The Break Free Series Box Set [Books 1-3]

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The Break Free Series Box Set [Books 1-3] Page 25

by Fitch, E. M.

Bill was breathing. Kaylee could see it. But it was shallow and he wasn't waking just yet. Emma and Anna were ignoring the general surroundings. The latter already checking Bill's vital signs and the former now whispering words of encouragement to Andrew.

  Jack and Nick were standing though and Kaylee joined them to take in her surroundings.

  Concrete. The walls and ceiling and everything surrounding them was concrete. It was musty and damp in places. And cold. Cooler than Kaylee had been outside.

  We're underground.

  But there was electricity, just as Danny had said. Lots of it. Because the florescent light strips that lined the concrete ceiling all pulsed with the low whine of electricity and none were broken or hanging. The van was parked behind them, in front of metal garage doors that Danny had pulled into place after he had parked.

  "What is this place?" Jack asked and Kaylee's attention shot from her surroundings to the man standing in front of them. His face was lined, his hair gray and wiry, even his eyebrows, which were bushy and sprang out over his deep set eyes. He wore a faded blue jumpsuit, it reminded Kaylee of the kind the janitor wore in her old school, a thick black vest hung open from his shoulders. He was short, or maybe it was just his shoulders and the way they hunched over into himself. But it didn't take away from his commanding presence. This was Marsden. It had to be.

  He was staring at each of them in turn, a sweeping gaze that took in every inch of their group.

  "We call it The Mill," Danny answered. He was shifting around from foot to foot, eyeing Marsden as he spoke. The old man didn't look over at Danny, his gaze lingered on Emma, who had finally turned to face him.

  "He was electrocuted," Emma spoke, pointing down at Bill. Anna had her ears in her stethoscope, listening to Bill's chest, a look of complete concentration on her face. "Do you have a place-"

  "You have beautiful eyes," Marsden interrupted, staring at Emma. She started, looking from Marsden to her father and then Andrew. Both had tensed noticeably, their fists clenched. "Green, are they?"

  "Yes," Emma answered with hesitation.

  "Beautiful," Marsden murmured with a nod. "We have a room available for guests. Danny will show you the way."

  "Come on," Danny muttered, jerking his head in the direction of a stairwell Kaylee hadn't originally noticed. Jack looked from the stairs back to Marsden, but he already had his back turned and was stalking away from the group, a slight, but noticeable, limp to his gait. Jack looked frustrated, like he wanted to ask questions and demand answers, but he didn't. Kaylee noticed his fingers ran the outline of the gun he had tucked under his shirt, as though reaffirming to himself that it was really still there.

  Jack and Andrew bent to pick up Bill and follow Danny's lead, while Nick took the back, sandwiching the girls in the middle. Emma's expression was worried and confused, her eyes flickered between the stairwell and Bill. Kaylee was worried too and she was sure her feelings shone as plain on her face as they did on her sister's. But there weren't a lot of options, they needed someplace to rest, someplace safe. It was already dark outside and their camp was miles away.

  The stairwell was the same dank concrete as the large garage. It had the same lingering odor of dampness mixed with dust. And it didn't in any way prepare them for what they'd find at the top.

  The room above the underground garage was huge, more than three stories high with a large, dark crane hanging from two horizontal tracks that spanned the length of the ceiling. It was distracting because Kaylee had not expected it to be there, had never seen a piece of machinery so large just hanging inert from a ceiling. The walls were the same plain concrete as the garage, but the top third transitioned to bricks and had large, rectangular windows cut into them. The light outside the windows was a dusky purple.

  But even the size of the room with the crane hanging from the ceiling was less impressive and shocking than the contents.

  Televisions, stereos, computers and lap tops, all the screens lit and different images flashing in the blocks of color. They were lined against the walls and in rows, creating a maze of electricity. Shelves filled with DVD cases and what Kaylee assumed were CDs, stacks of the old vinyl albums and at least two different record players, video games and consoles, all different kinds, it all cluttered the large room. There was a giant television, centered in the mess and facing a set of couches. Everything was muted and Kaylee could only hear a low hum that she immediately associated with electricity. She felt the muscles in her jaw slacken as her mouth hung open.

  They didn't just have access to electricity, they were swimming in it, breathing it in in the air around them, flaunting it. Never, not in their wildest dreams, could they have wasted the generators like this in the old fire house. But fuel must not be a problem here. What did they use? It couldn't be gas, no one would waste it that frivolously. Kaylee tried to catch Andrew's eye, knowing he would understand what was going on. But his eyes were trained on his father.

  Bill was breathing steadily, still held up between Andrew and Jack. He wasn't light, but the strain of carrying him wasn't apparent in either man. Kaylee thought they must have been trying to be stoic. Regardless, it would be better to find him a place to lay quietly so Anna could really check him over.

  Danny didn't slow to wait for the group to take in the cavernous room. He strode on, oblivious to Kaylee's gawking, not speaking. But his weren't the only footsteps slapping the concrete floor ahead. Marsden was already ducking past a door and out of sight. And further down a set of eyes peeked out from behind an old fashioned pinball machine, Kaylee almost missed them in the haphazard blinking lights of the relic game, but they were there, sharp brown irises in a pale face framed by midnight hair. The women was older than Kaylee, as was most of the remains of the living world, but not by much. She looked closer to Anna's age. She was thin though, petite. She watched the group approach with caution, and melted back into the silent fray of blinking lights and recorded shows and music videos before Kaylee could make eye contact.

  How many were here, in this strange, large cavern, this museum of electricity?

  "Up the stairs, straight ahead, there's a good sized room with some cots," Danny indicated, pointing the way. "Can you fellas manage?"

  Jack and Andrew nodded.

  "I'll follow you up." Danny pointed ahead and the group shuffled past in single file. Nick was still at the back, just behind Kaylee. She moved forward, stepping up the first stair. Danny stood close by, watching each of them pass. It made her uncomfortable, being watched. But beyond even that, it felt like she was on stage, being evaluated, being appraised. She didn't like the feeling and abruptly, even with the electricity, she wanted to leave. She wanted the clean open air of the forest and the lingering scent of pine and smoky fires wrapped around her like a security blanket. She blinked at the realization. Never before had the thought of being in the woods made her feel safe. Home was apartments and pavement and crowds of people. Her old home anyway.

  Or maybe it was just Jack. His constant scent of pine and rain and that undertone of honey. Maybe the thought of being in the place that gave him that comforting balm that so soothed her nerves, even now, even after Susan, maybe that was what she really craved.

  Maybe that was her new home. A wandering home following a fragrance that wrapped around the man she loved but had trouble looking at.

  Her father poked her a bit when she hesitated. "Keep going, honey." She started and moved forward, checking from the corner of her eye. Yes, Danny was still staring at her. She locked eyes with him for a moment, but then dropped her gaze. He was strangely intimidating. Not like Quinton. More like he wanted to intimidate, and knew his staring would do it. As her eyes lowered, she couldn't help but notice the boxy outline of a handgun on his hip.

  The room they were directed into was large. Kaylee was immediately surprised they were offered it. There was a line of beds, five on each side of the long room, Bill was already being carefully placed on the one farthest from the door. They all looked freshl
y made, all with uniform dark wool blankets tucked with hospital corners into the thin mattresses. There was even a pillow, encased by a white pillowcase, on each of the beds. If it weren't for the fact that there were ten, Kaylee would have thought Marsden could see the future and knew they were coming. It seemed impossible that this was just set up and waiting the way it was.

  "There's a bathroom through that door," Danny pointed from the doorway. "Only one set of showers though, and they're downstairs, sorry. I'll tell Cynthia to bring up some food." Jack had already walked through the door and towards the bathroom, peeking his head in to appraise. Kaylee had one foot in the air, meaning to follow him, when the door clanged shut behind her.

  "Hey!" Jack yelled, racing back towards Danny and the closed door. The bolt that snapped shut caused even Anna to jerk her head up.

  "Sorry, boy." It was Marsden's voice that rang through the door, Kaylee thought a little smugly. She hadn't even known he was out there. He must have followed them up. "No one comes through my door without my okay. And you don't have my okay just yet."

  "We were offered electricity, safety," Kaylee returned quietly, watching Jack's jaw clamp in irritation, his jaw muscles twitching. It was better if someone else spoke, she thought. Jack looked like he wanted to exploded and that certainly wouldn't help.

  "So you were and you have it," Marsden answered, a slight wheeze to his voice. "Electricity, running water, a bathroom. I'll even feed 'ya. But no one walks in off these streets, guns in their pockets, and has the run of my place without my say so."

  "We have a friend-" Emma started but she was cut off.

  "Danny mentioned that," Marsden interrupted. "I'll send him back out for him." Kaylee could hear Danny sniff in irritation at that.

  "But..." Kaylee trailed off because she could hear two sets of footsteps moving away. The conversation was over.

  "Get back here!" Jack shouted, pounding the door with both fists.

  "Don't," Kaylee whispered. She came behind him and placed both hands on his back, surprised when she felt him shudder under her palms. He calmed immediately, though he kept his face to the closed metal door. It clanked softly when he leant his forehead against it.

  "Why stop him?" Emma asked, her voice harsh and angry. "We shouldn't be locked up! We're not criminals. What the hell is that old man thinking?"

  "He's thinking he doesn't know us and he doesn't trust us," her father answered. "Be calm, Emma. There's water and heat and thick walls and soon there'll be food. We're a lot better off than we were a few hours ago."

  "Some of us are," Jack muttered and Kaylee knew he was thinking of Quinton. But her eyes drifted to Bill as well. Anna was back to ignoring her surroundings, her eyes raking over her patient again. He seemed normal, like he was just asleep. Kaylee hoped that's all it was, just unconsciousness, just a blackout while his body and mind dealt with the electric blow.

  "They'll get Quinton," she whispered soothingly to Jack. But he shook his head against the cold metal of the door.

  "He won't come with them," he said back softly. "He won't leave either, but he won't walk in here if he thinks we might be in trouble. He won't even get close enough to let them see him."

  Kaylee didn't know what to say to that, but she was sure that Jack was right. This was something they planned for. She hoped Quinton would be alright, and she knew that was what worried Jack. It wasn't easy to be on your own, watching for infected with no one to watch your back for you. But Quinton had done it before, he could do it again. And it did make her feel a bit more secure, knowing they weren't just stuck in here alone with no one else to watch out for them. Quinton wouldn't abandon them.

  "Em, go plug this in, will you?" Ann was holding a case out towards her sister. Emma's eyebrows rose.

  "You think?" she asked, gesturing to the outlet on the wall next to Bill. Anna shrugged and Emma took the defibrillator case, Kaylee heard the zipper being pulled.

  "Are you going to need it again?" Andrew asked, his voice was strained and despite being locked in and despite the surging electricity, his eyes hadn't yet left his father. He was kneeling by his bed, his hands wrapped around his father's limp hand. His fingers were pressing tightly, a little higher up on his wrist. Kaylee guessed he was feeling for the pulse, the soft thud that proved Bill was still there.

  "I don't know, Andrew," Anna answered, her voice soft yet reassuring. "His vital signs are strong though and that's a good sign. We got to him with the defibrillator pretty quick, had the right drugs and all."

  "What about an I.V. or more medicine? Isn't there anything else you can do?"

  Anna was shaking her head. "We did everything we can. He just needs some time now."

  Andrew nodded. Kaylee watched his eyes close and his head droop until his forehead hit the mattress his father lay on. His shoulders hunched in on themselves and Kaylee wouldn't be surprised if he had started crying, just softly so no one would notice. Her heart broke for him. Anna eyed him sadly from across the cot, Nick did the same from where he stood by the window.

  Emma cursed, untangling wires from the case Anna had given her. But she found the right ones because moments later Kaylee heard a beep and saw a green light blink on. The outlet was working and the defibrillator was charging. As soon as she was done, Emma was on her feet and next to Andrew, hands rubbing circles up and down his back. She was whispering to him and Kaylee couldn't hear what she said, but one of Andrew's hands left his father's and wrapped around Emma's, anchoring her to him. She didn't seem to mind, just let her free hand run the length of his back while he kept his vigil.

  "There was another person down there, did you see her?" Kaylee asked. She turned to her father, who alone in the group seemed relaxed. He was staring out the window, intent.

  "I'm not surprised," he said, his eyes still out the window, "Marsden said someone would bring food. Check this out, honey." He was pointing, leaning close to the glass window. Kaylee came to stand behind him, feeling her eyes widen as she followed his line of sight. They were on a dam. Not a huge one, but large. The concrete length of it spanned a body of water, looked at least a football field in length. There were buildings at the other side of the water and she could just make them out in the darkness. But none looked as large as the building they were in. The reservoir stretched out behind and below them, dark purple in the moonlight. It sparkled in the low light of the moon, as the breeze kicked up crests of water.

  So, it was a hydroelectric plant. Andrew had always dreamed of finding one. He read every book he could find about them and how they worked. Kaylee knew next to nothing about it, just that it was water powered, generators pushed into motion by water rushing by. Like a...

  She stopped mid thought and grinned.

  Like a mill.

  "Dad!" Kaylee turned quickly at Andrew's declaration. He was up on his knees, staring down at his father. Bill was stirring.

  "My head hurts," Bill mumbled, his eyes scrunched shut. Andrew laughed and sat back on his heels. Anna was pumping up her blood pressure cuff, her ears back in her stethoscope.

  The cuff deflated and Anna moved to listen to his chest. "All sounds good," she said, just as Bill spoke again.

  "What happened?"

  "Leave it to you to find an electric fence, Bill," Nick said, smiling at his friend. Bill grunted in response, his eyes still closed tightly.

  There was a sharp knock on the door, followed by a clipped female voice.

  "Is anyone injured? I heard someone was carried in." There was a distinct tone that accompanied this voice, brusque and to the point, all business.

  "Someone was," Jack answered. "He's coming around. Who are you? Can you open the door?"

  "I can," she answered, again in clipped tones, like she was annoyed. "Move back from the door."

  Kaylee watched as Jack's lips twist in irritation, but he did as she asked, moving Kaylee back with him so that his body was blocking hers. When the bolt slid and the door swung open, they were greeted with the shiny end of a double
barrel shotgun.

  "Geez, lady!" Andrew shouted. "What the hell!"

  "It's okay, Andrew," Nick murmured, gesturing for him to stay back as he moved forward. "She doesn't know us."

  "And you won't be fooling me either," the stranger with the shotgun spoke. She was a short, dumpy sort of woman, her hair a dull brown that she kept cut close to her scalp. She was older than the rest of them, maybe Quinton excluded, but she hadn't aged well. Behind a set of glasses her eyes were watery looking, her skin was sallow and the faint lines that were beginning to show on her face spoke of a lifetime of scowling. However, at the moment, she was smirking at the group. Now Kaylee was irritated too.

  "No one's trying to fool you," she said, her tone just as clipped as the stranger's was before. "Your fence electrocuted our friend and Danny offered us safety and shelter."

  "And food," Emma added. "Are you Cynthia?"

  The woman sniffed. "It's not my job to bring you food. Maggie is down collecting it. Just 'cause that old fool-"

  "Now you wouldn't mean me, would you Cyn?" Marsden was leaning in the doorway, watching the scene with interest.

  "You know exactly who I mean," she shot back. "Why don't you make yourself useful and keep them all in your sights so I can check out this one." She gestured to Bill with the tip of her shotgun.

  "He's fine," Andrew said roughly, coming to stand between Cynthia and his father.

  "He don't look fine."

  "I am, I'm fine," Bill rasped. His eyes were still closed but it was clear he was listening.

  "I'm a nurse," Cynthia pressed, "I can help." Kaylee watched Anna perk up but Jack interjected quickly.

  "Like the man said," Jack spoke, "he's fine." Cynthia sniffed and backed away, gun still firmly in her grasp and pointed towards the group.

  "Any bites?" Cynthia asked, but she directed this question to Marsden. "Did you even ask?"

  The muscle in Marsden's jaw jumped. He did not like being second guessed. "I don't see any infection in them. Want me to strip them naked to check for scratches?" Cynthia flushed but didn't answer. She turned back, making a show of walking off. Kaylee could hear her feet stomping down the metal stairs.


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