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BOUND: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

Page 48

by Leah Wilde

  “Hmm, well, I could do a couple things,” Vince began, walking around the desk and gesturing to the silk ropes hanging down from one of the walls. “I could tie you up, keep you in one position for a really long time, until your legs ache and you beg me for release.” Fiona bit her own tongue inside of her mouth to keep from speaking, even though a part of her wanted to ask for that one without even hearing the other options. It sounded hot, being held in one place, tortured to the point of insanity while Vince just watched her, the way he was doing now, casting glances at her naked body through the corner of his eye. He probably thought he was being sly, but Fiona was quick enough to catch him in the act, even though she kept herself from smiling in satisfaction. It felt good, to be wanted, to feel the waves of hunger coming off of him like rays of heat radiating off the sun. It felt really fucking awesome, honestly.

  Vince kept walking, heading to the mat on the floor, which appeared soft, even though it was practically flat, barely lifted above the rest of the ground. “Or I could handcuff you, leave you here on the floor, blindfold you, and begin your punishment session, leaving you questioning what will happen next and when the punishment will come to an end. That could go on for hours, though, and I don’t know how much time we have since you were so rudely late tonight.”

  Fiona flushed a little at that, feeling embarrassed about her little anxiety attack earlier, but then she saw that Vince was still smirking, smug satisfaction written all over his face. He wasn’t angry, not really. If anything, he looked happy to have a reason to “punish” her. And honestly, some part of her was relieved about it, too. She had been a little worried, in the back of her mind, that they would have typical, boring, vanilla-style sex, all because Vince was too scared to do the real dominant stuff with her right away. She didn’t want to do things that way. She didn’t want to go slow. Why wait and hold off on the serious stuff later, especially when she wasn’t even certain she’d still be in town next week or next month? They only had a limited amount of time before Fiona had to run away with her dad, even if Vince didn’t know that yet.

  “Or,” Vince said, walking back to the desk where Fiona was still standing, this time, getting right up in her personal bubble without build-up, his breath hitting her face warmly. “I could just do something simple. A timeless classic. Would you prefer that?”

  “What is that?” Fiona asked uncertainly, her voice coming out squeaky and insecure. She inwardly berated herself for that, but Vince just grinned wider, his face practically splitting in half with the force of his smile.

  “A staple of the Dom/Sub dynamic. I’m sure you’ve done it before, probably with some asshole who didn’t know what he was doing. Spanking. Would you like that?”

  Fiona bit her lip, considering her options. Actually, she’d never been spanked before, at least not on purpose. Whenever a guy had gotten rough with her in bed, she hadn’t really liked it very much, mostly because none of her old boyfriends were very good at sex in general. But still, she had her doubts. Would she really like being hit and slapped and hurt? It sounded a little painful, especially given the size of Vince’s broad, wide hands. But just looking at his fingers, currently clutching the edge of the desk, made Fiona reconsider. His fingers were so long and thick, so manly. She’d never been with a man with such sexy hands. He looked like he could lift her up, like he could fuck her against the wall without even breaking a sweat. Jesus fucking Christ, she said to herself, shaking her head as if to dislodge the naughty thoughts. We haven’t even done anything yet, and I’m already coming apart like a stupid little virgin.

  “What’s wrong?” Vince said suddenly, his facial expression changing to reflect his concern. Fiona silently berated herself again for being so bad at this. She wasn’t a very good Sub at all, really. She couldn’t even get through a first half of a single session without her Dom having to “break character” to check in with her.

  “Nothing, nothing. It’s nothing,” Fiona rushed to say, forcing a smile and nodding at Vince to reassure him that she was fine.

  “You look a little hesitant,” Vince said, his brow furrowing as he inspected Fiona’s face, making her flush under his attention. “Would you like something else? No spanking for now, maybe?”

  “No, no, I don’t want you to change your plans,” Fiona said quickly, feeling a rush of desperation to rescue the mood of the room. Things had turned very serious, very quickly, and that was the opposite of sexy as far as Fiona was concerned. She didn’t want to ruin things before they even got started.

  “My plan is that you have a good time, Fiona,” Vince murmured, reaching forward to grab her shoulders and pull her a little closer. “Whatever we do to get there doesn’t really concern me that much, as long as I’m the one holding the reins.”

  Despite everything, Fiona found herself smirking at that. “Reins, huh? So what, does that make me the horse?”

  Vince chuckled and licked his lips. “Well, you’re a lot of things, really,” he murmured, brushing some of Fiona’s messy hair on the other side of her shoulder. “You want to be the horse?”

  Fiona chuckled and without even hesitating, her arm snaked around to wrap itself around Vince’s shoulders, tugging him closer. “I think I want to be the thing you ride, yeah,” she whispered, leaning in to kiss his lips…

  And then the next second, he pulled away, leaving her surrounded only by cold air. “Mm…you’re a bad girl, aren’t you?” Vince whispered, revealing his new position behind Fiona, right before his hands landed on the top of her back, sliding in between her shoulder-blades.

  “Mmph,” Fiona grunted, reaching forward to place her hands on the desk in front of her for balance and stability as Vince’s hands rubbed up and down her back, his nails skimming over her skin until every last hair on her body was standing up at attention like an alert soldier. “I am if you want me to be, sir,” she whispered.

  Vince leaned forward and finally placed his lips on her skin, dragging his mouth up and down the side of her neck until she was squealing, her hands sliding a few inches forward on the desk as he pressed his weight into her back. “Yeah, you’re my bad girl, aren’t you? All fucking mine,” Vince hissed into her neck, right before his teeth sunk into her skin. The pain consumed her mind; it was all she could focus on, like her entire world was wrapped up in Vince’s mouth.

  She fucking loved it.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Ah!” Fiona cried out, shoving her bare ass backwards to collide with the front of Vince’s pants, the fabric scratching her skin. But she couldn’t focus on that. All she could feel was the delicious sharpness of Vince’s teeth digging into her flesh, marking her up. That’s going to be hard to cover tomorrow, Fiona thought vaguely, bending her neck to give Vince more room to work with. But she didn’t care about tomorrow. She didn’t care about the next day or the day after or the day after that or the week after that or any time that wasn’t right now, in this wonderful moment, where her body was finally beating her thoughts back like a tsunami on the shore.

  “Such a fucking, bad girl, coming in here all late, with your fucking tits looking like that?” Vince said into her throat, dragging his teeth up to the sensitive skin right behind her ear. “Ugh, such a bad, fucking girl.”

  “Do you like my tits, sir?” Fiona found herself asking, the question popping straight up from her heart without interference from her brain. She pressed her ass back harder, moving her hips in slow, wide circles right over his crotch. She could feel him harden next to her ass; she imagined she could feel the pulse of his heartbeat, right in the head of his cock, even through the fabric of his pants.

  Vince chuckled again, right before he licked a wet line from the bottom of her ear to the very top, causing her to groan throatily and clutch hard at the desk surface with her fingernails. “I think you know the answer to that,” he whispered hotly into her ear, sliding his teeth along the shell of her earlobe while his hands snaked forward to grab her bare breasts, pulling at her nipples between his finge

  Oh, God, Fiona thought, feeling herself get impossibly wetter between her legs. At this rate, she was going to start dripping on the floor or on the desk before Vince even had a chance to do anything to her. But she just couldn’t help it. The sensations blazing across her body were bad enough, but the thoughts his touch was inspiring…they were the really overwhelming thing. She felt so naughty, so fucking bad. She’d never done this before, letting a guy grab her bare tits without even kissing her on the mouth first. But she wanted it. God, she fucking wanted it. She wanted him to spread her open and fuck her and come right inside her pussy, all without pressing their lips together. It just made it filthier and hotter, made her burn with shame and desire at the same exact moment. She was a fucking slut, and she loved it.

  “I think it’s time you bad girl, you naughty little fucking bitch, get exactly what you deserve,” Vince said into her ear before biting down hard on her shoulder, sucking roughly until she screamed in pleasure and pain.

  “Ahh, ohhh, ahhh…” Fiona sighed. Once she stopped wailing, Vince licked at the bite mark, soothing the ache with his tongue and turning it into a dull, sweet burn, while Fiona focused all of her energy into rubbing her ass against Vince’s crotch. She wanted to tease him, too. She wanted to tempt him into screwing up his plan. She wanted to create a conflict for him, too, so that when they finally fucked, it was sweeter than he ever could have imagined.

  “You’re so fucking bad,” Vince whispered into her ear, pressing his body harder into hers, his chest flush with her back so that she had to bend her spine and lean over the desk just to stay on her feet. “So bad. Such a dirty little whore.”

  “Mm, yeah, I’m your dirty whore,” Fiona replied, giggling in joy and pleasure and just sheer disbelief that she was finally being treated the way she always used to fantasize about.

  Crack. Without warning, Vince’s hand slammed against the side of Fiona’s ass, causing her to grunt out in pain and surprise, her ass stinging slightly as Vince’s hand pulled away. The next second, it returned, rubbing gently over the place where he’d spanked her. “Red, yellow, green?” Vince whispered into her ear the next moment.

  “Green, definitely green,” Fiona said, rolling her hips in circles to get more contact on her ass, brushing up against his hand as well as the front of his pants. “Please keep going. I like it.”

  Vince brushed some of the hair away from Fiona’s face, pausing to rub the top of her back and then skim his hand down her spine, until he hovered over her ass again. “That’s my good girl,” he murmured into her ear, his teeth coming out to slide against the oversensitive nerve endings along the top of her neck. “I’ll be merciful. This time.” Crack. His hand slapped against the meaty flesh of her ass, right before rubbing over the sore spot, kneading her skin with his knuckles. The next second, he suddenly bent her over the desk, shoving her face down onto the hard surface while her ass protruded further into the space between their bodies. “Jesus, you look so fucking delicious,” he muttered before smacking his hand against her ass again, harder this time, making Fiona moan a little under her breath. She thought she had been quiet about it, but he must have heard her, for the next second, he said, “Yeah, let me hear you. Let me hear you, you bad little girl.”

  “I like this. I like this a lot, sir,” she whispered, rotating her hips slightly in the air, trying to entice him to touch her more.

  Vince’s hand landed, much more softly than before, on the bottom of her back, rubbing firmly until the last little bit of tension in Fiona’s body evaporated before he dipped lower, grabbing onto her ass again. “You’ve got such a nice ass,” he whispered, leaning over her body again to whisper directly into her ear. “So fucking thick.” Crack. He slapped her again, harder than ever, making her ass sting hotly before he raked his nails down her oversensitive flesh.

  “Mm, oh,” Fiona whimpered softly, biting down into the skin of her own arm, just to have something to hold onto as Vince pulled away from her. She heard some vague shuffling noises, and her spine went stiff with anticipation and nervousness as she awaited Vince’s next move. Maybe he was getting his cock out to press into her… Fiona shivered on the desk, gripping the sides of it harder for leverage as she waited for Vince to fuck her.

  But his cock didn’t arrive. Instead, there was a long, protracted moment where nothing happened, where only the chilly air around her hit her naked body, causing her to whimper lowly and press her body harder against the desk. “Red, yellow, green?” Vince asked from somewhere behind her.

  “Green,” Fiona answered automatically. She didn’t realize she felt that way, confident in whatever Vince was doing, until the word left her mouth. All the same, her body began trembling, her fingers shaking even as they clutched onto the desk for dear life.

  Then, Vince draped himself over her, shoving his hand underneath her body to pull her closer to him. “Come here,” Vince grunted into her ear, wrapping his arms tightly around her torso to pull her up until her head leaned against Vince’s shoulder. He turned his head to bite into the side of her neck, making her hiss and bite her lip to keep herself from crying out. “Get on your knees,” he grunted into her ear, pressing his hand on her back to push her back down on the desk.

  Fiona did as she was instructed, bracing her hands and knees on the hard surface of the desk, her feet hanging off the side and her head draped down between her shoulders, breathing raggedly as she waited for Vince to return. She heard some more shuffling on the other side of the room, but somehow, she knew that she shouldn’t turn around to see what he was doing. It was better this way, waiting with bated breath, her pulse pounding in her ears harder and harder with each passing second. Fiona’s hands collected sweat as they pressed onto the desk, her breathing getting shallower as Vince’s footsteps traveled back around to the area directly behind her. Her skin prickled with anticipation, goosebumps standing up on her arms and legs and ass as she heard Vince’s breathing begin to match hers. He’s excited, Fiona thought, biting down on her bottom lip to keep herself from grinning. He’s just as excited as me.

  Snap. “Oh!” Fiona cried out, her knees sliding a little against the wood of the desk as her body jolted forward in response to the sensation of something smacking against her ass. It wasn’t Vince’s hand, she could tell that much. Somehow, it felt harder and softer, firmer and gentler all at once. Vince’s hand reappeared the next moment, rubbing over the inflamed skin of her ass cheek before skimming its way up her back and then snaking around her body until it wrapped firmly around her neck.

  “You like this?” Vince whispered, squeezing at her neck, just enough so that she had to work a little harder to pant as forcefully as she was before.

  “Yes,” Fiona whispered desperately, drawing out the word like a moan, letting her neck relax into Vince’s grasp. “Yes, I really like it. Thank you, sir. Thank you for showing this to me.”

  “You’re welcome,” Vince said, laughing a little, sounding younger than Fiona had ever heard him before. “Thank you for sharing it with me.”

  Fiona didn’t know what to say or do in this moment. Things had become weirdly serious, strangely genuine. It didn’t feel like Vince was teasing her anymore or that he was playing a role. It felt like he was the same person as he was earlier in the day, in the office at his family compound. It was honestly a little terrifying, thinking that they were the same people as they were before they stepped into the playroom, that there wasn’t a clean separation between the two worlds they inhabited. Fiona blinked several times, breathing more slowly to get herself to calm down. She was tempted to say “yellow” or even “red” or “tangerine” to get Vince to put the brakes on their play, but she stopped herself before she could get a word out. She needed to see this through. She needed to prove to herself that she could do this, even just once, without surrendering, without giving up and admitting that she really was incapable of letting go.

  I can do this, she said to herself silently, arching her back to stick her ass
further up in the air. I can fucking do this.

  “You’re so nasty, you know that?” Vince said, suddenly leaning over and licking the back of Fiona’s neck, dragging his teeth along the top of her back until she physically squirmed beneath him. “You’re such a fucking slut.”

  “Good slut or bad slut?” Fiona asked without thinking, the question leaving her mouth like an unstoppable train that had to be released. At the same time, her tone was teasing, joking, if only to cover up how badly she actually wanted to know the answer to that question.

  Vince laughed lightly, freely, like she’d said something hilarious, and she felt her whole body flush, probably going visibly red against the otherwise total blackness of the room around them. But her fears were assuaged when he pressed his lips gently against the skin behind her ear, licking lightly for a second before he whispered, “Good slut. Such a good slut. I’m so lucky to have found you.”

  “Thank you,” Fiona breathed in response, pushing her head back to nuzzle against Vince’s head, her arms trembling with the effort of keeping herself up and in place. But she didn’t let up, pressing down harder onto the desk to balance herself while Vince pulled back away from her body. Snap. Snap snap snap. Whatever tool Vince was using smacked against her ass four times in quick succession, making her skin sing out with pleasure and pain. “Jesus Christ!” Fiona cried out, screwing her eyes shut and exhaling sharply just to keep herself calm. Even though her mind was scrambling for something to hold onto, though, her body was perfectly content, her ass perking up higher in the air of its own accord, wordlessly asking for more contact.


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