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Stay With Me, Julia

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by Elle Linder

  Copyright © 2019 by Elle Linder

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.

  Elle Linder/Ocean Dreams Publishing

  17976 120th Ave NE

  Thief River Falls, MN 56701

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Book Layout © 2016

  Stay With Me, Julia/ Elle Linder-- 1st ed.

  A Faithful Falls Series Book

  ISBN 978-1-7324944-4-2 print format

  ISBN 978-1-7324944-9-7 eBook format

  To my dearest small-town girlfriends, Kristi and Alyssa, and the dozens of cocktails and endless gabbing about Luke and Julia we have shared at our favorite watering hole.


  To my fabulous editor, Charlie, thank you for stretching me to dig deeper with my writing. I appreciate you more than you'll ever know.

  To my dynamite proofreader, Litmoshpere Editing, thank you so much for your effort to drop everything at a moment’s notice to do a final proof of this wonderful story.

  To Team Elle, thank you all so much for believing in me and my stories, and for everything you do from keeping me sane to marketing and formatting the books.

  My trusty beta readers: Alyssa, Yvonne, Aurora, and Jennie. Thank you for your wonderful and constructive feedback. Each one of you is priceless to me.

  And finally, to my family, your love and support keeps me going. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you all.

  Stay With Me, Julia

  Welcome to Faithful Falls

  The Mountain Man

  Venturing into Town

  A Walk Along the Lake

  Clues of Attraction

  Not Playing Games

  Trying to Fit In


  Grateful for a Chance

  Oh, The Torture!

  Sweet & Hot Cravings

  And So It Begins

  Maybe They Won’t Work

  Keeping Secrets

  Desperate Times

  The Truth

  Taking A Chance

  Making Up or Breaking Up

  Not What She Expected

  The Divide Between Them

  He’s Mine

  So Much Regret

  Their First Valentine’s

  A Night to Remember

  Winning Over Lauren

  Spring Surprises

  The Ex and the Woman He Loves

  Cheesy Grins = Hope

  The First Woman

  A Love Like Theirs

  Within Twenty-Four Hours

  Our Mess

  Choices and Clarity

  What She Needs

  A Decision to Make

  Until Summer

  About The Author


  Welcome to Faithful Falls

  A large, dark figure near the entrance of the resort caught Julia’s eye as she listened to Lauren yammer away on the phone. She ignored it and at the same time tuned out Lauren’s whining.

  She gripped the steering wheel of her sedan. Just three short months.

  Julia’s expectations were minimal as she mentally prepared to manage her aunt’s resort in a remote area of Northern Idaho. She had big plans to binge watch Scandal, drink wine, and eat lots of brownies. She would embrace the picturesque mountains, the tall pines, and the small population. It would be like a mini vacation.

  As her eyes darted around the parking lot, she noted that the area looked nothing like Los Angeles. Except for the homeless person hanging out by the door. How could anyone be outside in twenty-degree weather? She shivered as the poor soul lurked by the door. Once she went inside, she would offer him a cup of coffee.

  At six in the evening, it looked more like the middle of the night. The only lighting to break up the pitch-black sky came from inside the building and two exterior lights. Already, she missed the glow of city lights.

  “She sucked you in! Guilted you!” Lauren’s shrill voice startled Julia out of her preoccupation with the scavenger. “What am I supposed to do without you?”

  “What do you want me to do? She’s my aunt, and she broke her leg skiing. It’s the thigh bone, and she can’t get around.”


  “You know I’m the only person who can help her.” Julia’s voice softened. “Come on…you’re more than capable of running the inn during my absence. There’s nobody I’d trust more, and you’re the best, babe.”

  “Gah! Stop talking all nicey-nice!”

  “I’ll be back by April Fools’ Day.”

  “That’s three whole months!”

  “Oh, good grief—”

  “Don’t take that tone with me! I can freak out when my business partner leaves me high and dry to run a resort. Especially after her aunt broke her leg, on purpose!”

  “You can’t be serious. On purpose? Like, who would do that?” Julia laughed at the hyperbole. Lauren the drama queen.

  “Becky Godfrey would do anything to get you in Idaho!” Lauren paused a few beats. “We’re going to go under while you’re off playing in the mountains. Then there will be no more Azure Inn and Spa.”

  “Lauren, the business is solid. You'll be fine. I have my Bluetooth, iPad, and I can work remotely from here. It’s just until April…promise.”

  “You really promise?”

  “I really—Aaah!”

  A rapid tap-tap-tap on the car’s window startled Julia.

  “What happened? Are you okay?”

  “Um…there’s…a scary giant glaring at me. I’m. Gonna. Die,” Julia whispered as her blood turned cold. She noticed the homeless person wasn’t at the entrance anymore. Was this him?

  “Open the door!” He tapped harder on the window.

  Horrified at his absurd request, she shook her head.

  “Open the door…now!”

  “He’s yelling for me to…open…the…door,” she whispered.

  “Push the panic button on your key fob. It’ll scare him off! Do it!” Lauren ordered.

  Julia reached for the fob dangling from the ignition. She felt for the panic button and pressed it. The lights on her Lexus flashed in unison with the awful, blaring alarm.

  “ARGH!” The man covered his ears. He looked as if he might spit nails as he fumbled with one hand in his coat. Then he slapped something against the window.

  “Wait! Oh, no…he’s holding an employee badge.”

  “What does it say?”

  “Luke Hamill, Brook Trout Resort, Grounds Manager…crap!” Julia reached for the fob again and turned off the alarm. “I’m an idiot.”

  “No, you’re not. He shouldn’t have banged on your window—jerk! Doesn’t he know shit like that scares the bejeezus out of women?”

  Julia didn’t answer, staring at the hulk-like man with angry, squinty eyes beneath furrowed brows. His fiery gaze locked on hers as if she had just eaten the last slice of bacon straight off his plate. Terror filled her as she looked at the black hair covering his face. The forceful tapping on the door handle continued. She hesitated but unlocked the door despite her racing heart, and he flung it open.

  “How long did you plan to be on the phone?” he yelled. “I came out to help with your luggage and saw you on the phone. Thought I’d give you a minute, except that turned into ten freaking minutes that I
’m freezing my ass off waiting for you…Julia Greene!”

  Her eyes flared wide as he glowered down at her.

  “Is that him? He doesn’t sound happy,” Lauren said.

  “Thanks for stating the obvious, doll. I…gotta go.” Julia ended the call with the mountain man’s hardened eyes on her. Vapor eddied from his mouth. It made the whole situation worse. What was the big deal? Why was this man so hostile?

  “You getting out or what?” Luke barked.

  “Mm-hmm.” She nodded, exiting her car.

  “Pop your trunk,” he ordered, and she obeyed. He collected her two suitcases, garment bag, and tote bag, and charged toward the lodge entrance. “Are you coming?”

  Was it too late to change her mind about running the resort?

  Julia grabbed her purse and computer bag, then hustled behind Luke Hamill. As she passed through the large double doors, a massive, two-story fireplace welcomed her. Had it always been there? She stared at the gorgeous pillar in awe.

  The last time she had visited the resort was nine years ago, the summer before her freshman year of college. Maybe she had forgotten the impressive stacked-stone fireplace.

  Midway into the lobby, she stopped. Warmth surrounded her in the open space, from the roaring fire to the dark oak floors. Distressed tan leather sofas and tapestry chairs in the center of the room made a lovely focal point. On the east side of the room, another arrangement of club chairs and a sofa surrounded the fireplace. Large iron chandeliers glowed down from weathered beams, and deer antlers decorated every wall. Persian rugs? In a mountain lodge? Very classy.

  To her right, a brass luggage cart held her bags. Just beyond it was the front desk counter and Luke, who leaned against it with his arms crossed over his chest. If the unsavory fellow wanted to intimidate her, his frightening stare was doing the job.

  “Hi, Miss Greene.” A feminine voice greeted her from behind the counter.

  Julia walked over with a forced smile.

  “I’m Erika Burns, the front desk clerk.”

  “Nice to meet you, Erika,” Julia returned confidently as she approached the counter. Luke the grizzly bear would not bully her. Though nervous, she gave him a sidelong glance. He didn’t shift his gaze or his stance.

  “I have your room key.” Erika lifted the plastic cards in the air. “Once Calvin gets here, I’ll give you a tour of the place.”

  “I’ll show her around.” Luke’s commanding voice made Julia stiffen. He couldn’t be serious. And if he was, she would have preferred Erika as a tour guide over him. “Tell Calvin to take her things to the room.”

  “Okay.” Erika nodded.

  Luke darted off without saying a word, leaving Julia to follow like a lost puppy. He pointed into a large room where the resort provided free continental breakfast to its guests and employees. Next was the indoor spa and sauna, then a library complete with hundreds of books and two top-of-the-line computer stations.

  Even while Julia tried to pay attention to the tour, Luke’s domineering gait distracted her. He appeared hefty beneath his Carhartt jacket and looked to be over six feet tall. Although the black beanie and carpet of hair on his face couldn’t hide his scowl, it did prevent Julia from gathering details about the man underneath them.

  As first impressions go, this was the worst Julia had ever given, usually poised and prepared in every situation. But Luke had rattled her while rattling her window. Her recovery from the fright had stalled when the brute man decided to show her around. Julia wasn’t used to northern Idaho or its crazy mountain men barreling down a hallway at Mach speed.

  Where’s the damn fire? Julia walked as quickly as possible to keep up with the Grizzly Adams wannabe.

  At some point, they had circled back to the lobby, the whole tour nothing but a long-forgotten blur. Julia hadn’t been able to keep up with Luke’s wide stride and fast pace, so how would she remember any part of the tour or what he said? It didn’t matter; she would figure it out on her own later. For now, she just wanted to catch her breath and steady her pounding heart. But first, Julia made a mental note: never let Luke give tours of the resort.

  “This will be your office.” Luke walked into a room behind the front desk.

  Erika smiled with a small wave as Julia passed. Alongside the door, a brass plate hung on the wall: Becky Godfrey, Brook Trout Resort Owner.

  Was the tour over? She crossed the threshold of the office and noticed Luke seated in a chair in front of the desk. His coat and beanie were off.

  “Have a seat.” He jerked his chin to the maroon executive chair.

  Mr. All Business. She rolled her eyes and walked behind the desk.


  Luke studied Julia from the chair. Miss California looked out of place in Faithful Falls. He knew a high-maintenance material girl when he saw one, and Julia Greene appeared to be President of the Vanity Club. She slipped off her wool coat in a fluid motion as if the paparazzi were capturing her every movement frame by frame. The sight of her mesmerized him.

  Julia placed her coat on the back of the leather chair. Her ivory sweater clung to her just right, and her designer jeans hugged every curve like they had been custom made just for her. While Luke took all of her in, his eyes settled on her well-defined breasts.

  Julia cleared her throat, and he lifted his gaze. With a single arched brow, she stared at him. “Anything else to see?”

  “I’m sure there’s plenty more to see.” A barbaric and tasteless response for sure, but Luke didn’t care. Miss California needed to learn the ways of mountain men.

  “Mr. Hamill, I’ll only say this once: sexist remarks have no place in this establishment. I won’t hesitate to fire you for sexual harassment.” She sat down and folded her hands on the desk, ready to conduct business. “Now, can we start over?”

  Sexual harassment? That was a first, but then, he had never spoken in a crude manner to a woman before. What had gotten into him? Instantly, Renee came to mind, spiking in him a new surge of irritation.

  “Sure, I can forgive you for making me freeze my ass off while you gabbed on the phone for ten minutes.” He mocked her, moving his hand in a talking motion.

  She gaped at him. “You can forgive me? Wow.” She laughed, giving her long golden-brown hair a sassy flip off her shoulder. “How kind of you, considering I didn’t know the vagrant by the doors was actually an employee. You about gave me a heart attack banging on my window. Not nice.”

  “Vagrant? Real classy, Miss California. Is that what your kind call homeless people?” He crossed his arms in defiance. Julia’s eyes fell on his chest. Yeah, like what you see? He cleared his throat as she had moments ago.

  Julia lifted her eyes to his.

  He leaned forward with his elbows on his thighs. “I didn’t bang on your precious Lexus.”

  “Excuse me,” Erika interrupted from the door, her eyes ping-ponging between Luke and Julia. “I can hear you’re busy, but Calvin is back. I thought Miss Greene would like to meet him?”

  Julia stood. “Yes. Thank you, Erika. We’re finished.” She ignored Luke, but the flush in her cheeks he could not ignore. “And please, call me Julia.”

  She sauntered past him with a sassy grin on her beautiful face. It lit a fire in him that had been dormant his whole life.

  Shit…I bet that’s designer perfume.

  Luke inhaled the seductive scent Julia left swirling in the air. Hit with a pang of regret, he forced himself out of the chair and grabbed his coat. With one foot out of the office, Luke stopped abruptly at the sight of Julia leaning forward on the counter, her legs crossed at the ankles. The tantalizing pose held him in place as his eyes traveled up her long legs.

  “Hey, Luke,” Calvin taunted with a silly grin on his face.

  “Calvin.” Luke shot him an intimidating look, but it only made Calvin laugh.

  To Luke’s surprise, Julia didn’t budge or turn around. Had his domineering presence made her nervous? Not likely; Calvin’s boyish glances alluded that Julia
knew he was checking her out…and the view was more than satisfying.

  As Calvin continued to laugh, Julia coyly looked over her shoulder at Luke. He didn’t find the scene quite so funny.

  “Did you get Miss Greene’s luggage put in her room?” Luke asked in a gruff, masculine voice. He glared at Calvin, annoyed with his antics. Typically, the boy’s goofy behavior didn’t bother Luke, but Julia’s hifalutin attitude had spurred his scathing mood.

  “Yup,” Calvin answered. “Hey, Julia, is that your Lexus out front?” She nodded. “It’s a sweet car. Maybe you can give me a ride in it sometime?” He grinned wide, then wiped it off his face when his eyes met Luke’s, the firestorm boring right through him.

  “Sure, I can take you for a spin sometime. I’m going to check out my room now. I’ll be back soon.” She turned around. “Mr. Hamill.” Julia lifted her chin while turning sharply on her heel and strolled away.

  Luke watched until she rounded the corner, and not a moment later, laughter ensued from Erika and Calvin.

  “What?” Luke directed his menacing expression at Calvin as he put on his coat and beanie. He didn’t bother to hide his aggravation.

  “Dude, is she not the hottest woman you’ve ever seen? And I get to work with her every day…hot damn!” Calvin whooped, slapping his thigh.

  “Don’t be a dork.” Erika rolled her eyes. “She’s way out of your league.”

  “Not to mention too old for you,” Luke added.

  “Nuh-uh! What is she, mid-twenties? That’s within ten years of me… Perfect.” He grinned, rubbing his hands together like a thief on the prowl.

  “Get over yourself! She’d never think twice about you, Calvin Burns. You’re a bell boy and dishwasher—you’re just the hired help!”

  Luke shook his head while the two of them bickered like the siblings they were. Well, half-siblings—both fathered by Nathan Burns, the local philanderer. But Erika’s assessment was spot on; Julia Greene wouldn’t give Calvin the time of day. But what about him?


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