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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 14

by L M Lacee

  ‘One time… One time only.’ Peyton said. ‘But I will give you that point.’

  Hawk said. ‘Food. Let us eat this wonderful food and be thankful we are all home and safe.’

  Peyton grinned as did Melody, then they all raised their glasses in a silent toast and fell to eating. Talk was random, disjointed snatches of conversation from one person to another. Peneria and Ipeara were used to a different type of meal, usually hurried and quiet, taken between working projects. This introduction to a family gathering on Prime was interesting and entertaining.

  When most of the delicious food had been consumed. Peyton stood, and all sound ceased. ‘Thank you ladies again for a wonderful meal.’

  Everyone agreed with the raising of their glasses in a salute. ‘I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who went with me and for those we left home, I also thank you for your understanding of why we had to leave without you. So as you all know we have three new members to our world. Peneria and Ipeara Patamoglo, who are now going to work and live on Maikonia Prime.’ She asked the sisters. ‘Have you been given your apartment?’

  Ipeara answered for them both. ‘Yes Madam.’

  ‘Good, in the morn you will report to Commander Hawk, he is our First Commander. He will find out what it is you wish to do.’

  Hawk ordered. ‘07:00 hours my office, no later please. You can find where it is on your tablet.’

  ‘Yes sir.’ They replied together.

  He smiled and said. ‘Ahh, respect, I remember what that was like’

  There was a smattering of laughter, mainly from the Terran females. Peyton said. ‘We also have retained Fox to our extended family.’

  He stood and bowed. Marlo groaned and Peyton grinned. ‘Please see me at 08:00 for your assignment.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  She said to Hawk. ‘We are missing some?’

  He stood as she sat. ‘Willian declined eve-meal.’

  She nodded and sighed. ‘Okay.’

  Hawk continued. ‘Jorge and Amelia are on Terra, they will be home in three days. Lukkas is on Huntaway with several Warriors on their first hunt.’

  ‘Alright, they are all safe?’

  Bacon ran to Melody as he entered with Rage. Mama Melody I am here.

  She leaned down and hugged him. ‘You washed?’

  I did, I got dirty, and Fanharr said I must no smell when we sees you. I smells a lot. I was sad you was gone.

  ‘Well, I appreciate that, and I was sad I was gone too.’

  Rage told Peyton and the others in the room. The Hunters have protection. I sent a company of Prowlers to Huntaway and alerted the Prowlers on Terra as I did for all the worlds.

  Peyton moved to Rage. ‘Thank you, my friend. I am very sorry you are angry.’

  Someone tried to kill you and you are sorry I am angry. You are a strange female.

  ‘I thought we already established that. I am still sorry it made you angry.’

  I will take my anger out on those that tried to kill you and Sister Darby.

  ‘One has to wonder, are you more annoyed at the attempt on my life or Darby’s?’

  Rage looked at her with amusement. You amuse me, female. Of course it is because of Sister Darby.

  Peyton laughed with everyone else, especially when Darby called out. ‘Love you Rage.’

  As I adore you, sister.

  Peyton grinned. ‘Okay, let me introduce you to the new members of our world.’ She drew the large Prowler to the table. ‘Fox, Ipeara, Peneria this is Pride Leader Rage, he is my Commander of the Prowlers. You should know that Prowlers unlike the Turqualls are willing to bond. So if you are lucky enough to become a bonded pair, your Prowler will love you but he or she will be under Rage and his mate Fanharr’s command.’

  Hawk told them. ‘Rage and Fanharr oversee the Pride, Rave, Rage’s second trains the kits.’

  Rage eyed the three new people saying. The other way we are different to the Turqualls you may have encountered, is we will speak to whoever we like. So do not be surprised if one of my Prowlers talks to you.

  ‘We will not.’ Breathed Ipeara. ‘May I ask Pride Leader…?’

  No. Rage interrupted her with a smile in his voice. It is Rage but thank you for the respect. I hear it in your voice.

  ‘Oh thank you.’ She blushed at the compliment. Peneria sighed. ‘What she wanted to know Rage, is if you have to be special to become bonded.’

  He sent her a smile but addressed Ipeara. No Warrior Ipeara just be you, whatever that is.

  ‘Thank you.’ She smiled and nudged Peneria.

  Esther said. ‘Rage dearle, do you want tea?’

  He sighed. Very much Esther.

  Melody asked. ‘Where is Fanharr?’

  With the wounded who recently arrived.

  ‘Ahh, I see.’

  Peneria and Ipeara watched as Esther set a large bowl of tea on the table. Rage jumped up on to a chair which they noticed had been reinforced. Rage lapped his tea with precise, almost delicate movements of his tongue. He said without looking up. I am aware they call you Fox.

  Fox grinned. ‘I am so called.’

  And you are to work for our Beloved?

  Melody interjected and told Fox and the sisters. ‘He means Madam, which is the Prowlers title for her.’

  Fox nodded to Melody in thanks, his eyes still on the giant Prowler. ‘I will have that honor.’

  I will not allow you to play with my people Fox. I know of you and your talents. Understand, like Commander Marlo. I have no tolerance for your tuap.

  ‘Understood.’ Fox said a little of his bluster leaving him.

  Rage said. In saying that. I will endeavor to help anyway I can. When you go on your next mission. I will assign two of my best Prowlers to go with you.

  Fox looked toward Harm who had said very little and said nothing now, he just had a small smile on his face. He then looked to Peyton who was feeding Rayvan, seemingly taking no part in the conversation.

  He frowned and stated. ‘I work alone.’

  Rage lifted his head and stared at the young male. Fox swallowed hard as his mind scrambled for something to say, finally coming up with. ‘Except for this time.’

  There were a few quickly muffled snickers of laughter at his acceptance. It is best to see it my way, I may be Pride Leader but as our Beloved said, I am a Commander.

  ‘Thank you, I think.’

  Harm said. ‘Do it his way, it will make Madam happy.’

  ‘And stars knows we need to do that.’ Muttered Marlo.

  Peyton smiled. ‘Yes we do, you grumpy old male.’

  ‘What was that?’ He asked with a glint in his eye.

  Perkily, she said. ‘I said time for dessert.’

  Causing a few smothered smiles as he frowned at her. Fox wiped his face. Ipeara said undercover of the conversations going on around them. ‘Intense, there for a min.’

  He nodded with a grin. ‘Very.’

  Peneria asked. ‘Are you rethinking taking the position?’

  Fox turned a smiling face to her. ‘Nope, more fun, much more fun.’

  ‘You walk a dangerous line, young one?’ Peneria warned.

  ‘I know.’

  ‘More fun!’ They said in unison.

  After dessert was brought out. Peyton asked. ‘So how did your mission go Hawk?’

  He wiped his mouth. ‘We rescued twenty-five Prowlers…’

  Ipeara interrupted, ‘Excuse me, sir.’

  ‘Stop that.’ Darby ordered. ‘Do not call him that.’

  She looked at the grinning Hawk and told him. ‘I respect you, but I am not calling you that, so just stop right there.’ He looked at her innocently as she said. ‘I know you were thinking about it.’

  His grin grew into a smile which had both Ipeara and Peneria almost fanning themselves. Darby turned to the sisters. ‘Did you get the download?’

  They shook their heads. ‘No, what download?’

  ‘Dayam, I am sorry. Ladies come with me and we will
do that now, Heather.’

  ‘I’m coming.’ She stood and told Harm. ‘Save me dessert or be put in restraints.’

  ‘As a threat, it leaves much to be desired.’

  ‘You haven’t seen my restraints.’ She leaned down and whispered in his ear, when she rose and moved away he was laughing. ‘Naughty healer, dessert will be waiting.’

  She grinned. ‘I thought it might. Peyton, close your mouth.’ Everyone looked at Peyton in time to see her snap her lips together and blush.

  After the four had left, five counting Draykin. Hawk continued. ‘As I said we retrieved twenty-five from the planet near Citri’s moon. There was a mix of kits, juveniles and adults. There are one or two Kate is unsure will make it. The others are not too severely injured. We have the names of the worlds they came from and have sent trackers out. When we have enough information, we will visit and stop this abhorrent behavior.’

  ‘Alright, I will go visit them after dinner. The sleepers, how many did you find?’

  ‘We found three thousand, they are being revived as we speak. Patty has decided to take it slow and only wake a hundred at a time. It is easier for them to assimilate back into society in smaller numbers.’

  ‘And is it working?’

  ‘Yes, she has the right amount; they seem to be calmer and more accepting of what has happened.’

  ‘Well, we will make that our policy then. I will have it written and sent to Heather.’

  Melody grinned. ‘I am sure she won’t mind, after all it was her idea.’

  ‘So funny, Rage, how many Prowlers do we have now?’

  With the additions of the recently rescued. We have just over fifteen thousand.

  ‘Wow! I did not know we had that many. That is sad, don’t you think?’

  Marlo said. ‘Not really when you think about the history of the Turqualls. It was inevitable they would all come out from hiding. Especially when they heard about you and the Prowlers.’

  Larson asked. ‘How are they learning about them, do you think?’

  ‘The Stars.’ Helen answered him. ‘I would wager that is how.’

  Brenda said. ‘Now that makes sense. Any babies, sorry I mean kits?’

  Rage sent her a smile. Brenda, we have had two nesting’s recently.

  ‘Oh how wonderful.’

  ‘So what is the ratio?’ Melody asked as she fed Bacon a piece of roll.

  We have thirteen hundred kits, three thousand-five hundred juveniles and eight thousand adults, and some of those have just reached adulthood. We also have two thousand elders.

  Peyton looked at Rage, at the tired slump to his ears and knew he was keeping something from her. Then she thought about the numbers he quoted and realized what it was. He, Fanharr and Rave had arrived on Prime with a few hundred Prowlers. Now they were in the thousands and still it was only the three of them to oversee and train the Pride.

  ‘Well, we have some decisions to make, do we not?’

  Hawk asked. ‘What decisions?’

  ‘We have command and support structure to put in place for the Prowlers.’ She looked at Rage, held his face with her hand as she turned his large head toward her. Then the song of the stars sang in her voice.

  Pride Leader, we are most pleased with your care of our friends to the stars, and our Daughter. The Tuarillians would be proud of what you are accomplishing. But it is time before Pantarr arrives for you to expand. Take heed of what your Beloved says.

  Peyton smoothed the fur on his face. ‘It is time for you to accept our help. We have been neglectful, you are almost overwhelmed with pride members. I know I don’t express it enough, but we are happy you are part of the whole. Without you we would be bereft, our pride would be so much less, the Star Child is right we have to get this sorted before Pantarr arrives. So I suggest we all meet in the morn.’

  Rage asked. What is there to change? We are Prowlers, not bipeds?

  Esther snorted. ‘You are not listening or observing, look at Hawk and his Commanders. There is a chain of command. No Armee can run without it and whether or not you like it and I know you do like it. You are the Prowler Armee of Maikonia or you are meant to be.’

  Hawk said as he relaxed back in his chair. ‘Esther as always, is right. You know you cannot continue as you have been. Rave is ill equipped to train that many kits. Melody will pair up as many as come to her, but you and Fanharr need to step up and trust in your people.’

  ‘And to do that.’ Peyton said. ‘Rage, will you Fanharr and Rave attend a meeting at 10:00 hours tomorrow morn.’

  We will attend Beloved.

  Peyton smoothed the fur on his head. ‘Good. So Raley, will you please arrange to be at the meeting with Rage and Fanharr. I would also like the three Commanders from Oraintarre to be there. It is time they became part of Maikonia, and if you could ask Specialist Telfor to attend as well as Artar Kate please.’

  Raley cocked an eyebrow at her in enquiry as he asked. ‘Of course Madam. I assume I am going to be involved in this new command?’

  Taking his words as a desire to be involved, she said. ‘Only if you wish to be Raley. I will not push you into something you do not want to do.’

  ‘Oh I know, and I am very willing. Marlo, Larson and Alexx have the counseling for the Warriors running like a fine-tuned blaster. Bricc and I feel superfluous.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘Well, we cannot have that. Melody will you attend as well?’

  ‘I don’t think I need to be in on this. You can tell me later what happened.’

  ‘Oh okay.’

  Melody laughed at her woebegone expression. ‘Peyton, I have meetings all morn with potential bondings. I think they take precedence over my sitting on a chair and agreeing with stuff I do not want or need to know about.’

  ‘Well fine, you would know.’

  ‘Didn’t I just say that? I thought we were leaving.’

  ‘Oh yeah.’ She stood as did Esther and Netta while Melody swung Rayvan into her arms. Peyton told Hawk and the others. ‘We are off to see the wounded and meet some of the sleepers. Until tomorrow everyone, good-eve.’

  Esther offered her goodbyes and stepped into the transfer circle with Peyton, followed swiftly by Melody, Netta and the kits. While Rayvan waved tiredly from his aunties arms.

  Rage said. She is a force.

  The others all agreed as they sat around the table and Brenda poured tea, Helen said. ‘So Rage dearle, are you going to tell her Fanharr is with kits?’

  The others all smiled and congratulated him as he sighed. I will but after we have restructured, she will be happy, but it means we will be unable to go off world with her.

  Marlo said. ‘You both knew this was a possibility.’

  We did, but not so soon. We hoped her bonded would be here by now. He sighed again as he said. It is for the best. I need to be here for my family and the Prowlers need training. I will admit restructure is something Fanharr has told me we have needed to do for a while. It is a fact that we are desperate to have this organized.

  Raley told him. ‘Yes you do, we will put in place a structure that will work for you. I have an idea Madam has already worked one out.’

  Hawk agreed. ‘Wait and see tomorrow morn. You may be surprised.’

  Rage agreed. I will, now I am to see Fanharr, good- eve everyone.


  The next morning, found Peyton in her office with Rayvan, who was happy his Mama was in his world again. Prowlers surrounded him as he played with his toys. His sitters today were brothers Tad and Red, two juveniles from Porquiel. Both un-bonded and wishing they were. Tad was tan with black stripes and blue eyes. Red’s fur was a deep red, and he continuously had sad blue eyes. They had left their brother when they had been evacuated from their home world. Sadly, they missed and worried about him constantly. Melody was hopeful they would find their own bonded soon, otherwise she was afraid they would do something crazy. She had told Peyton shew was almost at the point of contacting someone to go to Porquiel, to see if t
heir brother was alright just to reassure the Prowlers.

  For now, though their minds were on Rayvan, they enjoyed their baby-sitting duties and Peyton made sure she asked for them often.

  Across the Hex in his office, Hawk sat and looked at the two Patamoglian females standing in front of his desk. Both were dressed in their new uniforms. He had read Darby’s report, which was very concise as all her reports were. He also had Netta’s and Melody’s assessments.

  Both females were well trained and still he wanted to dislike them and find them lacking. He realized it was entirely based on his guilty feelings associated with Willian and was appalled at himself. As he watched them watch him, he saw the fear and resignation in their eyes. They suspected that he did not want them here, and on some level they were right. He worried about Willian, but he trusted in Peyton’s decision.

  Over the luneras he had come to the realization that Peyton saw more in people than he did or ever hoped to. She brought these females here for a reason, and he knew, deep in his gut, that they were a part of that big pic she often talked about.

  Salmah asked. Have you decided bonded?

  Yes, they are worthy.

  They are, one is very frightened, even though she has been taught to hide it well.

  That would be the younger one, Ipeara?

  Yes. The older sister is resigned, she needs to be here. To be in this world and is resigned to fight for her place. I like them both. I find them honorable.

  Thank you Salmah, I always appreciate your words. She sent him laughter as she said. Bonded you are a joy even when you tell half-truths.

  Marlo and Nikolas entered and took their places against the back wall. Hawk asked the sisters. ‘What are your ambitions, why are you here?’

  Ipeara answered, as was their way. ‘We want…’

  ‘No.’ Hawk stopped her. ‘You speak for yourself, not your sister, just you?’ He pointed at her. ‘Why are you here? What do you want?’

  Ipeara looked at Peneria, who gave her a nod. She answered in a rush, hoping to get it all out before someone stopped her. ‘I want to fly, I mean I can. I pilot shuttles and land cruisers but to fly all over the galaxy. To be a pilot on a Warship or Battlecruiser that must be amazing and I want that. It would be exciting to meet new people, see unknown worlds. To experience adventures and find new places to explore. It must be wonderful…’ She trailed off, knowing she had repeated herself and ducked her head.


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