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Page 2

by T. C. Edge

  "How are things here?" Dom goes on after a pause, looking to Hendricks. "Are your people keeping well?"

  "Very well, Emperor Domitian," Hendricks says. "They are a hardy lot. We are not to be bowed by an invader from foreign lands. We have faced such things before, and know how to deal with bullies."

  "Fine words, sir," says Dom, dipping his head at the remark. "It appears you've outdone the enemy strategically, even if you are heavily outnumbered."

  "Outnumbered, yes, but not so heavily as we were at first. We have slaughtered a large proportion of their forces tonight, and during our ambush a week ago. They may not have the numbers left to offer an effective siege. And Commander Ares has been picking up their leadership one by one, ably supported by Kira it would seem."

  "Oh?" says Dom, pursing his lips. He looks to Ares and me.

  "Two Fire Elementals, sir," says Ares. "We will need to update you in more detail on what has been happening. But suffice to say, their plot was to burn down the entire city from the inside, using the two Fire Elementals we have captured to spread the inferno. They are of vast power, especially when operating together."

  "A fine catch, then," nods Dom.

  "And we have an even finer one," adds Hendricks. "Their leader, Perses, Herald of War, is currently under our possession as well. They have been stripped of a large portion of their upper hierarchy. Their plans may have become untenable."

  "Well, in that case, it sounds like it's time for a full debrief," says Dom. His gaze turns around the main square once more, filled with a littering of bloodied soldiers. I see a few of the injured being taken towards the infirmary within the City Guard HQ, others taken to the Oasis where they might get more secure treatment. Those capable of fighting, meanwhile, continue to wait around should further orders be given to that effect. "Are your forces to remain out here?" Dom goes on, turning to Hendricks. "I understand the civilian population, and remainder of your men, are safely cradled in the bosom of the Oasis?"

  "Correct, sir," says Hendricks. "We're perfectly safe here right now behind our walls. Our borders are being closely monitored still by our scouts. We will keep the soldiers here, and the civilian population tucked away, for the time being."

  "And the underlands?" questions Ares. "These passages you used to lure in the enemy?"

  "We will keep watch on them too, Commander Ares," says Hendricks. "I doubt it's a trick that the Olympians will employ again."

  "Underlands?" I find myself asking. "What about the underlands?"

  "We'll cover it in the debrief, Kira," Hendricks informs me. "I shall head for the comms centre in the City Guard HQ now, call for Secretary Burns and President Orlando to join us here for the debrief."

  "Not the Oasis?" asks Dom.

  "No, Emperor Domitian," says Hendricks, "not unless necessary. The facilities here are better, and the Oasis remains incomplete. Please, join me in the City Guard HQ when you're ready."

  He nods and moves off, leaving only the members of Neorome there in the middle of the square. And me, of course, my place rather split between the two, straddling both sides like two legs either side of a horse. It's not that unusual, really, given the numbers of silver clad troops within the square. A force of almost two hundred of them remain, the largest contingent of any single force here, along with the Stalkers, whose numbers appear only marginally depleted after the battle, and the City Guards and Nameless, who seem to have suffered much greater losses.

  Yet, as the final stragglers continue to come in, I find that one remains absent. One of profound importance to me.

  Brie, I think again. Where on earth is she?



  "Please, please, don't stand up," says President Orlando as she steps into the room, trailed immediately behind by Adryan, Secretary Burns, and Rycard, recently appointed Deputy Commander of the City Guard. They hurry in to join the rest of us, gathered now from down below, where the square continues to harbour the remainder of our forces.

  The President immediately scans the room, her eyes falling on myself and Dom, sitting at one side of the table within one of the central meeting rooms in the City Guard HQ. Outside of it, the comms centre begins to buzz as various technicians return to their posts, having spent the last few hours within the safety of the Oasis.

  Updates are still coming in, our sentries still watching the enemy base and the perimeter of the city should another strike occur. Our soldiers, weary though they are, and stricken by the loss of several hundred men, remain ready should the call come to rush back into action.

  "My dear Kira," the President says, coming straight for me. She takes my hands as I stand to my feet, and draws me into a tender embrace. "Thank you for coming. I always knew we could count on you."

  She draws back, and smiles softly at me, before her expression grows more serious as her eyes work to Dom, standing just behind me and off to one side.

  "Emperor Domitian," she says. "Your aid is most welcome."

  "And happily given, by myself at least. I can only apologise for my countrymen back in Neorome, President Orlando."

  "I think we can all understand their reservations," the President says graciously. "It was always going to be a sticky point on finalising the treaty, and we understand that there are plenty of dissenting elements in your council and senate."

  "Yes," says Dom, nodding sagely. "Unfortunately, one particularly influential senator called Tiberius isn't in great favour of our alliance. He has managed to sway the senate towards his thinking on this topic. Though, I haven't spoken with Neorome for nearly a week since we departed its shores. I would like to arrange to speak with Emperor Lucius as quickly as possible. After this morning, the state of things have changed somewhat. Perhaps the council might be more amenable to lending additional military support."

  "Perhaps," says the President. "Our recent communications with Neorome have been stunted. In any case, I do hope it doesn't lead to long term damage with our treaty. The provision of further aid, as it happens, may not have helped in this case. I imagine it would have taken a day or two to muster your troops for the journey here, and they'd have arrived too late anyway. In the end, by bringing only a smaller contingent as you have, you were able to get here on time and impact the battle in a positive way."

  "Very true, Madam President," nods Dom. "And I assure you, this alliance will continue to stand, and prosper, under mine and Lucius's rule. Senator Tiberius may cause delays at times, but he isn't much more than a thorn in our side. He just needs to be plucked out."

  A fairly large thorn, I think, and stuck very deep. Dom isn't quite representing the power Tiberius appears to wield. Now probably isn't the time, I suppose...

  "That is a relief to hear," smiles the President, always so courteous and warm in front of Dom. "And I cannot thank you and your soldiers enough for the blood they have spilt for our cause."

  "It is a mutual cause," says Dom, looking to Ares and Max, "in which we all wish to participate. This Olympian threat needs to be dealt with once and for all. This is not your burden to carry alone, President Orlando. I will speak to Lucius and see about getting more troops sent over here. If the Olympians decide to come again, we may require more aid."

  Those words, it seems, bring the meeting to an official start, everyone moving into position to begin the proper debrief. I notice, as the President moves towards her seat, that a sudden wave of concern washes over her. Adryan, standing dutifully to one side as he always does, looks similarly worried.

  "Where's Brie?" the President asks, doing a quick count of those in the room. "Is she not attending?"

  "She...hasn't yet been accounted for," Commander Hendricks says. "Some final stragglers are still coming through. We have our sentries and soldiers at the gates. I've asked them to inform us as soon as she arrives."

  "And Colonel Hatcher?" comes the voice of Secretary Burns.

  "The same," says Hendricks. "I have spoken with several of his Stalkers and the last they saw of him, he was
fighting near to the enemy encampment. I believe Brie and Captain Marcus may have been with him."

  "Near the enemy camp?" I ask, becoming additionally concerned. I see Adryan grow particularly tense at Hendricks's words. I know he hates it when Brie goes out to fight. Unlike Dom, he finds it hard to deal with it. After all, Brie wasn't a proper fighter when they met and fell in love. With Dom and me, well, things were quite different...

  "Yes, near one of their perimeter sentry positions, outside of the main, shielded base," says Hendricks.

  "What were they doing there?" comes the voice of Ares, filling the room. "The plan was never to attack the base itself."

  "Colonel Hatcher was there under my personal orders," says the President. I look over towards her, sitting at the table's head. She looks weary all of a sudden, older. The burden of leadership is ageing her more rapidly.

  "What orders?" asks Hendricks. All of the other commanders look to her with a similar question in their eyes. It appears this was a personal errand for Hatcher to carry out, petitioned by the President in private.

  "I told Colonel Hatcher to deal with my ex-husband," she says flatly. "Artemis had become a liability as a prisoner of the enemy. I thought it best if Hatcher could eliminate him once and for all."

  "Wait," I say, cutting in. "Director Cromwell was captured by the Olympians?"

  "He was taken from the REEF," nods Secretary Burns, "several days back. We tried to bring him in but the enemy got there first. We were concerned that he'd give them information they could use against us."

  "He wouldn't do that willingly, would he?" I ask. "Brie told me he isn't the same man anymore."

  "Willingly or not, they have agents who could get the information out of him," says President Orlando. "I felt the safest option would be to remove him from the picture if there was an opportunity to do so."

  I nod, understanding her motivations. Not least her hatred for the man. According to Brie, he's not the same callous Savant anymore, but for most, that isn't enough to forgive him for his past indiscretions. The evil he perpetrated was profound. Perhaps the President was right to have him killed.

  "And this was Colonel Hatcher's plan?" asks Dom, remaining smooth in his delivery, despite the growing tension in the room. "To enter the camp when it was unattended and kill Director Cromwell?"

  The President nods, though does so weakly. She turns to Adryan, solemn by her side. He looks more pale than usual, stricken by an impending grief. I see him lightly shaking his head, his lips moving faintly, words whispered silently to himself.

  "And we think Brie might have gotten herself caught up in this somehow?" asks Burns.

  "It's possible," nods Hendricks.

  "Then we need to send people out," I say, standing to my feet. "I don't need to be here for the debrief. I'm heading back out there..."

  I feel Dom's hand take my wrist, calming me down, just as I begin to move off. He tries to pull me back into a sitting position, but I stand my ground, needing to be on my feet.

  "That may not be smart right now, Kira," says Commander Hendricks, his voice growing cautious. "The enemy will be on high alert. Our sentries are reporting that most are returning to the main encampment, though smaller groups are scouring the plains, searching for the dead. They're probably trying to ascertain how many they've lost, and who..."

  "I'll go too." The voice rumbles from one side, Ares choosing not to sit at the table as the others are, but stand against one wall, totemic and tall. He looks directly towards me and nods. "It may be that Brie is injured, or that there are others out there in need of our help. Captain Marcus is also unaccounted for. I will not leave a man out there unless I am certain he is lost."

  I see Maximus looking over towards Dom, his eyes eager. I suspect he harbours the same feeling as Ares on the matter. Dom nods to him subtly, as though giving him permission to add his voice.

  "I will accompany you, Commander Ares," Max says, also standing from his seat. He looks again to Dom. "If that is agreeable, my Emperor."

  Dom stands slowly, regarding us with a growing poise and calm, and a note of pride at the bravery on display. "I wouldn't deny you the chance to search for survivors," he says. "You are all far more versed in such matters than me. I trust your judgement, all of you."

  I look at him and smile. "Thanks," I whisper. "Don't worry. I'll be safe with them."

  "You'd be safe alone," Dom responds quietly. "But, I do feel more comfortable with Ares and Max alongside you."

  I turn again to Commander Hendricks. "Do you know where this sentry position was?" I ask him.

  He frowns, thinking. "I believe it was along the eastern border of their camp. We should receive the latest updates before you head out, if that is indeed your intention." He turns to the room. "If you'll excuse us a moment. I'll be back shortly."

  He moves towards the door, leading Ares and Max out of the room and towards the main comms centre outside. I turn to Dom before departing.

  "We won't be gone long," I say.

  I give him a quick peck on the cheek, and turn to look at President Orlando, and Adryan by her side.

  "I'll find her," I assure them. "I'll get her back here in one piece."

  "Thank you, Kira," says the President softly. "She...she may have done something rash. Don't risk your own lives unless you feel it's necessary."

  I find myself holding back the curious frown that tries to fall down over my eyes. It's not the normal sentiment of a loving grandmother, wishing only to see her granddaughter arrive back safely. It's a symptom, I know, of her dual responsibility here, as a grandmother to a granddaughter, and a President to a whole people.

  " safe out there, Kira," she goes on sombrely. "If something terrible has happened to Brie, we wouldn't wish you to follow."

  I nod towards her. "I'll be fine," I tell her. "And so will Brie, you'll see." I look to Adryan, and try to give him something, some comfort in my expression, some resolve that will show him I won't leave those plains until I've found his wife.

  He looks at me for a moment, his face so hollow. It seems a grief that hasn't just arrived these last few minutes. No, it's something more. There's something deeper in his eyes, a misery that's been there a while.

  I begin moving towards the door, and gesture for him to come with me. He hesitates for a second, before the President nods, as though giving permission for him to leave her side. With a final look and smile towards Dom, who holds the same expression on his face, ever supporting me during hard times, I step out of the door and take Adryan with me.

  I turn to him, the bustle and noise of the comms centre beginning to rise around us, giving us some privacy as we speak.

  "Has something happened between you and Brie?" I ask him, setting my keen emerald gaze to his.

  He turns his own eyes, shimmering silver, away. And with a light exhale, he begins to shake his head.

  "We had a fight," he says softly. "A few days ago now. We haven't been speaking much since. all, really. Not with everything..."

  I take a firm grip of his shoulders. "You need to be strong for her, Adryan," I tell him, adopting the cruel-to-be-kind route. "I know you hate that she's a soldier now, but if you love her, if you really love her, then you have to get over it. You have to accept her for who she is."

  "What...what if I can't," he says.

  "Then you're a damn coward," I return swiftly. His eyes lift at that, some life coming back into them. "Be a man," I growl at him. "Hold your head high and be proud of what Brie's become. If she's out there, I'll find her. And when I bring her back, I want you to be the first to greet her. Whatever's happened between you two, it stops right now, OK? You've been through far too much together to just throw it all away."

  He lets out another mournful sigh. "I don't want to throw it away," he says dourly.

  "Then don't," I tell him sharply. "Dom knows just who and what I am, and he accepts me for me. You need to learn to be the same. Speak with him. He may be able to help you."
/>   "That's...different," he says. "Dom knew what you were from the start. And you're a born warrior. Brie isn't the same. She pushes too hard and look what's happenened. She might be injured or captured or even..."

  "Don't say it," I cut in, silencing him. "Don't even think like that right now. Brie is fine, I'm sure of it. I'm going to bring her back. And you're going to make the hell up with her when I do. Do you understand me, Adryan?"

  He nods slowly, takes a breath, and tries to imbue himself with something more positive.

  "Better," I say, glancing across the comms centre. Across the way, I see Commander Hendricks, Ares, and Max gathered around a communication console, harassing a poor technician for information. He looks rather cowed in the face of such company. I can hardly blame him. "Now, get back in there, and stay positive," I finish, gripping Adryan at the shoulders in a form of tough-love and support. "You're the President's chief advisor, and she needs you to be strong and clear headed at a time like this. Your service is to this city, first and foremost. Always remember that."

  He lets out a final puff of air from his nostrils, and then stiffens up, some colour quickly returning to his cheeks. "You're right," he says, his voice louder, more assertive. "Thank you, Kira. You're probably tired of hearing it already, but it's great to have you back."

  I smile at him, quite genuinely. "It's great to be back," I say. "Even in such circumstances. As you said, I'm a born warrior. All of this is more my scene than trying on wedding dresses back in Neorome."

  His eyes widen a touch. "Wedding dresses? You and the Emperor are getting married?"

  "Ah, well..." I say, suddenly a little less sure. "We'll see. He proposed, and I said yes, so technically..."

  "Technically you're getting married," says Adryan, deadpan. "That's usually how it works."

  "Thank you, Adryan. It doesn't take a Savant to work that out."

  "So? What's the problem?"


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