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Twisted Vow

Page 12

by Ella Miles

  I’m so ridiculous thinking that he would lie to me just to get back at me when he knows the consequence of lying is death.

  My teeth grind together so hard, I’m surprised my jaw hasn’t broken yet. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him, I whine to myself.

  I’m not the type of woman to complain. I’m the type of woman who goes after what she wants. And right now, I want Zeke to fuck me. To want me. Not Nora. Not any other woman.

  Jesus, when did I get this jealous? Just let it go. I gave him up; he moved on. He was never mine anyway. But damn, why did he have to move on with my best friend hours after he fucked me?

  Because that’s not who Zeke is. He’s loyal. He’s sweet. He’s kind. So is he really falling for Nora in a matter of minutes, or I’m missing something?

  I’m not going to sit around waiting to see what the hell I’m missing. I’m going to kiss him. Fuck him. Remind him why he wants me and pull any secret he’s not sharing out of his body.

  I put my hand on Zeke’s chest, intent on grabbing his shirt and pulling him to me roughly for a kiss to end all future kisses for him. I thought last night was incredible. I thought it easily topped all other nights. But what if Zeke didn’t feel that way?

  Just as my fingers curl around the fabric of his shirt, Nora hollers, “We’re about to hit some turbulence. Buckle up back there; we land in five.”

  Zeke cocks his head in a challenging way. My chance has passed. I got my one night with Zeke; now it’s over.

  I climb off his lap and into the chair next to him, next to the window, and buckle my seatbelt. But it’s impossible to escape him. His shoulder and thigh rub up against me. My stomach tightens, my pussy aches remembering how he felt inside me last night—something I gave up, all to guard my heart and his.

  I know it’s for the best. If it hurts now, I can’t imagine how it would feel to fuck him a dozen times and still have to let him go. Still, when faced with the fact that Zeke will end up in Nora’s bed tonight, it all feels like a giant mistake.



  What am I doing?

  Playing with fire, that’s what.

  Everything changed on that death trap of a plane. While I was fearing for my life, I realized what I want—Siren.

  Whatever I can get from her—sex, friendship, love. Even just the snarky conversation. I want her. All of her ideally, but I’ll take what I can get.

  I know our time together is limited. That this thing between us isn’t going to last forever. But I have a new mission.

  And my mission is to fuck Siren in every position and place imaginable. Fuck her until she either falls for me or until I finish my sins for Julian. And keep myself from falling for Siren in the process.

  Easy—I hate her. But there is a fine line between love and hate. One that I’ve never crossed before, and won’t with Siren. I could never fall for a woman so heartless.

  We decide to setup a base of operations at a local hotel first. Siren gives me a dirty look as she checks us into our rooms. I let her book my room too even though I’m guessing she’s going to find the only room with a twin bed to try and keep me from fucking Nora, who I’m sure is staying in the same room as Siren.

  Siren hands me a keycard. “Sorry, they only had one king bed left. So Nora and I took it since we are sharing. Gave you a twin bed.”

  I snatch the keycard from her hand with a grin. “As long as I don’t have to listen to you snore all night, I’m good.”

  She pouts. It’s adorable, so I smile. If Nora weren’t standing next to her with an even bigger grin on her face, Siren would let me have it. Instead, she turns and stomps off.

  “You’re really getting under her skin,” Nora says with a wink before following her friend toward the elevator banks.

  “I’ll stop by your room at eight to take you to dinner,” I shout after Nora, loudly enough so Siren can easily hear. Siren just pushes the elevator button a hundred times, like that will make the elevator arrive any faster.

  “Great, it will give me time to go shopping for the perfect dress,” Nora responds with a wink, knowing exactly what she’s doing—driving Siren mad, so she’ll fling herself back into my arms.

  I start walking toward the elevators as one opens, and Siren and Nora step on. But Siren presses the button for the doors to close just as I reach them. I could stick my arm between the gap to keep them from closing, but I decide not to.

  But there is no denying the heat in her eyes and the want in her belly, as her lips part like she’s dying for water, when really she’s dying to taste me.

  I make it up to my hotel room a few minutes later. My room includes two twin beds that would be perfect for Siren and Nora to use, but I won’t complain. I have no intention of fucking Nora tonight, even if that’s what I told Siren during our game.

  It wasn’t a lie, per se. I’m a man after all, and men like sex with hot women. Nora is attractive; I’d love to fuck her. But nowhere near as much as I’d love to fuck Siren. If given the choice, I’d always choose Siren. But it was fun to tease Siren and know I’m driving her mad all night. Almost as mad as when I do nice things for her like bring her coffee.

  I don’t know what I want more—to be nice to her and watch her squirm, or flirt with another woman and get her evil eye and snarky mouth. It’s a win-win for me. Although, I know which version of Siren is at the top of my list. The one naked on my bed, willing to let me do anything to her body.

  I grab my laptop out of my bag, knowing I can’t spend the day thinking about Siren. I have a job to do—hunt down Eli Beckett and kill him after getting every piece of information I can from him.

  Nora is just part of my plan. It’s easier to get to a man like Beckett with a hot woman on my arm. If he thinks we’re random newlyweds on our honeymoon, as opposed to the assassins we are, he will let his guard down. And if he doesn’t buy that, then I can use her to distract him.

  A quick search of all the bars and clubs in the area gives me a very good idea where a man in the underground would most likely conduct business. I recognize several of the clubs from my time with Enzo.

  I toss my laptop onto the bed, planning on spending the rest of the day meeting with anyone who might know Eli Beckett. I just have to be careful no one who knows me notices me and reports back to Enzo that I’m alive. He’s better off thinking I’m dead.

  I knock on the hotel bedroom door at five till eight; showing up early to a date shows how excited I am. Showing up with a large bouquet of expensive flowers is romantic. Showing up early with expensive flowers, chocolates, and champagne is probably overdoing it. But I don’t ever get to go out on dates. And I know the sappier I am to Nora, the more I will drive Siren insane.

  I attached a sappy love note to each item I brought. I really hope after we leave, and Siren is left alone in the hotel room, that Siren will read every note and realize I wrote each one for her. If she would just tell me her truth, I would save her.

  If she opened her heart, I would claim it.

  And if she decided to only open her legs for me again, and not her heart, then I’d give her the best sex of her life.

  The door opens, and Nora steps out in a smoking hot red dress that brings out the highlights in her black hair. She’s left her hair natural in a pile of springy curls on top of her head, and the dress hugs her petite curves, clinging to her black skin.


  But not mine.

  I don’t get any ache to kiss her. I don’t get an animalistic desire to push her against the wall and devour her. I don’t feel anything other than respect for her beauty. I’d settle for her any night, but not when I know Siren is the other option.

  “These are for you,” I say, holding out the items to her.

  “Wow, Zeke, these are beautiful. And oh my god! Dom! I haven’t had that in forever. We will have to drink this when we get back tonight.”

  I step into their suite and put the bouquet of flowers in the small kitchenette area, while she puts
the Dom in the fridge.

  And then I spot her—the only woman my heart bleeds for.

  She’s flicking through her phone wearing sweatpants and my T-shirt, completely ignoring me, and somehow she’s still the most appealing thing in the room. I love that she is still wearing my T-shirt. I never want her to take my T-shirt off again. That is unless she’s undressing for me.

  “Have any plans tonight, Siren?” I ask.

  She ignores me.

  “I love that nickname for you, Aria, how did you come up with it? I know there’s a story I’m missing?” Nora asks.

  “There is. Siren here saved me. Pulled me from the sea like she was a mermaid, and I was a drowning sailor.”

  “Like The Little Mermaid,” Nora squeals, liking this story a lot.

  “Exactly like The Little Mermaid,” I say, even though I’ve never seen the movie. I see Siren tense because clearly, she understands the reference. “But unlike the fairytale, Siren here wasn’t actually saving me. She was using me so she could serve me to her boss. Hence the name Siren. She lures men to their deaths. And I was one of the stupid men who fell for her games.”

  Siren frowns but doesn’t look up from her phone. I swear it looks like my words wounded her, though. And I hate it. I hate hurting her.

  This was a mistake. I can’t flirt with Nora; it will hurt Siren too much.

  But then, Siren snaps her head in my direction. Whatever hurt was there a moment ago is gone now. “Don’t act like you are some prince I hurt. You aren’t the prince in this story, Zeke. You are just the damn errand boy, the guy who sacrifices himself for the prince he serves. Someday, I’ll find my prince, but he sure as hell isn’t you.” And with that, she gets up and slams the bedroom door in my face.

  My stomach twists, I’m not even going to be able to enjoy dinner knowing that Siren is hurting this badly. Nora, on the other hand, seems extremely happy. She claps her hands together in excitement.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “Cheering you two on. I wish I had a video camera right now to tape you. This is good stuff, and I know I’m only getting half the story.”

  “I thought you were her friend. Why are you happy she’s in pain?”

  Nora takes my arm. “Best friend. And I’m happy because it means she actually feels something for a man. She wouldn’t act jealous or vengeful if she didn’t like you.”

  “Maybe I should talk to her instead of going?”

  “No, we are going to enjoy a dinner. Trust me, by the time we get back, Siren will be throwing herself at you, and you’ll be spending your night in this bed while I sleep in the twin bed downstairs.”

  “That or she’ll have her gun out to shoot me,” I mumble under my breath.

  Nora giggles. “You know her well. You’ll either get the best sex of your life, or you’ll end up shot.”

  I nod.

  “Would getting shot be worth it?” she asks, not hiding the hope in her voice.

  “Yes, I’ve already gotten shot by the woman. And trust me, it was worth it.”

  Nora is giddy with excitement. But it’s only because she doesn’t know the rest. She doesn’t know Siren betrayed me. She doesn’t know my only goal is to kill Siren’s boss, and maybe even Siren if I can’t get her to promise not to go after my friends. My only goal is to get back to my family—Enzo, Kai, Langston, Liesel…

  Nora studies me closely. “You’re going to break my friend’s heart, aren’t you?”

  I chuckle. “Your friend doesn’t have a heart to break.”

  And then Nora slaps me.

  “What was that for?”

  She frowns. “For when you inevitably break her. I just hope you are one of the good guys who’s able to pick the pieces back up after the damage is done.”

  I sigh, I don’t know what I’m getting myself into. These women are going to kill me. If Nora doesn’t kill me on this date, Siren will when we get back.

  We go to dinner, have a nice meal, and hop around a few bars looking for Beckett. And when we show up at the third bar, it turns out I won’t have to wait until the end of the night to see Siren again after all.



  Zeke and his perfect date with Nora.

  Fuck them and their nice steak dinner.

  Fuck Zeke in his suit pants and jacket. Who does he think he’s fooling anyway? He looks ridiculous in that suit, with this hair pulled up in a man bun, and his clean-shaven look. His smooth, sculpted jawline I want to rub my face all over.

  Screw him. I don’t care that he dressed up for Nora, when I’ve never seen him in anything other than jeans and a T-shirt. Nora can have him.

  And fuck his flowers, his chocolates, his champagne. Who does he think he’s impressing with that shit?

  Nobody. That’s who. Definitely not me.

  But then I had to be an idiot after Zeke and Nora left on their ‘date.’ I read the damn notes attached to each gift. I expected them to be impersonal and stupid. Something like:

  * * *

  To: Nora

  Enjoy these flowers. I’m excited about our date.


  * * *

  But that’s not what any of the notes said. I grabbed the note attached to the flowers first. Flowers I’m sure will give me allergies. That’s just what I need—a stuffy nose to deal with the rest of the trip.

  * * *

  To the woman who is beauty and strength itself. These flowers are both to honor and prove that I have hope for more.

  * * *

  What the hell does that mean? More?

  I snatched the second note, the one attached to the champagne next.

  * * *

  To the woman who is as unpredictable, explosive, and sexy as this champagne, I can’t wait to watch you explode again.

  * * *

  Fuck, these notes aren’t meant for Nora. They are for me. Zeke knew I’d snoop as soon as they left. Damn him. I’m not reading the last note. I’m not…But of course, I did.

  * * *

  To the woman who tasted more delicious than these chocolates. These are to remind you how incredible we were in bed together and how I can’t wait to do it again.

  * * *

  I popped one of the chocolates in my mouth—annoyed, angry, and needy. Does he really think these gifts are supposed to change my mind? I’m not fucking him, and I sure as hell am not giving him a chance at more or doing anything again. These notes were so damn cheesy and romantic—not the way to win my heart or a second night together.

  But then I saw another note sticking out of one of the chocolates.

  Don’t do it.

  I snagged it and read it.

  * * *

  I know you think these are all cheesy and not remotely romantic. Don’t worry, they aren’t for you, snoopy. They are for Nora.

  * * *


  * * *

  P.S. Don’t eat the chocolate or drink the champagne. They are for Nora, my date, who is not you.

  * * *

  I dropped the second piece of chocolate I was about to eat.

  No, he doesn’t control me.

  I grabbed two and popped them in my mouth.

  After that, I knew I wasn’t sitting in the hotel room all night waiting for them to get back from their date. Nora asked me if I liked him. I didn’t answer, which was my way of avoiding lying to her. But she knows the truth anyway.

  Yes, I like him.

  No, I don’t plan on breaking any more hearts—mine, especially.

  So she went on the date. And she won’t fuck him. But if I know Nora, she’ll do some torturing of her own. Serves Zeke right for trying to make me jealous.

  That leads me here to a bar, sipping a martini while I wait for them to realize Beckett is here. It’s almost eleven, I expected them sooner. I know Zeke didn’t just bring Nora on this date to taunt me. He also brought her because he knows the best way to get to Beckett is through a woman. But I thought Zeke’s skills were b
etter than this. That or he is really enjoying his date.

  Beckett’s been sitting at this bar for the past hour, sipping a bourbon on ice. While I’ve been trying to keep my distance, keep him from noticing me, so that when Zeke and Nora do show up, I can make my move.

  Finally, at a quarter past eleven, they show up. Zeke spots me instantly, but it’s not surprising since I immediately spot them too.

  Nora is giggling at something he said. It’s not a fake laugh, and it puts me on edge because Zeke seldom makes a joke. But he did for her.

  No matter how attentive Zeke is to Nora, there is no denying that my connection to Zeke is stronger. He can’t not notice me, just as I can’t not notice him as he walks into the room. I just feel him, deep to my bones, like his presence is sending out alarm bells directed only at me. And I still can’t figure out why it happens. Other than it’s biological. Science says we should be together even if my brain knows better. Zeke is the kind of man I avoid.

  No, I avoid all men. Men destroy my life.

  Zeke moves his hand down Nora’s back, and he guides her over to where I’m sitting at the end of the bar.

  “What are you doing here?” Zeke asks.

  “I thought I’d help you out locating Beckett and taking him down. That way, you wouldn’t have to stop your date,” I answer.

  Zeke scowls. “Beckett’s here?”

  “Yep, at your five o’clock. The man in flannel and missing his right arm.”

  “Flannel? Really? On an island like this? He must run really cold,” Nora asks, surprised.

  Or he’s not from around here, which is why Julian wants him dead before he takes over any more of Julian’s business.


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