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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

Page 31

by L M Lacee

  ‘As that is all settled let’s go, I need cake and a cup of tea.’

  Darby said. ‘I am off to get my boy and see if Netta is still in one piece.’

  Melody nodded. ‘I’m with you but with a detour for cake, and to collect Bacon.’ They waved goodbye as Hawk and Karen followed the others onto the airlift and met Salmah as they exited.

  Bonded I have missed you.

  ‘As I you Salmah, thank you for your patience.’

  I am for you.

  ‘As I am for you.’

  She is for you my Hawk?

  ‘Yes Salmah, this is Karen she owns my heart.’

  Karen melted inside at his words, she kneeled next to Salmah and hugged her. ‘Thank you so much Salmah for keeping him safe. I am so pleased he has you to watch over him when he is not with me. I feel better knowing you are doing so.’

  Oh, I like her. Salmah told Hawk, then she told Karen. I thank you for your kind words. I will watch over you until your bonded arrives.

  As Hawk helped Karen to her feet, she said to Salmah. ‘For that I thank you.’

  Salmah shyly asked. Do you make cookies?

  ‘I do, and I add vanilla to mine.’

  What is this vanilla?

  ‘Oh honey, vanilla is the essence of taste in cookies. We will go to my cabin, so you may taste some of my cookies.’

  Hawk my bonded we must go.

  ‘Yes alright, but then we must go to the diner.’

  Yes… yes... cookies first.

  ‘What happened to my serene being?’ He wondered aloud, a little bemused at Salmah’s insistence.

  Cookies bonded. My own cookie maker.

  ‘I see, how could I not understand, but Karen after we eat, we move your things into my cabin?’

  ‘Yes dearle.’


  Report compiled by Specialist Darby Kline:

  Draygann is what we term as low industrial or low prime. This means they are self-sufficient and have minimum contact with other worlds. They do not belong to the Coalition of Planets and all attempts in the past to bring them into the fold, so to speak have failed. Usually at the end of a sword wielded by the Bronze Warmaster of the time. I could find nothing to indicate whether the Darganissa has allowed or initiated contact with the Coalition to date. The Draygonissia have their own language, it is unknown if they actually speak Coalition. It is thought the rulers do. The Draygonissia are a tall muscular and highly intelligent race, overshadowed in the past by their warlike tendencies. Their appearance is a left overfrom the days they transformed fully into draygons. Their skin has the look of a reptile and apparently their wings are made of a hardier leather. The wings are durable, tough and resistant to most weapons. It is possible to slice a wing, but with a sharpened wing tip almost impossible to achieve. The wings are apparently soft to the touch. The Draygonissia have a unique blood system that flows from their bodies to the claw of the wing in arteries and veins as thick and strong as wire, which keeps their core temperature warmer than a Terrans. When the wing is not in use, the blood flows and pumps around the wingsat the same speed as it does in the body. This changes when the wings are in use, the arteries become wider to allow the volume of blood to increase. Therefore making the wings thicken and become as tough as Graphene, also it seems this aids in the ability of flight. This is not officially a medical explanation, only a reported opinion. As of yet, no one knows how the Draygonissia actually fly. However what is documented fact, is the wingspan of the male and female Draygonissia when fully extended. Usually it is double the height of the Draygon. This is the assumed reason wings only start to develop around the age of twenty-five. It is also assumed the Draygonissia have by that age the skeletal and muscle strength to carry wings.The wings grow until the Draygonissia is fully mature around fifty yentas in age. (Again this is supposition.) When not in use the wings fold and pull up to just below the knees. Draygonissia can carry the equivalent of five times their own body weight for many kiltos. Several Draygonissia together may carry many times their combined body weight. This is their mode of transport and how everything is moved on their world. No vehicles have ever been on Draygann. Draygonissia farm and manufacture what they need. There is tech but held in the exclusive hands of the government and scientists. Draygann is a large sized planet with eight moons and four suns. One large, one small and two medium sized. The planet is of moderate temperature and has a rainy season that lasts over three luneras. Their world is swept by a constant moving wind and for five luneras a yenta, there are winds that go from class one to class three hurricane strength. This period of time is known as: Wiayygon, loosely translated. The wild wind season. These high winds make flying impossible. The Draygonissia work around these weather cycles as they have since their ancestors settled this world. Although originally they were able to shift form, so the wild wind season was not a consideration. This is not the way of Draygann now, they have no other form so the winds are a burden and force the Draygonissia to walk.Darby’s information was a bonus for the rescue teams. It seemed they had arrived toward the end of the wild wind season, so flying for the Draygonissia was still spasmodic if not impossible. Jax’s report was a little drier, but just as informative.

  Report compiled by Jax:

  The places where the Bronze Draygonissia are held, are in the rural outlands. One third of the planet is deemed outland, untamed wilderness or barren harsh country, not quite desert but close enough. The land could be farmed but only with one or two crops and not enough to sustain a village of Draygonissia. There is very little to nurture animals, it should be stated here that the Draygonissia are carnivore, not strictly but the majority of their diet is meat. Small springs of water are cherished by the Bronze Draygonissia and maintained with a fervor to keep them pure. One would assume the Bronze Draygonissia would be the working class or slaves to the other Draygonissia, but this is not so. It was found they were too deadly to trust. It is reported that young pre-winged females and females who have males held hostage, (which ensure the females compliance) are used as workers. (Again it should be stipulated, this is rumor, not fact.) What is known is that all Bronze Draygonissia are confined to small settlements or villages that are in essence jails which barely allow them an existence. As the Bronze Draygonissia have weakened, they have become less belligerent. Anytime eggs, if any were produced in the past, were handed over as decreed by the Darganissa. It is reported that it has been many yentas since eggs have been produced by the Bronze females. After consulting with Artar Kate and Healer Heather, it is believed the females may have to eat an enriched diet of protein to produce eggs. Or in the case of the Bronze Draygonissia food on a regular basis and of good quality. Both of which seldom happen.

  End report:

  Peyton finished the reports as she made the shuttle bay, where everyone was assembled. It was an early morn start, Hawk and his team were going to the fighter’s settlement or jail compound that the males were supposedly held in. Dinas was with Hawk’s team in case he was needed. The scouting team were worried about the Warmasters, apparently there were two this generation. But Harm and his scouts had been unable to make contact with either of them as at their last comm.

  Melody and her team were going to the two small villages, housing the seniors, females and a small number of juveniles. Netta had the largest non-combatants on her team, as they were retrieving the eggs. Peyton and her Warriors were the official team and with Jorge in command were to meet the Darganissa and her Consort as well as rescue any Draygonissia they found.

  Harm had contacted Peyton and Hawk with all the information confirming where the Bronze Draygonissia were being kept. He and his team had spent the night scouting the planet and talking with some of the Draygonissia. It seemed that with the help of Rave and several Prowlers, they had found another two settlements inhabited with females and more juveniles.

  Now that it was daylight the Prowlers had been sent back to the Warbird. Hawk had to speak quite sternly to Rave before the scou
ting team had left. Explaining as they had never fought winged people before, he was reluctant to have them engage the Draygonissia now. Rave had been irritated at leaving his bonded but his responsibility to the Prowlers in his command, finally made the decision for him.

  Darby and her team would stay aboard the Warbird until needed with Heather and the healers who had voted to stay on board as well. Peyton had made it quite clear this was to be a quick rescue. Kate knew they would need time with their patients, which they would not have on the planet.

  The shuttles powered up and the Warbirds massive doors opened expelling the fleet of shuttles.


  Seventeen mins later, the shuttles landed and Peyton and her people walked out to meet Sedeen who had waited out of sight. He looked none the worse for wear for having been on an unknown planet overnight. In fact, he looked satisfied, almost happy; Sedeen greeted them with a jaunty salute.

  Peyton asked. ‘Sedeen, are you all well?’

  He grinned. ‘We are Star Daughter.’

  Hawk asked. ‘Are they ready for us?’

  Sedeen’s grin didn’t falter, it grew. ‘You could say that. They have a welcome committee arranged in the city and around the compounds where the males are held. It seems they assumed rightly, we will go there first. The female settlements and villages are unguarded, as are the eggs. The guards are armed with blasters and swords. I should tell you, we watched them last eve, they are not very proficient with either. While practicing they shot three of their own, so be careful they do not shoot you by accident. And as for being skilled with the sword, if they find the pointy end it will be a miracle. Watch out for the wings, they have a way of flicking them that will blind you and put you on your back. Once there, they favor beheading. Other than that, the ones we have contacted are all willing to go.’

  Melody asked. ‘How did you communicate with them?’

  ‘The manual translator worked, you should have no problem as long as you use short words and sentences.’

  ‘That leaves you out, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Your wit astounds me, Commander Melody.’

  Melody grinned, then asked. ‘Sedeen, will there be a problem persuading them to leave?’

  ‘They cannot wait to leave, although I am not sure they believed us. We don’t have wings, so in their minds how can we stand up to the Darganissa.’

  ‘Yeah, I see that.’ She murmured.

  ‘It may take them a while to trust we don’t expect anything from them, but they are willing to leave. So that counts for something.’

  Hawk said. ‘Yes it does, it means they are not completely without hope. Have you found the Warmasters?’

  ‘Indirectly, Harm and Matt are fairly sure they are in their compound. But they have not come forth and shouted who they are yet.’

  ‘Tacticians.’ Dinas said to Hawk, ‘It makes sense, find out who and what you are up against. Then defend or attack.’

  Hawk agreed. ‘To be expected, it would be no different for any in their circumstances.’ With that, he stepped to the center of the Warriors and non- combatants and issued his orders. ‘So your orders are to shoot to wound, if you are at risk, take the kill shot. Do not take unnecessary risks and do not let them get close to you. Commander Melody take your Warriors and good luck. You have your locations?’

  ‘We do.’ She and her Captains went back into her shuttle. She had three more shuttles with her, they all powered up and shot across the pink sky.

  ‘Commander Netta your team. Are they ready?’

  ‘We are Commander.’

  ‘Sedeen do you know where they are to go?’

  He handed Netta a small tablet with coordinates. ‘They are in there, it is a cave, good luck.’

  Most of Netta’s team had stayed on board. Esther hugged Peyton, who told her. ‘Do what Netta says, do not argue with her.’

  Esther grinned at her. ‘It is not my first rodeo girly.’ With a look she gathered Amelia and Karen to her as she started for the shuttle. They smiled at their mates and followed Esther. Peyton grabbed Netta’s arm and hurriedly told her. ‘Netta take care and I give you permission to stun them if they do not do as you say?’

  The two males nodded their agreement. Netta looked a little shocked as she protested. ‘I can’t do that?’

  Peyton shook her arm. ‘Yes you can, I mean it, blame me but you will keep the non-combatants safe and watch your back, those eggs as precious as they are. Are not as precious as you and our people. Understand Netta?’

  Netta sighed as she hugged her. ‘Got it, we will be okay. You keep safe and do as Jorge commands?’

  With a smile for them all, she ran and climbed on board the shuttle. She had four with her, all fitted out to take the eggs and more ready to go if needed.

  Hawk said to Peyton. ‘Thank you for that, and now I will issue the same warning. You will take care and listen to Jorge. He is in command. Do I make myself clear?’

  Peyton assured him. ‘Yes you do. Now I ask that you be careful as well, all of you.’

  He nodded. ‘My team and I are ready, give us ten mins, then do your thing.’

  They left the area in his shuttles; he had three with him and more orbiting if needed. They hoped to be off the planet under an hour, sooner if possible.

  ‘Do your thing.’ Peyton muttered the words.

  Jorge looking around said. ‘Mating a Terran opens up our vocabulary.’

  Peyton grinned at his dry comment. Sedeen made ready to leave. ‘I am off Star Daughter, good luck’

  ‘Where are you going?’

  ‘I will rejoin Harm and the others, they are on the outer edges of what they call the outlands. We found two small settlements occupied by females and young adults. We will collect them.’

  ‘Do you have enough Warriors and shuttles?’

  ‘We do.’

  ‘Good, see you on board. Be careful.’

  ‘Star Daughter it is better to be quiet.’ He quipped as he ran, to be swallowed up by the underbrush.

  Peyton stared around her, now everyone had left she had a moment to herself and could take in her surroundings. The sky was a pleasant dusky pink like a permanent sunset, with big puffy clouds dotting the horizon. The world was reminiscent of Earth with its combinations of browns and greens, and everywhere she looked there were forests. Further from their position, immense forest-covered mountain ranges towered over the world. Peyton supposed if you had wings, having no designated pathways or roads was not a problem. The Mountains looked treacherous to cross on foot, so flying was probably a good way of getting around.

  The countryside was unusual as it had no defined roads or pathways to anywhere. From where they were she could see no roads to any cities or settlements. As they had flown over the planet they had seen large swathes of farmland with what looked like wheat of some kind being grown. The towns they had seen all seemed to be dominated by vast buildings, she supposed the buildings would have to be large to accommodate the wing span of the Draygonissia. Unless they had a rule that their wings could never to be opened inside a building, which sort of seemed mean to her.

  The wind blew hard against them almost knocking Peyton off her feet. Jorge moved a little in front of her to shelter her from the worst of it, and then it stopped only to return again softer this time. She said. ‘I can see how flying in this could be hazardous.’

  He agreed. ‘The trees and wind would not be a good combination; they look hard to land against, and those Mountains do not seem friendly for a flying person.’

  ‘Smashing on them would hurt a lot.’

  With a smile, he told her. ‘Star Daughter it is time.’

  ‘Give me a min please Jorge.’

  ‘Of course, Star Daughter.’

  Nimbyya we are ready to begin our introduction to the Darganissa.

  Daughter, I will watch over your people.

  Thank you.

  I find that the day will turn out to be a bitter-sweet day.

  I know, we will tak
e as many Bronze Draygonissia that wish to come with us. We will take the eggs the Darganissa has stock piled as well.

  Thank you.

  Peyton lowered her face and smiled at Jorge. He guided her into the shuttle as he asked. ‘She was happy?’

  ‘Oh yes, but a little sad as well. Alright, let’s get this show on the road. Power up pilot, we need to make an entrance with lots of noise and lots of dust.’

  ‘As you say, Star Daughter.’

  Within a few mins Peyton’s shuttle landed as she had requested with lots of engine noise and flying debris everywhere. It took a good five mins at least for everything to settle afterward.

  ‘Well-done pilot.’ Peyton praised him, when the dust cleared a little she saw he had placed them right in the principal street of the largest town. Not only had he found the main street he had placed the shuttle at the foot of a dozen wide steps. They looked like they led up to the governing building which resembled an Empirer.

  Statues stood on either side of the steps, each had to be over thirty feet tall and proudly displayed the magnificent and intimidating physique of the male Draygonissia. Their wings were curved upward and the claws at the tip of each wing touched each other. It appeared they had been sculptured from differing shades of blue stone. Peyton thought the artist was very talented. ‘Nice.’ She said as she looked out the window.

  Jorge asked. ‘What is?’

  She pointed to the statues. Several grunts were heard from the Warriors who did not seem as impressed as she was.

  ‘If you like that sort of thing?’ Jorge replied with feigned indifference.

  ‘They appear to be amazingly muscular.’ She observed as she looked closer at the statues.

  ‘I suppose.’ He agreed noncommittally as the other Warriors scowled.

  She could not help adding. ‘My stars, if the real males look anything like that, our females will swoon all over them.’

  Peyton wiped the grin from her face as Jorge and the other Warriors frowned at her. Before he could retort, pings sounded against the shuttle.


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