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Third Act (Dark Falkon Book 3)

Page 24

by J. O Mantel

  “Sorry, I’m here,” Ivy closed the door behind her.

  “What’s happened?”

  “Lukas, Sienna had an accident earlier today.”

  “Accident? What kind of accident? Is she okay?”

  “She fell down the stairs in your apartment during the baby shower.”

  “Oh my God! Is she all right?”

  “She’s fine. She’s asleep.”

  “And the twins?”

  “They’re fine too. The doctor’s given her a thorough examination and there’s no sign of any injuries. She was very lucky. But he’s ordered her to be on strict bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy.”

  “Thank God,” Lukas sighed. “How did this happen?”

  “She went upstairs to use the bathroom, and apparently on her way down, she missed the last few steps and fell.”

  “Fuck! I knew I shouldn’t have gone on this trip and left her alone.”

  “Lukas, this isn’t your fault. It was an accident, you didn’t know this was going to happen. And she’s not alone, her mom, Jake’s mom, Emily and I are all here, she’s in good hands.”

  “Can… ?” he hesitated, Ivy could hear the tears in his voice, “May I speak to her?”

  “She’s sleeping at the moment, but I promise I’ll get her to call you first thing in the morning. It’s late, maybe you should get some sleep.”

  “Thank you, Ivy.”

  She hung up the phone and returned to the room.

  Sienna was still sound asleep, although Ivy didn’t want to leave her, she was exhausted and needed sleep herself. After saying goodbye to Olivia, Emily and Margaret, she and Dick left the hospital and headed home.

  Sienna was discharged from hospital two days later. Emily had flown back home, as she had to get back to work. Both Margaret and Olivia made sure that Sienna remained in bed and only left her room whenever she needed to use the bathroom.

  “This is stupid, I feel fine” she said.

  “I don’t care how you feel, Dr. Thompson said you were to remain in bed for the rest of your pregnancy. No exceptions.”


  “Don’t you whine at me Sienna Forrester,” her mother said.

  Olivia prepared some dinner while Margaret fixed Sienna a nice warm bath. Jake and Lukas were still on tour but both had managed to make contact with Sienna. Lukas was beside himself and promised Sienna a night of pampering when he returned. He also said that he wasn’t leaving her sight again and that he was moving into the spare room. Then Sienna reminded him that she already had a full-time babysitter, Jake.

  Jake continued to tour around London, even though he did want to fly back home, but his mom talked him out of it. He’d been to Buckingham Palace, and took a road trip to Liverpool, to visit the home of the Beatles. The last Sienna heard, he was on a train to Paris.

  She rested her head on the towel in the bath. She felt relaxed, and stress-free, as she allowed the water to relax her. She knew that her mother had good intentions, and she enjoyed her company, but having her and Olivia around made Sienna feel incompetent, she was used to always being on the move.

  Margaret and Olivia had been friends longer than Jake and Sienna had. The two of them were like Blanche and Rose, all you needed now was Ivy’s mom and Mrs. Jessup, the tall busybody clerk from the drug store and you’d have yourself a set of Golden Girls.

  Olivia prepared a beautiful pot roast for the three of them; Margaret placed Sienna’s dinner on a tray with a glass of juice and took it into her.

  “I still have full use of me feet and legs, you know” Sienna said.

  “Yes I know. But you heard what the doctor said Sienna, you need to rest. You were very lucky this time, and I’m not going to risk anything else happening to my daughter or grandchildren. Eat your dinner and I’ll be back later to say goodnight,” she kissed Sienna on the forehead and left the room, joining Olivia in the living room.

  “That’s such a great photo” Olivia said, grabbing the photo of Jake and Sienna from the mantelpiece that was taken at Thanksgiving.

  Margaret handed her a coffee and the two of them sat on the sofa.

  “Things have been so hectic around here the last couple of days. You and I haven’t had a proper opportunity to talk,” Margaret said.

  “No we haven’t.”

  “I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this must be for you and Tom, not knowing if you’re the grandparents of those twins.”

  “I’d be lying if I told you it’s been easy. When Jake first told us that Sienna was pregnant, we initially assumed Lukas was the father. But when he explained the situation, Tom, Emily and I tried to comprehend what was going on. A part of me was hurt and angry, but another part of me is still excited at the prospect of being a grandmother, no matter how small the chances are.”

  “No matter how this turns out Olivia, I want you to know that you’re always welcome to come and visit the children whenever you like. I want you to be a part of their lives, no matter what. I’ve already said the same thing to Jake.”

  Olivia couldn’t help but get teary-eyed, she threw her arms around Margaret and the two of them hugged.

  “Thank you, Margaret” she sobbed.

  “Anytime,” she replied.

  After washing the dishes and saying goodnight to Sienna, Olivia headed for Jake’s room and Margaret made herself comfortable in the nursery.

  “HOLY SHIT!” Jake called from his room.

  His outburst alarmed Sienna; she pulled off the covers, got off her bed and headed for his room.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked.

  “Stuart just called. Tame debuted at number one on the Billboard charts. The album’s sitting at number two.”

  “Oh my God!” Sienna screamed, walking over to the bed and throwing her arms around him. “Congratulations,” she kissed him on the cheek.

  “Why are you out of bed?” Jake asked.

  “Seriously? My best friend just scored his first ever number one single, and you expect me to stay in bed?”

  Jake smiled and they hugged again.

  “Jake I’m so proud of you, this is amazing. Your first ever number one.”

  The victory seemed surreal to Jake. Number one. Okay it wasn’t their album, even though that was sitting at number two, but it was a number one hit single.

  “Fucking number one,” Jake said, smiling as he walked around the room.

  “Do you want to know something else?” Sienna asked.

  “Hmmm” Jake replied.

  “You beat Dark Falkon.”

  “What?” Jake replied, surprised.

  “Yep! Lukas text me a few minutes ago. Their album went straight to number one, but their single is sitting at number two. I know it may not seem much to you, but your single debuted at number one over Dark Falkon. Number one Jake! That’s a pretty fucking big deal for a debut band if you ask me.”

  Jake couldn’t wipe the smile off his face, he felt on top of the world at the moment.

  “I’ll admit, I’m feeling pretty good right now. It’s great news to come back to after a vacation.”

  “Speaking of which, how was London?”

  “London was awesome. I had a really great time. I’ve never been, so for me it was a whole new adventure. I got to see a lot.”

  “What did you enjoy the most?” Sienna asked.

  “Harry Potter,” they both replied together, laughing.

  “Now why doesn’t that surprise me? When I went with Lukas last year I absolutely loved the tour. Lukas looked at me like I was weird or something.”


  “He’s not a fan of Harry Potter.”

  “Oh my God. That’s it! I think you better dump the guy right away then” Jake joked.

  “Nobody appreciates Harry like we do. What else did you get up to?”

  “I went to Liverpool and saw the Beatles exhibit. That was awesome.”

  “Lukas and I weren’t able to go out of London, so we visited some of the sites on
the Monopoly Walk instead. I so would’ve loved to have gone to Liverpool to see that.”

  “Yeah. It was pretty cool. Wow! Number one. You know, I still can’t believe it.”

  “Well get used to it. It could be the start of many more to come.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to that. So anyway, how were things here while I was away?”

  “They were okay. As much as I loved having my mom and your mom around, at times it was a little too much. They were constantly in my face, fussing over me and making sure I didn’t do anything. Seriously Jake, I felt like a guest in my own home. And to be honest, I think having the two of them here brought them closer together.”

  “What makes you say that?” Jake asked.

  “Every night after dinner the two of them would sit on the sofa and talk. They thought I was asleep, but most of the time I heard everything they were saying.”

  “You eavesdropped on our mothers?”

  “Oh come on, like you’ve never listened to a conversation between your parents before.”

  “Well, actually… ” Jake said.


  He nodded.

  “Anyway, my mom was telling your mom that she wished things were different. She didn’t want things to turn out this way and no matter what the test shows, you’re all still going to be a part of these children’s lives. And Jake, I know I’ve said this to you before many times, but that goes for you too.”

  “I know. Thank you,” he said. “Now get your ass back to bed and I’ll make us some lunch before I leave.”

  “Leave? Where are you going?”

  “I have a meeting with Stuart and the band later. Tori and Ryan are back from London now, so he’s called a meeting. As for you, BED! NOW!” He yelled.

  “Yes, DAD!” She turned and went back to her room, crawling back into bed.

  “Seriously, I’m quite capable of looking after myself,” Sienna whispered. She knew the doctor had ordered her to be on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy, but she felt so useless. Jake hadn’t stopped fussing over her since he got back home. Lukas was also making a fuss, he had already arranged to have Joseph pick her up on the weekend so she could spend the week at his apartment.

  By midafternoon, the two of them sat down to a nice, quiet meal of spaghetti and meatballs. Afterward, Jake washed the dishes and made sure Sienna was cozy in her bed, before he left for his meeting.

  “Us and Dark Falkon? Performing together?” Tori asked.

  “At Madison Square Garden, Mother’s Day” Stuart replied. “Sony ran the idea past us a few weeks ago. I wanted to wait until you and Ryan returned from London before I made the announcement.”

  The band looked at one another, the only time they had performed with Dark Falkon was almost two years ago in Japan. Even then, they were only the opening act.

  “What exactly are we talking, Stuart?” Lance asked.

  “Four songs each, then one final song together to close the show.”

  Jake hadn’t said a word.

  “Jake?” Stuart asked


  “Do you have anything to add?”

  “I actually think this is an awesome idea. Just imagine the huge amount of publicity we’ll get from sharing the stage with Dark Falkon.”

  All of a sudden, everyone turned and looked at Jake with their mouths gaping.

  “What? Did I say something wrong?” Jake said.

  It was the very first time Jake had mentioned Dark Falkon without getting worked up. Normally he would cringe if somebody just mentioned their name.

  “You don’t have an issue with that?” Lance asked.

  “Why would I?” Jake said, casually.

  After Stuart went through the details of the concert, he left the room. Ryan and Tori followed a few minutes later, after saying goodbye to Jake and Lance.

  “What?” Jake asked, looking at the surprised expression on Lance’s face.

  “What gives?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Lance sat back down next to Jake. “Jake, I know you and I know how you feel about Lukas.”

  “Seriously Lance, I’m totally cool with it. Lukas is with Sienna, no matter how hard I try, nothing is ever going to change that. It has taken me two years to realize, but I can see that he makes her happy. Sure, I wish I was the one that could make her happy, but the reality of it is, I can’t. I’m tired of all the fights and arguing with her, I’m fighting a never-ending battle, and it’s time that I put my differences with Lukas aside. Maybe this concert is the perfect opportunity to do that.”

  Lance sat there and just looked at Jake. He was trying to figure out if Jake was genuine or having him on.

  “I know what you’re thinking Lance, and if I was you, I would probably be thinking the same thing. The fact of the matter is, I have to accept that Sienna and I will never be together.”

  “I just hope that this isn’t some stunt that you’re trying to pull to get her to like you. Sienna’s a smart chick Jake, she’ll see right through you. The last thing I want is for either of you to get hurt.”

  “I know that Lance. I promise, there’s nothing going on.”

  The two of them shook hands and headed home.

  Later, when Jake arrived home, he walked into Sienna serving up dinner.

  “What’s all this?” he asked.

  “I believe they call it dinner,” Sienna replied.

  “What’s the occasion?”

  “Do I need a reason to cook dinner for my best friend?” Sienna asked.

  “Okay, what is it? What did you do?” Jake asked, sitting down at the table.

  “I haven’t done anything. Like I said, I just wanted to cook you dinner. I’m going to be staying at Lukas’s for a week or so, and I thought the two of us could have a nice meal together before I go.”

  Jake didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. He pulled his plate toward him and started eating.

  “How was your meeting?” Sienna asked.

  “Good. You’re not going to believe this, Lightning Ridge is going to be performing on stage with Dark Falkon.”

  “What?” Sienna asked.

  “Lightning Ridge are going to be performing a special televised concert with Dark Falkon, on Mother’s Day, at Madison Square Garden. With our album and single doing so well at the moment, the publicity would be amazing.”

  “Hold on a second. You’re telling me that you and Lukas are going to be on the same stage…together?” Sienna replied.


  “Holy shit!” she gasped. “And you’re okay with that?”

  “Don’t you start, too. Stuart and the others reacted the same way.”

  “You have to admit, after all this time and after everything the three of us have been through, it is kind of hard to process.”

  “I know there’s been a lot of words exchanged between the three of us. Like I was telling Lance, the truth is, I can’t change the fact that you and Lukas are together, I know he loves you and you love him. I guess it’s taken a record deal, a demanding schedule and being man enough to admit my mistakes, to realize it.”

  “I’m glad you have finally accepted Lukas and me, Jake. I’ve hated what this has done to us. All the tension, the anger, the fights. I’m glad we can finally put it all beside us.”

  “We’re all adults Sienna, and I think that it’s time that we all start to get along together.”

  It was the best news Sienna had heard since she and Lukas started dating. Finally, she, Lukas and Jake could put everything behind them and get on with the rest of their lives.

  They enjoyed the rest of their dinner, after which Sienna headed to her room to pack.

  “Off to Lukas’s?” Jake asked, noticing her suitcase.

  “Yeah, tomorrow. But first, Ivy and I have some shopping to do. If I’m going to attend a concert and support both of you, I need to look my best, but it’s a little difficult when you’re nine months pregnant and e
xpecting any day.”

  “I know I’ve told you this before, but you look gorgeous in anything that you wear, no matter how pregnant you are.”

  Sienna smiled, “Thanks, Jake.”

  She finished packing and after texting Ivy, she sat on the sofa and waited. Jake walked out of his room with his guitar and amplifier in hand. He put on his leather jacket and grabbed his keys.

  “I guess I’ll see you at the concert,” he said.

  “Yeah, you will” she replied.

  Jake walked out of the door and got into his car, Sienna listened from the sofa as she heard his car pull out of the drive.

  “Did he mention that we were performing together?” Lukas asked, stepping out of the shower and joining Sienna on the bed.



  “Yeah, he did actually. I nearly died when he told me.”

  “Why?” Lukas asked.

  “Come on Lukas, this is Jake we’re talking about. Things haven’t exactly been… you know…easy between the three of us.”

  “I realize that, and I’m sure Jake’s gone over it a hundred times in his head. Maybe he’s finally realized that I’m not the enemy here and like him, I just want to concentrate on my career and be with the woman I love.” He leaned forward and kissed Sienna. “You know his band currently have the number one single in the country and their album just went number one in Australia.”

  “What?!” Sienna gasped.

  “In Australia, Tame is sitting at number one, and so is their album.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Mike told me when I landed earlier today. If you ask me, Jake should be pretty proud of himself.”

  “He never mentioned it to me.”

  “Maybe it just slipped his mind. I only hope that once the paternity results are in, the three of us can finally move on and start planning our futures.”

  Sienna adjusted herself on the bed, getting closer to Lukas.

  “And what exactly does the future hold for us?” Sienna asked, rubbing his arm gently.

  “I wondered when this question would come up again,” he said.

  “Well Lukas, but like you said, I want to start planning for my future. And I need to know, does that future include you?”


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