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Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5)

Page 18

by Carson Mackenzie

  “Sorry, ladies, but there is one impatient man in the front room,” my dad smiled and said.

  “I doubt it’s just one, Will,” Carly said and bent to help Ally get her shoes on.

  After the women and children left, I placed my arm through my dad’s, and we headed toward the door.

  “Ready, sweetie?” my dad asked as we stepped into the hallway that led to the main room where Dom was waiting.

  “Yes. More than anything. A little frightened maybe about how quickly I fell for Dom after the ending of one marriage. And I know it looks to the outside that we are marrying because of the baby, but honestly, I would have married him just as quickly if I wasn’t pregnant. I love him, Dad. A lot. Which is a bit scary, too,” I said as we reached the entrance to the main room and stopped before entering.

  “There’s your answer, baby. There is not a set time on knowing someone. If it’s right, it’s right. Dom’s a good man. I couldn’t have picked a better one to love my baby and take care of her.”

  “Ah, Dad, you’re going to make me cry,” I said as my eyes filled.

  “Then we better get this thing started,” my dad said, and we stepped through the doorway and paused long enough for Ally and Neely to start down the makeshift aisle made by the rows of chairs on both sides.

  I glanced over the full room to check on Poppy and smiled when I spotted her bouncing on Flyboy’s lap. She’d captured her grandpa’s heart just as she’d done the rest of us. I might not have given birth to her, but she was as much mine as the one I carried. To look at her now, no one would have guessed that a short time ago the little girl fought to live. I shifted my eyes back to the front and met Dom’s eyes as he focused only on me. When my dad squeezed my arm, I knew Ally and Neely had finished their duties and reached the front, which left our turn to take the short walk.

  When we reached the front, I released my dad’s arm and took the final steps to stand beside Dom. Dom and my dad shook hands, then Dom grabbed mine and we faced the preacher while my dad took his seat.

  The ceremony was short and sweet as Dom and I stood before the club and said our vows. I came to Shades Valley for a fresh start, but I never expected to find the man that completed me. When the preacher said you may now kiss your bride, Dom kissed me, then pulled back, bent, and pressed his lips to my stomach. I had held the tears off until then. Dom stood and wiped the tears from my cheeks with his fingers.

  “Stealing that parking space was so worth it.” Everyone laughed as I looked up at him and smiled.

  “I knew you saw me!” Dom chuckled and then before I could blink, he had me off the ground and in his arms. We headed for the door to the outside as whistles and clapping erupted.

  Once we reached the backyard, the music was turned on, and it didn’t take long for the area to be filled with noise as the clubhouse emptied. Dom set me on my feet in the area designated for dancing and embraced me.

  “Love ya, sweetheart,” Dom said and bent his head and touched his lips to mine.

  “Love you more,” I said against his lips.

  “Not fucking possible,” Dom replied, and I didn’t argue as he held me tighter and we moved to the music. I laid my cheek against his shoulder, and he leaned his head down and rested his cheek against the top of my head.

  I sighed. I wasn’t sure if life could get any better than this. But I was looking forward to every day I got to spend with this man.



  I leaned against the clubhouse and watched the doctor dance with every brother who asked her. I wanted her in my arms, my bed, and my name echoing off the walls when I brought her to completion. It was her I wanted under me when my own release took my breath, and my heart pounded in my chest.

  Mackenzie avoided me at all cost since the day at the diner when I snapped at her about paying for lunch. I hadn’t known then what made me do it, but now, as I watched her head lean back while she laughed at something Bull said, it was because she had the ability to destroy me. I knew it the minute she walked out of her office that day and I had laid eyes on her for the first time. So, I made the play for her. Even now, knowing she could crush me, I wasn’t going to be able to stay away from her much longer.

  I lost sight of Mac when the music stopped, and River and Jag moved to the front of everyone.

  “You boys are falling quick. Been a long time since the clubhouse hosted a wedding celebration. Hell, I think it was when Dare married Shakes.”

  I glanced at my dad as he leaned against the building beside me, then I turned back to watch River as she prepared to toss her flowers to the women who had started to form a group.

  “Figure we’ll see a few more before long. Maybe we can get the others to do it at the same time,” I said, and my dad, Cruz, chuckled.

  “Damn, I hope we don’t have to break up a bunch of women fighting over flowers.” I shook my head at my dad as the group of women laughed and moved around each other to get into the best position.

  “Thelma’s in the group. Not worried she might catch it, are you?” I cocked my brow at my dad.

  “You got something to ask me, Emery?”

  “Nope, but Bull and Tank might think different.”

  “I’ll speak with them if the need arises. Only out of respect because they’re members of this club and Thelma’s sons.” I grinned at my dad. “What?”

  “Doesn’t seem like ‘us boys’ are the only ones falling quickly. What happened to the ‘We’re going to do what we want, when we want, and enjoy taking off on our bikes whenever the road calls to us,’ speech?”

  “Still can. Just means we have a warm woman behind us on the bike and in the bed at night when we stop.”

  “Christ, don’t say that shit to Bull and Tank.”

  “I might be getting older, Emery, but I haven’t lost any of my brain function.”

  “Yeah, it isn’t your brain I’m worried about, Dad. Now, your ability to move around after they get a hold of you—whole different thing.”

  “Damn smartass.”

  Loud laughter and squeals ended our conversation and had us looking toward the women just in time to watch the bundle of flowers arch and disappear into the middle of the group. When the crowd separated, a grin split my face as Mac held the flowers.

  “She’s a tough little thing to have gotten in there and come out the victor. Not bad on the eyes either. You know, tradition would put her as the next bride. Be interesting to see who snags the garter.” I looked at my dad, and he smirked.

  “What the hell does one have to do with the other?”

  “See, that’s what’s wrong in the world today. Young people don’t give a shit about traditions.”

  “Really? I had no clue my dad was a stickler for wedding traditions.” I laughed, and he smacked my stomach with the back of his hand.

  “You’ve always been mouthy. I know a lot of stuff. Granted some is useful and some is just taking up space in my head.” We both chuckled, then my dad continued to share his knowledge. The more he talked, the more my grin spread.

  When he was done, I let everything he said run through my mind.

  “You know, I think I can work with that.”

  “I thought you might find it interesting.” My dad winked. “And perfect timing for it, too,” he added with a chin lift. When I followed the direction he pointed toward, I watched the women set a chair down, then wave River over to stand beside it. They proceeded to point where they wanted the men to move.

  I pushed off the wall of the clubhouse. “Thanks for the chat, old man,” I said and walked to where the grumbling and complaining group of men gathered.

  “I give this party fifteen minutes after the kids are taken home to get out of hand. Two thirds of the brothers are already drunk off their asses,” Flirt moved beside me and said as he waved his hand in front of us to the group of unattached brothers. Most of them swayed on their feet as they grumbled. Though I found it amusing that no one moved from where the women told them to s

  “It will be good as long as they don’t make any fast moves. We could be untangling them for days,” I said just as Bull grabbed the back of Tank’s shirt as he tilted forward.

  “Damn women, I didn’t want any part of this,” Flirt pointed to Carly, Sami, Bailey, and Luna as they stood in front of the group. “Oh, just do it. He’s your brother. It’s his and River’s day. That was Carly’s speech, then Sami’s and Luna’s eyes watered up because who the fuck knows why. And Bailey, she just points where I need to go. So yeah, here I am with these drunk bastards.”

  “Yeah, and bitching like a woman,” Ghost walked up and smacked Flirt on the back, and I chuckled when Flirt flipped him off.

  “Fuck you, Ghost. You’re only saying that because I didn’t hear them harassing you or the others into this. A matter of fact, your asses scattered when the women started arranging everyone.”

  “Hey, it’s for unattached brothers, which we are not. But I’m not ashamed to admit that you are goddamn straight we got the hell away. And I plan to keep away from the women in case they change their minds. Devil mentioned that he, Crusher, Speed, and I needed to restock the bar and coolers before the after-the-kids-hour party gets started.” Ghost chuckled and started toward the clubhouse. Where I would guarantee the others were already hiding.

  “Sad day when bikers hide from a group of women!” I yelled, and Ghost waved his hand over his head, and never missed a step while he yelled over his shoulder.

  “Being a biker ain’t got shit to do with it. Getting hot sex later because our women are feeling all romantic and shit—everything.”

  Flirt and I laughed. They had us there.

  “It still surprises me how well he is doing, Flirt.” I shook my head as we watched Ghost look around, then slip into the back door of the clubhouse.

  “Brother, there were days I wondered if my old friend would ever reappear. I knew he was struggling, and it sucked ass not being able to help him. He couldn’t have run into Luna at a better time. Don’t know how much longer he would have lasted if she hadn’t come back into his life.”

  “Our brothers are proof of what a good woman can do for you,” I said while I looked around for Mac and found her standing off to the side.

  “If you see that, then what the fuck are you waiting for, Coast? You’ve never held back when you wanted something. Not getting why you’re doing it now. Especially if you can have what the others have found.”

  The whistles and catcalls had Flirt and I facing toward the front of the crowd where River sat in the chair and Jag knelt in front of her. The sounds resulted because her dress slid halfway up her thigh when Jag lifted one of her legs and rested her foot on his shoulder.

  We watched our brother as he ran his hands from River’s ankle, up her leg until he reached the garter she wore around her thigh. He popped the band but left it where it was and ran his hands back down her leg. Boos erupted, and Jag turned toward the group and smirked, then turned back, placed his lips at River’s ankle and proceeded to kiss and nibble his way up her leg.

  “I’m going inside until this is over. One investigation in a man’s career is plenty,” Sheriff Lance mumbled as he moved past Flirt and me. We waited until he was out of earshot to laugh.

  “Hope to hell he isn’t packing. Things could get out of hand.” I shook my head at Flirt’s statement.

  “Jag’s safe. Will likes him. And I don’t think the investigation bothered him as much as the fact the ex-son-in-law still breathes. That pisses him off more,” I said as hoots and hollers filled the air and grew louder as River blushed and covered her face with her hands.

  “Yeah, and it wouldn’t look good to kill his grandbaby’s daddy.”

  “There is that,” I answered just as Jag’s mouth reached the garter on River’s thigh. He used his teeth to grab hold of it, then worked it down River’s leg until he had it off. After, he pulled her hands from her face and kissed her forehead before he stood.

  “Sometimes I don’t give my dad enough credit,” I said, and Flirt looked at me and furrowed his brows.

  “For what?” Just as Flirt asked, Jag used his pointer finger from each hand and launched the garter slingshot style into the air.

  “Reminding me that traditions are important to keep.” I chuckled as my brothers shoved each other around.

  “What the hell are you talking about, Coast?”

  “That the two sides of me are full of superstitions and traditions.” The garter began to fall, and I stepped forward, raised my arm and used my hand to snatch it out of the air. When I pulled back and stood with the garter in my hand, Flirt shook his head.

  I looked around until I spotted Mac where she stood with the other women and clapped as Jag lifted River up and carried her off. Flirt and I were silent as we watched the couple stop where Flyboy stood with Poppy in his arms. The baby girl’s giggles when Jag leaned in and kissed over her small face had me smiling.

  “How soon you think before Flyboy is calling Shakes or one of the other women to help with Pop?” Flirt asked while we continued to watch the interaction between Jag and his daughter before he led River toward the houses. They were spending the night on the compound, then leaving in the morning for a few days away.

  “The dads handled us as kids. I think Flyboy can take care of one little girl,” I said while I focused my eyes back on the woman who had held my attention for months.

  “True. Now let’s get back to you realizing both sides of your bloodline are known to follow various traditions. From my perspective, it sounds to me like you finally found your balls, brother,” Flirt said and slapped my back.

  “Never lost them. But I did remember patience was never my strong point.” Flirt’s laughter followed me as I started closing the distance between myself and what I wanted.


  Preview for Snatched

  Haven MC Book 1


  William Borelli was one of the few men I had encountered who matched me in size and height. I stood in the office of the Haven MC president and waited to see if I was going to be allowed in the club.

  “Prospecting is a way for clubs to learn about a man and what he is made of. It’s a thankless job within a club because you are expected to do everything asked of you without question. There is no set time to be patched in as a full member; it all depends on performance—how the others accept you—loyalty to the club and its leadership. So, it is up to the Prospect on how fast or slow that patching in timeframe goes.” Wild Bill frowned but never broke eye contact with me. “Haven is dealing with a few problems, ones that are currently being looked at to get to the bottom of the issue. It is going to be a slow process, but this club has been around awhile, it will weather this too,” the Prez said and walked around his desk and sat down, pointing to the chair across from him. I took a seat and leaned forward and placed my elbows on my knees.

  “Alright,” I said as I watched the Prez’s face for signs of where this might be going. My knowledge of MCs was minimal, to say the least, but I couldn’t imagine the president of an MC handling a prospective member in his office without any of the other leaders present.

  “You come highly recommended, Linc.” I frowned at his words, and Wild Bill continued. “Hawk, Keg, Pinch, Crank, and Tram are Prospects already. Having you come on board would be a great addition,” he finished.

  “What do you mean I come highly recommended? I feel like this is more than a wanna-be part of my club talk. The word I’ve heard around town since I rode in, is that whatever I did, I needed to stay clear of Haven’s members. Met Hawk at that bar about a week ago. We talked, and he is the one who said Haven was recruiting members. Gotta say, though, I’m questioning what kinda members?” I watched Wild Bill’s eyes change, his pupils lighten, and a small twitch to his lips as if he was fighting to keep a smile off his face, all as he stared back at me. He leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms over his chest, and minutes ticked by as I waited for him to respond.
r />   Wild Bill uncrossed his arms, leaned forward, and placed his elbows on the desk before he spoke, “Let me give you some information and then when I am done, you can decide if Haven fits you. Fair enough?”

  “Yes,” was the only reply I gave.

  “I’m sure you’ve been told that Haven has been around for a while. It was started by my grandfather during a time when MCs were all considered to be run by men who were no better than the average outlaw, all because they had different views on how they wanted to live, versus what the majority of people thought was acceptable. Not going to get into the ‘my opinion is right, and your opinion is wrong’ debate that nowadays seems to fit with anything anyone does or says in society.

  “My dad took over for his father as president when my grandfather was diagnosed with lung cancer. William Sr. was a hard man and ran Haven with a firm hand, my dad, not so much. Drugs, guns, you name it was and is still going on in Haven. I took over when my dad was killed due to the illegal activity the club was in. I’m not going to go into detail on everything that is going on right now, but I will do a quick recap.” I nodded, and Wild Bill continued. “There are members of this club who had an issue when I stepped in for my dad. I will admit the illegal activity grew more after my own wife and ol’ lady became sick right after I had stepped in. Not using it as an excuse, but I did check out for a while, Sami was young, and Reed was a teenager, my plate was full. I pulled myself together, but... It is what it is. I can see in your eyes that you are trying to figure out exactly why we are having this talk, when what you thought was just an informal meeting to see about prospecting for us. If you decide to join, you will be a Prospect like I said before. We are an MC in all aspects; some of us are just a little more.”

  “How much more?” I asked when he finished.


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