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Stay With Me, Julia

Page 3

by Elle Linder

  “Erika, we’re just about out of wood for the fireplace. Who restocks it?” Julia asked.

  “Luke. He chops all the wood and brings it in. I can call him to bring some up.”

  “That’s okay, I think I’ll give him a call. What’s his number?”

  Erika jotted down the number, and Julia took the paper into her office. Closing the door behind her, she leaned against it. “How do I deal with a defiant lumberjack?” She paced in the small office, gathering her thoughts. This would be a business call, sort of. No, it was a business call—the lodge needed wood.

  In a confident manner, she sat down in her chair and prepared to speak to him. She dialed the number and inhaled deeply as the phone rang.

  Like last week, Luke was keeping himself busy in the cabin. Anything to avoid going up to the lodge. The phone rang, and without hesitation he answered. “Brook Trout Resort, this is Luke.” This was how he usually sounded. The blunt, angry person Julia had encountered last Sunday had happened to be Luke at his worst.

  “Hi, Luke. It’s Julia up at the lodge. I almost thought I had dialed the wrong number.”

  He fell silent and stood from his desk, surprised Julia was already sassing him by pointing out his less than stellar first impression.

  “Hello? Are you there?”

  Luke was there all right, frozen in place and lost for words. And he felt like an idiot. He cleared his throat. “I’m here. How can I help you?”

  “I was told you restock the firewood? We’re running low up here.”

  “Sure, I’ll fill it up.” He cringed. Fill it up. The three words made his dirty mind recall the shape of her breasts in the tight sweater she’d worn the day he had met her—a sight he would never forget. Why did he have to be a dog—a typical guy? He was anything but typical, and he knew it, yet his southern region had a mind of its own. Just hearing her sweet voice made him wish he could rewind time.

  “Do you need any help?”

  He chuckled. “Are you offering?”

  She giggled. And damn him, it was soft and airy and oh so sweet—nothing like the harsh local women in town. It matched her refined appearance and reminded him that she was out of his league.

  “No, but I could send Calvin out to help you. I’m sure I’d only slow you down.”

  “I’ve got it covered. Is there anything else you need?” If she would only say “him,” he would be at the lodge in sixty seconds flat, ready to give her anything she wanted.

  “Actually, I was wondering where events have taken place on the property? One of my objectives, while I’m here, is to increase the number of functions held at the resort. Do you know of any ideal spots for a wedding?”

  “There are a few places that might work.”

  “Could you maybe show them to me? I won’t take up too much of your time. You seem to be very busy down in your cabin.”

  The comment stung. This woman had no problem pointing out his deliberate absence last week, but did she know he was avoiding her?

  “Sure, I can help you.” Luke’s insides heated up listening to her tender voice. Or maybe he had put too much wood in the stove?

  Who was he kidding? It was Julia Greene stirring him up, just with her voice…and the hope that she might need him for more than a tour or wood.

  “I appreciate it. Just come up to the lodge whenever you have time.”

  “Will do. Have a good one.”

  “Thanks. You too.”


  Julia let out a breathy sigh as she put down the phone. “Now that wasn’t so bad.” Biting her lower lip, her imagination ran wild. Luke sounded sexy and not at all as she remembered. Her swoony feelings seemed to be returning. And it was about time.

  The dreamy love-feels had left her months ago when she had discovered her now ex-boyfriend, Trent, had been cheating on her with a woman in his office. The affair had gone on for a few months. Even though she had given him multiple chances to end it, he hadn’t. So Julia had ended the relationship and moved out of their apartment that same day.

  Now three months later, she felt swoony over a rugged mountain man’s voice.

  As Julia’s day wound down, she decided to venture into town. In typical Julia-fashion, she had devoted all her available time to learning the resort inside and out. She had spent time with the employees and observed the travelers. After one week, she was ready to reacquaint herself with downtown. There were two items she was desperate to get her hands on: a bottle of wine for when she binge-watched Scandal and her guilty pleasure, brownies.

  “Are you sure I can get the wine and brownies at the market?” she asked Erika.

  “Yup. Our bakery makes the best brownies, and you can get them with or without frosting.”

  Julia’s eyes brightened as she looked at Erika. Her ash-brown hair was straight as a board, and she wore it parted down the middle, framing her heart-shaped face. Erika’s plain appearance didn’t detract from her attractive mocha-brown eyes, which were her best feature. And so far, she was the only friend Julia had in town.

  “Go with the frosting.”

  “We’re on the same wavelength—definitely frosting.” She laughed, nudging Erika playfully. “And the wine, do they have a good selection?”

  “That I don’t know. My mom buys her wine there. Not sure if it’s good, sorry.”

  “No problem. I wouldn’t expect a nineteen-year-old to be a wine connoisseur. I’ll just find out when I get there. Now, if I go out the parking lot, I turn left, and in about three miles the market will be on the right?”

  “Yes, and you’ll be going through town, where everything is on Lake Drive. Go slow so you don’t miss it.”

  “Got it.” Julia winked. “Okay, I’ll only be gone an hour—tops.”


  Julia walked out of the lodge just as Luke was walking up the path from the cabin. Unprepared to see her just yet, he stopped and ducked behind a tree. The giant fir hid him from sight. Still, it gave him a perfect view. Julia was prettier than he remembered, with long hair he would like to get his fingers lost in. The way she carried herself, confidently but with a sweetness about her, appealed to him. Why had he stayed away? Maybe she made him more nervous than he realized? The fact that he had jumped behind a tree as if it were his mama’s skirt was proof enough.

  What in the hell is wrong with you, Marine?

  No matter how ridiculous he felt, he stayed hidden until she was out of the parking lot before going into the lodge.

  “Hey, Luke, long time no see,” Erika said in greeting. “You just missed Julia.”

  “Yeah, I saw her leave. Where was she headed?”

  “The market for snacks, brownies, and wine. Tonight’s her Scandal night.”

  “Scandal, what’s that?”

  “A show she binge-watches on Netflix. She’s super excited about the next episode. Apparently, the President and Olivia are having a hot affair right under Milly’s nose.”

  “I won’t even ask.” He shook his head, confused. “So, how’s it been going with Miss Greene?”

  “Great. She’s very efficient. Last week, we scanned all the documents from the filing cabinet into the computer system. She also updated the system. It’s awesome now. Lightning fast and no lagging like before.”

  “That’s great. Becky said she was a smart, business-savvy woman.”

  “Oh she is, and she’s cool too. She knows a lot about a lot of things.”

  Luke studied Erika, who had a huge grin stretched across her face. She seemed to be the president of the Julia Greene fan club. “I bet she does. What about Calvin? Has he given up on winning her heart?”

  “No, but she thinks it’s cute. I told him she’d never consider him.”

  “All right.” He tapped his fingers rhythmically on the counter. When Erika looked at him expectantly, the speed of his tapping increased. Julia sounded amazing. It only made him feel like a bigger jerk. It also made him more curious. Should he ask Erika the burning question on his tongue? Did Juli
a have a boyfriend? No, don’t ask. “Well, I’m gonna restock the wood now.”


  As Julia drove into town, she figured it was a good time to call Lauren and check on the inn.

  “Hey, babe! How are you?” Lauren answered.

  “Good, how are you? Everything okay? Any issues?”

  “Fine…for now. How’s that lunatic who scared the crap out of you? Still scary?”

  Julia started laughing as she recalled the beastly man banging on her window. “I haven’t seen him since the night I arrived. I guess he’s been busy working down in the cabin.”

  “Down in the cabin? What does that mean? Like his hideout where he cuts up innocent women after having his way with them? Better look for graves around that cabin!”

  “Girl, what book have you been reading? That’s morbid!” She shuddered, remembering the size of Luke’s arms. He could easily rip the limbs off a woman and a man, at the same time.

  “No time to read or watch movies; it’s just my very active imagination.”

  “Well, the cabin is where his office happens to be. I’m told he doesn’t work up at the lodge.”

  “Huh, interesting. They keep him isolated. Probably because he snaps from time to time and turns into a crazy psycho around a pretty woman like you.”

  “Okay, now you’re wigging me out. Stop.”

  “Fine, just ruin my fun.” Lauren sighed. “Hey, I’m not sure if I should tell you this, but Trent stopped by the inn yesterday.”

  “Oh. What for?”

  “What for? That’s funny…for you.” Lauren snickered. “And he brought flowers.”

  “Hmm. Did he leave them for you to enjoy?”

  “He did. What else was he going to do with them?”

  “Give them to her. I’m sure she’d love them.”

  “He says she’s out of the picture. He asked me for your new number, but I said no.”

  “Good girl. Hold strong. We’ve been over for three months. Let’s not encourage him or give him false hope. I don’t want him. At some point, he’ll move on if we ignore him.” Or at least she hoped he would. She of all people knew how stubborn Trent Overton could be. How or why she had gotten together with the cocky playboy who never seemed to take her seriously was shameful. And embarrassing.

  “Are you looking to move on?”

  “If the right guy came along, I’d be ready. But I have a long list of requirements. The most important—he must be faithful. You’d think it’d be a given.”

  “I know, and ‘once a cheater, always a cheater.’”

  “Yup! Out here in the woods, the chances of the right guy coming along to sweep me off my feet are next to none.” She paused, thinking of Luke. “Besides, I don’t live here. What would the point be?”

  “A good roll in the hay…but make sure he doesn’t bring a machete.” Lauren laughed.

  “Girl, I think you need to start seeing your therapist again. I’m a little worried about your sanity.”

  “I can’t see him again, not after last St. Patty’s day. Remember?”

  “You are something else. Yes, I remember. Find a female therapist.”

  “Tsk-tsk, you act like you’re some virginal angel. If you had seen Bradley, you’d have fucked him too.”

  “Oh my God. I may have made a big mistake leaving you alone to run the inn. Have you been smoking weed or something?” Julia chided in a motherly voice.

  “I wish, but no, Mom. I’m just screwing with you. I know how easy it is to freak you out.” Lauren snorted then. The sound had annoyed Julia since college, and Lauren knew it.

  The call ended shortly after Lauren’s taunting. It was a good thing too, because Julia had worried Lauren would sense a change in her, and she wasn’t ready to talk about her swoony love-feels returning…or Luke.

  The market was about the size of the liquor store Julia frequented back home. Fitting a bakery inside must have taken some creative engineering. If she stayed longer than three months in Idaho, she would have to drive into Coeur d’Alene each month for a Costco run. But she wasn’t going to, so she would embrace the small market. And, like everything else in her life, she investigated the store from one corner to the other, taking her time strolling down every aisle, which only took ten minutes at most.

  The findings were not what she normally purchased: canned vegetables, jarred spaghetti sauce, sugary cereals, and boxed wine. They didn’t even have a box of Merlot, and that seemed all kinds of crazy. With the pickings slim, she selected a fruity Moscato from an unfamiliar label, but it didn’t matter so long as she had something for Scandal.

  The chip aisle was also the greeting card and stationary aisle, and it was where she found jalapeno kettle chips, so not all was lost. Next on her list was brownies with frosting, which she found on a small table display in the produce section. Kind of a weird location, but a genius marketing ploy to get people to buy something healthy. It worked for her. She selected some bananas and apples to offset her sinful treats.


  As Julia inspected the Granny Smith apples, one rolled off the bin toward Bruce and hit his foot. He looked over at Julia with a lemon in his hand.

  “Oops...sorry.” Her sheepish grin was followed by rosy cheeks. “The little stinker jumped right off the pile.”

  Bruce smiled “I haven’t seen you before. New in town?” Is this Luke’s Julia?

  “Is it that obvious?” She shifted the basket from one hand to the other. “I’m trying to fit in, but I guess I need to work on it some more.”

  How cute is she… What a beauty.

  “I’m Bruce Patrick. I own The Peak, a bar and grill up the road. Welcome to Faithful Falls.” He extended his hand.

  She smiled, shaking his hand. “Good to meet you, Bruce. I’m Julia Greene. I’m managing the resort while my aunt recovers. I had a salad the other night from your place. The seasoning on the chicken was delicious, and it wasn’t dry at all… It was very good.”

  Sweet and charming, so why had Luke been a dick to her?

  “Glad you liked it. You should come out Wednesday night for Ladies’ Night. All drinks just three bucks,” he tempted.

  Bruce was aware he looked a bit rugged in his plaid flannel shirt—a shirt Julia seemed not to take her eyes off. Every man in the area dressed the same, as if they all shopped at Lumberjacks R Us. His little town was unique, an entity all its own.

  “Hmm, do you sell Merlot that’s not from a box?” She wrinkled her nose. It was the cutest thing ever. “They only have red blends here, so I’m settling for something fruity.”

  “I’ve got you covered on the Merlot. You’ve got quite a selection there.” He winked after peering into her basket.

  “Yeah, some of my guilty pleasures,” she whispered, leaning toward him. “Don’t tell anyone.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” If Luke hadn’t seen her first, he would have done anything and everything her little heart desired.

  Putting the apples in her basket, she flashed him a relaxed smiled. “It was nice meeting you, Bruce.”

  “You too, Julia, and stop on over Wednesday.”

  “Definitely. Have the wine ready.” She gave him a cute little wave as she walked away.

  “That sorry bastard has some explaining to do,” Bruce mumbled under his breath.


  A Walk Along the Lake

  After restocking the firewood, Luke stayed in the lodge. Now was as good of a time as any for take-two with Julia. Earlier today on the phone, she had given him the green light he needed, indicating that she wasn’t angry with him, though she didn’t come across as the kind of crazy woman who would burst out in a fit of rage. There was a tenderness about her, and it tore him up that he had been a jerk to her. If he hadn’t gotten that call from Renee minutes before Julia had pulled into the parking lot, everything would have gone a whole lot more smoothly.

  That’s how it had been since the divorce; Renee would call to lament about how she missed him or rage
about the kids or try to guilt him about raising “his kids” or about how she needed more money. All the while, she never once accepted any responsibility for her part in the annihilation of their marriage.

  Luke had accepted responsibility for his part. Six-month assignments and special missions had been a part of his job in the Marines, and they had taken him away when she had needed him most. But Renee had never owned her wrongdoings. She had blamed him for her infidelity—even the cheating she’d done before they married, which he hadn’t known about until several years previously when she’d confessed her indiscretions one fateful night.

  Call it karma or fate, but finding out Renee was pregnant by his then best friend Rick had turned out to be a good thing. He was no longer an ignorant fool who believed his wife loved him.

  Now, three years post-divorce, Luke believed Renee would have cheated on any man. It wasn’t him; it was her—a chronic cheater. He had a clear conscience, knowing he had been faithful since the day he slipped his college ring on her finger. It was how the one-woman-man rolled. Luke would have been devoted to the end.

  That call, like most of her calls, had set him off in the worst way. She turned him, a normally controlled and respectful man, into a loose cannon with her whiney, complaining voice. Once she started begging for more money, he blew. He had recently told Bruce that when he lost his temper, he didn’t give a flying fuck who was in his way. The poor chump who got in the line of fire would get dished a hefty dose of his shitty attitude and verbal manhandling.

  That’s what had happened with Julia. She had been collateral damage when she unknowingly stepped in front of his wrath.

  The resort’s doorbell rang, waking Luke from his reverie. Julia entered the lobby, brightening his day with her smile. The club chair near the hearth was a perfect spot, again hidden from her view. He watched as she talked with Erika in a natural, relaxed manner, unaware of his presence, and he experienced feelings unknown to him. This was the first time he’d had a fullness in his chest, a nervous twisting in his stomach, and cotton mouth. It all solidified why he felt so torn up about treating her horribly.


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