi, Mr. Fords.”

  His father was a burly man with a naturally hard face, but it seemed to soften slightly, and the corner of his mouth curled. “Kellie. Glad you could make it.” He eyed her outfit and then shocked Jasper when he said, “You look very pretty.”

  It wasn’t often that anyone was on the receiving end of his father’s compliments, except for his mother. He watched a bit of Kellie’s nervous energy fade, and she smiled back at his dad.

  “Thank you.”

  “So, now’s a good time, Dad.” Jasper flinched from the warm breath on his neck. Up until Tripp spoke, Jasper hadn’t realized he was at his back. Jasper craned his head over his shoulder. From the look of eagerness on Tripp’s face, whatever the secret was, he was itching to talk about it.

  “It’s the perfect time,” Britt said, gathering in the small group. “Although, why Tripp is so damn excited to talk about the wedding I have no idea.”

  Tripp snorted in disgust. “Not everything around here is about you, Grey, and your damn wedding. You ain’t the first woman alive to get hitched.”

  Jasper watched with humor as Grey slapped the back of Tripp’s head, and his youngest brother jutted forward. “Hey, asshole,” he barked.

  “Watch your mouth in my house, boy.” His father’s face burned red, and the tension rose in the room. Tripp did what any one of Edward Fords’ sons would have done if their dad scolded them. He shut his mouth.

  Looked like he had lied to Kellie. Sunday dinner was seemingly going to be very eventful. Jasper pulled Kellie into his chest and wrapped his arms around her waist. Whatever was happening, he didn’t want her in the middle.

  His mother walked into the room, probably from hearing the raised voices, and came to stand by his father. She opened her mouth, but her eyes were focused on Jasper’s hold over Kellie, and she smiled. Whatever she was going to say seemed to slip her mind as she took in Jasper’s hands at Kellie’s waist. Her gaze flickered up. “Hello, Kellie, so glad you could join us.”

  “Thanks for inviting me.”

  “Of course, I’ve been meaning to get the thank you cards out, but Jasper hasn’t gotten me the mailing list yet. Be sure and get me Cara’s, her donation was so generous. I want to send her a personal note.”

  Jasper turned to see Kellie’s face darken a shade of red. He wasn’t even aware Cara had made a donation.

  “How much did she give?” Tripp asked. It was one of the few times he appreciated his brother’s nosiness.

  “It was actually one of the largest donations. Five hundred dollars.”

  Jasper was taken aback. He glanced toward Kellie, who stiffened in his arms. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask how she could afford that, but he had enough manners to wait until he got Kellie alone to inquire about it. Sarah and his youngest brother were not as mannered.


  Sarah scoffed. “Where did she get that kind of money?”

  “What is she, Robin Hood? Stealing it?” Tripp snickered.

  Kellie tensed in his arms. “Cara’s financial affairs are none of your business.” She jerked her head to Sarah. “Or yours. I’m sure no one questioned where your donation came from.” It was a proud moment for Jasper. Kellie had never been one to hold her tongue when taking up for someone else, but he doubted she would do so in front of his family. She surprised him, and he loved it.

  “Cara, like the rest of us, works very hard for her money, and while you don’t know her, I can tell you she’s one of the most giving people I know.”

  “Yes, she is, and we are very thankful,” his mother agreed, glaring at Sarah and Tripp.

  “I was joking, Mom,” Tripp said, apparently realizing his huge mistake. He, of all people, should have been the last to make a comment, and the most thankful. Jasper shook his head. Same old Tripp.

  “Well, that’s enough of that. Dinner’s ready.”

  As everyone filed into the dining room, Jasper held Kellie back. He waited until they were alone and kissed her neck. She curled into him and whispered, “Too harsh?”

  “No.” He caressed her hands. “You always say what you’re thinking and call them out when they’re being jerks. Don’t ever hold back for my family, Kellie. You got something to say, you say it. I’ll have your back.”

  She turned her head and smirked. “What about my front, you got that, too?”

  “I got all of you, darlin’.”

  He leaned in, kissing her, wishing they were back at his place so he could strip her down.

  She pulled away abruptly. “Behave, Jasper Fords.” Her giggle made him smile, and he followed behind her.

  He glanced over his shoulder to the grandfather clock set in the corner of the room. This would be the longest two hours of his life.


  Kellie finished the last bite of her meal. She was expecting more to the Sunday dinner than what she got. The food, of course, was amazing, but something was off with the vibe of the room. Luckily, Brit
t and her talk about the wedding had been a nice distraction.

  “Everything is rented, the tent, tables, everything.”

  “Better hope it doesn’t rain.” Tripp shoveled a forkful in his mouth.

  Britt ignored Tripp and continued talking. While most of the men at the table had the decency to smile through what Kellie assumed was painful for them, Sarah, on the other hand, seemed to hang on Britt’s every word.

  “So, how many are you having in the wedding party?”

  Kellie eyed Britt carefully. Being a bridesmaid, she knew all the details, but it seemed Sarah wasn’t privy to any of them. It didn’t come as a full-fledged shock though. While they may have gotten close when Britt first moved to Cloves County, her friendship with Sarah hit a snag. Mainly, Kellie being friends with her too.

  Britt glanced at Grey and wiped her mouth. “We’re keeping it small.”

  “Oh.” The disappointment was evident, and Kellie shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The last thing she needed was anymore animosity thrown her way from Sarah. The ice princess was already throwing icicles her way. “So, just Darcy then?” She paused and spoke to Jasper. “That must make you the best man, huh, Jas.”

  “Yeah, I have the honor. Already working on my speech.”

  Kellie smiled and gripped his knee. Last week when she was straightening the paperwork on the table she stumbled across the scrapping of his speech. She barely got halfway through when her tears dripped down on the paper. She glanced up at Grey. She couldn’t imagine him ever getting too emotional, but if anything could do it, it was going to be Jasper’s speech.

  “I thought Kellie was in it, too?”

  Tripp had the shittiest timing. The table simultaneously looked over as he sat finishing up his meal as if he hadn’t just exposed a little secret. It would all come out eventually at the wedding. It wasn’t really a secret anyway. Britt wasn’t hiding the fact that Kellie was in the wedding. But Sarah hadn’t been around much since last summer, so she clearly didn’t know.

  Britt drew in a breath, looking over at Kellie, and smiled. “Yeah, she is. Kellie is my only bridesmaid, and she’s going to look amazing in the green dress.” Britt winked, causing Kellie to chuckle. Darcy had gotten her way. Thank God.


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