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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 27

by L M Lacee

  ‘Thank you.’

  Netta asked. ‘I wonder Jax could you guess as to how the Darganissa is stock piling eggs. I mean what about the parents attachment to the eggs.’

  Commander I think you will find the parents have no attachment to the eggs. To them they are not considered babies until they are hatched. Remember I did say they were prolific.

  Heather said. ‘So it’s like a defense memory. Once they are taken away, the parents no longer remember them.’

  Perhaps, I cannot say.

  Peyton halted anymore discussion on that topic by saying. ‘Thank you Jax, I don’t think talking about this will get us anywhere.’

  Patty asked. ’So okay what about when they are hatched.’

  The infants when hatched weigh anywhere from four to six pounds. It has been stated that an infant within the egg will pick a parent if given up for guardio, although this has never been verified.

  Darby asked. ‘Can you tell what color Draykin is?’

  Jax paused for a moment and then said hesitantly.

  He is Bronze.

  ‘Of course he is, how could he be anything else? You have to wonder how he ended up on Pantarr.’

  I should imagine there are various reasons. He could have been stolen, sold or his birth parents were killed and he was kidnapped. I could try to find out for you Specialist?

  Darby looked at her now quiet boy and sighed. ‘Thank you Jax, but if I decide in the future, we want to know we will look then. For now I am happy he is mine and safe, that is all I care about.’

  This is what makes you a special species.

  ‘What does?’ Heather asked before Peyton could.

  I have observed you have no concept of division, you know it, you understand it but you do not apply it. Young Draykin is Specialist Darby’s son regardless of where he came from, the same for Rayvan. They are treated as though they were birthed by both mothers. Equality rules on your worlds and in your hearts. It is contagious, you infect all species with this attitude when they come in contact with you. It is one of the reasons you will be great and powerful in this Universe.

  Peyton said. ‘We thank you, we strive hard to achieve this. So Jax, why do they want to eradicate the Bronze Draygonissia? Do they have a reason?’

  I suppose they could have, although I would ascertain it is nebulous at best. When Draygann was first settled, there were civil wars almost constantly. As I said Draygonissia are very prolific breeders, so a war or wars was a very effective culling method. Even after the culling succeeded, the wars continued. It seems the Bronzes fought well and were on the brink of taking the world over. They are tacticians and Warriors, not politicians. It would have resulted in a catastrophe.

  From what I can gather toward the end of the last Great War, the Blues brokered a deal. They would rule Draygann and the Bronzes would rule alongside them. So they joined forces and swept the battlefield clean.

  Dinas asked him. ‘This was when?’

  The data is corrupted and not specific but it may have been around seven hundred yentas ago. Is it important Elite Dinas?

  ‘No, not really, thank you.’

  I would hypothesize that there has not been a war for hundreds of yentas, therefore no need for the Bronzes to exist. From what Nimbyya has said, over time the Blues have eroded the population’s confidence in the value of the Bronzes. And once this Darganissa took power, she has fostered the demise of the Bronzes.

  Peyton rubbed her hands up and down her arms saying. ‘The Blues have undermined and reduced the Bronzes to relics and as we all know relics must be removed, so the new world can grow. It seems the Darganissa, and the people of Draygann have decided that they are ready for this to happen.’

  Sadly Jax stated. It appears they have forgotten what it was like before they achieved peace and who won that peace for them. I fear for the Draygonissia when the Bronzes are removed from their society.

  Peyton said. ‘As do I, but I see no alternative. I will not sacrifice one part of their society just to halt something we all know will happen, eventually. So we will save as many as we can.’

  They all heard Jax sigh. As much as the delightful Star Nimbyya wishes it to be different. We will not prevent civil war, just prolong the inevitable.

  Esther said hopefully. ‘Let us all hope it does not come to that, maybe they will see sense.’

  ‘It seems like a no-win situation.’ Muttered Darby.

  The only ones who will win in this, are the Bronzes and rescued eggs. Stated Jax and no one disagreed with the sentiment.

  Peyton said. ‘Thank you Jax. So I am not going to play with these people. I want us in and out quickly. To accomplish that, we will scout the area the night before. I want us on the planet early and back on board in the shortest amount of time possible. The ones we are rescuing have nothing greatly to pack, nothing but memento’s and themselves, so make them walk, crawl, be carried if necessary. If they don’t comply, stun them, just get them on those shuttles. The longest process could be the retrieval of the eggs. We do not have a count of how many, so Netta I will give that assignment to you. Take Warriors with you and as many non-combatants as you can to help load them. Jax, would you have a pic on how they could be stored?’

  I do Madam.

  ‘Good, give that to Netta please.’

  Esther said. ‘I will be on Netta’s team. Do not give me that look?’ She told Peyton. ‘I will be fine.’

  Peyton scowled and without agreeing she told Netta. ‘Take more Warriors.’

  Netta grinned at Esther and said. ‘I have this Peyton.’

  ‘Melody you have the settlement, apparently it is mainly the elders, females and juveniles.’

  ‘Got it.’

  ‘If Hawk is with us, he will lead the Warriors to the male’s compound or what passes for it. If he is unable to, then it is your task Dinas. Can you do it?’

  ‘I can Madam. I am a medic by choice. An Elite by birth.’

  ‘I forgot, I apologize. Jorge, you are my guard Captain.’

  At his raised eyebrow, she grinned. ‘You were late to the meeting, so you drew the short straw.’

  They all laughed as he grinned. ‘I do know what that means and I am good with it.’

  Peyton asked. ‘So we are clear here?’

  Harm raised a golden brow as he asked. ‘Did you forget us on purpose?’

  She smiled. ‘Smartass. No see me later.’ She mind-sent. You, Sedeen, Matt and Rave please. I’ll let you know when.

  Kate asked. ‘And my team?’

  Peyton answered, ‘I would like you and Heather to choose teams and go to the planet or stay up here. It is up to each of you to decide what is best for your people and your patients and make no mistake they will be your patients. They are in bad shape, from what Nimbyya has shown me. So they are going to need you and probably every regenerator on board.’

  Darby arched a nicely shaped eyebrow, a vanity of hers, eyebrows and nails. She never failed to attend her weken appointment with the beauticians.

  ‘What are Jean and I meant to do, sit and twiddle our thumbs?’

  Relieved she seemed back to her normal self, the wild look having eased from her eyes, Peyton responded in kind. ‘I’ll tell you where you can stick your thumbs…’

  ‘Peyton!’ Esther sharply halted her words reminding her. ‘Children, present, really girls.’

  Darby smirked as Peyton growled. ‘You, Jean and your teams will be shuttled down, and you will destroy all the genetic stuff, purge their systems. Leave them nothing. Corrupt anything you can, also collect anything pertaining to everything.’

  Darby nodded and commented. ‘Well that’s succinct.’

  Peyton just looked at her and she hurriedly said. ‘Got it, destroy, corrupt, purge, collect. Not a problem? I may just change the order and maybe place collection ahead of everything else. But it will be done.’

  ‘Are you sure? Because I am sure I could ask someone else to…’

  ‘No… no, it is taken care of.’

  ‘Alright then.’

  A roar echoed throughout the ship, a roar of anger and pain. Peyton sighed then asked. ‘Any more questions?’

  When there were none, she closed the meeting. ‘The meeting is now over, see you all later.’ As they all got up to go, Peyton halted them with. ‘Oh there is one thing, a small matter really and you probably don’t even know…’

  ‘What Star Girl?’ Asked an exasperated Melody as she put Rayvan down, she looked up just in time to see Peyton wipe the confused frown from her face.

  Heather urged her. ‘Spill it Star Girl.’

  ‘Well, it is nothing really, but I was wondering if any of you knew what happened to my chocolate. I mean I had some stored away, and it is gone, well not all of it but most of it.’

  Heather shook her head as Patty started to choke, which ended up in a cough and Netta’s face went blank.

  Melody’s eyes darted around as her hands jerked on the top she was straightening for Rayvan, which Peyton thought was most telling. She just stopped her eyes from narrowing which would have given the game away.

  Melody asked once she cleared her throat. ‘Did you have chocolate?’

  ‘Yes... yes, I did.’

  ‘Huh, amazing, are you sure you didn’t eat it and I don’t know forget you had?’

  ‘Oh that is a good point.’ She heard Melody sigh and watched as her shoulders relax until she said. ‘But…’ She just stopped herself from laughing, when those same shoulders hunched slightly. ‘I know that didn’t happen.’

  ‘Really, how would you know that?’ Netta asked trying to take her attention off Melody until she collected herself.

  ‘Well I gave it to Hawk to look after, and he put it on board the night before we left.’


  ‘Did you say something, Melody?’

  ‘I said shame it must have been left at home, maybe when he is himself, you could ask him? Well, we have to run. I have training I must kit up.’

  Netta went with her saying. ‘As must I.’

  Dinas said. ‘We have to go and… umm... we have to go…’ He dragged a laughing Patty away.

  Heather and Harm’s faces were not showing any expressions as they quickly left. Sedeen observed in his amused way. ‘I think a conspiracy is in play Madam.’

  ‘I think you are right Sedeen.’

  ‘Do you know who the culprit is?’ Kate asked her amusement plain to see on her face.

  ‘Not for sure but I think it is Melody, but the others... the others know something and I will find out, and then I will devise a payback. Until then they will be wondering and worrying mawahahaha!’

  They all walked away shaking their heads, crazy and bat shit crazy was repeated a lot. She and Esther watched as Darby walked from the diner with Draykin in her arms. ‘She will not let him out of her sight for a while.’ Esther told her.

  ‘I suppose not. Rayvan say bye to Grammie.’

  ‘I am going to comm the grandmas and grandpas at home, Rayvan would you like to talk to them?’

  ‘Can I Mama?’

  ‘Of course you can, warrior boy.’ She sighed as another roar was heard.

  ‘He is getting worse.’ Esther told her worriedly as Peyton nodded. ‘He will be alright.’

  ‘What has caused this? Is he ill?’

  ‘Yes and no, he did not want to admit to his hearts and needars desires. So now his body is turning on him, and he suffers.’

  ‘He what?’

  ‘The mating call, he ignored it, now he has no choice?’

  ‘Oh like Dinas, well who is it?’ Esther asked as Karen who had remained silent throughout the meeting came to where Esther and Peyton stood. She had dark circles ringing her eyes, her face was pale and her hair hung in strands around her face. It was obvious to see she had lost weight. Lethargy hung on her like a shroud, she said now to Esther. ‘I am going to go watch a vid okay?’

  ‘Sure sweetie, I will be there in a min.’

  They watched her make her slow way from the diner. Peyton said as she stared after Karen. ‘Yes, just like Dinas but times a thousand, if it does not naturally resolve itself by this eve. I will take steps.’ She nodded at Karen as she left the diner.

  ‘Oh my.’ Esther said, then smiled. ‘Oh!’


  ‘Netta! Dayam it.’

  ‘Get you head in the fight!’

  ‘Yeah… Yeah, I have it.’

  ‘Look out!’

  Netta danced out of the way of the sword blade as it whistled pass her face. Seriously, who knew when she got up this morn, the day would turn out like this? Nothing seemed out of order to make it appear any different from any other day when on a mission. Except they were on their way to rescue a race of beings that apparently were similar to a mythical beast known as dragons.

  Netta snorted, so I suppose that is different.

  There had been the normal routine at morn meeting, although they had been introduced to a new life form that is not an A.I. or a comp.

  I suppose that was different as well.

  What was not different was Peyton and Darby arguing, that had been amusing and very normal.

  So nothing really different in that.

  Then there had been regular training with Melody followed by a superb second-meal with her friends. Again nothing different there.

  Although what could be construed as different could be the madman who was trying very hard to kill her. Now that was different.

  ‘Netta watch out!’

  ‘Netta don’t lose focus now.’

  Both Harm and Dinas’s combined orders snapped her attention back to where she was, just in time to feel the sword slice across the top of her left arm. Unfortunately, she was not fast enough to pull her face away and suffered for it as the tip of his sword ripped her face open. Blood poured from her wounds.

  Where was Peyton?

  Netta used her knives with extreme caution; she really did not want to maim or kill her friend. She kept reminding herself Hawk was not himself, he was not in his right mind. That was why he was trying to kill her.

  Before she had come on the scene, Hawk had been stunned by blasters repeatedly to no effect. His body or more correctly his Rie absorbed the hits, and he grew faster and stronger with each blast.

  Dinas had halted the Warriors when he realized what was happening and then Netta had charged off the transfer circle, swords in her capable hands. In the time she and Hawk had been engaged, they had fought the length of the passageway. Which was now a long bloody corridor of wounded Warriors leaning against walls or lying on the floor. Thankfully, most of them were being helped out of the way.

  When she saw she had room she went on the attack, driving Hawk backward. She felt her Rie break free from its bonds as renewed energy soared into her system, her body was re-energized and she became faster, stronger. Hawk quickly stepped out of Netta’s reach and away from her knives.

  As she took a breath, he grinned as he watched her from eyes gone purple. Netta’s eyes bled to gold as she shrugged and stretched her neck from side to side. Before she had time to do anything more than adjust the grip on her knives he lunged toward her. She dodged his strike by twisting and ducking out of his way. He was efficient, she was clumsy, he seeped blood, she poured blood, he was wicked fast she was slow. Even with her Rie supporting her, she was losing ground.

  He placed his cuts precisely and faster than any opponent she had fought against. She used everything he and Dinas had taught her to defend herself against his attacks and still it was not enough. He had taken her swords in the first few mins after she had come off the lift. All she had were her knives, which had appeared in her hands before he blinked twice, but as good as she was, they were just holding him at bay.

  When more of the Warriors were moved out of the way. Netta made use of the floor, sliding in the blood and using it to propel herself around and under him. She ran the walls scaling them at a run to somersault over him, she repeated this time and agai
n but no matter where she landed, he was there, quick as a snake and just a deadly. She had trained and practiced for yenta after yenta and knew there was no one to equal her in knife combat, and yet he reduced them to ineffective toothpicks. She sliced at him, dodged and swayed to give the others time to retrieve the remaining wounded. Thankfully he had not killed anyone yet; she was starting to think she might be his first.

  Where was Peyton?

  Harm worried as he watched the fight, he knew Netta was going to be dead soon if she did not get Hawk to move back into the cabin. He and Sedeen yelled at her to force him back toward the open door.

  Netta could see the door Dinas held opened, he was bleeding from wounds to his body and his arm hung uselessly at his side. Hawk had attacked him while he stood protecting Melody, who he had taken out with a strike to the leg. Dinas had refused to leave her and had suffered for that decision.

  Where was Peyton?

  Dinas watched the fight, his fear for Netta and his brother ratcheted up a notch. He could see Netta was trying to maneuver Hawk inside the cabin to contain the madman he had become. It was taking everything she had and as he watched the fight, he did not think it would be enough. With determination he started the ritual of placing the pain away as he had been taught and forcing his Rie to help him recover some use of his arm. One way or another he would not allow Hawk to kill Netta, he prayed his Patty would forgive him for what he was about to do.

  Peyton, where are you?

  Netta hoped Hawk would just ease off enough for her to think, to fight and to live. He had taken out twenty-three Warriors, as well as Melody and Dinas in the time it had taken for her to reach him. She blew out a breath of hot air, she did not think she could last much longer, she could feel herself weakening from blood loss.

  Stars help her, where was she?

  Melody sat behind Harm and Dinas as Heather treated the cut artery to her leg. She watched the fight between Netta and Hawk and almost missed Heather’s question. ‘Melody hon, what happened?’


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