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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 25

by L M Lacee

  ‘That confirms what we know. Thank you.’

  Ipeara said. ‘Our Papa said the same.’

  Malchol smiled. ‘He is very wise. One hour Willian.’

  Peneria said. ‘He will be there.’

  Malchol smiled. ‘I have no doubt.’

  Peneria said to Willian as they watched Malchol join his family and leave. ‘You should know I am bossy and I do not chatter. I have spoken more today than I have in wekens. I am very intelligent. I enjoy puzzles and I will not tolerate anyone disrespecting you, me or Boaks. In fact anyone I love. I do not cook and things.’ She sighed as she looked up into his smiling face.

  ‘You should know?’ Willian said. ‘I have a large family. I have been brutalized and have issues. I love our Star Daughter and her sisters but not before you. I am intelligent, and I work for my sister Darby. I also love puzzles. I am very wealthy, umm…’

  ‘You don’t cook or things.’ Whispered Peyton.

  ‘Thank you.’ He whispered back. Smiling he told Peneria who was smiling also. ‘I do not cook or things, but we live with the best chef in all the worlds. So that is alright, apparently she and the other ladies know how to do all that stuff.’

  ‘Apparently!’ Helen growled as Brenda laughingly said. ‘Hush.’ Then she addressed Willian and Peneria. ‘That was sweet, now let us go dearles and move you into your new home. Esther has already begun.’

  Peyton looked at her son, he did not smile at her like he normally did. ‘Alright everyone out, my son and I have things to discuss.’

  Netta said. ‘I will be back later.’

  It was the first time she had voluntarily left Peyton, since they had returned from Patamagolian.

  ‘Okay, Netta.’ Peyton said patiently and smiled sympathetically at her.

  Netta sighed. ‘Yeah alright, enough already?’

  ‘Just trying to help, sweet Netta.’

  ‘Aww shut up, or I’ll tell Esther.’

  ‘No need to be mean.’

  Netta grinned. ‘Come on Ipeara, let us get you squared away at my place for the night.’

  ‘I do not know this term?’ They left discussing words and meanings.

  Esther as Brenda said, was moving her things into Peyton’s apartment with the help of some Warriors. Willian and his new family left with a promise to Peyton that they would see each other before they left the following morn. He was to stay at home now with Peneria and Boaks.

  Helen said she would make the couple a meal and leave it in their kitchenette, she told Boaks he may want to stay with Melody and Bacon for the night. He looked at her as she said. ‘Mating.’

  He then looked toward Peneria and Willian as they were waiting for the airlift and shivered saying. I will stay with Tocho Melody and young Bacon.

  Hawk, Melody, Darby and Marlo remained with Helen as Brenda went to oversee the movement of people in their domain. Peyton took Rayvan out onto a balcony to have a long discussion, or as long as a three yenta was able to stay awake.


  Next morn as predicted the new Warbird, Prowler I, was underway just as the second sun started its ascent. This Warbird was four times larger than the other Warships, and the command bridge alone needed two Commanders and six pilots to maneuver the craft. Darby informed Peyton that the navigational system was a marvel of ingenuity, and Jean told her the engineering alone was perfection and had made grown engineers cry.

  The Warship had several docking levels which had screens, or as the Terrans called them, force-fields; the Engineers called them something technical. Apparently the force-fields turned on when the bay doors opened. So atmosphere was not lost and people did not have to hurry from the docking bays. This Warship had many new and innovative systems that made life easier for the crew and passengers. It even had a jail or brig and several levels for the cruisers, shuttles and jet fighters, Peyton was amused to hear the name had remained for the one-man crafts.

  A full crew would number in the thousands, this mission was a trial run, so only fifteen hundred crew were on board. Which Peyton still thought was an enormous number. She did not understand what they all did to keep themselves busy and was going to ask Hawk. But as he was not really himself lately, she decided to work it out for herself on this voyage.

  Netta told her there was a level dedicated entirely to medical, and the Warbirds were to have permanent Healers and Artars. It seemed Heather and Kate had been busy deciding on what was needed on the ships.

  The staterooms, which were huge and beautifully decorated compared to what they were used to, had cleansing rooms as good as they had at home. Peyton had seen the plans and knew the crew’s cabins, although not as luxurious as the state rooms were still well-sized with adequate storage. There were enough cabins, so the crew would only have to twin share, not sleep four or more as some other Warships did. The cabins were equipped with the latest tech and screens and they had their own dispensers which carried snacks and beverages for all the different species.

  Darby said the people who had started building the ship had a water reticulation system that no one had ever seen before. It had taken four of her scientists and system analysts, three luneras to semi-understand its function, it was an innovation of perfection and was to be phased on to the worlds. Rose was interested in selling the technology, but as they were still unsure how it worked, she would wait for Darby’s okay on that.

  Peyton found there were viewing lounges on every level and was told by Netta as they wandered the passageways, that there were fully stocked dispensers in every lounge. Apparently the lounges had become a feature on all the ships and the cruisers. Instead of a shipteen or dining room on each level as the other Warships had, there was only one for the entire ship and it occupied one full level. There were five open kitchens and more that could be operational when the ship carried a full crew. Peyton’s mind boggled at how many chefs and staff it would take to run the shipteen. They decided to go visit the dining level because Netta said there were food stations catering for several species; it seemed there was even one with food from Earth as well as food from Jenersar and Yanarah for the Mystics. There were stations with food they had never tasted before from worlds they had never seen. The dining level would always remain open and maned, if not by chefs, by bots.

  After talking to numerous people on their tour of the ship, Peyton and Netta finally made their way to the level designated Esther’s diner and found it was not as full as they thought it would be. Both of them were pleased to see their table was in almost the same position as on the other ships.

  Peyton said. ‘Now that is cool.’

  Netta grinned. ‘I’ll get drinks?’

  ‘Thanks Netta.’

  Esther walked up behind them carrying a tray, she placed it on the table and they took their cups. They both said. ‘Thank you Esther.’

  ‘What do you think of your domain?’ Peyton asked her.

  Esther looked around at the pristine diner with tables and seats scattered throughout. ‘I love it, once we sectioned it off as we have done. The kitchens are amazing, and the cleaning bots are extraordinary. Did you know there are airlifts, not like the old lifts and Darby told me there are transfer circles too but they are not operational yet? Isn’t that amazing the ship is so big, transfer circles are needed?’

  Peyton sipped her coffee then said. ‘I know it’s huge, we have been looking around but I think it is going to take days to see everything.’

  Knife ran up to Netta. Mama Netta, Grammie Esta, Mama Petn, wees have our own food place. He wiggled with pleasure as he jumped up beside Peyton and Netta.

  Bacon bounded in and told them. I told him, because I found it.

  Melody followed him with a cup in hand. ‘Yes you did, you clever boy.’

  Esther rubbed his head. ‘Of course you did, it was a surprise for you all.’ She looked at the others. ‘We decided if we are to travel with Prowlers, they needed their own food diner. So we sectioned off an area that is just for the Prowlers, with two
chefs to provide food.’

  And cookies. Scout said as he and Lukkas came over. Lukkas had a plate piled high with food, he sat and started to eat without pausing. They all looked at him and he grinned.

  Peyton asked. ‘Good.’

  He nodded enthusiastically as Melody asked Esther. ‘So all the Warbirds have this diner for the Prowlers?’

  Esther swallowed her tea and answered. ‘Yes, every one of them. Prowlers need to eat just like us, especially the young.’

  Melody said. ‘Did you know they have their own medical unit, isn’t that great?’

  Peyton nodded as she said. ‘I did, and it is, Kate has them all fitted out, they even have regenerators which are on all the Warbirds now.’

  Esther asked. ‘That is fabulous, where is Darby?’

  ‘Checking the running of the ship.’ Netta told her.

  ‘That will keep her busy.’ Esther said as Honor strolled up. Madam, Draykin has woken and is distressed.

  They all knew if she was here, it meant Darby was still engaged somewhere and could not leave or be reached. Peyton stood. ‘Where are the nannies?’

  They are there. I came for you.

  ‘But Honor, that is why there are nannies.’

  And yet I am here for you to see to him. He is upset and not getting any happier.

  ‘Sheesh, you are so bossy.’

  So I have been told.

  ‘Okay, I will go, Honor have you eaten?’

  No, I have not.

  Bacon said. I will show you Honor where we eat.

  Thank you, Bacon.

  Peyton waved as she said. ‘You do that Honor, I will see to Draykin. See you all later.’


  The following night, Salmah found Hawk working out in the training area. He had run several miles already and pummeled a virtual Warrior until the holo shutdown and now he was on the weight trainer. Salmah sat and watched her bonded. He hardly slept now, his emotions were erratic, and she knew Dinas who came up behind her was worried.

  He has not slept at all for the last two nights; he has trained harder since we came on board.

  Dinas stroked her head as he said. I see, we may have to do something.

  Talk to our Beloved.


  You think we should wait?

  I do, it is not a chemical imbalance.

  Maybe the Star Child?

  Do you think they would have hurt him?

  Not on purpose. She answered worriedly.

  I do not; we wait and watch Salmah.

  As you wish but many more nights like this and I will speak to Beloved

  Alright Salmah, it is your right as his bonded.

  Dinas left her more concerned than he let Salmah know. Hawk could not continue like this, he hoped he was doing right by his brother in not saying anything or in fact allowing him to be on this mission.

  The following morn Peyton woke early, even by ship standards. She dressed ready for the day then leaned over the crib and softly kissed Rayvan who lay on his back, with his arms and legs splayed wide. Her son owned the whole crib. Smiling she smoothed his hair away from his face, he was a beautiful little alien.

  Laughing silently at the term, weren’t they all alien? He had kicked his blanket off again; she covered him, then yawned and stretched. Something was nagging at her like a tooth ache, and it was becoming very annoying.

  As she watched Rayvan, she once again admired the waist high crib. It resembled half an eggshell and had a force- field keyed to the baby’s biorhythms or something. She had stopped listening when Jean launched into her explanation. Regardless, it stopped the little ones from climbing out and was adjustable for any age. She had several in her cabin, as did Darby in hers. In fact, most of what they called the staterooms had them. The crib was a recent invention and appeared to be suspended in air. In actuality it pulled out from the wall, and when not in use or not wanted folded up somehow and slipped back inside the wall.

  Amelia had shown Peyton the ones in her bedroom when they had first come on board. They had played with them for ages until Jean came in and asked if they were finished playing. If not, she could wait to run the diagnostics; obviously their fun superseded her work, she only had an extensive list to attend to. They had apologized and stopped playing with the cribs.

  Peyton thought it was amazing how Jean always caught them playing with stuff, or at least she always managed to catch her. She was starting to think Jean had her chipped for trouble.

  She walked into her cabin's office, this ship came equipped with an A.I. named Jax, from some weird TV program Jean had been watching when the A.I. came on line. It had a personality apparently and quite a dry wit, or so Jean had told them.

  Peyton picked up her cup from the dispenser and realized what had been nagging at her and smiled. Well okay then. She sat at her desk and said. ‘Greetings Jax, we have not officially met yet, thank you for the coffee.’

  Greetings Madam, no we have not and you are welcome.

  To test the waters so to speak, Peyton asked. ‘Who programmed you?’

  I did.

  ‘No, I mean your technician. You are very friendly for an A.I?’

  If I was an A.I. that would be a compliment.

  ‘As I thought.’

  I wondered when you would realize.

  ‘I think I have known for a while. Little clues, friendly comp and greetings, things like that.’

  It is of no surprise Madam. I have observed you are particularly intelligent.

  ‘You sound surprised?’

  Until recently I have been unaware of your species.

  ‘Was that an answer?’

  I believe it was.

  ‘So you think I am intelligent?’

  You are intelligent! Of course with the added knowledge from the Star Child and the powers of the Star Daughter it is to be expected. Yet you do not allow it to diminish your sense of humor, nor have you allowed it to corrupt your innate honor. I am confused as to why you do not allow any of your friends or family to know how intelligent you have become. Is this a necessity of your species?

  ‘No, I just thought why make an issue of it. I know and that is all that matters. Unfortunately I become so lost within myself at times I appear as though I am a scatterbrain.’ She laughed. ‘I doubt anyone would really believe it.’

  He did not reply to this, so feeling slightly uncomfortable with his silence, Peyton asked. ‘So it would seem we are as new to you as you are to us?’

  After a min in which Peyton could almost see him assimilating her previous answer and filing it away for future analysis, he replied. Yes.

  Smiling she told him. ‘I think we are going to get on very well together.’

  As do I.

  ‘So, I assume you have been studying us, learning who we all are?’

  Yes, since you woke Maikonia.

  ‘I am guessing you can grow and evolve?’

  I have and are doing so as we speak. I am unsure how to explain who I actually am. So I believe I will say I have many sides to my personality which are still in stasis. In other words I have not woken my other selves. I was awaiting our first meeting.

  ‘So you will be everywhere then?’

  It is what my kind do.

  ‘Why are you here?’

  To inhabit the Maikonia system.

  ‘Were you asked by someone to do so?’

  Logic suggests I was.

  ‘By whom?’

  I…I... have no knowledge of who... just the question.

  Peyton could hear the distress in his voice at not having the memory and quickly said. ‘We will leave that for the moment, where do you come from?’

  Will it really make a difference for you to know?

  ‘Probably not. What species are you?’



  I am who I am.

  ‘I see, that too will not make a difference to me.’


  ‘Are you from this

  That is easy to answer, I am not.

  ‘Okay, last question on this subject, are we likely to have more of your kind here?’

  It is a possibility, but I think highly unlikely.

  ‘Okay. So why do you think you are here?’

  I believe I am here for you.

  ‘Me specifically, or me as in the Universe?’

  You, the Universe is a bonus.

  ‘Oh, how nice? Umm so are you planning on taking over the Universe?’

  He laughed. No... No taking over... Living with, expanding in. Just what is designated as belonging to Maikonia for now? I am amused by the diverse species you have amassed so far. It will be interesting to see what happens and who comes next. Also, your species, Terrans are fascinating with your emotions and thought processes.

  Peyton went over what he said and saw the tricky caveat he had included and laughed. ‘I would not have put it quite that way, but I see your point. So you like the name Jax?’


  ‘And the voice, is it yours or a representation of yours?’

  It is mine or what mine is now.

  ‘So you are male?’

  I am aware.

  Peyton quietly laughed at the non-answer. ‘Why now?’

  I wanted to be sure, to learn as much as I could before I explained myself. You are more than I could have ever suspected. In all my yentas I have never met a species such as yours. Your species is delightful, imaginative, and informative and your desire for knowledge is amazing. Specialist Darby looks at things so differently to my species. I have never encountered this form of thinking before. It is invigorating to listen and observe. Then there are the Warriors, the feared menace of the Universe. I have found they are so very different from depicted rumor with their inquisitive natures and intelligence mixed with honor, all wrapped up in a Warriors physique? It is the same with the Prowlers who have an immense sense of self and are learning more of what they should be. Then there are the ones renamed Mystics, a species I have not encountered before. I find I like to observe the way they converse, the shroud of talent that surrounds them as well as the Warrior they keep hidden. I believe you and your people are on the cusp of greatness. It was time.


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