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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 8

by L M Lacee

  A cold wind heralded voices fill of starlight as they swept into court.

  Justice Delivered.

  Marlo waited until everyone had bowed to Peyton and then surrounded by her stone faced Warriors, he led the Star Daughter and her people from the court.

  Fox slipped in beside her as they walked from the building, much to Marlo’s annoyance. ‘Star Daughter, I will be with you within the hour.’

  She nodded then told him. ‘Thank you for the warning Fox and make sure you are not late.’

  He tapped his fingers against his forehead in a salute and slipped away again. After she entered the shuttle, she quietly told the pilot. ‘We hold for all our people, please.’

  A female voice answered her. ‘As you will Star Daughter.’

  ‘Do I know you?’ She asked as Darby slowly came in and sat next to her.

  ‘I do not think so, Star Daughter. I am pilot June Hastings. Netta said she would try me out and see how things went.’

  ‘Commander Howl knows what she is doing.’

  A gentle reminder that Netta had a title, and it was to be used when they were off world. June blushed at the reminder and nodded her head. ‘Yes, Star Daughter.’

  ‘It is nice to meet you pilot June and thank you. Do you like being a pilot?’ She asked as everyone else entered and took their seats.

  ‘I enjoy flying.’ She smiled and Peyton could see the love for her profession reflected in her smile.

  ‘Did Commander Howl tell you the rules when you are my pilot?’

  June nodded, her eyes serious. ‘Yes Star Daughter. She and First Commander Hawk explained my duties.’

  ‘Welcome aboard pilot.’

  ‘Thank you Star Daughter.’

  A min later June looked at her command screen and listened to the comm. ‘It looks like we are ready to lift off.’

  Marlo asked in his rusty voice as he took his seat. ‘Are we or are we not? Don’t be wishy-washy about it pilot.’

  June gulped, and her voice squeaked a little as she said. ‘Umm… Definitely ready Commander.’

  ‘Well then, why are we sitting here?’ He growled back.

  June looked at Netta who winked, she gave her a weak smile in return and quickly touched the control panel to close the door and then they were lifting off.

  Peyton said when they were in the air. ‘Really Marlo, you frightened her.’

  Marlo grumped back. ‘I did no such thing; she is a pilot, they don’t frighten. As a pilot she cannot be hesitant. She is in one of my classes and knows I do not coddle.’

  Netta said quietly. ‘He put her forward as did Nikolas, she can handle it. I like her.’

  ‘As do I.’ Marlo admitted.

  ‘Well if you all like her?’ Peyton tried for humor but it fell flat, they appreciated the effort she could tell.

  So far Melody and Heather had not spoken. Darby came back to herself and suddenly claimed. ‘I think I am going to be sick.’

  Peyton held her hand. ‘No you won’t, just take a breath, you will be fine.’

  Darby took in a small breath, found the sickness gone. Relieved she drew in another deeper breath and when she released it, she also released the tears from under her lashes. When she opened her eyes the first person she saw was Marlo’s concerned face, with a sob she threw herself into his arms. He clasped her to his chest as he crooned. ‘There, there... my gentle Darby, Marlo has you now.’

  She sobbed brokenly into his chest and mumbled, but no one could make out her words. Heather came forward injector in hand, when Marlo saw her, he shook his head. ‘No she can deal, won’t you lovey.’

  With that one word, everyone could tell he was mated to Brenda. Darby nodded her head, and he looked from her to Heather. ‘She just needs to let go, you drug her and we have to do this all over again. I will handle it.’

  Heather nodded. ‘For now, but if she remains distressed…’

  ‘I will hand her over to your tender mercies myself.’ He smiled one of his rare smiles. ‘I swear, me darlin’, she will not suffer. She just needs a little time.’

  Heather’s face softened at the gruff male’s advice. ‘I know, we all do.’

  ‘That we do.’ He said softly as he rocked the small female in his arms and looked at the traumatized females around him. He realized it was up to him to say something because these females and he would wager some Warriors, even his Peyton for all her knowledge did not have any idea how to deal with what had happened this morn. ‘Pilot comms open.’

  ‘Yes Commander.’

  ‘Listen up, for I am not one to be speaking as my brothers could tell you. We witnessed some horrendous life changing things this morn. Most of us have never seen anything of its like before. Some of us have witnessed worse.’ Darby let a small sob escape, and he rocked her gently. ‘For some of you, it will never leave your memories, and that is all right. Something like this it changes a person, but it is not what happened, though that has its own tale. No, it is how we deal now which will define how you go forward. What kind of person you will be from now on. You can take the experience of today and hide from it, dismiss it with help from your memories. Or you can take what you feel right now and make it count in how you think of yourself and our place as Maikonians in this Universe. So learn from today, learn how you can grow and be better. My life was not complete until you…’

  He looked down at the female in his arms and sighed softly. ‘You females brought hope, love and laughter into my life, into the lives of all our Warriors. We rejoice you share with us how to live in the freedom of our world. So I will give back a little of my experiences to you now. Own what you witnessed today and your participation in it, learn as I say from it and grow with it. Determine what kind of person you will be from this day on and realize we are here for you. Specialist Jarrod is here for you, he will not be happy, I know, if you do not talk to him or his brothers. This is why we are very lucky to have him and his family in our lives, to help us. So make use of them.’

  Jarrod added. ‘Warriors, Terrans, Commander Marlo is correct, do not suffer. If in a few days you are still unsettled, come and talk to me or any of the Specialists. Remember we are Maikonian, what hurts you, hurts us.’

  With a nod from Jarrod, Marlo said. ‘Comms out.’ He stared at the four females looking at him and said as he held Darby closer. ‘This is not coddling.’ Then dared anyone with his eyes to contradict him.

  June said quietly. ‘We are docking in five… four... three... two... we have arrived.’

  Other than telling June she did a splendid job. Peyton made no comment about what Marlo had said. She stood with the others and watched as he disembarked with Darby in his arms, and walked across the bay toward his mate.

  Brenda took one look at the closed faces of her mate and family and said nothing. She knew there would be time for questions later. Marlo leaned down and kissed her with a longing he probably did not even recognize in himself, although Brenda did. She returned the kiss adding comfort with her embrace. Concern filled her eyes as she caressed his face when he whispered. ‘Come, we will see to Darby.’

  Marlo seldom showed his emotions in public, so with a small wave to the others watching. She followed his steady tread and the almost silent cries of the small female in his arms.

  They all watched him walk away with Brenda’s hand on his back and Peyton said without looking at the rest of her people. ‘The Emperor will arrive later today, we will leave after that. Jarrod or Dinas if either or both of you could attend him please and escort his delegation to my cabin. Everyone else go do what you must.’ She sighed and shook her head as she started walking toward the waiting airlift. ‘Today was not a good day, do not pretend it was. We have seen a form of justice we are unfamiliar with. Justice as you just witnessed is not always neat and tidy. So go deal the best way you can. I am going to my cabin where I have a bottle of Fenteric wine with my name on it.’

  Dinas and Jarrod with Netta and Melody stood together and watched her leave. Dinas sigh
ed and rubbed the back of his neck as he asked. ‘I have one or two of those bottles in my cabin, want to share?’

  Eagerly they accepted his offer, Melody looked at Heather. ‘Will you and Harm come with us?’

  Harm answered with Heather in his arms. ‘No we will do as Peyton said and find comfort with each other.’


  Heather turned her face from Harm’s chest and all could see the tears tracking down her face. ‘Yes Netta.’

  ‘We love you. Do not think you are weak because you cry. Melody and I are just more seasoned to this kind of punishment. As horrible as it was, it is not the worst thing we have witnessed. You and Darby even Peyton are not used to it, therefore you have the right to deal in your own way.’

  She hiccupped and asked. ‘Even if that means with tears?’

  Melody nodded. ‘Even then sister, we love your heart. Do not harden it because of this.’

  She nodded. ‘Okay… Okay. Love you all too.’

  With that they left her and Harm and the Warriors to disperse within the ship. Where they would all do as Madam Peyton said, and deal in the best way they could and if not, there were others to help them now. They all hoped that Commander Darby would recover, she was well liked, which she would have been surprised to know. Heather sort her mates arms and remained in them until she had cried herself to sleep.

  Marlo took Darby to her cabin, where Brenda saw to her by chivvying her into the shower. When she returned to the lounge, she walked straight into her mate’s arms. He held her and told her most of what had taken place. By the time he finished Darby emerged from her bedroom, where she had changed into jeans and a soft green sweater. She was red eyed and puffy faced, it was well known she did not cry well. Brenda asked. ‘Alright dearle?’

  ‘Yes and no, it was awful, I don’t think I will ever forget that sound, would it be cowardly?’ She asked the two people she admired greatly. ‘If I ask Jarrod to remove the sound from my memory?’As she looked up at Marlo, he stared down at her and stroked her cheek. ‘Never think of yourself as a coward, Darby.’Brenda whispered. ‘All of us at one time or another have things we wish not to remember, especially when we close our eyes at night.’

  Marlo looked at his mate and saw the anguish in her eyes, to them both he said. ‘I believe Jarrod is a worthy male, talk to him and see what he says but only if you think you cannot cope. You need to try to place it all in perspective.’ He held his hand up as Darby went to speak. ‘I know it sounds like a bad idea but give yourself time to absorb, categorize and look at all the angles. I know you do that, I know your mind it needs to assimilate the data. Do not throw out the experience because you think it is too hard to confront. You stood today for that young Warrior, now stand for yourself, you are far stronger than you give yourself credit for.’ He smiled another of his smiles, transforming his frowning countenance to that of a loving male as she asked. ‘I am?’

  They both laughed at Darby’s tone of surprise. Marlo nodded as he told her. ‘Yes, you bring them back to reality when they spiral into what my Brenda calls fantasy land.’

  At Darby’s raised eyebrows, Brenda coughed and said. ‘Yes well, we need not go into all that. What we are trying to say is that none of those sisters of yours would manage well without you. You are a vital member of our family and we are a family, although I will admit we are a very weird one.’

  Darby nodded at the truth of what she said. ‘Maybe, but the pieces are interchangeable especially as our family grows. We all have different needs at different times. Everyone but Peyton, hers always stay the same.’

  Both Marlo and Brenda nodded in agreement with her statement, he said softly. ‘We know sweet girl, we know. The burden she carries is not lost on any of us, and we appreciate the balance you bring to her life.’

  Brenda told her wryly. ‘It’s okay Darby, if not for you, we would have smothered her or those sisters of yours in their sleep long ago.’

  At Darby’s laugh and Marlo’s unexpected bark of laughter, she grinned. ‘Oh you two, it is true, they all, you included young lady, will drive any to drink. I have no idea what Hawk will say when we return.’

  Marlo frowned down at his mate and then Darby as he demanded. ‘He knew we were coming.’

  They both looked at him, Darby with red-rimmed eyes and slightly pale cheeks. Brenda… his Brenda, with her sweet face and secretive eyes that held love for him. Wait… Secretive eyes! He narrowed his eyes as he growled. ‘Brenda my love. Hawk sanctioned this mission.’

  Brenda hugged Darby. ‘Are you okay now?’

  ‘Yes thank you, I am pleased you stopped Heather from drugging me Marlo. You were right I needed to deal with this now.’ She took a deep breath and let it go as she said. ‘I will think about what you have said, I am sure you are right. I need to get context for today and need to do this now. You two look like you have things to say to each other and I have a sister to track down.’ She hugged them again. ‘Thank you both.’

  Leaving the cabin, Darby waved goodbye as they turned left and she turned right to go to Peyton’s cabin. Darby could hear Marlo asking Brenda again if Hawk knew about them leaving home and Brenda’s laughter and soft. ‘Oh Marlo, of course he didn’t.’

  This was followed by his roar. ‘I’ll kill her. If he doesn’t kill me first!’


  Darby nipped along the passageway and palmed the scanner on Peyton’s cabin, overriding the lock. She slipped inside to hear murmuring coming from the bedroom. Looking in, she found Peyton in the middle of her bed, scrunched into a ball with a towel wrapped around her. She was singing an old lullaby Darby had heard her sing to Rayvan. Stealing over on silent feet, she sat on the bed and rubbed her back as she softly crooned. ‘Hush, sweetie hush.’

  ‘I will never forget it, never forget it was because of me and my quest for justice, that those girls were whipped. Not if I live to be a thousand yentas old.’

  ‘I know sweetie… I know.’ Whispered Darby. ‘We need context and a drink. Get up and dress, we will do the steps, isn’t that what you say?’

  ‘Yeah… the steps.’ Peyton wearily nodded and unwound herself as she started to slide off the bed. Unable to bear the ravaged expression on her sister’s face, Darby ordered. ‘Eww girl, get dressed. All your bits are flapping in the air.’

  Shocked, Peyton opened and closed her mouth several times as laughter filled her mind. She did not know if she was more shocked at Darby’s light-hearted comment, or the fact she found something to laugh about.

  Automatically she responded. ‘Aww shuddup. I do not have flapping bits. There is no flapping.’

  Darby quickly left the bedroom and yelled as she went into the little area where Peyton kept her alcohol.

  ‘There are flapping bits, you cannot see them, that’s all.’

  Peyton spun around, looking in her full-length mirror at her not so rounded body. She yelled back as she dressed in underwear and jeans with a thin blue sweater similar to the one Darby had on. ‘I don’t see flapping.’

  Her comfort clothes, she called them, she put on a pair of well-worn boots for added comfort. Luckily it seemed the ship shoes like technology would not work anymore for her. On the one hand, she loved the fact she could wear any shoes she wanted to on board ship. But on the other hand, the moaning from the others got on her nerves. So now Reeico and Commander Kolin were working on a solution for the gravity problem.

  When she pulled her boots on, she stood and looked in the mirror. Yep, it was there, the shadow of what she had caused to happen. She knew she would survive this experience and grow stronger but still it hurt to know she had caused this. Lowering her eyes from her reflection, she hoped that the others would also grow stronger from today.

  Daughter, we are sad you needed to experience the depravity of some and this kind of justice. We wish it could have been otherwise, for not only you but all who attended today.

  Darby stopped what she was doing as she heard the Star Child’s voice and wond
ered did everyone on the ship hear their words.

  You obtained justice for your Warrior, although you did much more. If you had not actively sought justice, the twenty-four females would have spread their depravity beyond this world, believing there were no consequences to their actions. More would have suffered and died in the name of Patamoglian. Now the course of their world will continue on the path their Ancestors wanted for them. Their history is long and bloody, they must not be allowed to return to those days. We will not tolerate them to do so, and thankfully this Emperor will not allow it. We charge you not to allow it.

  Impress on Emperor Phantor the need to remain dedicated to his Empire. This is Patamoglian’s one and only warning. Daughter, you have changed this world, be thankful for that. Know the Emperor and his brothers will shine. He like his daughters are destined for so much more.

  Peyton smiled, a slight movement of her facial muscles. She was coming daily to love the Star Child and their wisdoms and knew what she and her people had witnessed today was for the good of the Universe. It was just hard sometimes to see it as the Star Child did, but she would work on it.

  Darby gave a small smile as she continued making the drinks, while she thought about what the Star Child had told them.


  Peyton gave her hair one more brush, snapped it into a ponytail, or would have if her Star Crystal had not taken over. Just something simple please, I think I need simple today and for a while.

  The Crystal glowed softly and seemed to understand her mood as it twirled and twined through her hair and within seconds she was wearing a short thick braid. Thank you.

  Darby was sitting sipping green liquid from a tall square cut glass. ‘This is so strong.’ She sucked in air and then blew it out before taking another sip.

  Peyton nodded. ‘I know Fenteric wine from the Capital, better than whiskey.’

  ‘Yep.’ Darby acknowledged as she sipped again. Peyton picked up the glass Darby had poured for her and drank half the glass in one swallow. Then wheezed out a breath as she mulled over what the Stars had told them. Darby took another sip of her drink, then she told her what Marlo and Brenda had said.


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