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The Case Against Fluoride

Page 41

by Paul Connett

  72. W. May, “Behandlung der Hyperthyreosen Einschliesslich des Schweren Genuinen Morbus Basedow mit Fluor, ” Klinische Wochenschrift 16 (1937): 562–64.

  73. W. Orlowski, “Sur la Valeur Therapeutique du Sang Animal du Bore et du Fluor dans la Maladie de Basedow, ” La Presse Medicale 42 (1932): 836–37.

  74. D. G. Steyn, “Water Poisoning in Man and Animal, Together with a Discussion on Urinary Calculi” (n. 25 above).

  75. D. G. Steyn, “Fluorine and Endemic Goiter, ” South African Medical Journal 22, no. 16 (1948): 525–26.

  76. D. G. Steyn, J. Kieser, W. A. Odendaal, et al. , “Endemic Goitre in the Union of South Africa and Some Neighbouring Territories” (Pretoria: Union of South Africa, Department of Nutrition, March 1955). Excerpts at

  77. R. H. Wilson and F. DeEds, “The Synergistic Action of Thyroid on Fluoride Toxicity, ” Endocrinology 26, no. 5 (1940): 851–56.

  78. H. T. Dean, “A Review of Fluorine Intoxication by Kaj Roholm (1937)” (n. 24 above).

  79. P. C. Hodges, O. J. Fareed, G. Ruggy, et al. , “Skeletal Sclerosis in Chronic Sodium Fluoride Poisoning, ” Journal of the American Medical Association 117, no. 23 (1941): 1938.

  80. Abstract of the proceedings of the meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee on the fluoridation of water supplies with the departmental working committee for the Newburgh–Kingston (NY) demonstration, April 24, 1944; in the H. T. Dean Papers, History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland.

  81. C. G. Pandit et al, “Endemic Fluorosis in South India” (n. 28 above).

  82. American Medical Association, “Chronic Fluorine Intoxication” (editorial), Journal of the American Medical Association 123 (1943): 150.

  83. Abstract of the proceedings of the meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee on the fluoridation of water supplies with the departmental working committee for the Newburgh–Kingston (NY) demonstration (n. 80 above).

  84. N. C. Leone, M. B. Shimkin, F. A. Arnold, et al. , “Medical Aspects of Excessive Fluoride in a Water Supply, ” Public Health Reports 69, no. 10 (1954): 925–36,

  85. N. C. Leone, F. A. Arnold Jr. , E. R. Zimmermann, et al. , “Review of the Bartlett-Cameron Survey: A Ten Year Fluoride Study, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 50, no. 3 (1955): 277–81.

  86. N. C. Leone, C. A. Stevenson, T. F. Hilbish, and M. C. Sosman, “A Roentgenologic Study of a Human Population Exposed to High-Fluoride Domestic Water; a Ten-Year Study, ” The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine 74, no. 5 (1955): 874–85.

  87. C. A. Stevenson and R. Watson, “Fluoride Osteosclerosis, ” The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine 78, no. 1 (1957): 13–18.

  88. Abstract of the proceedings of the meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee on the fluoridation of water supplies with the departmental working committee for the Newburgh–Kingston (NY) demonstration (n. 80 above).

  89. D. B. Ast, “Response on Receiving the John W. Knutson Distinguished Service Award in Dental Public Health, ” Journal of Public Health Dentistry 43, no. 2 (1983): 101–5.

  90. Abstract of the proceedings of the meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee on the fluoridation of water supplies with the departmental working committee for the Newburgh–Kingston (NY) demonstration (n. 80 above).

  91. Ibid.

  92. Ibid.

  93. American Dental Association, “The Effect of Fluorine on Dental Caries” (editorial), Journal of the American Dental Association 31 (1944): 1360–63.

  94. D. B. Ast, “A Plan to Determine the Practicability, Efficacy, and Safety of Fluorinating a Communal Water-Supply, Deficient in Fluorine, to Control Dental Caries, ” in Fluorine in Dental Public Health. A Symposium, ed. W. J. Gies (New York City, 1945).

  95. Letter from R. E. Dyer to E. S. Godfrey, November 20, 1944. In the H. T. Dean Papers, National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division, Bethesda, Maryland.

  96. F. J. McClure, “Fluoride Domestic Waters and Systemic Effects. I” (n. 31 above).

  97. F. B. Exner, “Fluoridation, ” Northwest Medicine 54 (1955). Note: The quotes we cite are in the section titled “McClure’s Study of Bone Fragility. ”

  98. F. J. McClure et al. , “Balances of Fluorine Ingested from Various Sources in Food and Water by Five Young Men” (n. 33 above).

  99. P. Wallace-Durbin, “The Metabolism of Fluorine in Rat using F18 as a Tracer, ” Journal of Dental Research 33, no. 6 (1954): 789–800,

  100. H. C. Hodge, “Safety Factors in Water Fluoridation Based on the Toxicology of Fluorides, ” Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 22 (1963): 111–17.

  101. F. B. Exner, “Fluoridation” (n. 97 above).

  102. F. R Moulton, Dental Caries and Fluorine, publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Lancaster, Pennsylvania: The Science Press Printing Company, 1946).

  103. Ibid. , 74–92.

  104. Ibid. , foreword.

  105. Ibid. , 30.

  106. Ibid. , 33.

  107. D. C. Wilson, “Fluorine in Aetiology of Endemic Goitre, ” The Lancet 240 (1941): 211–13.

  108. C. D. M. Day, “Chronic Endemic Fluorosis in Northern India, ” British Dental Journal 68 (1940): 409.

  109. F. R Moulton, Dental Caries and Fluorine, 34 (n. 102 above).

  110. Ibid. , 35.

  111. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, 81–87 (n. 4 above).

  112. E. R. Schlesinger, D. E. Overton, and H. C. Chase, “Newburgh-Kingston Caries-Fluorine Study. II. Pediatric Aspects. Preliminary Report, ” American Journal of Public Health 40, no. 6 (1950): 725–27,

  113. D. R. McNeil, The Fight for Fluoridation, chapters 3 and 4 (n. 1 above).

  114. G. J. Cox and H. C. Hodge, “The Toxicity of Fluorides in Relation to Their Use in Dentistry” (n. 36 above).

  115. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, 40 (n. 4 above).

  116. G. J. Cox, “New Knowledge of Fluorine in Relation to Dental Caries” (n. 8 above).

  117. E. Welsome, The Plutonium Files: America’s Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War (New York: Delta, 1999).

  118. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, 66 (n. 4 above).

  119. G. J. Cox and H. C. Hodge, “The Toxicity of Fluorides in Relation to Their Use in Dentistry” (n. 36 above).

  120. F. J. McClure, “Fluoride Domestic Waters and Systemic Effects. I” (n. 31 above).

  121. R. J. Evans, P. H. Phillips, and E. B. Hart, “Fluoride Storage in Cattle Bones, ” Journal of Dairy Science 21, no. 2 (1938): 81–84.

  122. G. J. Cox and H. C. Hodge, “The Toxicity of Fluorides in Relation to Their Use in Dentistry” (n. 36 above).

  123. R. J. Evans and P. H. Phillips, “The Fluorine Content of the Thyroid Gland in Cases of Hyperthyroidism, ” Journal of the American Medical Association 111, no. 4 (1938): 300–302.

  124. P. H. Phillips and A. R. Lamb, “Histology of Certain Organs and Teeth in Chronic Toxicosis Due to Fluorine” (n. 64 above).

  125. P. H. Phillips et al. , “The Influence of Sodium Fluoride upon the Basal Metabolism of the Rat under Several Experimental Conditions” (n. 65 above).

  126. P. H. Phillips et al. , “The Augmentation of Fluorosis in the Chick by Feeding Desiccated Thyroid” (n. 66 above).

  127. P. H. Phillips, “Further Studies on the Effects of NaF Administration upon the Basal Metabolic Rate of Experimental Animals” (n. 67 above).

  128. H. Cristiani, “Alteration de la Glande Thyroide dans L’intoxication Fluorée” (n. 12 above).

  129. H. Cristiani, “Le Fluor des Os Dans l’Intoxication Fluorique” (n. 13 above).

  130. G. von Mundy, “Ein neuer Weg zur Behandlung der Thyreotoxikose mit Fluorwasserstoffsäure�
�� (n. 60 above).

  131. E. Spéder and A. Charnot, “Syndromes Osseux du Type Hyperparathyroidien et du Type Hypoparathyroidien, Provoqués par lnIntoxication par les Sivers Sels de Fluor et des Intoxications Minérales Associées” (n. 61 above).

  132. K. Kraft, “Beiträge zur Biochemie des Fluors I. Über den Antagonismus Zwischen Fluor und Thyroxin” (n. 62 above).

  133. J. D. Hatfield et al. , “Iodine-Fluorine Relationship in Sheep Nutrition” (n. 63 above).

  134. L. Goldemberg, “Action Physiologique des Fluorures” (n. 68 above).

  135. L. Goldemberg, “Traitement de la Maladie de Basedow et de l’Hyperthyroidisme par le Fluor” (n. 69 above).

  136. L. Goldemberg, “Comment Agiraient-ils Therapeutiquement les Fluorures dans le Goitre Exopthalmique et dans L’hyperthyroidisme” (n. 70 above).

  137. W. May, “Antagonismus Zwischen Jod und Fluor im Organismus” (n. 71 above).

  138. W. May, “Behandlung der Hyperthyreosen Einschliesslich des Schweren Genuinen Morbus Basedow mit Fluor” (n. 72 above).

  139. W. Orlowski, “Sur la Valeur Therapeutique du Sang Animal du Bore et du Fluor dans la Maladie de Basedow” (n. 73 above).

  140. D. G. Steyn, “Water Poisoning in Man and Animal, Together with a Discussion on Urinary Calculi” (n. 25 above).

  141. D. G. Steyn, “Fluorine and Endemic Goiter” (n. 75 above).

  142. R. H. Wilson and F. DeEds, “The Synergistic Action of Thyroid on Fluoride Toxicity” (n. 77 above).

  143. American Medical Association, “Chronic Fluorine Intoxication” (n. 82 above).

  144. American Dental Association, “The Effect of Fluorine on Dental Caries” (n. 93 above).

  145. F. J. McClure, “Fluoride Domestic Waters and Systemic Effects. I” (n. 31 above).

  146. F. J. McClure et al. , “Balances of Fluorine Ingested from Various Sources in Food and Water by Five Young Men. Excretion of Fluorine through the Skin” (n. 33 above).

  147. Cox and Hodge, “The Toxicity of Fluorides in Relation to their Use in Dentistry” (n. 36 above).

  148. Abstract of the proceedings of the meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee on the fluoridation of water supplies with the departmental working committee for the Newburgh-Kingston (NY) demonstration (n. 80 above).

  149. E. R. Schlesinger et al. , “Newburgh-Kingston Caries-Fluorine Study. II” (n. 112 above).

  150. American Dental Association, “U. S. Public Health Service Recommends Fluoridation of Communal Water Supplies as Caries Control Measure, ” ADA Newsletter 3, no. 11 (June 1, 1950).

  151. D. R. McNeil, The Fight for Fluoridation, 73 and 74 (n. 1 above).

  152. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, chapter 9 (n. 4 above).

  153. Ibid. , 39.

  154. Ibid. , 40–41.

  155. Ibid. , 185–86.

  156. F. B. Exner and G. L. Waldbott, The American Fluoridation Experiment, 8 (n. 3 above).

  157. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, 81–87 (n. 4 above).

  158. Ibid, 92–93.

  159. E. Welsome, The Plutonium Files (n. 117 above).

  160. American Dental Association, “This First Half Century, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 40, no. 6 (1950): 643.

  161. American Dental Association, “U. S. Public Health Service Recommends Fluoridation of Communal Water Supplies as Caries Control Measure” (n. 150 above).

  162. American Dental Association, “USPHS Recommends Public Water Fluoridation, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 41, no. 1 (1950): 93–94.

  163. American Dental Association, “Dental Health of the Nation’s Children Furthered by Actions of House of Delegates, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 41, no. 6 (1950): 722–23.

  Chapter 10

  1. F. B. Exner and G. L. Waldbott, The American Fluoridation Experiment (New York: Devin-Adair Publishing Company, 1957).

  2. U. S. Public Health Service, “Proceeding. Fourth Annual Conference of State Dental Directors with the Public Health Service and the Children’s Bureau, ” Washington, DC, June 6–8, 1951, page 20,

  3. Ibid. , 22.

  4. Ibid. , 23.

  5. Ibid. , 19.

  6. J. W. Knutson, “The Case for Water Fluoridation, ” New England Journal of Medicine 246, no. 19 (1952): 737–43.

  7. Ibid. , 737.

  8. Ibid. , 738.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Ibid. , 739.

  11. Ibid. , 741.

  12. National Research Council, Report of Ad Hoc Committee on Fluoridation of Water Supplies (Washington, DC: Division of Medical Sciences, November 1951).

  13. J. W. Knutson, “The Case for Water Fluoridation, ” 742 (n. 6 above).

  14. R. F. Sognnaes, F. A. Arnold, H. C. Hodge, and O. L. Kline, “The Problem of Providing Optimum Fluoride Intake for Prevention of Dental Caries. ” A report of the Committee on Dental Health of the Food and Nutrition Board prepared by the Subcommittee on Optimum Fluoride Levels, Division of Biology and Agriculture, National Research Council, Publication 294, November 1953.

  15. N. C. Leone, M. B. Shimkin, F. A. Arnold, et al. , “Medical Aspects of Excessive Fluoride in a Water Supply. A Ten Year Study, ” 110–29. In Fluoridation as a Public Health Measure, ed. J. H. Shaw, (Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1954).

  16. N. C. Leone, M. B. Shimkin, F. A. Arnold, et al. , “Medical Aspects of Excessive Fluoride in a Water Supply, ” Public Health Reports 69, no. 10 (1954): 925–36,

  17. Short biography of Nicholas Charles Leone in: “Fluoridation of Water, ” Hearings before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, Second Session of H. R. 2341, “A Bill to Protect the Public Health from the Dangers of Fluorination of Water, ” May 25, 26, and 27, 1954, page 392.

  18. N. C. Leone et al. , “Medical Aspects of Excessive Fluoride in a Water Supply” (n. 16 above).

  19. Ibid.

  20. Ibid.

  21. R. F. Sognnaes et al. , “The Problem of Providing Optimum Fluoride Intake for Prevention of Dental Caries” (n. 14 above).

  22. F. B. Exner and G. L. Waldbott, The American Fluoridation Experiment, 73–75 (n. 1 above).

  23. Ibid. , 73–75.

  24. Ibid.

  25. Ibid.

  26. Ibid.

  27. N. C. Leone et al. , “Medical Aspects of Excessive Fluoride in a Water Supply” (n. 16 above).

  28. K. Roholm, Fluorine Intoxication: A Clinical-Hygienic Study, with a Review of the Literature and Some Experimental Investigations (Copenhagen: Nyt Nordisk Forlag; London: H. K. Lewis and Co. Ltd. , 1937),

  29. H. E. Shortt, G. R. McRobert, T. W. Barnard, and A. S. M. Nayar, “Endemic Fluorosis in the Madras Presidency, ” Indian Journal of Medical Research 25, no. 2 (1937): 553–68.

  30. C. G. Pandit, T. N. S. Raghavachari, D. S. Rao, and V. Krishnamurti, “Endemic Fluorosis in South India, ” Indian Journal of Medical Research 28, no. 2 (1940): 533–58.

  31. National Research Council of the National Academies, Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2006), 170–71,; and

  32. F. B. Exner and G. L. Waldbott, The American Fluoridation Experiment, 66 (n. 1 above).

  33. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2004), 178–79.

  34. Ibid. , 180.

  35. Ibid. , 40–42.

  36. H. L. Needleman, “Clair Patterson and Robert Kehoe: Two Views of Lead Toxicity, ” Environmental Research 78, no. 2 (1998): 79–85.

  37. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, 106–7 (n. 33 above).

  38. I. R. Campbell, The Role of Fluoride in Public Health:
The Soundness of Fluoridation of Communal Water Supplies. A Selected Bibliography, supported by Research Grant DE-01493 (Formerly D-1493) from the National Institute of Dental Research, Public Health Service, U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1963.

  39. D. B. Ast, D. J. Smith, B. Wachs, and K. T. Cantwell, “Newburgh-Kingston Caries-Fluorine Study. XIV. Combined Clinical and Roentgenographic Dental Findings After Ten Years of Fluoride Experience, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 52, no. 3 (1956): 314–25.


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