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Page 10

by Debra Anastasia

  When she was gone, I felt the energy of the room change. I shifted so I had my back to the wall. Albany was gone from Meme’s, but so was T.

  I pulled my phone out and texted her.

  Me: Following?

  Her answer was fast.

  T: Of course.

  I reviewed the conversation I had with Albany. A whole extra layer of evil was out there that I wasn’t aware of. My phone buzzed again.

  T: Do your night. Do those ladies. Don’t let them know she rattled you.

  I responded. I don’t want you to do this alone.

  T: I’m already gone.

  I was in the middle of typing out a reply that was very boss-like to her. I didn’t like that she was telling me to go sleep with these chicks I had around me. We didn’t talk about that stuff. She and I.

  T: Maybe trust me.

  I deleted what I had and amended it.

  Me: I trust you with my life. Promise me I can trust you with yours.

  She sent the middle finger emoji, so I knew she was at least feisty.

  Me: Okay. Keep me posted.

  I ordered another round for the ladies, entertaining them while I thought of a million other things.

  Chapter 28


  I was sitting in the chair in my room. Each of the three naked women on my bed was passed out. Satisfied. I flexed my forearms and twisted my fists until I could open my hands and stretch out my fingers. I still had my silver rings on. A request from the brunette. She liked the jewelry. I felt a smile form on my lips as the redhead started to snore. Super satisfied. This was the second night where I had to entertain. I had one text from T saying that I had to keep going as if nothing was happening. So it was another evening of entertaining, like I normally would.

  If sex were the Olympics, I’d have a platter of gold medals. Maybe a bucket. My phone buzzed and I glanced at the screen. Only very few texts could come to my phone right now that I would answer.

  It was from her, so I stood. I turned my back on the buffet of living porn on my bed to tilt my head over to the glowing screen lying on the side table.

  T: I’m at the old mall.

  And that was all she had to say. I’d been waiting for an update from her. I flipped the lights on in the room. I started tossing the various scraps of clothing from the floor onto the naked torsos.

  “Ladies! The time has come. You have all come.” They started to blink and sit up. “Marin, you came, I think, like five times.”

  The redhead was the most confused. I clapped my hands loudly. “I got business, and you know the rules. No one stays overnight. Even if you can wrap your sweet, sweet ankles around your own gorgeous neck.” I gave the blonde a kiss on her shoulder.

  The brunette tried to reach between my legs and I sidestepped her. It took more cajoling than I wanted, but eventually, I hustled them out the front door to the waiting Uber.

  After they pulled away, I heard a snicker.

  I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Nix was just to my left.

  “Brother, you should be in your room living the dream. Why you got your sweet ass down here creeping on me?” I scowled at the refection like I was ready to fight him.

  “Three? How many is it gonna take?” Nix raised one eyebrow with his question instead of answering mine.

  I turned on my heel so I could look at him in the flesh. “I’ve got needs. And I have to do my part to make sure those ladies know what it feels like to be properly handled by a man. So many fuckers out there being pumpin’ chumpers, I got my work laid out for me.”

  “Sure enough.” Nix gave me one of his rare smiles.

  “I got to go. T just texted.” I pulled my jacket out of the closet by the front door and shoved my feet into my giant boots.

  Nix was instantly on point. “You need me?”

  “No, baby, I’ll let you know.” I put out my fist for a bump.

  Nix ignored it. “I’m watching you. You can’t bubble wrap my shit forever, Animal.”

  I gave my fist a pointed look. He tapped it with his tatted knuckles.

  “I got you. Let me see what I’m packing.” I had guns in my black SUV, so I didn’t have to take anything from here. “Just keep your lady safe, feel me?”

  I didn’t wait for his answer as I took to a light jog across the foyer. I felt another buzz in my pocket and moved even faster.


  I took my SUV to meet T in the parking lot of the old mall. She was still in the clothes from last night, and she looked tired.

  I hit the unlock button and she climbed in the passenger side. I handed her a bottle of water from the cup holder, and she swigged it.

  “You all right?”

  T winced and nodded.

  “So that chick had a car waiting for her outside of Meme’s. Actually, a few cars. They trailed one another like she was the President.”

  “Okay.” My mind was racing. Was one of the families trying to make a move on Meme’s? Claim the territory? I could shut that shit down. I pulled out my phone in honor of her news.

  T covered my hand with hers “No. Not yet. Hear me out.”

  She was reading my mind again.

  After turning in the seat, she folded her legs up and pushed her back against the door so she could look at me directly.

  “I followed the caravan. They took the long way home, making sure they weren’t tailed. When they were comfortable, the lot of them pulled up to a place not far upstate. The gate sign identified it as Breston Pharmaceuticals.” She let me digest the information.

  “She’s from a pharmaceutical company? What the hell are they doing sniffing around me?” I was stumped. I mean, everyone had heard of Breston. They were on the back of most of the bottles in everyone’s bathrooms. They also owned a national chain of pharmacies. Maybe international. I’d never paid that much attention.

  “They are mammoth. Far bigger than they let on. I researched them from my phone. She never came back out, by the way, but they had caravans coming in every half hour or so, all night long.”

  “I wonder if that’s business as usual for a pharmaceutical company. I mean, I guess it’s just legal drugs. Business has to be good.” I set my phone down on the console.

  “So, what do they want with you? That’s the question we need to worry about. She came in and went straight for you, both barrels loaded.” She hugged her arms.

  I leaned over and turned the heat up.

  She continued, “If I was setting up someone to get information or cooperation from you, I’d have sent that chick, too. She’s like napalm. Overly effective.”

  I gave her an amused look. “Really? You planning on saucing me out soon?”

  She gave me the finger. “That’s not even a thing people say. And yes, I think about it. I plot conspiracies. I plan your death. I kidnap you in my head all the time.”

  Now I lifted both eyebrows at her. “Wow, we need to get you some better hobbies.”

  She ran her hand over her face. “If I’ve already thought about it, I eliminate the element of surprise in those situations.”

  I nodded when I realized her reasoning was sound.

  “You do it, too. That’s how we get jobs done. You probably haven’t put it in that morbid of a context.” She yawned. “Any of the sluts from last night new girls?”

  I didn’t want to talk about last night with her. “Yeah. Two of them actually.”

  She rubbed her temples. She was clearly exhausted. “Okay, let’s go back to your den of sin and see if they took anything. You have cameras rolling during your slippery hole and stick party?”

  “Damn, T.”

  “What? You’re a well-known pied piper of dick. I’d send some hookers out to act like sluts and get into your room if I was out to get you, too.”

  I put my seat belt on and looked at her. “What’d you drive to get here?”

  After I heard her belt click, she answered, “I jacked a car. It’s in the river now. So I walked from there to here.�

  “You’d send me hookers? Am I that gullible?” I put the SUV in reverse.

  “Only about your own safety.” After we were rolling, she used the electric controls to tilt her seat back.

  She mumbled, “Attention can feel like love if you’re scared.”

  Then she fell asleep quickly. In repose I watched as she let down her guard. She was beautiful. Perfect lips, skin so pale she’d burn easy in the summer sun. I felt my heart swell looking at her. I was glad she’d come back to Midville. Having her here and knowing I was messing with her head wasn’t easy, but it was much better than wondering if she was alive somewhere else.

  Her steady breathing told me that she was now out. The sentence she’d uttered rattled around in my brain all the way home.

  Chapter 29


  I had to wake T when we pulled into the driveway. I knew she was never completely relaxed—unless she was in my company. She was groggy but able to function.

  T and I walked in on Nix and Becca kissing against the wall. It was cute how much they were into each other. I knew Nix was still on cloud nine. That his stalkee was very willing to be stalked. We greeted them and I teased them about getting back down to business as T and I jogged up the steps.

  After we stepped into my bedroom, I realized she’d never been here before. Despite the chill, she went to the closest window and opened it.

  “Let’s air this sucker out a little.” T turned around and frowned at my room.

  Ember came to the doorway and said hi to T.

  “About time we got some fresh air in here. Those girls better cut back on the perfume and sweating and stuff. I can smell it all the way down the hallway.”

  I shook my head. “That’s the guest room. You’re in the guest room. We’re still getting you back to your place with Aunt Dorothy.” The things I stored here weren’t too incriminating; my phone was always on the charger running the playlist for the ladies, so I would’ve noticed if it was missing.

  Various sex toys were scattered around and plugged in. They were all covered with condoms so that the ladies didn’t have to worry about catching things from one another.

  Both Ember and T gave the toys a scrunched up face.

  “What? When there’s three, I gotta be creative.”

  Ember kicked at one with her socked foot. “You know, if I was a psychologist, I’d say that you have to fill this room with girls because you’re terrified of being intimate with just one.”

  T snorted. “Nailed it.”

  They fist bumped each other.

  Ember continued after the touch of sisterhood, “Don’t worry, handsome. When I finally make an honest man out of you, we can have lots of naked therapy sessions. With just us.” She gave me a huge wink.

  “Ember, get out of here. T and I are trying to do something.” I pointed toward the door.

  She laughed but obeyed, closing the door behind her.

  “Punk ass kid.” I sat on my bed and opened my end table drawer. Nothing too incriminating there either.

  T was at my desk, rifling through the papers I had there.

  She held up a packet that was stapled together. “You keep notes on the meetings?”

  I got off of the bed and walked to her, looking over her shoulder to scrutinize what she was examining.

  “Yes, I write the minutes of the meeting while it’s still fresh in my head.” I pointed out the deals of the Feybis and the Kaleotos’ recent agreement.

  “This is not too intricate. Still information I wish they didn’t have.” T flipped through the document. “You’re like a PTA mom.”

  I turned from her and scoped the rest of the room. Nothing else, really.

  T put the paper back on my desk. “So we have to assume one of them at least was a plant. And that they saw everything on this paper. Where does that leave us? What information do Breston and Albany have on you now?”

  I put my hands on my hips. “They know I’m in charge. And that I made the Feybi and the Kaleotos families my bitch.”

  “Yeah, they already knew that, so we should be okay.” T headed out of my room. I had some cleaning to do in here, but I closed the door and followed her to the kitchen.

  Ember, Nix, and Becca were all eating salads.

  Nix pointed at the fridge. “I made an enormous bowl. There’s plenty for you two.”

  T and I pulled out bowls and drinks. After we were settled around the table, I looked at all the faces present. I was happy with this. My people. Here, having dinner. It made me beam.

  Nix looked up from his salad and caught me.

  He used his fork to low-key point at everyone at the table and then grinned. We were on the same wavelength.

  We had it all right now. Surrounded by people we loved and considered family. If I had Merck tucked in somewhere here, it would be complete.

  Chapter 30


  I didn’t like Albany. I didn’t like how she looked at Animal. And I didn’t trust her. She was the kind of woman who scrambled men’s minds. The way she walked was just a calling card to the kind of sway she could have over clear-thinking guys. And she would claim I was jealous, and honestly, I probably was. When Animal’s head had snapped around and followed her at Meme’s, I wished it were me. I could sense bullshit and Albany had it in spades. She used what she had to convince people to do her bidding.

  Her family was rich—I knew that. They could be powerful, with billions in the coffers. They could buy any politician they wanted.

  So what did she want with Animal? Besides the obvious.

  I followed her in a black sports car I borrowed from Wardon, one of my soldiers. He wasn’t Feybi’s or Kaleotos’. A professional driver drove her to a Starbucks. I parked and went inside.

  I expected her to flirt her way in and out, and because I didn’t have a dick, she wouldn’t notice me.

  But I was wrong. I took a seat in the corner instead of getting in the ordering line. On her way out she spotted me. A knowing smile spread across her face. She sat at my table without being invited.

  “You’re Animal’s friend.” Her pink lipstick was perfectly glossed, her hair nearly as shiny. This lady was really good at being a girl.

  “And you’re not.” I knew I’d have an edge. No one could accuse me of being friendly, and I wasn’t starting with this bitch.

  Her sneer grew wide, revealing her perfect porcelain teeth. “Animosity already? Usually I have to sleep with a lady’s man before I get this kind of vibe.”

  I shrugged. If she wanted to truly fight, I would put her to shame. I could take down three men twice her size.

  “Your confidence is sexy. Do you know that?” Albany took a sip of her coffee and then hissed. “I always do that, like I don’t expect to be burned.” She patted her mouth with a napkin.

  “Seems like a motto you live by.” I gave her a hard stare.

  Albany laughed. “You’ve got me down, huh? That’s awesome. Does he know you’re in love with him?”

  Biting and quick, she was faster than I gave her credit for.

  “He knows.” No use in lying if my feelings were that easy to read.

  “That’s a shame. He’s still putting it to other people. How do you live with that?” Albany opened the lid on her coffee cup. “I’m going to let this cool.”

  “I just protect him. That’s all I need.” I had no prop for my hands so I folded them on top of the table.

  “Commendable. I hope he’s worth this devotion. Because you’re gorgeous. I mean, there’s a certain tomboy capable thing you have about you that’s at odds with that gorgeous figure. You could even model, I bet.”

  Albany pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of me before I could stop her. She flipped the phone so I could see the image of me glaring at her.

  “Hot, right? A picture that could launch a thousand erections.”

  “Delete it.” I tapped my finger on the table.

  She wrinkled her nose as if she was being cute.<
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  “My phone, my property.”

  I assessed her for a second before I snatched the phone out of her hand. I slid it under the table and put it in my hoodie pocket.

  Her chipper demeanor fell away. She ran her tongue over her teeth before clearing her throat. “I need that back.”

  “No, you don’t. You need to respect people’s private space. This’ll teach you that lesson.” I put my hands in my pockets, my palm stretched across her screen. Nix could do some work with it.

  Albany stood slowly, as if she thought if she gave me enough time I’d change my mind. “I really hoped that we could be friends. Trade makeup tips. Fun stuff.”

  I looked up at her, not changing my demeanor at all. “Save your hope for unicorns and rainbows. I’m no one’s friend.”

  I stood, my chair making a scraping noise behind me.

  A fake smile started to form on her face. She put the lid back on her coffee like there was no rush.

  “You know, I have plenty of pictures of you. Some more flattering than others, if you know what I mean.” She ran her red fingernail around the top of her cup.

  I looked away from her and tried to get a good canvass on the parking lot. I was betting there was security for her here now along with the drivers.

  I wouldn’t show fear. I turned toward her.

  “You know what, T? I think I’m going to pay you back by sleeping with Animal. Whatcha think about that?” She gave me a campy shoulder shrug like she was a ’50s pin-up girl.

  “Animal can put his dick wherever he wants. He likes to play with fire, and I’m betting your crotch is all lit up with STDs.” I gave her the same cheesy shrug.

  Albany turned and walked out like we’d just had a great meeting.

  She was crazy. I felt my heart flop into a pile because I knew that even with a warning, Animal might just give her what she wanted.

  Chapter 31


  T had warned me. She said that Albany wanted me in the worst way. She’d been right.

  At my last meeting with a supplier, she was waiting for me, back against the purple Hummer. She wanted me to hit it, and I told myself that I could handle her. It would be a great way to figure out what she knew, so I took her home with me.


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