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Stay With Me, Julia

Page 25

by Elle Linder

How could he blend both parts of his life into one?

  A soft tapping woke Julia out of her deep sleep. She turned over to view the clock: 7:05 a.m. The tapping continued. Without a doubt, it was Luke. She rolled out of bed and shuffled to the door, opening it.

  “Why are you here so early?” she mumbled. “It’s Sunday.”

  Luke swooped her off the ground like her protective hero. She wrapped her arms around his neck, molding her body to his. He kicked the door shut and carried her back to bed.

  “Because I cuddle with you every morning and I’m not going to stop because my kids are here. You’re important to me too.” He laid her down in bed, stripped to his boxers, and slid in beside her.

  She cozied up to him, placing her head against his chest, and swung her leg over his thigh. They snuggled for the next half hour without saying a word.

  “What about the kids?” Julia finally said.

  “They’ll be fine. Last night I told Heather I wouldn’t be home when they woke and to text me once they were up.”

  “You should be there when they wake up. They’re only here for three days.”

  “They’re not babies who need immediate attention when they wake up. They’ll be fine; don’t worry.” He ran his hand along her thigh. “Why are you wearing so much clothing?”

  “This is what I wore to bed before you. It’s cold when you sleep alone.” He put her onto her back and stared into her eyes.

  “I’m sorry about last night. I don’t want you sleeping alone.”

  “Luke, we have to talk about—”

  He didn’t let her finish, claiming her mouth. Kissing her while trying to pull off her sweatshirt and leggings was difficult, but Luke managed.

  “This isn’t talking.” She gasped as he kissed his way down her stomach. The heat of his mouth and his slick tongue against her skin was better than talking. “Ooh, okay…talking can wait. I’d hate to interrupt you down there…oooh, Luuuke.”

  After her first orgasm, Julia turned to putty in his hands and mouth. Luke took his time kissing and caressing her. He always loved her slowly before entering her, and she adored him for it. He had told her once that her vulnerability and tenderness were evidence that she trusted him, that making love to her gripped a place deep in his heart. And he never wanted to let her down or lose her trust.

  Luke moved in her, slow and deep. When she gripped her head, he pumped harder and faster, holding her gaze. Right before he exploded in her, he said, “Julia, I love you.” Her eyes widened as she came apart beneath him. A tear rolled out of the corner of her eye, streaking her temple as it went into her hair. “I do. I love you with everything in me. I love you.”

  As their breathing normalized, Luke slid out of her and lay on his back. Julia propped herself up on his chest, and his tattoo, Semper Fidelis, stared back at her. Always faithful. The one on the inside of his bicep said Death Before Dishonor.

  Luke was the most trustworthy, honorable man she had ever known, and she loved him. She wanted everything with him, but Renee brought out the insecure side of her. After Alaska and the recliner incident, the thought of him alone with her made her want to run home to California.

  How was she supposed to deal with a woman who so obviously liked to cause trouble in Luke’s life and his relationship with her? The kids were sweet, and she already cared for them more than she had expected, but their mother was another story, and she would be in their lives forever.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “That I’m sorry for what I said last night. I was hurt…and jealous. Renee brings out the worst in me.”

  “I’m not upset about what you said. I know you didn’t mean it. I know you were hurt, and that’s why I felt shitty last night. But, baby, you have nothing to worry about with Renee.”

  “Luke, I love you too. But—” His fingers covered her mouth before she could say…But I don’t know if I can handle a blended family.

  “Shh, let me revel in those precious words. You really love me?”

  She nodded as her eyes filled with tears.

  “Then don’t say anything else. We’ll figure this out. After the kids leave, I want you to move in.”

  “You want me to move in with you?”

  “Why do you sound so surprised? Ever since Valentine’s, we’ve been together every night. Let’s stop screwing around with duffle bags and going from your suite to my house. I love you and I want a future with you.”

  Julia kissed his chest eagerly. She wanted a future with Luke too, but as her excitement turned to arousal, fear and doubt entered her mind. She shook the thoughts out of her head. She loved him and wanted him; it was that simple. “Okay, I’ll move in. But now, I think it’s time for a shower.”

  “Wait, does this mean you’re not leaving at the end of the month?”

  Julia bit her bottom lip. “I hear this resort is for sale. Thought I’d try my hand at running two businesses. But I’m hoping a certain sexy lumberjack will help me.”

  “God, baby, you don’t know how happy this makes me.” He kissed her until she giggled. “And you can count on me. I’ll do anything for you.”

  Her eyes smoldered up at him. “Good. How about that shower?”

  The amount of food these two kids could eat astonished Julia. Brice sat across from her at Daybreakers devouring his second plate of aebleskivers with his bright blue eyes smiling back at her.

  “I bet I can eat three plates of these.” He grinned wide, powdered sugar dusted across his nose and mouth.

  “At the rate you’re going, I bet you could.” She laughed. “But aren’t you worried you’ll get a stomachache eating so much?”

  “No. Heather says I have a hollow leg.”

  Julia’s eyes widened. “A hollow leg?”

  Brice grinned up at her, nodding his head as he forked more food into his mouth.

  “Wow, I wish I had a hollow leg so I could eat anything I want. I’m jealous. Make sure you eat some of that for me, okay?”

  Brice giggled. “Sure!”

  Luke and Heather laughed.

  “The old ‘hollow leg’ line has been said in our house for years. Since the day Brice was born, he’s always hungry and never gets full.” Heather elbowed him.

  Brice nodded proudly.

  They truly were the cutest kids.

  “Watching you with my kids is a huge turn-on,” Luke whispered in Julia’s ear.

  “Easy there, Mr. Lumberjack. We’re in the presence of kids.” She nudged him, but that only spurred him on more, and he boldly cupped her face and kissed her. Julia waited for the “eww” kids usually hollered when grown-ups kissed, but it never came.

  When Luke released her, his kids were grinning.

  What was that about?

  “Luke, mind yourself.”

  “It’s okay. We like seeing Dad happy, and he’s super happy with you,” Heather said.

  “Yeah, you love her, dontcha, Dad?” Brice uttered with a full mouth.

  “I sure do,” Luke proudly admitted. Panicked, Julia’s head turned toward him. “What, baby? The kids can know I love you.”

  “Uh-huh, we want to know he loves you. That means you’re special.” Heather smiled.

  “Julia, are you going to marry Dad?” The little guy’s sweet voice and dreamy expression melted her. She looked at Luke and then Heather. They both had cheesy grins as they looked at her expectantly. Nothing like being put on the spot by a nine-year-old covered in powdered sugar.

  “I don’t know. If I did, would both of you be okay with it?”

  “Yes!” they said in unison. The way their faces lit up was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

  “And if you do, I want a baby brother so that I can be the big brother!”

  “No, a baby sister.” Heather nodded with zeal. Brice glared at her with his tongue stretched out.

  “Wow, you two move quick. Slow it down there,” Luke responded. “You’re going to scare Julia away with all your demands.” He winked, putting
his arm around her. “No pressure, baby. They like you just like their daddy does.”

  And that was just it; she liked that they liked her. Their precious enthusiasm gave her warm fuzzies. If they were genuinely excited about the prospect of Luke marrying her, did that mean they could work as a blended family? She wanted to believe they would be okay. Their silly grins gave her hope.


  The First Woman

  During the springtime Seaton’s Flower Shop looked spectacular, with blooms in every corner of the small space. Julia walked through the shop feeling like Alice in Wonderland among the tulips, daffodils, and daylilies. To her left, painted birdhouses hung from the rafter above crochet blankets in every pastel color imaginable. And in her favorite corner was everything under the sun that either tasted like huckleberry or smelled like it. She loved Seaton’s Flower Shop.

  Today she wanted to buy decorative items for the lake house and another bottle of huckleberry syrup. It had been two weeks since Luke’s kids visited, and she was over-the-moon happy. The day they left, Luke had moved her into his house. It overwhelmed her how he had taken charge of everything. She felt adored and loved.

  But that was how Luke rolled when he knew what he wanted, and he wanted her more than anything.

  Luke didn’t like to waste time, so the day she’d agreed to move in he had put his plans into motion. He’d cleared enough space in the closet, giving her more than half of it and half his dresser. He blew her mind at every corner.

  Now that Julia had settled in at the lake house, they were happier than ever before. Being together was easy for them. They fell right into step with each other. If married life was anything close to what they were experiencing, they were ready to stroll down the aisle.

  “Finding everything okay?” Louise asked.

  “I am. Probably more than I need.”

  “Honey, there is no such thing.” Louise laughed, looking behind Julia. “Where’s your hunk of man? I haven’t seen him since Valentine’s. A little eye candy in here now and then keeps me happy!”

  “I heard that!”

  Julia rarely saw Nyle, but she always heard him.

  “Good! Grow yourself a beard and some muscles, and I might call you eye candy.” Louise cackled as only she could do. Her laugh was infectious. It made Julia giggle right along with her. While they were laughing, Tami and Tiffani walked in.

  “So, I heard through the grapevine that you and your hunk are shacking up at his place,” Louise said. “When are you two tying the knot?”

  “Wow, the grapevine told you that, or did my Aunt Becky?”

  “What’s the difference?” Louise shrugged.

  “I guess there isn’t a difference. We’re living together—or shacking up as you called it—but no wedding bells yet.”

  “Keyword being yet. I like the sound of that. So, what do you think, this summer? Becky tells me you’re buying the resort.” Louise bobbed her eyebrows up and down.

  “Is there anything the two of you don’t talk about?”

  “Nope. So, this summer?”

  “Honestly, Louise, I don’t know. Summer seems rather soon to me. We barely moved in together.” At that moment Tiffani whipped around and ran right into a table with daylilies on it. Louise ran over and caught two before they met their demise on the tile floor.

  “That table jumped right out at you, didn’t it?” Louise made Tiffani blush with her snarky quip.

  “Sorry,” Tiffani replied. “I guess it did.”

  “Hey there, Julia.” Tami waved, walking over. “I haven’t seen you in a couple of weeks—I think since that night at The Peak when Luke’s kids were visiting. His wife looks like a pill.”

  “That’s putting it mildly,” Julia muttered. “How’re Aaron and Austin?”

  “Great! Austin says mama and da-da now, and cheese. I’ve started calling him Mousey because all he asks for is cheese.”

  “That’s precious. I haven’t seen him in a while. You should bring him by the lodge or have Erika bring him in.”

  “Ah…you have baby fever, don’t you?” Louise interrupted. “A summer wedding is what you need so that you can pop out one of that hunk’s spawn in the spring.”

  Julia saw Tiffani lingering close by, eavesdropping on their conversation.

  “Louise, I can never tell if you’re serious or not. But if Luke and I had a baby together, it would be the cutest spawn ever.” Julia laughed, but truthfully she’d love to have Luke’s spawn.

  “I am serious and agree with you. Two beautiful people like you would have gorgeous babies. I think July is a perfect month to say your nuptials.”

  Julia giggled, waving her off. Louise never stopped.

  “So, you and Luke. It sounds serious if Louise is talking about marriage and babies.” Tami playfully elbowed her. “I did hear you moved into his place two weeks ago.”

  “Erika or Calvin?”

  “Calvin. Erika would never blab about you. Calvin, on the other hand, can’t keep his mouth shut to save his life.” Tami laughed while looking at stuffed rabbits.

  “I figured as much. As for Luke and me, yes, we’re serious,” Julia admitted with a small smile. She didn’t want to appear gloating that she’d snagged the town hunk, but she was damn happy he was all hers.

  “That’s awesome. I’m happy for both of you,” Tami said genuinely, but she glanced at Tiffani at the same time.

  “Why does she hate me?” Julia whispered.

  “Because you got Luke, and she’s never not gotten the man she wanted—even if she didn’t plan to keep ’em. She’s all about the chase, and once she catches the guy, he’s no good to her anymore. Although, she might have been different with Luke…he’s pretty damn hot.”

  It seemed everyone thought her man was either damn hot or a hunk.

  “He is,” Julia agreed. “She’s such a pretty woman, but she never looks happy.”

  “She’s always been like that. Nothing or no one makes her happy.” Tami shrugged. “She’s got daddy issues.” Julia’s eyes widened. “Yeah, if you haven’t heard, our dad has made his rounds a few times in town—and mostly with married women. It was hard being a kid in this town.”

  “That’s awful.” Just then Julia’s phone rang. “Sorry, it’s Luke.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll see you around.”

  “Hello, Luke.”

  “Hello, Julia. Are you still in town?”

  “I am, at Seaton’s. Want me to pick something up for dinner?”

  “Sure. Want me to queue up Scandal?”

  “Sure. Do you want anything for dessert?”

  “Sure. You.”

  “Sweet, I can arrange that.” She used her best seductive voice to flirt with him. She knew him well enough to know that she had turned him on right now.

  “I love you. Hurry home to me.”

  “I’ll hurry. Love you.”

  Julia put away the leftover pizza while Luke took out the trash. Such mundane tasks they teamed up to do together. As an only child, she had often watched her parents divide up the household chores to get them done in record time. They always chanted, “Teamwork gets the job done twice as fast, and then we can play.” She had never forgotten their wise words.

  Luke proved to be a very worthy teammate, domestically and intimately.

  During dinner and two episodes of Scandal—and lots of kissing—Julia’s mind whirled with Louise’s talk of a summer wedding and babies. Part of her wanted to bring it up to Luke. Then there was the side that said, Don’t rush. He has baggage. She shook the thought from her head. She hated calling his kids “baggage.” Every time the word entered her mind, it was Renee’s face she saw, not Luke’s sweet kids.

  As much as she wanted a life with Luke, she would be taking on three more people—one being an ex-wife. And then there was the constant reminder that Renee had been Luke’s first wife. She’d had his babies and sex with him. But even more recently, she had jerked him off—well, almost—and she had interfered in
their lives again only two weeks ago.

  The front door opened, and her lumberjack entered like a Greek god.

  Don’t rush.

  “You know, while I was out dumping the trash, a thought occurred to me. We should look for a bigger place.”

  Julia did a double take. Bigger place? “I don’t understand.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I love this place. But I think we’re going to outgrow it fast.”

  Outgrow it fast? “I don’t understand,” she repeated.

  Her stomach spun into a ball of twine as she wiped the same spot on the counter in a circular motion repeatedly. Luke approached her and placed his hand over hers, stopping the excessive cleaning.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’m just not sure what you mean.” She had an idea but didn’t want to assume anything.

  “Okay, come with me.” He took her hand, and they went into the living room and sat on the sofa. “This place is great for when it’s just me, or you and me. But when the kids are visiting, the walls close in on us. The loft is right above our room.” His eyes darted up, and she looked in the same direction. “Baby, your beautiful, orgasmic voice carries in this little house.” Her cheeks heated. She was incredibly loud. “And I don’t want your song of ecstasy to be subdued while the kids visit this summer.”

  This summer? His words shocked her like a bucket of ice water poured over her head.

  “Right, of course, the kids will be here this summer. It seems so far out, but I guess this is something you and Renee would discuss or plan in advance. I didn’t think about it…but then why would I? I’ve never had kids, an ex, or even a marriage for that matter.” She laughed awkwardly.

  “Julia…” Luke furrowed his brow at her, which only made her more nervous.

  “Don’t look at me like that. I’m new to you, to this, to her. If the kids visit, for long stints of time throughout the year, I can see why you’d want a bigger place. But I don’t want you to adjust your life because of me. That wouldn’t be practical, Luke. Don’t take on expenses because of me. The resort is plenty comfortable, and I like the suite I’ve lived in for two months.”


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