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Third Act (Dark Falkon Book 3)

Page 11

by J. O Mantel

  After getting herself a snack from the vending machine, she wandered over to the nurses’ station and called out to one of the nurses.

  “Miss?” One of the nurses replied.

  “Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me what room Matt Wills was in?” Sienna asked.

  The nurse looked through some paperwork until she found Matt’s name; “Room seventeen, right down the hall, on the right,” she pointed.

  “Thank you,” Sienna replied.

  She caught a lift to the gift shop, which was located on the bottom floor. She found a teddy bear that was holding a little guitar, and she grabbed it off the shelf. After paying the attendant, she caught the lift back up to Lukas’s floor and followed the directions the nurse had given her.

  She knocked on the door softly, getting Matt’s attention. He turned around and saw her in the doorway.

  “Sienna?” He asked.

  “Hi. Sorry, is this a bad time? I can come back later,” she said.

  “No, please come on in,” he replied.

  Matt adjusted himself and sat up on the bed, resting his back against the pillows. Sienna walked over to him and handed him the bear; “This is for you,” she said.

  She leaned forward and kissed him softly on the cheek.

  “Thank you, he’s cool,” Matt said, placing the bear down on the drawer beside him.

  “How are you feeling?” Sienna asked.

  “Good. I’m going home tomorrow,” he said.

  Sienna picked up his hand and gently stroked it.

  “It’s because of you that Lukas is alive. If you hadn’t dived into the water after him… ” she started crying. Matt placed his other hand on top of hers, and tried to comfort her.

  “Hey,” he said, slowly leaning forward and hugging Sienna, as she cried on his shoulder.

  “Is there any change?” He asked.

  “No,” she sobbed, pulling away.

  “The swelling to his brain has gone down overnight, but he’s still unconscious. The doctor keeps telling me that it’s a result of the swelling, but he’s just not responding.” She cried quietly, as Matt made himself comfortable again. He grabbed Sienna’s hand again and held it tight. He pulled her toward him and sat her down on the edge of the bed next to him.

  “Sienna, you and I both know Lukas. He’s too stubborn to let this bastard win. He’s not a quitter.”

  “How did you manage to pull him out of the water?” Sienna asked.

  “I did swimming in junior high for six years. When we formed the band, I still made regular trips to the pool to keep myself in shape and put all my lessons into practice.”

  “But that storm and those conditions, Matt it was horrific.”

  “I didn’t think about that at the time. My only concern was Lukas and getting him out of the water. After I dived into the sea it took some time to locate him. I was afraid he’d been dragged away by the waves. But as I continued swimming, I suddenly saw his body lying face down in the sea. I quickly flipped him over onto his back, wrapped my hand around his neck and started swimming toward what I thought was the boat, but instead I ended up on the shore of one of the small islands we had been sailing near. I laid Lukas on his back, and was able to pump the water out of his lungs, so his breathing was uninhibited. I was exhausted and fell asleep on the island. I had a few cuts and bruises to the head from the boat and the water. The last thing I recall is waking up and hearing the chopper flying over us.”

  “You must have been terrified,” Sienna asked.

  “A little, but the worst part about it is, the uncertainty, not knowing what’s going to happen or whether you’re going to be rescued.”

  Sienna sat there and listened to Matt as he explained his ordeal. She tried to hold back her tears, hearing what he and Lukas had been through made it difficult for her.

  “Thank you, Matt,” she whispered again, leaning forward and kissing him on the cheek.

  “I might pop in and see Lukas when I’m discharged tomorrow.”

  “I think he’d like that,” she said, getting off the bed.

  She walked over to the door, turned around and smiled at Matt one more time.

  “Sienna, he’s going to be all right,” Matt said, as Sienna stood by the door and smiled.

  “Night and thanks Matt,” she said.

  “Goodnight,” he replied.

  Sienna folded her arms across her chest and slowly walked back to Lukas’s room.

  A couple of days later Sienna returned to Lukas’s room, to once again sit with him and talk to him. As she entered the room Dr. Evans was checking Lukas’s eyes, something he did every morning, she noticed. He said that there was no change and then quietly left. Matt was given the all clear and released from hospital, while Annie, Tyler and Dave didn’t sustain major injuries other than a few cuts and bruises; they were released a few hours after their arrival, once doctors had examined them. Sienna called her boss, Adam and gave him an update on the situation with Lukas. He told Sienna that she could take whatever time off she needed and return to work when she was ready.

  She had been trying to get in contact with Jake for days now, but he hadn’t returned any of her calls, she figured that he was too busy traveling and probably had no service or time, so she had given up trying. She sat there and started eating her late lunch, when suddenly she heard a groan. She looked up at the bed and watched as Lukas opened his eyes.

  “Lukas?” She called.

  He turned and looked at her.

  “Oh my God!” She gasped, quickly getting to her feet and running out to the corridor.

  “HE’S AWAKE. PLEASE SOMEONE CALL DR. EVANS, LUKAS IS AWAKE,” she yelled down the corridor.

  She ran back into the room and over to Lukas.

  “Lukas? Oh thank God you’re awake,” she said, grabbing his hand.

  “Sorry, have we met?” He asked, looking at her confused.

  “Very funny, Lukas. You gave me quite a scare. I’m so glad you’re awake.”

  “I’m sorry Miss, but I’m afraid I don’t know you.”

  Sienna looked into his eyes. He was serious. She could tell that he wasn’t playing with her. Just as she was about to say something, Dr. Evans and one of the nurses entered the room and over to Lukas.

  “He doesn’t know who I am,” Sienna said, horrified.

  The nurse pulled her aside while Dr. Evans checked Lukas’s pupils.

  “Lukas. How are you feeling?” He asked.

  “Fine. Just really tired and my head’s sore,” Lukas replied, rubbing the top of his head.

  “Do you know where you are and who this woman is?” He asked, looking at Sienna.

  “Um… I’m guessing I’m in a hospital or something. As for this woman, her face seems vaguely familiar, but I can’t say we’ve ever met.”

  “Lukas it’s me, it’s Sienna, you’re girlfriend. I’m pregnant with your children, remember?” Sienna started to get really emotional and the nurse tried to keep her calm.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t remember you,” Lukas replied.

  Sienna turned and faced the window, trying to hide her tears. Dr. Evans grabbed Lukas’s medical board from the foot of the bed and made some notes.

  “Lukas, do you recall anything from the accident?”

  “Accident? What accident?” He asked.

  “The fishing trip?” Sienna said.

  Lukas stared at Sienna, lost, he tried to remember.

  “I don’t remember any fishing trip,” Lukas said.

  Dr. Evans checked Lukas’s pulse and examined him all over, making notes on his clipboard.

  “So you don’t know why you’re here or what happened to you?” Dr. Evans asked.

  “I can only assume I’ve been in some sort of accident and hit my head,” Lukas replied.

  He finished making some notes and the nurse left the room.

  “Sienna, could I speak to you outside for a moment?” He said. He turned and headed out into the corridor, Sienna followed.

/>   “What is it? What’s going on? Why can’t he remember me?” She asked.

  “It appears that the swelling may have put some extra pressure on the brain, causing some memory loss.”

  “What are you saying, Lukas will never remember anything?” Sienna asked, almost in tears.

  “It’s too early to tell. I’ll have to run some more tests to determine the extent of the damage. But for now, all you can do is be there for him.”

  Sienna nodded her head in agreement.

  “I’ll come back later and do some further tests.” He placed his hand on her shoulder; “Don’t worry, he’s in good hands.”

  Sienna forced a smile, Dr. Evans turned and walked away, headed for the nurses’ station. Sienna walked back into the room, Lukas looked up and smiled at her.

  “I’m sorry I don’t remember your name?”

  “Sienna,” she said.

  “Hi, Sienna. I’m Lukas. Um… I know this might seem a bit awkward, but could you tell me how exactly we know each other?” He asked.

  “You don’t remember anything?” Sienna asked.

  “Bits and pieces. Just flashes here and there. Your face is familiar, but I don’t know who you are or how we met. I’m sorry,” he said.

  Sienna pulled the chair closer to the bed and sat down.

  “Do you know who you are?” Sienna asked.

  “Lukas Dark,” he replied.

  “And do you know what you do?”

  “You mean, my job?” He asked.

  Sienna nodded.

  He looked around the room mumbling to himself.

  “Um… I’m in the entertainment industry or something like that, right?”

  “You could say that,” Sienna said.

  She saw the look of confusion on his face, it was hard for her to hold back her tears.

  “Lukas, you’re a rock star. You’re the lead singer and guitarist of the band Dark Falkon.”

  “I am?” He asked.


  “Well that explains the visions I’ve been having.”


  “Crowds. Hotel rooms. Autographs. It never really made any sense why I was having these sorts of dreams, but it does now. And is that how we know each other?”

  “Sort of. We’ve actually been dating for almost two years. We met at a show in Vegas.”

  “Oh, I see,” Lukas said; “I’m sorry, I wish I could remember.” He reached down and grabbed Sienna’s hand. He looked at her and smiled; “For the record, you’re beautiful,” he said.

  Tears streamed down Sienna’s face, as she looked at Lukas.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He looked down at her stomach and noticed her baby bump. “You’re pregnant?” He asked.

  Sienna nodded; “Yep! Twins actually. Remember? I said that earlier when Dr. Evans examined you.”

  “I take it I’m the father,” Lukas said.


  She knew it was the wrong thing to say, but under the circumstances, she didn’t really want to explain everything.

  The room was filled with silence, Sienna and Lukas sat there and stared at one another not saying a word. It was a little too much for Sienna.

  “I might head out and get some breakfast. I’ll let you rest for a while,” she said.

  “Please don’t leave,” Lukas said.

  “I won’t be gone too long, I promise,” Sienna replied.

  She leaned forward and kissed Lukas on the cheek. She grabbed her purse and as she reached the door, she turned around and smiled at Lukas before walking into the corridor.

  As she walked past the elevator, she heard it ping and the doors opened.

  “Sienna?” She heard a male voice call out to her.

  She turned around and saw Matt, Dave, Tyler and Annie.

  “Hi,” she said as they all greeted her with a hug and kiss.

  “How is he?” Annie asked.

  “He’s awake. But he doesn’t remember anything.”

  “About the accident?” Matt asked.

  “About anything at all. He doesn’t even know who I am.”

  The others looked at her with looks of confusion.

  “The doctor thinks he could have temporary amnesia as a result of the brain injury.”

  The five of them walked over to the cafeteria. Matt ordered them all some drinks and they sat down at a nearby table.

  “What have you told him?” Dave asked.

  “Not a lot, just what he needs to know.”

  She was trying not to cry, but the others could see that it was difficult for her. Annie placed her hand on Sienna’s and gently rubbed it.

  “This must be so hard on you,” she said.

  “I’m coping,” Sienna said.

  They all finished their drinks and Sienna looked at Matt; “You can go and see him if you like.”

  “I think it would be too much if we all went in at the same time. Dave, Tyler, why don’t you both go in first.”

  Dave and Tyler knocked on the door to Lukas’s room. He turned and acknowledged both of them.

  “Lukas?” Dave asked.

  “Come in,” he said, adjusting himself on the bed.

  They walked over to him and sat down on the chairs.

  “How are you feeling?” Tyler asked.

  “I’m doing okay, still a little sore. Um, you’re Dave, right?”

  “No, I’m Dave, that’s Tyler,” David said.

  Lukas looked at the two of them, he definitely recognized both of them.

  “Somehow I recognize both of you. How do we know each other?” Lukas asked.

  “We’re all a part of the same band Lukas, Dark Falkon.”

  “Oh yes, Sienna mentioned something about that earlier. Speaking of which, what’s she like?” Lukas said.

  “You mean, you don’t recognize her at all?”

  “She looked oddly familiar, and she tells me that we’re dating. Is that true?”

  Dave and Tyler nodded.

  “She’s also pregnant,” David said.

  “Yeah, I noticed. I just don’t recall any of it,” he gently scratched the top of his head trying to remember something, anything, but it was all still a blur.

  “We’re not going to keep you. There’s some others who want to see you,” Dave said.

  The three of them shook hands and said goodbye, and David and Tyler headed down the corridor. They walked past the elevator and came to the cafeteria where the others were waiting for them.

  “You’re right, he doesn’t remember a lot,” Tyler said, sitting down.

  “So, he didn’t remember you?” Matt asked.

  “Initially when he saw me, he thought I was Dave and then when we corrected him, he wanted to know how we knew each other. So I think somehow the memory is there, but it’s just a blur to him.”

  Matt, Annie and Sienna stood up and headed for Lukas’s room. Sienna walked inside first and sat down on the chair, Annie and Matt followed.

  “Matt,” Lukas called.

  “Hi, buddy. You remember me?”

  “Yeah, I do. We went to school together, right?”

  “Yes buddy, we did. Is that the only thing you remember?”

  “Um, well Sienna and the others have told me that I’m in a rock band. Have you seen me in concert before?”

  “Sort of,” Matt smiled, trying to keep a brave face. “We’re in the same band,” Matt finished.

  “You-You’re a member of Dark Falkon too?”

  “Yes. I’m the second lead guitarist, Tyler plays the piano and Dave is on the drums.”

  “Why don’t I remember any of that?” Lukas asked.

  “You’ve suffered some major trauma to your head, Lukas, but the doctor says that you’re going to be just fine in time.”

  Matt sat down next to Annie and Sienna. Lukas looked around at the three of them, and his eyes stopped at Sienna. He could see that she was getting emotionally distressed, but she was trying to hold back her tears.

sp; “I need to make a phone call, I’ll leave you three alone,” Sienna said, getting up and heading to the door.

  “Please, you don’t have to go. Please, stay,” Lukas said.

  “I’ll be back soon, I really need to make this call.”

  Before Lukas had the opportunity to say anything else, Sienna had disappeared down the corridor.

  “She’s not taking this too well. I think she wants to be alone. Give her time,” Matt said.

  Sienna had been on the phone to Ivy every day since the accident. Neither of them had heard from Jake and Sienna was starting to get angry. Even though he was busy touring, she really wanted to hear his voice, he always managed to comfort her. She needed him right now, after all he was still her best friend, or so she thought.

  She hadn’t left Lukas’s side since he was admitted to hospital. He couldn’t remember anything about Sienna or how they met. He’d been awake for a few days now, and it appeared as though he wasn’t going to remember anything.

  She started making her way back to his room and she saw Dr. Evans by the nurses’ station, he looked up at her and smiled. Sienna waved and started walking over to him.

  “Hi, Sienna.”

  “Hi, Dr. Evans.”

  “How’s Lukas doing today?” He asked.

  “Yeah, he’s okay. He still doesn’t remember a lot.”

  “I’ve been looking at Lukas’s brain activity over the last week. The swelling has decreased substantially and his brain function appears to be returning to normal.”

  “Then why can’t he remember anything?” She asked.

  “Unfortunately, I don’t have an answer for you. There’s nothing in the scans to show any long term damage. My guess is that his brain is still in shock and it may just take some time before he remembers anything.”

  “So he will remember again?” Sienna asked.

  Dr. Evans didn’t say a word, he looked at Sienna and gave her a smile.

  “I’m sorry I don’t have all the answers for you,” he said.

  He turned and walked back to the nurses’ station, while Sienna headed back into Lukas’s room. He was still fast asleep, so Sienna closed the door, turned out the lights and walked over to the closet. She grabbed her pajamas, pulled the curtain around Lukas’s bed and removed her clothes and bra. She looked down at her growing belly and smiled as she rubbed her hands over it. Slowly, she put on her night gown, making a nice loose bow at the front. She leaned forward and gently kissed Lukas on the cheek.


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