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Pink Moon Rising: The Witches of Enumclaw Book One

Page 13

by K A Miltimore

  "Oh yes, how silly of me to forget," she whispered before raising the microphone to her mouth again.

  "It is also my pleasure to announce the members of the Witches' Council." Helen said before listing off the four members. She had practiced their names in the mirror that morning; she only knew Rachelle and she had been tempted to write the other names in sharpie on her wrist. Her practicing paid off because she didn't forget anyone. Rachelle came forward and took the microphone from Helen with a smile.

  "Thank you, Helen, for the introduction and allow me to thank the Sisters of the Crescent Moon on behalf of all the Witches of the Pacific Northwest for your organization of this wonderful day. We expect it will be a day to remember. Thank you all." Again, another smattering of polite applause.

  "My fellow Witches. Since the burning times, we have gathered on the Eve of May to celebrate our Craft and each other, despite the danger of the noose, the flame, the dunking tank. We gather because no one may command a witch! We gather to meet new friends and remember those who have passed on. We gather to learn new skills and share in the power of the Sister - and Brother - Hood. We gather because when the world was intolerant, we welcomed all.

  “What does it mean to be a witch? It means to believe in who you are, your place in the world, your ability to shape your future. We proudly call ourselves ‘witch’ and today we celebrate you all!"

  Rachelle's voice rang out over the crowd and it erupted into full-throated cheers and clapping. Rachelle passed the microphone back to Helen, who cringed at the thought of following that speech. Best to end things quickly, she thought.

  "With that, enjoy the day and remember, we gather at moonrise. Those with business before the Witches' Council, join us in the registration shelter."

  The crowd dispersed, back toward the vendors and food trucks, in groups and pairs. Helen handed the microphone back to the guitarist who had loaned it to her and she followed the rest of the witches from the stage. The band began to play "Do you believe in magic" as they crossed the field back toward the shelter. Helen saw Morgan and the rest of the Widdershins Circle waiting for them.

  "Ladies, I take it you are waiting for the Council to convene?" Rachelle said as they reached the covered tables. Helen noticed that Mel was with them.

  "Yes, we would like to make a petition, once the Council has properly convened. We can wait until such time." Morgan said, smoothing the front of her pink gown with her hands.

  "We have a quorum, you may state your petition. Let the members be seated so our Secretary can record it, won't you?" Rachelle said, taking a spot behind the table, in the center. The other three members sat beside her and one witch pulled out a notepad from her small satchel.

  "Ladies, Witches of the Council," Morgan said, using a voice that sounded practiced for the courtroom. "The Council is comprised of five members and at this time, there is a vacancy. The Widdershins Circle would like to nominate one of its own to join the Council. We also wish to petition to host the Festival next year." Morgan said, with her coterie nodding behind her. Mel stood slightly apart from the group, but her eyes were fixed on Morgan.

  "Widdershins Circle, we accept your petition to host. There are two other Covens who have submitted petitions - the Witches of the White Tree in Bellingham and the Standing Stones Circle in Spokane. We will allow all three Covens to present a proposal to the Council and we will decide by Summer Solstice which Coven shall have the honor. As to your petition to join the Council. Any such petition requires a member of another Coven to second your petition. Have you such a witch?" Rachelle asked.

  Helen waited for Mel to speak - she was sure that she was the one who would provide the second petition. Technically, Mel wasn't a full member of the Coven but unless the Council asked her, she wouldn't say anything to block her vote. Another voice beside her spoke out loudly.

  "I proudly second the petition for the Widdershins Circle to join the Council." Diedre said and Sage audibly gasped.

  "The petition has been accepted. The Council will meet and deliberate, and of course allow for other Covens to submit a petition. We will notify you tonight at moonrise of our decision." Rachelle said, turning toward the Secretary to murmur something. With a small smile, Morgan and her coterie were gone, with Mel trailing beside them.

  "Diedre? Why would you second that petition? They cursed you!" Sage said in a loud voice. The Council members looked at her and Helen motioned for them to move away from the quartet.

  "We don't know anything of the sort, Sage. I respect any Coven who steps up and wants to lead in these trying times. Without strong leadership, who knows? We might end up back in another burning time, with witches hiding and fearing for their lives. I believe the Widdershins Circle has the resolve to do what is best for witches - true witches." Diedre replied, before she strode from the shelter.

  "Well that was unexpected," Frankie said. "And yet, it makes sense. Diedre has been acting so weirdly, this just puts a cherry on that witch-whipped sundae. I wonder if the Council will approve their petition?"

  "I don't know. Rachelle knows my suspicions. Without proof though, she likely won't be able to say no to the nomination. Unless someone else runs against them." Helen replied, glancing back at the group who were deep in conversation.

  "I have a matter to put before the Council." A voice said, startling them all. Naomi Green had come in without being seen, which was impressive, given her garish robes.

  "As a banished witch, what business do you have before the Council, Miss Green? We permitted you to attend the Festival, as requested." Rachelle said, as the Secretary quickly scribbled.

  "I wish to be reinstated as a witch within the Council's territory. I am sponsored by a Coven and that is all that is required for the petition to be submitted. I read the by-laws." Naomi said smugly, placing her hands on her hips.

  "And who is the sponsoring Coven, might I ask?" Rachelle inquired, looking more amused than surprised. Helen felt her stomach twist and lurch. She knew what was coming next.

  "The Sisters of the Crescent Moon, of course. I have spoken with Helen this morning about joining their Coven."


  Four Hours Before Moonrise

  Anybody seen the girls?" Sage asked, coming up on Helen and Frankie near the bandstand. Kat was keeping an eye on the registration table, along with the Coven's guest, Naomi. Helen still hadn't figured out what to do about Naomi's request to join the Coven. Fortunately, the Council had deferred the decision to seek input from Helen - later.

  "No, not since we finished stuffing them with tacos and root beer, after the hide and seek game. They are probably passed out under a tree." Frankie replied.

  "I saw them after that, about thirty minutes ago. They were playing with some other kids, over by the horseshoe pits, but now I can't find them." Sage replied, sounding panicked.

  "I'll round up some people to help us look - you two start over by the campsites. I'm sure they are nearby and not getting into trouble." Helen said, already hurrying back toward the main area where witches were congregating with their food and goodies on the grass. Helen saw Mel and ran toward her.

  "Mel, the twins are missing. Can you help us find them?"

  Mel's face went from hurt to worried in a split second.

  "Of course, what do you need?"

  "We'll help too." Morgan replied, apparently within earshot of Helen's request. Morgan rose from her wooden bench, followed by two other witches.

  "Thank you, Morgan. Thanks, Avalon, Alice..." Mel said, turning back toward Helen. "Let's go find the girls."

  Frankie heard Sage calling for them both, hollering their names for all she was worth. Frankie herself shouted, but she was also trying to listen. She was listening with her ears, surely, but more than that, she was trying to listen with her mind - reaching out to find any trace of them with her senses. The girls had told her not to use magic to find them before and she had laughed. Now, she was trying to do that very thing.

  There was
a stump, a large one near a small clearing, and Frankie noticed the pine needles and debris were disturbed there. Reaching the stump, she placed her hands on it and closed her eyes. She instantly saw the girls in her mind's eye, whispering and crouching behind the stump. This must have been a hiding spot for them earlier. Frankie hadn't actually found them - they had come bounding out onto the trail, begging for snacks because they were starving.

  Frankie stepped back from the stump and tried to filter out the voices of the witches who were prowling the woods and calling for the girls. She heard Helen's voice, Mel's voice and some strangers, but they were distant. Frankie strained to hear what else the forest could tell her. She heard the sound of the river and her feet started moving that direction before she even decided to go there next.

  There was a worn trail leading downward, probably an old deer path before hikers stomped it out and made it passable. Frankie followed the trail, listening for any cries or sounds ahead of her but all she heard was the murmur of the river getting louder and louder. Surely, the girls wouldn't have come down to the river. They knew not to go here, she thought.

  Frankie heard splashing, but the sound wasn't river water lapping on stones. Something was thrashing around. She ran toward the sound, taking care not to trip over the tree roots as she went.

  She called out "Grace? Gabbi?" There was a cry in response.

  "Girls?" She screamed, coming down to the riverbank and seeing bright pink and blue swirls in the water.

  "Girls!" Frankie screamed, immediately pulling her robe over her head. She dove into the river in her bike shorts and a sports bra. The girls were thrashing in the water, crying and clawing at a slender branch that was the only thing holding them up.

  "Frankie! Help!" Gabbi cried, her blue dress dancing in the swirling rapids.

  "Hold on!" Frankie yelled, crashing into the water, unable to stand up any longer. It was so cold it felt like being pierced with a thousand needles. Her brain could register the feeling for a moment and her arms were almost instantly numb. How were these little girls holding on?

  "Mommy!" Grace sobbed, in a much quieter voice than her sister. Frankie could only see a swirl of hair and her pink dress - her face was near the water line.

  "I'm coming for you both. Hold on!" Frankie yelled and she willed her arms to swim. The current was fierce but Frankie's adrenaline was in full gear. She pushed through the freezing, greenish water and reached the pair, scooping them both up in one arm. The tow on her legs was incredible, and for a moment, she was sure all three of them were going down.

  "We are alright, hang on." Frankie shouted, trying to reassure all of them, as she hoisted herself toward the bank. It was all she could do to move her one arm and kick her legs. Slowly, inch by inch, she neared the bank until her feet could touch the bottom. With the last of her strength, she hurled the girls toward the shore. All three crawled out, soaked and panting.

  "I'm so cold," Grace said. "I can't feel my legs."

  Frankie's own teeth were chattering so hard, she couldn't speak. She crawled toward Grace and began to rub the girl's legs with her hands.

  "Gracie, Gabbi?" Sage's voice was nearby and Gabbi screamed with all the sound she must have had in her lungs. Frankie felt herself slip sideways, landing with a soft thud on the riverbank, weak from exhaustion. She heard Sage scream and she roused herself from her stupor. She was so cold, she had to get warm. She had to get the girls warm. Frankie turned her head to see Sage swoop down and scoop up the girls in her arms, crying and crushing them to her so hard that the girls cried in protest. Frankie heard the sound of feet running near them.

  "Oh my goodness, what were you two doing down here? You know you weren't supposed to be at the river! Are you alright?" Sage sounded hysterical and it wasn't helping the girls to calm down. They were bawling against her chest.

  "Sage. They are alright. Let's all get calm." Frankie said hoarsely. She sat up fully and reached for her robe, somehow finding her way to her numb feet.

  "Let's get some blankets," Sage said, visibly trying to be calm but not doing a very good job of it. Helen and Mel crashed through the bushes.

  "You found them! Oh no, were they in the river? Frankie, thank goodness you found them. Let's get out of here, back to the first aid supplies." Helen said, grabbing hold of Frankie's arm to help guide her back up the slope. Mel had scooped up Gracie in her arms and Sage was carrying Gabbi.

  "" Gabbi said through her chattering teeth. ""

  Word traveled quickly through the Festival grounds that two girls had almost drown in the river. Witches were coming over to the picnic enclosure, offering help but Helen politely waved them off. She had the mylar blankets out and around the girls before anyone knew what was happening. Sage had pulled the sopping wet princess dresses off, and replaced them with tie dye t-shirts that Frankie had purchased from a vendor.

  "Girls, what happened? How did you end up in the river?" Helen asked, jumping in before Sage could speak. Her voice was calm and soothing as she poured hot tea into three cups.

  "A lady called to us, we couldn't see her, but we heard her." Gabbi said, taking the cup from Helen and holding it with both hands. She took a quick sip, blowing on the steam.

  "What lady? What did she say?" Helen asked, squatting down now so she could look eye to eye with Gabbi, who was on Sage's lap. Mel was still holding Grace.

  "She said 'Come to the river, I have a present for you'. We got there but we didn't see anyone. Then she said 'look in the water, you'll see the gold' and when we leaned over to look, we fell in. I'm sorry, Mommy." Gabbi started to cry, the fear obvious on her face.

  "Hush now, sweetie. Everything is fine. Nothing to be sorry for. You are fine." Sage said, hugging her fiercely.

  "I was pushed in," Gracie said. "I didn't fall. Something pushed me."

  Helen exchanged looks with Sage and Mel, who each squeezed their soaking wet princess a little closer.

  "Maybe it would be best if you took the girls home, Sage." Helen said. "They could do with a hot bath and warm bed, I think."

  "Yes, we will definitely head home. If you find out any more about the 'lady', call me." Sage said with a fierceness that was almost frightening. Helen nodded and Sage rose from her spot on the bench. She and Mel carried the girls, wrapped in silver mylar, toward the parking lot.

  "Do you think someone really pushed them?" Frankie asked, sipping on her own tea.

  "Hard to say. It could have been a game they were playing and it got out of hand. It could be they are afraid Sage will be mad so they made up a story..."

  "Or, it could be true. Someone could have tried to drown them in the river." Kat said, hugging her arms around herself. She obviously believed the girls' story.

  "Yes, that could have happened as well. In which case, I don't know if we should continue with the Festival or not."


  Mel was on her way back from the parking lot when she saw Avalon, running toward her. To see Avalon running was a surprise in and of itself; she seemed like someone who wouldn't want to break a sweat.

  "Mel, you better come with me. Something is wrong with Morgan." Avalon turned back toward the stage area and Mel ran after her. She waved an arm toward Kat, who nodded and tapped Helen on the shoulder.

  In front of the stage, the women of the Widdershins Circle were gathered in a semi-circle of pink, crouching at the prone figure of Morgan. She was lying on the grass, clutching her stomach and moaning loudly.

  "What's wrong with her?" Mel asked, finding a space near Morgan's head. Morgan looked glassy-eyed and flushed pink. Her skin felt warm.

  "She just collapsed. We don't know what is happening. We better call an ambulance." Avalon said, pulling out her phone from a pocket in her gown.

  "No, this is magic, not sickness." M.C. said, hovering her hands over Morgan's belly. "I can feel it radiating from her. This is dark magic."

  A crowd formed behind t
hem, with the Witches' Council coming up from the camping sites. Mel could see Helen and the rest of the Coven coming over across the grass. Morgan moaned again, trying to sit up as she did so.

  "Rest, Morgan. Don't try to move." Alice said, reaching forward to ease the witch back to the ground. Morgan shook her head.

  "No, I need to sit up. Help me." She croaked quietly as Alice lifted her shoulders up and helped her to lean against the stage edge.

  "Is everything alright?" Rachelle asked, coming toward Morgan with the Council and Diedre behind them.

  "No, I've been cursed," Morgan said in a ragged breath. She clutched her stomach and Mel took off her sweater to use as a makeshift blanket for her.

  "Morgan, what makes you say that? Maybe you just ate something..." Rachelle said, before Morgan lifted a hand to silence her.

  "No, this is a curse. I can tell. She must be stopped." Morgan rasped.

  "Morgan, who would want to curse you? It doesn't make any sense." Rachelle said, obviously trying to soothe Morgan. Mel was certain it was having the opposite effect. Morgan's face was now a fiery shade of red.

  "She would." Morgan said, pointing at Helen. The witches around the stage gasped and turned to look at Helen. Frankie put a protective hand on her shoulder.

  "Don't be ridiculous. Helen would never curse you or anyone else." Frankie said and Kat nodded fiercely.

  "She blames me, and my Coven, for some sickness on one of her members. This is her revenge." Morgan said quietly.

  "She went to the Council to accuse Morgan." Alice chimed in, giving Helen a dirty look in the process. The witches gasped again.

  "She sent a spy to infiltrate our Coven." M.C. said, and the gasps turned to disgusted chatter. "But even her spy has turned against her. She's joining our group instead."

  Mel's stomach flipped as the faces of the bystanders looked at her. When had Morgan and the others figured out what she was up to? Why hadn't they shut her out then? She felt a flush of shame creeping up her cheeks. Morgan had been so nice to her, even knowing that Mel wasn't being honest with them.


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