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Bad Boys of the Kingdom

Page 9

by Rob Jones

  “There you go, always putting that cloak of charm on display. You just can’t help it, can you?”

  “When it comes to you, Zoe, no, I can’t help it. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t do it.” He stopped abruptly, looked down at their hands intertwined, then he looked back at her. “At the risk of running you off I’m going to be vulnerably transparent with you.” Still holding her hands, he brought them up to his chest where she could feel his heart racing with an aggressive velocity. Knowing that he was nervous and afraid made her even more nervous and afraid of what he was about to confess to her.

  “From the very first moment that I saw you, you officially commandeered and claimed my heart. I don’t have any clue if my heart is beating, or if it has stopped beating, if it is skipping beats, because I haven’t seen it since you stole it.” She could feel and hear his heart accelerating. “My heart has been in your possession and at your disposal from that epic moment, and it will always be.”

  Now her heart began to thunder and dance. Her throat tightened with a cascade of emotions. The energy and the power of his words perused through her and caused her hands to tremble in his, and tears began to swim in her eyes. She could tell by the look in his eyes that he was going to kiss her and she surprisingly wanted to be kissed.

  “No, I can’t,” she protested in a flowery whisper.

  “Yes, you can,” he responded with his own whisper.

  This urge to kiss him, was it out of pity or passion? Maybe it was both. Trapped between this emotional whiplash of fear and excitement, she squeezed his hands to the point where the tips of his fingers turned red. Words were not needed at this moment, they held no value. Even though her head was caught in a whirlwind of confusion and borderline madness, she understood clearly that if she surrendered to this moment that serendipity had arranged, nothing would be the same between them after tonight. The transition from being sort of friends to becoming more than friends would come to fruition with just one moment, with just one kiss.

  Without permission he gently lifted his hand to her cheek, drew her near, and kissed her softly, deeply, insatiably. His clever mouth revealed private tricks that caused her heart and head to burst with an unsafe, uncontrollable passion. She became frightened by how greedy she became for his kiss, for his touch, for his taste.

  The struggle was real as she fell prey to the way he teased her mouth with lips of persuasion, with lips that urged, with lips that devoured. He drew her in even closer, clutching her tightly as if this was the last time he would ever hold her this way again. The heat of the lingering kiss caused her to feel reckless and safe. The sound of their lips had a rhythm that made her heart quake and her body respond like a flower that was about to bloom.

  “It’s official, I am now your prisoner for life. My sentence is to love you until I breathe my last breath in your honor,” he said with a wicked smile.

  Zoe stood in the quiet looking beyond him as though she were a million miles away. She traced a finger slowly across her lips, her face full of blush and her body exhilarated, never imagining that the night would end up like this. She pondered on how delectable his kisses tasted on her palate. She’d occasionally wondered what the taste of his kisses would be like, what hidden flavors would pronounce themselves when exposed. To her surprise the flavors were prominent, bold, and bountiful with a peculiar sweetness of exotic fruits.

  “Love?” A vague smile hovered around her mouth. “Isn’t it a little too early to be mentioning the L-word? We barely know anything about each other. You don’t know my middle name, my favorite color, my longings, or my goals. Besides, we haven’t shared a moment in winter yet.”

  “Spring, summer, winter, fall, they pose no threat because I am conditioned to love you in all four seasons.” His brown eyes magnified. “Anyway, who says that you have to get to know somebody better to love them? I know enough now to love you now, and the more I get to explore the things about you, the more that I will get to love the things about you.”

  She looked at him with hopeful desperation, wanting so badly to believe every single word that escaped from his beautiful mouth, to believe that right now was the beginning of happily ever after, to believe that what he was feeling was not infatuation disguised as love and defrauding his heart, which would consequently destroy her heart. That was a risk she could not bear to take.

  “Let us go back in so that your grandmother can stop worrying.” She let out a gentle sigh and turned toward the door. Ethan took her hand and drew her back to him and kissed her. His kiss felt urgent and wild, as if he were drinking in every ounce of her like a dry, parched land drinks in the rain.

  “Mm, we need to stop.” Her breathing was erratic.

  “Sorry for getting carried away there. Your pillow lips are so intoxicating, you made me an addict already,” he confessed.

  She desperately wanted this moment to linger like the smell after the rain in spring. Seeing him this close, holding him this tight engulfed her like an ocean of joy. To her it was like breathing for the first time. Everything felt so new, so real, and so alive. Was this what nirvana felt like?

  “Zoe, I’m uh, a bit old-fashioned.” Zoe looked at him with a critical eye and a smirk on her face. “I know, I know that is hard to imagine, but I am. It’s my nana’s fault. She corrupted me with her old school sensibilities.” They both laughed together.

  Ethan looked down with a shy smile on his face. “That being said…” He lifted his head and looked intently into her eyes. “If you would allow me I would love to take you on a proper date tomorrow. We will keep it simple, dignified, and fun—no pressure. I’m not quite sure where I stand in your heart, so I don’t want to move too fast or get ahead of myself. I also don’t want to ruin this delicate moment that may turn into a lifetime of moments with you.”

  “A date, huh? I don’t know about that.” Zoe cocked her head, arms folded with an affectionate smile. “I’m not sure if you are capable of behaving yourself like a gentleman, Romeo.” She poked a finger in his chest.

  “I will be the perfect gentleman, I assure you.”

  “Okay, I’ll accept your request, and you better wow me if you plan on having a second date.”

  “My aim is to wow you in more ways than seven.”

  “I have to say.” She placed her petite hands on his face. “I am somewhat intrigued to see where this is all going to go.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Hey there, boy, hey, hey, hey, ooh, ooh, okay calm down, someone’s happy to see daddy.” Ethan laughed as he was harassed by an anxious, excited, gray and black blue-nose pit bull. “Are you hungry, boy?” Sue responded with a throaty bark and a tail that wagged vigorously. Ethan poured out some Purina Pro Plan in a large silver bowl. Not waiting for Ethan to finish pouring the food, Sue rushed to the bowl and demolished his portion.

  Ethan’s intermediate but accommodating apartment had a masculine, vintage feel to it. In it he had a 1960s black velvet modular sofa onto which he plopped down. Directly in front of it was a 40-inch flat-screen displayed on the light gray wall. Framed posters of Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Prince, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, and many of his favorite artists were littered throughout his apartment. On the wall in his bedroom was a giant mirror that he and Owen confiscated from the gym where Owen worked at one night while they were intoxicated. In front of it was a microphone stand with a wireless mic.

  “Sue, I had the strangest, the weirdest, most exhilarating night of my life.” He leaned forward toward Sue with his elbows on his knees. “I won’t bore you with the details, so I’ll just get to the high points. I kissed Zoe tonight!” He shot up and raised his hands like he’d just landed a dismount at the Olympics. “Can you believe it? I think your daddy is quite smitten with this one. She is the most amazing, most beautiful, the most majestic, the most beautiful woman. Wait, did I mention that already?” Sue whimpered. “Well, she is. And her kisses, oh, her kisses were like authentic magic. Surreal. I’ve been kissed harder, l
onger, and deeper, but never this completely. Mm, mm, mm. Sue, like the great philosopher Ice Cube once said, ‘Today was a good day,’ and it’s a good day to be Ethan Thorn.” He paused with contemplation.

  “Hmm, she could be your new mommy. But not anytime soon, maybe in a few years.” Sue whimpered again and cocked his head as if he was trying to understand Ethan’s last comment.

  “Man, Sue, just thinking about her is like writing the most beautiful, perfect song. Her body moves like the perfect melody, her voice is the perfect verse, her smile is the perfect chorus, and her kisses are the perfect notes. She is what dreams are made of.” Sue sat by his feet, looking at him as if to pity him. “Don’t look at me with those sad blue eyes. I know what you’re thinking, that I’m going to mess this up somehow. Don’t worry, I’m in it to win it.” He continued to stare at Ethan.

  “You’re right, I probably will mess this up.”



  Streams of summer sunlight penetrated between the blinds on the window, heating Zoe’s face and causing her to awaken from a tranquil slumber. She gave a lingering yawn, then buried her face in the pillow, trying to conjure up the strength to face the day. Swinging her uncovered legs off the soft mattress, she sat up with a morning smile on her face. She was made aware of the lingering scent of Ethan on her skin, proof that she didn’t imagine or dream of his soft, sweet kisses. She dragged two fingers across her lips. She somehow could still feel his pillow lips pressed against hers, causing her mind to swim in thoughts of elation that induced her heart to blush, and to be capsized by waves of emotions.

  Then a pulse of rationality surged within her, reminding her of the lifestyle that he led, a lifestyle that was antithetical to hers, a rowdy, raunchy, and somewhat debaucherously decadent lifestyle. Yet he was so thoughtful, so compassionate and affectionate, a tenderhearted gentleman. It was like he was this good boy trapped in this bad boy armor, and if she was truly honest with herself it was that bad boy that was part of the attraction. “Ugh!” Relaxing her elbows on her knees, she dropped her face into her hands. Sheep and wolves just didn’t fraternize with one another. One was a consumer, and the other one was consumed.

  How could she give herself completely to someone who had a gypsy’s heart that roamed free and wild? How could she truly surrender to someone emotionally dangerous for her, who threatened her very foundation, everything that she held so dear, everything that made and shaped who she was? Did she betray her own heart, or did her heart betray her? She couldn’t get too carried away with this man she concluded as she twisted her hair around her finger.

  Already he had her spiritually and emotionally contorted, and they hadn’t even gone out on their date yet. She was going to have to pray hard and long about this date.

  “Who is this calling me so early?” She reached for her cell phone vibrating on her white nightstand next to her.

  “Hello,” she said, her voice still raspy from sleep.

  “What’s up, Puritan?”

  “Hey, Tori. What are you up to, girl?”

  “Chilling like a villain spitting game like Bob Dylan.” Zoe and Tori laughed simultaneously. “What do you got going on tonight? I scored some tickets to see the Nashville Symphony’s Beauty and the Beast, and I immediately thought about you, Puritan.”

  “I just love the nickname that you have given me.”

  “It totally fits you like a glove. You’re a pleasureless homebody and a fun killer who doesn’t do or say anything wrong. You never do anything adventurous or entertaining, you just embody boredom. But there’s nothing wrong with that. Actually, it’s like a superpower.”

  “Well, you are about to witness the shattering of that image. Believe it or not I have plans tonight.”

  “Quit lying, girl, you don’t have any real plans. I know the things that you consider plans. Either you’re going to the library to read, going to church to pray or read, or playing your violin then read. That about sums up your so-called plans.”

  “No, Tori. Actually…” A drop of silence came over the phone as Zoe paused momentarily, vacillating on whether she should disclose what she would be doing and who she will be doing it with. “Well, Helen and Ethan came over last night for dinner. At first I thought it was going to be the longest, the most uncomfortable night of my life, but surprisingly it turned out to be a very intriguing and unexpectedly pleasant evening. We all talked, laughed, and had a very good time. They wanted me to play my violin so I played it for them.”

  “Will you please land the plane?” Tori interrupted.

  “Okay, okay.” Not wanting to divulge too much information that led to her and Ethan talking alone, Zoe chose her words carefully. “Uh, Ethan and I were alone for a while and we began talking.”

  “Wait a minute, I know you’re not going to say what I think you’re going to say.”

  “Well, like I said we were just talking, talking about God, creation, music, all kinds of things, you know, just trying to get to know each other. Then…” She stalled with a sigh.

  “Come on, Puritan, don’t clam up now. Then what?”

  “For the life of me I don’t know what happened. It could have been me listening to him and just seeing another side of him, or maybe it was the warm, sweet summer night breeze, or the chorus of the cicadas, or maybe it was the amalgamation of the moon and the stars that dis-armed me.”

  “An amalga what?

  “Amalgamation, a combination of things,” Zoe explained. “All I know is that we were talking and before I knew it, our lips collided, and now I have a date tonight. Eek!”

  “Well, I don’t care if it’s an amalgamation, combination, or inspiration, if it involves Ethan, it’s damnation. Ethan is a silver-tongued serpent and that tongue has slithered through a jungle of girls. Trust me.”

  Had she been involved with Ethan? Had she been on the receiving end of his silver tongue? She sure knew an awful lot about him and his personal life. Could she have been up close and personal with him or worse, she wanted to be up close and personal with him and now she was feeling jealous that he was going on a date with her?

  “And no, I have never been with him or have a desire to be with him, if that’s what you’re thinking. He is definitely not my type. I like my men with a little more thug in their blood.”

  How does she do it? It’s like she can hear my thoughts through the phone. “What…what made you think that I thought you and Ethan were ever together?” Zoe stammered.

  “Just a hunch, Puritan, just a hunch.”

  What a hunch it was.

  “Listen, I know he is super fine, gifted, and charming, but he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He will devour and drain every ounce of your innocence, to the point that your name will be changed from Puritan to prurient,” Tori ranted.

  As soon as those words escaped from Tori’s mouth Zoe remembered how she drunk him in a little too fast and became inebriated, unrestrained, and out of control. How when he kissed her she withered in his arms like a thirsty flower and that scared her more than anything. Even now just thinking about the smell of his sweet musk, his balmy soft velvet touch that aroused her skin to ignite with a fervent heat, and his tantalizing lips colliding with hers sent an emotional charge throughout her body that caused her to want to relive that moment over and over again.

  Her lips twisted as she contemplated how it only took one night and one tender kiss for her world to be inundated with thoughts of Ethan. How could she get so carried away and become so careless with her affections? She knew better and yet she lost control like leaves in a twister. That’s how dangerous Ethan Thorn was; he could turn a nun into a prostitute.

  She thought about canceling the date with him, but she needed to come up with some kind of excuse. She could say that she had to study for an exam, or she forgot that she already had plans with Tori, or that Aunt Flo arrived and gave her cramps. She twisted her lips again and decided that would be a cowardly move, not to mention dishonest. So she decided to go throu
gh with it and keep the date. She felt that as long as they were in a crowded place where there wouldn’t be a chance for them to be alone she will be safe. But she would be alone with him in the car. “Oh sugars,” she whispered. This was going to be more complicated than she thought. She would just take her Bible with her as her visible resolve. She would control and keep their conversation on platonic things.

  “Zoe, Zoe!”

  “Oh, I’m here, Tori, sorry. I just was reminded of something that I need to do. Anywho, I’m not worrying about tonight, I got this, girl. Besides, it’s not as if I haven’t been on a date before.”

  “You haven’t been on a date with Ethan before,” Tori countered.

  “Listen, I understand your concern for me, Tori, and I really appreciate it, but I will be fine. Trust me, I will be on guard, I will be careful, prayerful, and resolved.” Zoe looked at her Bible intently. “I have to go. I will tell you how it all went when I get home.”

  “You better, Puritan. And if things get out of hand and you need some reinforcement, don’t hesitate to text or call me. I got your back, girl.”

  “Will do, hon. Love you.”

  Chapter Twelve


  On his way to band practice, Ethan pulled up at the drive-thru at Starbucks to get the band some coffee.

  “Yes, I need four Grande coffees, black, all with an extra shot of espresso, please.” He drove up to the window where a small man with a man bun and a distinguished mustache gave him his total. “That will be $10.75.”


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