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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

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by L M Lacee

  With smiles they entered the kitchen and Heather sang out. ‘Greetings Helen.’

  ‘Oh… oh yes, greetings Heather.’

  ‘Helen are you well?’ Esther asked by way of a greeting.

  ‘Ahh, yes fine, I am fine.’

  ‘You seem distracted.’ Heather said as she handed Esther her tea.

  ‘No… no, not really, just a little thoughtful.’

  ‘Oh, can we help?’

  Helen sighed loudly. ‘No, I think not… no.’

  Esther sipped her tea then casually asked Helen. ‘It would not have anything to do with you thinking Brenda does not want a joining ceremony would it?’

  Helen absently wiped the already clean counter as she said. ‘No… no, of course… wait, what did you say?’

  Helen threw the cloth down and walked to the table ‘Esther, what are you saying?’

  ‘Oh nothing really, it’s just that I have from a very reliable source the reason why Brenda is not having a joining ceremony.’

  Helen eased down onto a chair as she said. ‘Oh, what would that be?’

  ‘It seems she does not want to make you feel bad by organizing a ceremony because you do not want one.’

  Helen snarled and thumped the table. ‘Seriously that sister of ours. Could she not just have talked to me?’

  Heather asked. ‘So are saying you want a ceremony?’

  ‘Yes, I want a ceremony. I have waited my whole life to find the male I could love for an eternity. And I want to show the Universe that male, is my Larson.’ Sighing in defeat she told them. ‘But in saying that, I did not want to pressure Marlo into having to participate in something he would rather not do.’

  Heather laughed. ‘This is priceless, I thought it was only our age group who could get things totally screwed up.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Helen asked with a tone of annoyance.

  ‘Just that Marlo has been moping around trying to find a way to get you to persuade Brenda to have a joining party. He wants to give her everything she desires, and he knows right now she desperately wants to have a combined ceremony with her sister.’

  Helen’s expression underwent several changes, ranging from annoyance to pleasure to uncertainty. ‘Yes well that’s all fine, but do we really want to put everyone to all that trouble?’

  They both ignored her as Heather said to Esther.

  ‘Peyton of course is pleased that Helen and Brenda are past,’ she tapped the table in thought, ‘what did she call it?’

  Esther said. ‘I would wager it was something along the lines of,’ and she mimicked Peyton’s voice. ‘All that joining party stuff.’

  They both watched as Helen’s face contorted into various expressions finally settling on determined as she stormed from the kitchen muttering. ‘We will see about that.’

  Esther and Heather high-fived each other as Esther said. ‘So easy.’

  Laughing Heather said. ‘Peyton will not be thrilled.’

  ‘And yet when she moans, which she will and I say that someone else can perform the ceremony. She will get all offended and snarl she was going to do it, anyway.’


  Helen was relieved, she did not want to have her long awaited wedding day without her sister by her side. So as she walked to Peyton’s office she scolded herself for her hesitation in not speaking to Larson about her concerns. He would have spoken to Marlo and she would have found out she was being a fool for thinking as she had been. Failing all that she should have just talked to Brenda. This had to be the girls fault, their scatterbrained way of dealing with things must be rubbing off on her. These thoughts put her in the right frame of mind to tackle Peyton as she marched into her office and demanded. ‘Please explain why you do not want to preside over Brenda’s and my joining ceremony.’ Helen’s eyebrows rose as she asked in a voice that could snap the air in half. ‘Is it our age that makes you think we are being foolish?’

  Confused at the attack and outraged Helen would even think that of her, Peyton slammed her hands on her desk and told her. ‘Name the time and date and I will friggin-well be there.’

  Satisfied with her answer, Helen demurely promised she would notify her when it was to be. Peyton had grinned, saying she could not wait.


  Three days later, Peyton stood on a small stage in the early evening, as several hundred people from all over Maikonia, gathered to witness the joining of two couples in the largest Hex on Prime.

  Finally, the music started, indicating the females were ready to enter. Peyton moved restlessly as she gripped her hands together.

  ‘Peyton are you okay?’

  Unwilling to tell her what was troubling her, she sighed and answered. ‘Yes Nina, just bored.’

  ‘Oh wow bored, are you allowed to be bored? I mean, especially today.’

  Peyton turned slightly to stare at her and snarl. ‘I’m not a cyborg, you know.’

  ‘Because she would have eye filters if she was.’ Trina chipped in.

  Peyton pointed at her. ‘Yeah, what she said.’

  Amelia asked Esther. ‘What has that to do with it?’

  Esther gave her the look she used to give her when she had been a little girl, and yes, she still managed to make her feel foolish. ‘You want I should make sense of that?’

  ‘Ahh, no Ma’am.’

  Nina sniffed indelicately at Peyton, then turned to Trina and asked. ‘Why did you not have a joining ceremony?’

  ‘Jarrod preferred not to have one, his family do not do things like that.’

  Nina felt sorry for her and asked. ‘What about you though, don’t you want one?’

  Trina smiled softly. ‘I am good, he is mine that is all I care about.’

  Peyton said softly. ‘And their joining is more a spiritual togetherness.’

  Nina asked Penny who had joined them. ‘Is that a word?’

  At Peyton’s indrawn breath, Trina winked at Nina and said. ‘That it is sister… that it is.’ She did a shimmy that made Peyton laugh and then Trina said. ‘Well that and the cha… cha… cha, physical stuff.’

  Peyton screeched loud enough to be heard outside the Hex. ‘Why must you say things like that!?’

  Standing before the entrance Netta raised her eyebrows at Peyton’s raised voice. ‘That sounds like our cue. Ladies, are you ready?’

  Helen and Brenda grinned. ‘We are.’

  At Netta’s nod, Willian waved to Esther standing next to Peyton who smiled and said. ‘Ladies take your places, they are ready.’

  The music changed to a slow song as Melody and Heather walked down the aisle with Helen between them. Helen was wearing a knee length peach colored dress with a delicate lace shawl draped around her shoulders. Peyton knew the shawl was a family heirloom worn by brides in Helen’s family for generations, when she asked who had made it. Helen told her it originated so far back, no one in her family had known who the first bride to wear it was, or who had made it.

  Next Netta and Darby entered with a trembling Brenda between them. She wore a green knee length dress with a light overcoat of the same color. Peyton could see the pic of her family tucked into the flowers she was carrying.

  Both ladies outfits were gifts from Karen and Amelia. Nina and Fern had arrived just before the ceremony and gifted both ladies with bouquets that matched their outfits. The night before Penny, Rose and Miko had decorated the Hex with festive lights and flowers donated from the ladies of Terra.

  Esther and the ladies club, were to oversee the food and the evening festivities. An orchestra of Terrans and Warriors supplied the music which was a mixture from Earth and Indorino. Sadly for Melody her country music was not likely to make an appearance.

  Melody and Netta wore their dress uniforms for escort duty. Netta assured Brenda and Helen they were to change after the ceremony, into party dresses like all the other ladies were wearing. Peyton wore a new knee length dress made from the remaining Wetera and the cloak given to her by the Star Child so many luneras ago
. Her Star Crystal had styled her hair in curls that fell like a waterfall down her back. She stood before a wall of glass that framed the purple land and darkening sky.

  She smiled at both females and asked quietly when they reached her. ‘Are you well ladies?’

  Helen nodded and smiled as Brenda swallowed and whispered. ‘Yes.’

  Peyton explained. ‘You know just because you have the markings, it does not mean you have to go through with this. I can make it so it never happened.’

  Melody asked. ‘What is wrong with you?’

  Peyton frowned and stared at Melody as she asked. ‘You’re gonna have to be more specific.’

  Darby demanded. ‘Why are you asking them that?’

  ‘I was just saying.’

  Netta growled. ‘I do not remember you asking the same thing of Penny.’

  Heather hissed. ‘She wouldn’t have dared because it would have been wrong then, just like it is wrong now.’

  Peyton squirmed as she said. ‘Look, I was just trying to be nice and give the ladies a choice. I’m sorry I care.’

  ‘If that is you caring,’ Netta muttered, ‘just don’t do it anymore.’

  Melody told her. ‘And you need lessons, if that was you being nice.’

  Heather said in agreement. ‘I think you need a course on etiquette.’

  Darby said pointedly. ‘Or just on thinking before you speak.’

  ‘Fine, got it, no more asking if anyone wants a quick escape.’

  Willian called from the entrance. ‘They are here.’

  Esther’s murmured. ‘Thank the stars.’ Did not go unnoticed as everyone donned appropriate expressions.

  Alexx and Dinas escorted Larson down the aisle to several sighs from females standing close by, causing Helen to smile. Marlo entered to just as many sighs of delight, he was escorted by Hawk and Raley.

  As with Netta and Melody all the males wore their dress uniforms, emphasizing how dignified and handsome each of them were. Peyton sighed happily as she watched the six males advance into the Hex. She was thankful there was no evidence of the previous night’s party, which she and half the people here had thoroughly enjoyed.

  As they stopped in front of her, everyone but the four who were joining their hearts and needars together, took one step back. Leaving the two couples facing her.

  She heard Darby snidely ask Melody. ‘You think she’ll ask the males.’

  Melody just as snidely replied. ‘Not if she wants to remain alive.’

  Peyton ignored both females and raised her hands to quieten the room but looked hard at her sisters as she said. ‘Greetings to everyone who have come here today, to witness the joining of Marlo and Brenda, Larson and Helen. I have performed a few of these ceremonies and once more I find myself in the enjoyable position of joining together four people who I love, admire and respect very much. I have to say this is one of the nicer aspects of being the Star Daughter. So let’s get to it, apparently I am not allowed to be long-winded.’

  ‘And yet I am still standing here.’ Stated Marlo to a lot of soft laughter.

  ‘Wow, you are mean.’

  ‘Female get to it now.’

  Brenda said sweetly. ‘Marlo, we talked about this dearle.’

  Marlo’s frown evaporated as he looked at his beautiful Brenda. ‘We did my heart, but she is taking too long.’

  Peyton smirked as she said. ‘Alight… alright, if you would quit your gabbing. I can git to it.’

  Marlo growled. ‘Female leave my vids alone, you have a terrible accent.’

  She grumbled again. ‘Wow, just so mean.’

  ‘He is right, don’t be doing that agin, else you be dealing with me.’ Melody told her with a scowl.

  Wide-eyed, Peyton asked as people started laughing again. ‘Good stars what are you saying?’

  ‘That as sheriff of this here town, I’m telling you to get on with the ceremony female.’

  Both couples said. ‘What she said.’

  ‘Fine, but you know my accent was good.’

  ‘Peyton dearle, don’t make me growl.’

  ‘Yes Esther. Okay everyone here we go. Not that long ago four people were alone and lost to the Universe and today they find themselves becoming joined to each other, surrounded by people who love them. This night as starlight illuminates the true hearts of these couples we hope it will show them the way to true love. Together we give thanks for the love that has gathered us this eve to unite Helen and Larson, Brenda and Marlo in harmony.’ She looked at both couples and said. ‘So now it is my honor to join you together. Do you, Helen and Larson. Brenda and Marlo. Beneath the stars of our wonderful world wish to join your hearts and needars to each other?’

  Together all four answered. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Before these witnesses do you promise to create a family together whatever form that takes, and vow to enrich each other’s lives for as long as you all shall live?’

  Together all four answered. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Esther if you would please.’

  With a smile and loving hands Esther wound a dark blue and purple star studded ribbon around each of the couple’s hands, and as she did she said. ‘We take these ribbons and bind you together as your hearts and needar are bound. May the binding of your love last a lifetime?’

  She then moved back to stand next to Netta, who held her hand. Peyton looked at the females before her and said. ‘Ladies, please say the vow.’

  Helen and Brenda turned to their mates and said. ‘In all the Universe there is no heart for me like yours.’

  Before Peyton could ask the males, Marlo and Larson said together. ‘In all the Universe there is no love for you, like mine.’

  Peyton smiled as she raised her hands and said in the singsong voice of the Star Child. Four stand here this eve, with my blessing four become two. You are now joined together under the Light of the Stars.

  Esther and Hawk then removed the ribbons from the couples and placed them in the small wooden gift boxes and before anyone could say congratulations. Larson and Marlo swept their mates into their arms, whereby they kissed them senseless. To the enjoyment and amusement of everyone there.

  Peyton clapped her hands and called out. ‘Let’s parrrteeee!’

  ‘Why must she say that every time?’ Darby asked Penny as they walked away from the kissing couples.

  She shrugged and replied. ‘The female loves a party, that’s why.’

  Heather told her softly. ‘Darby, you know what it takes for her to do this.’

  Darby looked around to stare at Peyton as she laughed at something Hawk said. ‘She never looks nervous.’

  Netta grinned as she told her. ‘You know better, as if she would show you or anyone. She would never spoil their day.’ She pointed her chin toward the two couples who were now talking to Esther and Hawk.

  ‘You know it’s a release of tension, her saying that right?’ Melody asked Darby who looked blankly at her for a min before saying. ‘Okay, yeah I see that.’

  Suddenly Peyton grabbed Netta and Melody with an arm around their waists. ‘I see a beer in my future.’

  Laughing Netta called her crazy and walked with her and Melody to the bar, followed slowly by Darby and Heather who said. ‘I am so happy, I am home.’

  Darby hugged her with an arm around her waist. ‘Believe me, no more than we are.’

  Patty arrived and greeted first Darby then Heather. Smiling Darby said. ‘You look beautiful Patty.’ And she did, dressed as she was in a lilac silk sheath that did wonders for her figure, her hair and cover-up were just enough to enhance her shy beauty.

  Laughing she said. ‘It is because I am happy.’

  Heather threw an arm around her shoulders and said. ‘So my friend why have you not had a joining ceremony?’

  Patty shrugged. ‘Dinas.’

  Darby asked. ‘What about him?’

  They all turned to stare at the male as he stood with his brother laughing at something Jorge said. Patty quietly said. ‘He wants to wa
it until all his brothers are home, so they can be with him when he officially joins his life to mine.’

  Darby asked. ‘Really, and you are okay with that?’

  ‘Why not, as I have no family I understand his wish.’

  ‘You have us.’ Darby told her.

  Patty touched her shoulder until Darby looked at her. ‘Yes I do and I am daily grateful for that fact.’

  Darby smiled uncomfortable with the emotions she was feeling. Recognizing the expression Patty looked at Heather and asked. ‘Why have you and Harm not done the ceremony thing?’

  By now they had joined up with Peyton and the others, Melody raised her eyebrows wanting to know. ‘Yeah why have you and Harm not had a ceremony?’

  Heather looked around at the enquiring faces and sighed silently. She should have known this would come up, especially today. ‘If you must know…’

  Grinning Peyton stated. ‘And we must.’

  Heather raised an eyebrow at her interruption. ‘As I was saying, I want to wait...’ She shrugged and then said softly. ‘Until my sisters can join me.’

  Netta muttered. ‘That seriously, could be a long wait.’

  Uncomfortable with that thought, Heather shrugged again and looked down at her shoes. ‘Maybe!’

  Peyton shook her head. ‘Oh sister that…’

  Heather’s voice hardened as she cut her off. ‘It is what I want to do. Harm is okay with my decision. Now leave it alone.’

  ‘What? I never said anything.’ Peyton protested.

  Heather pointed a finger at her. ‘I know you, so you will not meddle in my mating. Harm and I know what we are doing’

  Annoyed Heather had read her intention to talk to Harm she growled. ‘But…’

  ‘No, sister of mine, leave it alone. Please it is what I want.’

  Darby asked. ‘But Heather, what if we don’t all find out mates.’

  Heather stubbornly stated. ‘You will, I have faith in the Star Child and you all should too.’

  Patty smiled as she said. ‘I do, I have to for Dinas and Hawk, don’t you all?’

  ‘Yes we do.’ Peyton nodded in agreement.

  Netta looked around the room filled with happy people and said. ‘I believe mates are out there for us all, and brothers will be found.’ She waved her hand toward the two recently joined couples. ‘Look at them, not one of those four thought they had a chance at love and yet we witness their love every day. So Heather, sister of mine. I am with you and Patty, if you wish to wait, we are with you.’


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