Stay With Me, Julia

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Stay With Me, Julia Page 13

by Elle Linder

  “Wow, that’s a lot.”

  “Yes.” Julia nodded. “So, spill it. We have all the time in the world.”

  “I’ve only worked with him for two years. As far as an employee, he’s reliable and honest. He doesn’t waste his time, and he—”

  “Got it, he’s a great employee,” Julia interrupted. “I need to know personal details about him. Like, did he sleep with your sister Tiffani? There seems to be something between them.”

  “I told you before, she’s pissed she couldn’t hook him. But I think there was a kiss once… But that’s all I know. After the kiss, he’s steered clear of her.”

  “Huh. A kiss… That’s not much. Maybe she wanted more and he wouldn’t give it to her?”

  “That’s probably how it went. She’s never rejected. She’s fourteen years younger than him. I think her age mattered, but really, she’s a skank. He’d never go for her because of her reputation.”

  “What about his wife? I mean, ex-wife. Have you met her and the kids?”

  “I’ve seen her and the kids twice. He really is divorced.”

  “What do you know about his divorce?”

  “I heard through the grapevine his ex-wife had been cheating on him for most of their marriage and her little girl, Izzy, was the result of one of the affairs.”

  “Yeah, I know about the little girl. Does he get summoned back to Alaska often? Was his ex nice when you met her?”

  “She seemed okay but pretty possessive about him and his time, in my opinion. He’s gone a few times when she’s called him, but I don’t know the reasons. Can I ask you something?”


  “Why are you asking me all this instead of him? Or Becky?”

  “Because I don’t know if I can trust him, and if I ask Becky about him, she’ll know how much I like him. I’m not ready for her or my family to know we’re together.”

  “Okay, so why don’t you trust Luke? You’ve been together for what, a month? Ever since you guys had that hot dance at The Peak, everybody thinks you guys are in love.” Erika smiled brightly, and Julia soured her face. “You are together, aren’t you?”

  “I don’t know. I want to trust Luke, more than anything. But I’ve been lied to, a lot, and Luke’s already conveniently forgotten to tell me some essential information. So, it’s made me doubt him.” The front desk bell rang, and Erika ran off, leaving Julia with her thoughts.

  Bruce at The Peak was Luke’s friend. Surely he could help Julia out. She would stop over after work, have a glass of wine or two, and chat with Bruce.

  The Peak was buzzing with dinner-crowd activity when Julia entered. Bruce spotted her right away in her white puffer coat. She appeared to be alone, so he scanned the bar to see if any guys were gawking at her. To his relief, there were only local guys who knew she was with Luke.

  Bruce had always been the kind of friend and bartender to look out for the safety of a woman. Julia was not only his friend’s girlfriend, but he liked her as a person. Therefore, he had her back.

  “Hi, Bruce.” She smiled, hopping onto a stool. “Business looks good.” She shimmied out of her coat, then set it on a stool beside her.

  “Business has been great, thanks to that promo you had for the resort. Glass of Merlot?”

  “I’d love one. So how long have you owned The Peak?”

  “Ten years this fall.” He looked around the bar proudly.

  “That’s awesome. So, you’re from here?”

  “Yep, my whole life. No Luke tonight?”

  “Nope, he’s in Alaska dealing with family issues, so I’m solo tonight.” She shrugged, taking a sip of her wine.

  “I didn’t know he left town. When do you expect him back?” He noticed a sadness in her eyes, and that was never a good thing for a woman alone in a bar.

  “I don’t know.” She sighed. “He was supposed to be back Wednesday, but now he says Monday. Either way, no Luke.” Her eyes darted around the bar. “Three freaking days turned into seven.” She rolled her eyes. “I guess he adjusts his trips as new developments occur.” She took a large gulp of wine and closed her eyes.

  Bruce stiffened. This was bad. Not only did Julia look sad, she sounded sad. “Can I get you something to eat?”

  “Just wine for now, thanks.” She sipped her wine again, looking like she had more to say. “Have you and Luke been friends long?”

  “Three years.”

  “Have you met his wife and kids? Or gone to Alaska with him?”

  “No, haven’t been to Alaska yet. But I’ve met his ex-wife and kids.” Bruce furrowed his brow as she finished her wine.

  She slid the empty glass toward him.


  “Mm-hmm, thanks. I’ve never been to Alaska either. Idaho and Washington are as far north as I’ve gotten.”

  “Me too. Here you go.” He set another glass of wine in front of her.

  “Perfect. This is the best Merlot in town.” She put the glass to her lips, letting her eyes close again. Bruce splayed his hands out on the counter and stared at her until she opened them. “What, never seen a woman drink wine before?” She giggled.

  There it was, the first glass of wine taking effect. A man walked into the bar. He wasn’t a local. After he looked over the bar, he took the stool next to Julia. This was getting worse by the second.

  “What can I get you?” Bruce asked the guy.

  “House draft.”

  “I’m going to be straight with you; I need info on Luke,” Julia announced, leaning forward. “Is he a man-whore?” she whispered.

  “No, he’s not. Why are you asking?” He noticed the guy eyeing her and shot him a look. Fortunately, Julia wasn’t paying attention to the guy sitting beside her.

  “Did you know he stays with his ex when he goes to Alas-ka? Like, in the same house.” Her mouth popped open in disbelief. “Just imagine if your girl had her ex in the same house overnight.” She gulped the wine. “Think about it. They could be showering together.” She rested her head on her fist, the second bit of evidence the wine was taking effect. “Would you be okay with that?”

  “I wouldn’t be okay with that,” the guy answered. “I’m Eddy.” He nodded.

  “Exactly, Eddy! I’m not okay with it at all. But he’s there.” A pouty lip appeared as she lifted the glass to her mouth again. “And not with me. Seven fucking days!” She took another gulp of her wine.

  “Honey, let me get you something to eat? Anything you want. You name it.” Bruce didn’t like agreeable-Eddy trying to engage her.

  “I’m not hungry, Bruce.”

  “Just a little something. How about I surprise you?”

  “Sure. Whatever.” She waved her hand in the air, feigning indifference.

  Bruce called back an appetizer combo to the chef. Then he dug his cell phone out of his pocket and called Luke. He wasn’t sure what to do about Julia getting drunk at the bar.

  “Hey, Bruce, what’s up?”

  “Hey, your girl is almost finished with her second glass of wine on an empty stomach. What happened with you two? Did you break up?”

  “Fuck! Is she okay?”

  “She’s asking a lot of questions about you—like, if you’re a man-whore.” Bruce chuckled. That was a question he would never forget.

  Luke roared laughing, a sound Bruce rarely heard. “She asked if I was a man-whore? She’s so damn cute.”

  “Agreed. She also asked about your ex.”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah, and if I’d be okay with my woman showering with her ex and sleeping in the same house.”

  “What? I’m not showering with Renee or doing anything else.” Luke sighed.

  “Hey, I think she’s confused due to the wine,” he explained. “She isn’t happy you’re staying in the house with your ex, and I can’t say I blame her.”

  “I know, and I promised her it was the last time.”

  “And why aren’t you back? She said three days turned into seven.”

nbsp; “It’s just one big fucking mess.”

  “Well, your girl is now a mess, and I don’t like seeing her like this.”

  “I get it, but there isn’t a fucking thing I can do from here.”

  “You should also know a dude is sitting next to her, trying to cozy up to her. Mr. Agreeable. You know that ain’t good.”

  “Shit! You need to protect her, Bruce. Don’t let him touch her!”

  “What do you suggest I do? She’s a grown woman. I can’t control her if she wants to leave with him. That’s why I called you.”

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  Bruce heard what sounded like banging. “Hey, man, what’s going on?”

  “Just me, banging the shit out of the steering wheel. Dammit! I should be there with Julia, not here!”

  “I feel for you. I thought everything was good?”

  “It was.”

  “Well, it’s not anymore, or she wouldn’t have strolled in here with sad eyes, asking for wine on an empty stomach. It’s been downhill ever since. I see it all the time.”

  “I’ll call Calvin to take her home. I hate that I did this. Man do I hate it.”

  “Fine. Call him up, ’cause this guy is flirting big time with her.”

  “Who is he? I’ll kick his ass when I get back!”

  “He’s not from here. All I know is his name is Eddy. You know, none of the local guys would ever look at her cross-eyed after your little dance, which was pretty damn hot if I do say so myself. Everybody knows you’re together. Um, you are together, aren’t you?”

  “Seriously? YES! Yes, we’re together. I’m calling Calvin now. Watch her!”

  “No worries, I am. Bye.”

  As promised, Bruce watched Julia. It wasn’t the worst job in the world. Julia was a beautiful, sweet woman, and he didn’t mind keeping an eye on her. She drank her third glass of wine, picked at the appetizers he’d ordered her, and laughed with Eddy, who, as it turned out, was from Spokane.

  The moment Calvin entered the bar, a rush of relief filled him. If Julia had decided to leave with agreeable-Eddy, he wouldn’t be able to stop her.

  “Hey, Bruce.” Calvin tossed his chin up while darting his eyes toward Julia. “How many?”

  “Three. She asked for a fourth, but I pretended like I didn’t hear her.”

  “Good one.” Calvin laughed. “Has the dude touched her? Luke said I could kick his ass if he did.”

  “No. Well, not really. Just her knee.”

  “That’s a bummer. I think I could take him.” Calvin shook his head disappointedly. “Well, I’ll go talk to the boss lady.”

  “You do that, young Calvin. Get her out of here fast.”


  Calvin puffed up his chest as if readying himself for battle. At twenty-one, he had matured into a good, strong man—unlike his father Nathan, the most disrespected man in town. Nathan’s philandering ways could have easily followed Calvin, his only son. But Luke had put a stop to that when he’d moved into town. He’d hired Calvin to work the property with him and taken him under his wing.

  Luke taught him to hunt, to chop wood like a lumberjack, and about the importance of having a respected reputation. They talked about everything under the sun, including sex, which Luke believed was the most important topic to discuss with a young man.

  During their conversations, Calvin learned about respecting women and being a dedicated worker and a man of honor. Luke had become his friend, mentor, and hero. So when Luke had called needing help with Julia, Calvin sprang into action. The fact that Luke trusted him meant the world to him.

  “Hey, Julia, what’re you up to?”

  “Hi, Calvin! Just eating some yummy fried appetizers.” She giggled. “I’ve probably gained ten pounds in my thighs.” She rubbed her hand over her leg. “I had no idea fried zucchini was so good with ranch dressing. Or these jalapeno poppers dipped in this chipotle mayo. Oh my God, they’re sinful!”

  Eddy was checking her out, but Bruce cleared his throat loudly enough to get his attention. Calvin watched Bruce glare while shaking his head, and the dude shrank back.

  “They’re the best,” Calvin agreed.

  “Want some?” Julia offered, sliding the platter over to him.

  “No thanks, I already ate. So, I was thinking, can I drive you back to the resort? I’ve been dying to give your Lexus a test drive.” He grinned wide. “Pleease?” Oh, he was laying the charm on thick, and it was working.

  “Aww, you’re so cute Calvin. Yes, I’ll let you drive me back. I don’t think I could, even if I wanted to.” She giggled, leaning into him.

  “Yes!” He slapped his hand on the bar. “Are you ready now?”

  “Sure. If I eat anymore, you’ll be rolling me out of here.” She stood from the stool and swayed a bit. “Whoa.” Calvin placed his hand on her shoulder to steady her. She put some bills on the counter. “Thanks, Bruce.”

  “You take it easy there.” He nodded to her.

  “I will, and it was good talking to you, Eddy.” She waved as Calvin directed her to the door.

  Once Calvin got Julia back to the resort, he sent Luke a text:

  Mission accomplished.


  Taking A Chance

  The effects of three glasses of wine lingered in Julia for half the morning. She worked at a slower pace and had a splitting headache that Tylenol wouldn’t ease. Drinking so much had been the worst decision ever.


  The bright sun streamed through her office windows like a cruel reminder of her evening activities. Each time the phone rang, she wished someone would put her out of her misery. At times like this, she wouldn’t mind being more like Lauren, who could drink most people under the table.

  “How are you feeling?” Erika asked with a smirk on her face. “Those are some big celebrity sunglasses you have on there.” She softly giggled.

  “It’s not funny. The sun is killing my head. Never drink more than one glass of wine.”

  “Oh, believe me, I’m not into drinking. I’ve seen Tiffani drunker than a skunk, puking her guts out in the toilet more times than I care to remember. The smells and sounds are burned into my memory forever. Alcohol is of the devil.”

  Julia lifted her head with a soured expression on her face. She really didn’t need an image of Tiffani’s hungover state in her head along with everything else. “Wine isn’t of the devil. Just remember, everything in moderation.”

  “Got it. So, what did you do when you got back to your room? Calvin said you were whining about being alone with no friends to talk to. I didn’t believe you whined, but maybe you get whiny with wine.” Erika smirked.

  “Ha. Ha. Ha.” Julia sighed. “I went to bed, that’s what I did.”

  “No, I mean before you sent out the Facebook invite for the Sweethearts Retreat? I gotta say, even drunk you’re an excellent business woman.”

  Julia lifted her head. It bobbled a bit, and the glasses slid halfway down her nose. Worry replaced her initial surprise. What had she done last night before going to bed? She hardly recalled anything other than…Trent. Had she called him?

  “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!” Julia jumped out of her chair and paced. “I didn’t. I couldn’t. Oh shit!”

  “Are you okay?” Erika asked with a concerned expression.

  “No, I’m not okay. I didn’t. I couldn’t have called him!”

  “Called who? Luke?”

  Julia collapsed in her chair and put her head down on her arms…Luke. What had she done? She took her cell phone out of her handbag and looked at her call log. A wave of relief swept over her. She hadn’t called Trent. “Oh, thank God I didn’t call him.” Then she opened her messages and dropped the phone onto her desk. “No-no-nooo!” She put her face in her hands. Oh, the shame. She had sent Trent a rather lengthy text in her drunken stupor. And he had replied.

  Julia: I hate you for what you did to me. You’ve screwed me up for all men, you asshole! I have trust issues and I’m afrai
d to love anyone. Why couldn’t you just break up with me instead of cheat on me? That would have been the decent thing to do but then I guess you’re not a decent man. One of these days you’re going to see how you lost the best girl you’ll ever find!

  Trent: I already know what I’ve lost, I miss you Jules. When are you getting back from your vacation? Let me take you to dinner?

  Julia: Don’t call me Jules! I always hated that. And I’m not on vacation you moron. I’m running the resort. I wouldn’t have dinner with you if you were the last man alive! Take Lori!!! She likes lying, cheating scumbags!

  Trent: What resort? I can tell you’ve been drinking, call me. We can talk this out. I still love you. Give me a chance to make it up to you?

  Julia: I have been drinking, so what! Get over yourself already and move on, we’re over for good! The only man I’m giving a chance is Luke. He’s a real man...he’s my Lumberjack.

  Trent: Lumberjack? Who’s Luke???

  Julia stared at her phone, stunned. She’d had a full-blown conversation with Trent last night. She hadn’t talked to him in months. The thumping of her heart increased. She’d said she was giving her Lumberjack a chance?

  “Julia, are you okay?” Erika asked.

  “No. I’m an idiot. Never drink alcohol. It’s of the devil.”

  Last night Luke had searched every nook and crevice in the house to no avail. The relief he felt not finding drugs was more than he had expected. On some level, a human level, he cared about Renee, and he didn’t want her into drugs. After all, she was the mother of his children; that alone gained her some of his respect. But if it weren’t for the kids, he would never see her again.

  The truth was, she disgusted him. All the lies and cheating with over a dozen men during their twelve-year marriage was disgraceful. Sometimes even when his kids were home, she sickened him. Finding her in bed with Rick was the pinnacle event that had turned everyone’s lives upside down. It had unleashed the wrath of Kong in him after she’d confessed all her dirty secrets.

  Bitter embers still smoldered inside him every time he saw her or talked to her. Her sexual advances inflamed everything, and because of the kids, she was part of his life forever.


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