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Happily Ever Laughter: older man, quirky younger woman romance (HEA Book 3)

Page 3

by Haley Travis

  “So, you were really quiet about that chick in the bar last night,” Dan says as he fixes his special imported green tea.

  “Don’t call her a chick,” I growl. “You’re talking about the love of my life.” I pause, realizing I sound like a complete weirdo. “At least, I’m pretty sure.”

  He holds up the hand that isn’t busy whisking his matcha. “Hey, man, stand down. I’m just being silly.”

  “I know. Hey – do you have any suggestions for a really fabulous first date?”

  He stares down into his cup thoughtfully, his shaggy hair falling into his eyes. “Make sure it’s an enclosed space. Or at least a defined space. Not so much that she feels claustrophobic, but enough that you have to sit or stand reasonably close together.”

  “Good idea. Proximity to encourage closeness. What else?”

  “Don’t go too high brow with the food on the first date,” he continues. “Think comfort food. Simple, plain, delicious – oh, and not messy to eat. A variety of things, so that she doesn’t starve if she doesn’t like walnuts or whatever.”

  I almost ask him why he’s such an expert on dating, then think about the string of young ladies I’ve seen leaving his corner of the loft early in the mornings.

  “I have to say,” Dan grins wickedly, “she’s very cute. But beautiful, at the same time. But she also has that spark in her eyes. You know what I mean?”

  I know exactly what he means, but can’t stand the thought of any other guy checking out my girl.

  “I do know what you mean, but keep your eyeballs to yourself, dude.”

  He sips his tea and shrugs nonchalantly. “I hear you. No worries. I just think she could be really great for you. I know it’s been a while. Happy for you.”

  I take my coffee to the northwest corner of the loft. Dan is in the opposite corner, the southeast. The northeast is the kitchen, and the southwest is what we refer to as Oliver’s writing bunker.

  Each of our bedrooms is gigantic, but Oliver has divided his up so as to include a tiny minimalist office so that he can stare at the wall or out the window and work on his fantasy novels. He also ghost writes blog posts and PR stuff for several companies, which pays his share of the rent.

  Dan is a holistic fitness instructor, which partly means that we have keys to his gym downstairs and can pop in and out whenever we want.. It also means he has a roster of super hot female clients that he can choose from anytime he likes. Not my style, but I don’t judge.

  I settle in the office portion of my room, and load the clips Tanis gave me.

  After watching each of them several times through, I get a feeling for her flow and style. There is a definite structure to her pieces, even though they’re loose and fluid. When I get finished with the music and sound effects to go with them, they are definitely going to sing.

  Just as much as my heart is going to sing when I get a chance to kiss my precious new girlfriend tonight.


  ~ Tanis ~

  I’ve dated so very little that tonight feels like a gigantic deal. A huge occasion. A spectacularly large event.

  Even if we just go out for burgers, it’s going to be monumental to me.

  I’ve never met a guy that I instantly clicked with. I’ve had guys that I worked with well on school assignments, or at the office. I’ve had guys who I thought were fairly attractive. But I’ve never even dreamed of finding a man who was the complete package, and then some.

  Luckily, my work at the office today was calm and steady, just how I like it. Home by five, with plenty of time to shower again and fuss with my hair.

  When my phone beeps, my heart almost jumps out of my throat.

  Unknown Number: Hey, Tanis. This is Felix. May I pick you up at 6:30?

  Me: Sure. Where are we going?

  I use the pause to quickly enter his number properly as a contact in my phone, enjoying typing his name. I’ve never known a Felix.

  Felix: There will be food and entertainment. No need to dress up, but bring a jacket or sweater.

  That was strange, but intriguing. Instantly my mind begins to race, trying to figure out where we might be going, but coming up blank.

  Me: OK - 513 Civic St., Apt. 6.

  Felix: Can’t wait. See you soon.

  I barely have enough time to check my outfit again from head to toe and fix my hair three more times before I hear a knock.

  I had assumed that he would text me so I could run downstairs. I love that he came up to the door. It says he’s a little old-fashioned about the entire dating situation.

  Swinging open my door, Felix looks absolutely mouthwatering in a tight long-sleeved t-shirt, and jeans that fit perfectly. It’s a casual look, but it shows off every inch of his well toned frame.

  “Hi,” he says, leaning closer as his hand slips around my hip. “Listen, do you think that things should go in a straight line, or do you think that as creative types, we should forge our own path?”

  “I guess…” I blink up at him, surprised at the question. “I guess that people should do whatever feels right for them?”

  “Would it feel right if I kissed you right now?” Those warm brown eyes seek out mine desperately. “I know I’m not going to make it till the end of our date, and every minute I wait is going to drive me insane.”

  My breath catches in my throat and I’m barely able to nod before his lips are on mine. Suddenly his body overtakes me completely, pinning me against the door as he holds me in his arms, kissing me as if he’s been waiting his whole life to feel my lips on his.

  My mouth opens in a moan, allowing him to delve deeper.


  My brain is already spinning. I’ve never been kissed like this. Not even imagined it. Didn’t know it was possible. My hands wrap around the back of his neck, pulling him closer. I feel rather than hear the deep groan that rumbles through him.

  Somehow he maneuvers me inside and kicks the door shut behind him. “Neighbors,” he grunts.

  I see his eyes dart around my space for half a second before fixating on me again, kissing me so deeply I almost wonder if it’s possible to suffocate.

  With a start, I realize that in my tiny studio apartment, we are within ten feet of my bed.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he murmurs as if he can read my mind. “We’re going out. I just had to taste you first. To feel this connection between us.”

  His hand presses against the bottom of my spine in a way that makes me slightly woozy. Felix eases off slightly, kissing me softly in a way that makes me feel like I’ve fallen into a dream.

  Finally he pulls back and taps his nose against mine. “It almost killed me not to do that last night, sweetheart.”

  Nobody has ever called me that before and it’s doing funny things to my pulse.

  He steps back, gripping my hand, as he looks around my apartment. “Cute place. Great colors. I knew straight off that you were an artsy girl.”

  My natural instinct is to shake my head and tell him that I’m not, but I decide to be honest, especially since I’m deeply hoping this turns into a lot more.

  “I’ve always wanted to be a creative type, but I’ve never really had the opportunity,” I tell him, astounded that the words are tumbling out. “I’ve always loved to draw and make things, but nothing ever struck me as quite right for me until I started playing with video clips a few months ago.”

  Those beautiful lips melted into a grin of surprised delight. “Only a few months? That’s amazing. Maybe that’s why your work looks so fresh.”

  Felix glances toward my bed, which is covered in a red and purple patchwork quilt and large fuzzy mauve pillows that were a birthday gift from Diana.

  His lips find my ear to breathe, “Someday soon, I’m going to spread you out naked on that bed and worship every inch of this gorgeous body until your voice is hoarse from crying out my name. But first, you need to be fed and entertained.”

  A choked giggle bubbles out of me, as I nod. “Okay. Sure

  I lock up, then we go downstairs and out the front door of my building. As Felix pulls out his keys and helps me into a nondescript brown van, I begin to laugh. “You know that plain, dark vans always make women think of kidnappings, right?”

  He tries to glare, but fails utterly and it dissolves into a smile. “I’d much rather have you come to my evil lair willingly.”

  As I fasten my seatbelt and he runs around to jump into the driver seat, I realize that I’ve never laughed so much with a guy in my life. Not only does it make me feel comfortable around him, it’s sexy as hell. I had no idea.

  We drive across town chatting merrily about his weird adventures in comedy music, and my recording clips becoming a slight obsession. I already love how closely he listens to every single word I say.

  Soon we arrive at a large park I’ve never heard of. He drives the van down a side trail, then parks near a lookout where the sun is just about to set.

  Felix gives me his arm to assist me out of the van, and before I know it has two folding camping chairs set up to face the purple and peachy orange streaked sky.

  As we settle into the chairs, Felix reaches out to take my hand. We stare in silence for what seems like a long time, as the colors dissolve and fade into each other.

  A tiny suspicious part of my mind wonders what he’s trying to accomplish by simply sitting still together. Is he trying to make me imagine what it would be like to be an old married couple? If that’s his game, it’s absolutely working. Being comfortably still with him feels incredible. Better than I could’ve ever imagined.

  The passion and fire from that kiss at my apartment still has my head reeling, but being grounded in this beautiful moment with him feels…precious.

  Felix gives my hand a little squeeze and I look over to see him staring at me.

  “You’re always beautiful,” he murmurs. “But when you’re studying colors, there’s something absolutely magical in your eyes.”

  This is the exact point it begins. I can feel it. Like in sci-fi movies, when you see a cosmic wave of radiation pass through a spaceship or something.

  The process of falling in love with Felix has just started.


  ~ Felix ~

  By the time I have the small folding picnic table in place and the food laid out, I feel that things are already going very well. Watching Tanis nibble from a variety of deli food and treats is amusing. She is definitely impressed by the battery powered camping lamps, and the sturdy outdoor plates and cutlery.

  Luckily, Dan is a sporty guy who goes camping several times every summer, and I was able to borrow his gear.

  I’ve never wanted to go to this much trouble to impress a woman. In the past, my idea of a date has simply been a restaurant and drinks. Or maybe an activity like hiking. Tanis deserves more – like every color of the sunset as it dissolves into the night while we finish eating. I’m excited by the creative challenge of holding her interest, and being the date that she deserves.

  As she licks the last drop of pepper jelly from her fingertip, I realize that I’m already falling for her a hundred times harder than I’ve ever fallen for any other girl.

  She is the one. She. Is. It doesn’t feel natural to know this so soon, but it’s the truth. Clear as day. As plain as the perpetual grin on my face.

  “This has been a fantastic picnic,” she smiles. “Should I start cleaning up?”

  “Thanks, but no. I’ve got it.”

  I jump up and make short work of the dishes and leftover food. Her eyebrow raises as I fold up the table and stash it in the back of the van, then set up a white screen.

  “Outdoor movie night?” Her sweet squeal of surprise is absolutely adorable.

  “Not quite. We’re working now.”

  She grins, clearly not believing me. I set up a small projector and mini-speakers on an extra stool, then plug in a hard drive and start the show.

  Pulling our chairs as close together as they’ll fit, I slip an arm around her shoulders. The night air is just beginning to cool, and we likely have almost an hour before it starts getting chilly.

  The video starts with a short clip of a stand-up comedian talking about the difference between the action in old black-and-white films and modern movies today.

  Since I’ve already seen it, I’m able to focus more on the incredible feeling of the sweet girl snuggling into my shoulder.

  The sound of her laugh has a weird wave of hope hitting me straight in the center of my chest. The hope that I really could get to be the one to entertain her and make her happy forever.

  At the end of the clip, as the applause fades out, a video comes up of a latte in a blue mug, with a lady’s finger tapping against the side.

  It’s beautiful in its simplicity, the liquid rippling very slightly in time to the tapping. It’s also in time to the eerie old carnival music I’d synced to her video, along with the echo of a voice singing, “Ho-hum. Ho-hum”as if it was an old, scratched vinyl recording.

  I watch Tanis carefully, waiting for her reaction. Please, let her like it.

  She bursts into laughter, then again as it fades into the next clip of a comedian talking about the difference between men and women in corporate offices.

  At the end of that comedian’s three minutes, Tanis watches in wonder as another of her clips pops up. This one is of orange juice splashing into a glass, then a bunch of plastic animals being lifted in to take a sip. Then each creature disappears in a rainbow sparkle explosion.

  The background music of strange techno beats mixed with animals growling is completely wrong and completely right at the same time.

  Tanis turns to me, wide-eyed. “Seriously, what is this?”

  I pause the video, then slip my arm back to take her hands in mine.

  “One of my clients needs music and video for some interstitials – the short connecting bits between performers on a new comedy show they’re creating. These aren’t the actual comedians on the show – I just grabbed old clips to show you how great your videos are going to look mixed with my music and sound effects.”

  “They really want something that different between the performances?” she asks.

  I absolutely adore that Tanis gets straight down to business. “Yes. Because all of the comedians are going to be recording with different gear in different places, it’s going to look mismatched anyway. In order to blur over the inconsistency, they want something wildly different between them. Like a palate cleanser but for your brain.”

  “We’re making the fruit sorbet of videos?” Tanis bends forward, collapsing in a fit of laughter. Once she catches her breath, she holds up her hands. “It’s great. It’s just really bizarre.”

  “But do you like it?” I ask anxiously.

  “Yes! Absolutely.” Her teeth nip into her perfect bottom lip for a second. “I’m just surprised that you want to use my work.”

  I squeeze her hands. “Tanis, your clips are absolutely beautiful. Lyrical and vibrant and energetic. Absolutely perfect for this project.”

  “They really do come to life with your music,” she says with a grin. “It adds an entirely new dimension.”

  “That’s the whole idea. So, are you into it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, will you work on this project with me? Will you be the video content creator for Bite Sized Laughs?”

  Her lovely eyes widen. “Really? I mean, yes. I’d love to.”

  “It’s a rush, apparently, but you’ve done most of the work already. They’ll want a big background texture thing with their logo on it for the intro.”

  Tanis blinks sharply, and I wonder if the dim light is bothering her eyes. Then I see that they’re glassy with tears.

  “Oh my God – I’m so sorry. What did I do?”

  “Nothing, you nut,” she laughs through her tears. “I’m just…overwhelmed.”


  She shakes her head, making her glossy hair swing around her should
ers. “I’ve always really wanted to think of myself as a creative person. But I’ve never found my niche. Something I might someday be good at. Having a real creative job that’s going to be broadcast to others… it’s just incredible to think that it dropped into my lap like this.”

  I slip an arm around her shoulders again, hugging her tight. “You’re amazingly talented. The world needs to see that. Even if it’s only little video sorbets at first.”


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