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Stay With Me, Julia

Page 19

by Elle Linder

  “I can accept that. I’ll do my damnedest so you’ll stay with me. I don’t know how it will go when the kids visit, or when I go visit, but one thing I do know is I can’t be without you.” He pulled her into his arms and carried her to the bed. “Let’s take a little nap. We’re both exhausted, and we have plans tonight.”

  “What plans?”

  He laid her on the bed, then joined her. She curled into him like always.

  “It’s Valentine’s Day, baby. Did you think I’d let it pass without planning anything for you?”

  “But you didn’t know I’d be back today.” A yawn took hold of her. She would surrender her body to its exhaustion in the comfort of his arms.

  “I’m just that good, baby. Get used it.”

  Julia felt Luke relax as if he didn’t have a care in the world. She had the same response just being in his arms. Her eyes closed, and she fought the thoughts and images of him and Renee together. She hated what had happened. But the torment he had endured was worse, so much so she didn’t want to think about it. She only wanted to love him. Curled in each other’s arms, they fell fast asleep.

  Julia woke before Luke, and the clock on the nightstand said 5:46 p.m. They had been napping for two hours. Luke lay sound asleep on his back, snoring softly, one arm bent under his head and the other wrapped around her. She imagined he hadn’t slept much since Monday night. Neither had she. Gently, she rolled away from him so he wouldn’t wake.

  Her silk blouse was a wrinkled mess. She smiled, happy to be a mess with her lumberjack in her bed. But a pasty mouth, courtesy of the wine and cheese, was not so good. So she decided to change, remove her boots, and freshen up.

  An enormous weight of doubt had been lifted off her heart now that she knew what had happened between Luke and Renee. Despite her relief, she felt awful. It was just like Luke to take the blame so she wouldn’t feel guilty. She loved how he always validated her feelings.

  As she stared at him peacefully sleeping, her heart was full. She quietly unzipped her boots and put them in the closet before removing her blouse and pulling her hair up into a high ponytail. Notwithstanding the late hour, Julia followed her usual morning routine of brushing her teeth and rinsing with mouthwash. She couldn’t believe the sight of herself in the mirror. Her mascara was smudged under her eyes so much that she looked like a gothic mess—and Luke had never once mentioned it.

  He was a prince.

  Luke woke from the sounds coming from the bathroom and was on his feet fast, needing to see her. When he rounded the corner, she was bent over the sink in only a silky pink bra, washing her face. She stole his breath away.

  Once her facial wash was rinsed off, she noticed him leaning against the doorframe watching her. “Sorry, did I wake you?” she asked, drying her face.

  “I’m glad you woke me.” He smiled, approaching her.

  She looked up at him with happy, mascara-free eyes.

  “You’re beautiful, baby.” He kissed her lightly.

  “You look better. I think a nap helped.”

  “Having you with me is all I need.” He ran the tips of his fingers down her arms.

  “Mmm,” she hummed.

  Just hearing her stirred him up. He pulled her into him and pressed her up against the wall, his mouth hungry as he kissed her neck and raised her arms above her head. A need exploded in him. Maybe it was seeing her in a bra or being without her for what felt like forever. It really didn’t matter one way or the other—he needed her.

  Julia’s enthusiastic response showed she felt the same. He released her hands to touch her warm, delicious body. As he marveled over her, she unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off. He pulled his T-shirt over his head, tossed it onto the floor, and leaned into her. Feeling her against his bare skin sent his head spinning, and by her sounds, Julia wanted him. Luke lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her to the bed and sat down with her in his lap.

  “Baby, I shouldn’t have gotten you or myself worked up.”

  She threw her head back disappointedly. “Seriously, Luke, I can’t wait any longer.”

  “And you won’t. Give me an hour. Then I’ll be back for you.”

  “Where are you going? I don’t want you to leave me.”

  “I have something to do before I take you to my house. Just an hour and I’ll be back for you.” He cupped her face and kissed her only enough to hold her until he returned.


  Their First Valentine’s

  When Luke had seen Julia’s text that morning, he had jumped out of bed, motivated to do whatever it took to get her to forgive him. All he wanted was a chance to explain.

  In the last three years, he had only dated a couple of women—nobody local and each only for a short time. Not once had he brought them to his lake house or considered them beyond a few dates. They had just been warm bodies looking for a night with a man with no expectations. And had they ever lucked out with him. He knew how to show a woman a good time.

  None of those encounters had been emotional, only carnal—just sex. There had also been some things he wouldn’t do for the ladies, like oral sex; he had his limits with one-night stands. Post-coital, he had returned to his own bed. Tender terms of endearment hadn’t existed. The way he talked to Julia astounded him. Where had that side of him been buried his entire life?

  There was only one logical explanation. Being with the right person, he felt safe to reveal his genuine self.

  He had become enthralled with Julia overnight—seduced by her sweet, warm voice; tamed by her soft touch; and weakened by her delicious kisses. She turned him inside-out, raw, with her heartfelt emotions.

  Julia had done what no other woman had been able to do; she’d unmasked and exposed the tender man beneath a hardened exterior wrapped in flannel—a side to him Renee had never known. Luke was changed and hopelessly in love with his angel.

  And yet, he hadn’t taken her to his lake house. In the month they had been together, they had always stayed in her suite. It had only occurred to him recently, before he’d left for Alaska, why he hadn’t invited her. It had to do with the kids. Bringing her to his home would open her up to his life as a father, and he feared it would change the ways she saw him as a man.

  Tonight they would take their relationship to the next level, both intimately and as a family.

  Luke walked through his lake house. It wasn’t big, but it was tastefully decorated for a rugged man like him. Cedar plank walls and oak floors abounded in the space, with navy and brown accents in the furnishings.

  The open-concept house was cozy, with a leather sofa and a pair of tapestry chairs with a deer motif. Last summer, he had tried his hand at building pallet end tables. Pleased with the way they turned out, he had positioned them on the ends of the sofa.

  A single-wall kitchen with stainless steel appliances, granite counters, and open pine shelves was adjacent to the living area. Luke had a small dining table that seated four. It was only used when the kids visited. Upstairs had an open loft with a set of bunk beds for the kids, along with a television and bathroom.

  Luke’s minimalist personality carried into his bedroom, his favorite space in the house. The view of the lake from the large picture windows had sealed the deal when he was considering buying the home. If he stared at the sight long enough, he could imagine he was back home in Alaska.

  To add some ambience to the room, he’d had a fireplace with a handsome stone hearth installed during his first summer in the house. The addition had turned his room into a magnificent and masculine bedroom. He didn’t have much else in his bedroom—a bed, a chair near the fireplace for his viewing pleasure, and a single nightstand. Above the bed hung a painting he’d bought from a local artist of the port in Juneau before he’d moved to Idaho. The picture was his little piece of home. Beyond a rug covering the wooden floors, he had nothing else decorative in the room, not even a bedside lamp.

  The room looked perfect and romantic—dimmed
recessed lighting and two dozen ivory candles in various sizes and shapes ready to glow once lit. He had picked them up a couple of weeks ago as he dreamed up their first time together. There were tea lights, tapers with simple wooden holders, and pillars on glass plates. On the nightstand, he had placed a large floral arrangement, and for Julia’s brownie addiction, a box of heart-shaped brownies from a bakery in Coeur d’Alene. They had been delivered yesterday, and now he was glad he’d kept them. The final touch was a box of condoms in a drawer in his bedside table.

  Once he’d finished preparing for their romantic night, he pulled out a button-down shirt and sports coat before taking a shower.

  Luke hopped in his truck and headed to Murphy’s to pick up the special dinner he’d ordered with Kandace’s help. Rosemary pork tenderloin atop a creamy mushroom risotto and roasted root vegetables, to be served with a bottle of Pinot Noir.

  He walked into Murphy’s and was met by Pamela. “Hi, Luke. Where’s Julia?”

  “By now I’m sure she’s all prettied up for tonight. I’m here to pick up an order. We’re staying in tonight.”

  Pamela checked him over with a raised eyebrow. “Okay. I’ll see if it’s ready.” She passed Mike walking out of the kitchen. When he saw Luke, he walked over.

  “Hey, whatcha up to tonight? I didn’t see your name in the reservation book. You can’t be taking your lady to The Peak on Valentine’s.”

  “No, you’re right about that. We’re staying in.”

  Mike gave him a once over like Pamela had and nodded approvingly.

  “Kandace prepared a romantic dinner for us.”

  “Nice.” Mike grinned wide. “Hey, that promo Julia did for the resort was outstanding for our restaurant. We’re up forty-percent over last year. She’s a smart businesswoman and a beauty to boot.” Luke smiled proudly. “So, is she going back to L.A. like her original plan? I mean, she has a business and a life there. Can she really just give it all up? I don’t know that I could.”

  “I don’t know. If she leaves, I may have to go with her.”

  “The other night when you guys were here, you looked pretty intense. I think if it were me, I’d leave with her too.”

  “Exactly. I’m just glad I’ve got another month to get her to fall in love with me.”

  “The way the ladies talk about you, I don’t think you’ll have a problem with that.” Mike laughed. “You’re the most desired man in town, and Julia is the envy of all the women around here.” They both laughed heartily.

  It was ridiculous that women talked about Luke like he was on The Bachelor.

  Pamela returned with his order. “Kandace said to keep everything in their original containers and put them in the oven at two hundred degrees to keep warm. Then when you’re ready, plate it with the risotto on the bottom, a couple of slices of the pork roast, and the veggies on the side.”

  “Got it.” Luke nodded.

  “Well, good luck tonight. I’ll see you around,” Mike said, walking back to the kitchen. Luke threw up a hand while digging out his wallet.

  “So, you have a special evening planned for Julia, huh? That’s so romantic, instead of taking her out for Valentine’s like every other guy.” Pamela smiled.

  “Yup. I didn’t want to be like the other guys.” He winked, handing her the cash. If she knew what the purpose of staying in was all about, he might have blushed. “Keep the change.”

  “Thanks. Have a good evening.” Pamela waved as he left.

  Julia dabbed a little perfume behind her earlobes and smiled. She was ready for her night with Luke. After he had rushed out, she’d had an inkling he wanted to do something romantic, so she’d taken the fastest shower ever.

  As she looked at herself in the mirror, she fawned over the dress she had ordered online a couple of weeks ago. It fit her like a glove. The silver, knee-length dress had a flared, pleated skirt and a deep, plunging neckline that added a sexy twist to the beautiful dress. Not the sort of clothing you’d find in Faithful Falls, and she would never wear it in town. It was only for Luke’s eyes. The flashy fashionista in her hadn’t gone far in the last month.

  Butterflies in her stomach woke and were oh so excited. When the alarm on her phone buzzed, it was time to go. She and Luke had agreed to meet in the lobby at seven. And Julia was never late for an event—especially a Valentine’s Day event with a ruggedly handsome man like her Luke. She put on her trench coat, so her dress was completely covered and would be kept a surprise, before grabbing her bags and heading to the lobby.

  Erika was at the front desk with Chip when Julia appeared. “Ready to go, I see.” Erika waggled her eyebrows.

  “I am. Hi, Chip. How are you?” Julia asked.

  “I’m good, thanks.”

  Chip was not the most social man. Over the last several weeks, Julia hadn’t been able to get him to talk beyond work stuff. Becky had warned her he was a bit of an odd, hermit-like man. Thus far, Becky had been right, so Julia left him alone.

  “Where’s Calvin?” Julia looked around for him.

  “Oh, he had to cut out early to get to the Italian Pie. Valentine’s is a busy night for them.”

  “Huh, okay. I didn’t know he worked there too. I love their pizza.”

  “It’s the best pizza ever. He only works there as a favor on their busy nights.”

  Julia nodded, looking toward the entrance.

  “Are you okay?” Erika asked in a low voice. “I was worried about you.”

  “Thanks, hon. It was rough there for a little bit, but I think we’re okay. At least I want to be okay.”

  “He was a mess last night. Calvin said he’d never seen him so wasted when he drove him home. And then this morning, he was going a mile a minute getting stuff done.”

  “Wow. I didn’t know.”

  “Yeah, he’s definitely in love with you. How’d you like your room? Calvin and I helped him.”

  “It was great. Thank you for helping him.” Just then the entry bell rang. Julia turned to see her man walking toward her, and in another sports coat. She smiled brightly.

  “Hi, beautiful.” He kissed her softly on the lips.

  “Hi, handsome. I’m ready to go.” She arched her brow curiously. “Have a good evening, Erika. Bye, Chip.”


  “You too!” Erika waved to the lovebirds. She leaned over the counter to peer out the large window and could see Luke helping Julia into his truck. She sighed dreamily. “They’re like the perfect couple.”

  “Who?” Chip asked.

  Erika rolled her eyes. “No one.”

  Chip shrugged and went into the storeroom.

  Erika whipped out her cell phone and shot a quick text to Becky.

  Erika: Luke and Julia just left for a special Valentine’s at his place.

  Becky: Excellent! Does it look like they’re in love?

  Erika: Yes.

  Becky: I knew it!

  Erika giggled. No question in her mind, Luka and Julia were in love. And that meant Julia might stay in Faithful Falls after all.

  The moment they walked into Luke’s lake house, Julia was swept up into his arms for a real kiss. As she went limp against him, he slowed the kiss. “That was the appetizer course.”

  “Best appetizers I’ve ever had.”

  With flair, Julia untied her coat and let it fall to the ground. Luke stared dumbstruck as she smiled and walked in a circle, modeling the dress for him. “Well, are you going to say anything? Not your favorite color or not your favorite style of dress?” she quipped.

  “My God, Julia. You’re gorgeous. I swear my heart is going to explode. I’m afraid to touch you in that dress. I wouldn’t want to wrinkle you.”

  “It’s okay.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “This dress won’t be on for that much longer.” She pulled Luke closer, their mouths nearly touching, then taunted him with the tip of her tongue until his mouth crashed into hers. His hands drifted down her back, brushing over her bare skin. The dress would definitely not b
e on long.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked against her mouth.

  “Only for you.”

  “Hot damn, baby. But I have this all planned out. It’s our first Valentine’s together.”

  Julia pulled back. “Okay, we can control ourselves through dinner, I think.” She moved her hand over his ass for a little squeeze.

  “It can be a quick dinner. I’ll serve it up!” He broke free of her grasp.

  She giggled, walking into the living room. A framed photo of his kids on the pallet table caught her eye. She lifted it for a closer look. The girl, Heather, had Luke’s narrow, straight nose and the shape of his eyes. Julia guessed her fair complexion was similar to her mother and her ash-brown hair was a mix of both of them. The boy, Brice, had blond hair and blue eyes, which she found surprising. She couldn’t make out any characteristics of Luke in him. Again, she assumed he favored his mother.

  “Your kids are so cute. Heather’s going to be stunning when she’s older. You better prepare yourself.”

  “Don’t I know it. She’s growing up too fast. Brice too.” Luke put the plates on the table, lit the candles, and poured the wine. “Shit! I just remembered something. I’ll be right back.” He left the living room.

  Julia nodded. What did he just remember? Luke didn’t return right away, and it made her curious. “Luke…what are you doing?”

  “I’ll be right there, baby. Just give me a minute.” Moments later he appeared. “Sorry about that, just taking care of some finishing touches.” The desire in his eyes threatened to unravel her right there on the wool rug. He took the picture from her hand, put it back on the table, and lifted her chin. “Dinner is ready.” He kissed the tip of her nose.


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