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Brute's Strength

Page 16

by Karen Renee

  “Good. Learn from my mistakes, Sammy. I’d rather see you fight hard for a woman who matters, than give her up because shit gets rough. Settling on a revolving door of meaningless women to stay safe is bullshit, Junior.”

  He sighed again. “So what am I supposed to do?”

  “You know what to do. Tell her the truth, because nothing comes from hiding or lying to a woman you love.”

  Except for his mouth, his body froze. “Didn’t say I love her, Dad.”

  A short chuckle came through the line. “You win this fight, love is the reward.”

  His eyes closed. He knew his Dad spoke the truth, but his trepidations lingered.

  “Like I said yesterday, more than two hearts at stake here.”


  That response came so fast and harsh, he thought he misheard it.

  “How am I wrong?”

  “Kenzie’s heart and yours are at stake. You take care with that, her little girl’s heart is just a bonus. Know good and damn well you aren’t gonna fuck around with the feelings of a child. You been where that girl’s at. You haven’t said it, but my guess is that also has you runnin’ scared.”

  He’d spent too much time outside. “Glad you gave me this perspective, Dad. I need to get back inside.”


  “I’m at Kenzie’s. Told her I had to get something from my truck.”

  While he didn’t laugh, Brute could hear the smile in Dad’s voice. “You got it bad. Do yourself a favor. Tell her I called you, and that I said hello. She’ll dig that.”

  He shook his head, but had to admit that was a great idea. “Thanks, Dad. Later.”

  Though he’d used going to his truck as an excuse to get out of the house, it wasn’t a lie. He’d left his Dopp kit in the back and he’d need it later that night.

  The conversation with his Dad felt like a mixed bag, but deep down he knew it had been beneficial. Now he had to swallow his pride and tell Kenzie the truth.

  How she handled it would determine everything else.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Don’t Fight It


  Ever since Caleb’s visit, Brute had distanced himself from me. Not physically, exactly, but in conversation, most definitely. When he said he had to go to his truck, I’d shoved the pizza into the fridge and peeked through the blinds to watch him walk the length of the driveway.

  Watching him do that warmed my heart because I hadn’t thought about looking for someone watching the house. But when he walked back with his phone to his ear, the warmth dissipated. Why would he be on the phone? Was he setting it up so someone would keep an eye on my house and he could leave? Or was he arranging for my car to be here in the morning?

  Why was I so insecure?

  I took a deep breath. Then I followed my advice to my daughter when she was wound up. “Just whoosah,” I murmured.

  Brute’s wine glass had a little left in it, so I made the executive decision to top it off while pouring myself another. If he left and didn’t drink it, that was okay.

  “You talkin’ to somebody, baby?” he asked, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

  “Just myself, though I wasn’t exactly talking.”

  He kissed my neck near my collar bone. “Sorry that took so long. Had to check your street. Then Dad called. He said to tell you hello, by the way.”

  I couldn’t fight my smile. “That’s nice of him. You can tell him I said, ‘hi,’ back.”

  His hands at my waist turned me to face him. “I’m sorry I got weird earlier. You up for more football for a little bit?”

  “Watching it, sure.”

  He chuckled. “Didn’t think you played it.”

  “Aubrey wants to try flag football.”

  His chin dipped and he gave me a look. “She’s a real tomboy, eh?”

  “Yep. No matter what we do to—”

  “Don’t fight it,” he interrupted.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, Stephanie was a tomboy and my stepmom fought her on that shit tooth and nail. Didn’t work. If she would’ve gone with it, my guess is Stephie wouldn’t be ridin’ a Harley now.”

  My brows scrunched. “You mean she wouldn’t be with Har?”

  He grinned while shaking his head. “No, she got herself a Harley before moving back here. If Tori would’ve been easier on her while married to my dad, I don’t think Stephie would’ve hung with me and Har like she did.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  He wanted to say he’d teach her girl to throw a spiral, but that was too much. He smiled. “So... couch or your bed?”

  “Whatever floats your boat.”


  She shook her head. “Fine. My bed since if you’re staying the night, we’ll end up there anyway.”

  EARLY INTO THE SECOND quarter of the game, I knew Brute was hardly paying attention. He was preoccupied and I didn’t have to wonder what made him that way. I did know a way to snap him out of it. Hopefully.

  He had me held tight to his side, so I slid my hand down his torso and slipped it into his boxer briefs.

  “Kenzie,” he hissed.

  I looked up at him. “You aren’t paying much attention to the game. And I owe you for the faucet.”

  My hand gripped his cock, which stiffened more with each stroke.

  “You don’t,” he said in a husky voice.

  I kissed him silent. “Heard too many you-don’t-have-to’s from you tonight. I want to do this.”

  A naughty grin lit up his face. “Because you get off on it too, right?”

  I grinned, shrugged, and then I slithered down the bed to settle my debt to him.

  He helped by shoving his underwear off. Guiding him into my mouth, he groaned. I liked listening to the sounds he made as I maintained a steady pace.

  My free hand stroked the inside of his thigh, adding a light scrape of my nails. He growled. I looked up at him and the smoldering look in his eyes said he liked that. As I fondled his balls, his hand cupped the crown of my head to increase my pace.

  “Can you deep-throat me like yesterday morning, baby?” His voice sounded huskier than ever.

  I took his cock out of my mouth with a popping sound. Grinning, I said, “I’ll try, baby.”

  His eyes flared and I smirked. Then I fought my gag reflex to give him what he wanted.

  “Oh, yeah, Kenzie,” he hissed.

  I sucked a little harder and his hips bucked. His cock became more rigid in my hold. I knew he was close. Before I could apply more suction, he grabbed me under my armpits, dragged me up his body, wrapped his arms around me, and then rolled so he was on top.

  “You still trust me, baby?”

  I shook my head. “What?”

  “You still trust me to go in bare?”

  “Did that this morning, so yeah.”

  His head lowered. “You found out a shitload about me since then. So, I get it if you want me to get a condom.”

  My eyes slid to the side for a second then focused on his. “No. What’s done is done. I like having you, all of you.”

  His cock slid inside me and I exhaled with satisfaction.

  “Feeling is mutual, Zee.”

  I stared into his deep brown eyes. “I’m glad.”

  He lowered his lips to mine. His kiss started out reverent, but as his hips thrust into mine it turned urgent and almost needy. My fingers drove into his hair and I kissed him like it might be the last time.

  Because in my mind, I thought it might be.

  I WALKED OUT OF THE bathroom to see Brute lounging in my bed with all the pillows behind him. The sheets were on his lap, leaving his stacked and tatted torso on full display. My teeth sank into my lower lip at the sight.

  I grabbed a tank top from a drawer and he made a sound.

  “You don’t need that right now, Zee.”

  I looked over my shoulder. “Oh, really?”

  “Yeah, really. Get your fine ass over he

  I put the tank top on the foot of the bed. Climbing in, I asked, “What’s with hogging all the pillows?”

  He arched a brow. “Left you a pillow, but I want you next to me. Got... some shit I need to tell you.”

  I froze. “Thinking I need my shirt. Breaking up with me while I’m naked sounds worse than doing it through a sticky note.”

  He blinked while shaking his head. His arm darted out and he yanked me close. “Not what this is about, woman.”


  My hand slid along his abdomen as I wrapped my arm around him. I loved the feel of his skin. His free hand pulled mine away from his belly and to his ribs.

  I looked into his earnest eyes. “Sorry,” I muttered.

  His lips tipped up. “Don’t be. Just need to focus, and that wasn’t helping.”

  He took a big breath and I sensed whatever he had to say would be heavy.

  “I’m not a good man.”

  “You are,” I said, shaking my head.

  His chin dipped down. “I’ve committed murder, Kenzie. Wasn’t cold blood, but that doesn’t matter.”

  My body stiffened against my will. His arm gave me a squeeze and I forced myself to relax. I smiled tentatively. “Was it an accident? The murder? Like, was it a bar fight that went too far?”

  He frowned. “No. The man who approached you at the bank, his brother was in my club. He was stealing from us, and he’d cornered me, Har, and a couple of my other brothers. He had a gun aimed right at Har and everything in his body language said he was going to kill Har no matter what.”

  My head tilted a little. “So, why didn’t Har—”

  “He didn’t have a gun. And even if he had, the moment he reached for it, Wreck would’ve shot him. It was me killing Wreck or losing my brother, and I mean that beyond the MC brotherhood, Zee. Mike and I’ve been tight for twenty-three years. Not a goddamn thing I wouldn’t do for him. And if I get arrested for this, I’ll serve the time. World ain’t worth shit without Har in it.”

  I stared at his phoenix tattoo and nodded.

  “Hey,” he whispered.

  I gave him my eyes. “Yeah?”

  “You got anything to say? A reaction to all that?”

  My lips quirked to the side for a moment. “It’s a lot to take in and process, Brute. I knew you cared a lot about Har, but this puts it into the serious bromance category.”

  His brows furrowed. “Come again?”

  I chuckled. “It’s a thing. Or at least Lydia tells me it’s a thing in romance novels. When men care so much about each other, but don’t say they love one another. It’s a ‘bromance’.”

  He chuckled. “Okay, we’re gonna get back to that, but right now, do you want me to go?”

  I wanted to process and think about all of this. Knowing Brute was capable of murder, it should be a no-brainer to kick him out of my house, but I didn’t see him as a murderer. Even after his horrible story. Whether it was hormones or something else, I knew I didn’t want him to leave tonight. My lips curled into a small smile. “No. I mean, it’s not like you’re going to kill me, right?”

  “No,” he muttered, slouching lower in the bed, and taking me with him. “Now, back to this ‘bromance’ shit from romance novels. You read those? Is that how you got such stellar blowjob skills or—”

  I put a finger on his lips. “Stop, mister. Romance novels are not how-to books on sex. I don’t get time to read that often. When I do, it depends on my mood.”

  He stroked my back. “Chill, Zee. I was joking, but your mouth can’t be beat.”

  My cheeks heated and I smiled at him shyly. “Thanks.”


  HE FELT LIKE A WEIGHT had been lifted, then replaced with a different, heavier weight.

  Kenzie took his admission in stride. He had expected her to kick him out the door. Some part of him wondered if she wasn’t burying her head in the sand where he was concerned. Then again, she’d said she needed time to process and think about what he’d told her.

  If she decided to stick with him, he needed to help her with the ex-husband. Just looking at that man, Brute knew he’d dig into a custody battle. It wasn’t like she would have the cake for a lengthy fight.

  His thumb danced over the buttons on the television remote control. The nighttime football game had turned into a blow-out.

  He tipped his head toward her. “Anything you want to watch? Or should I turn it off?”

  Her mouth opened wide with a long yawn. “Whatever you want, Sam.”

  “Right,” he muttered, turning it off. “You ready for bed yet?”

  She shook her head.

  “Let’s hit the sack. Six o’clock will be here before you know it.”

  HAR WASN’T AROUND WHEN Brute took Kenzie to pick up her car, and he didn’t want to talk about lawyers over the phone. Following his only morning appointment, he swung back by the shop.

  “Yo,” he called to Gamble.

  Gamble gave him a chin lift. “Har’s in his office, man.”

  At the doorway, he saw Block, the club’s treasurer was there. Brute rapped on the open door. “Sorry to interrupt, but you got a minute, Har?”

  “You need me to leave?” Block asked.

  Brute shook his head. “No, you probably know about some of this anyway.”

  Block leaned back in his chair giving Brute a skeptical look.

  He closed the office door and sat next to Block. “Either of you know if the club’s lawyer does family law?”

  Har and Block gave him wide-eyed stares.

  After a moment, Har said, “Don’t think so, why?”

  He shook his head. “Wreck’s brother approached Kenzie’s ex. Said I’m a murderer; now the ex is threatening to take her back to court for custody.”

  “You ain’t even met the kid,” Har said.

  “She pointed that out, but still... she has to cough up the cake for a lawyer, that’s on us, don’t you think?”

  “Not really,” Block muttered.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he muttered back, in a voice he didn’t recognize.

  Har looked at him from the corner of his eye. “You really think that shit’s on us?”

  His head shook slightly. “It’s a form of blowback, ain’t it? Thought we took care of that shit.”

  Block threw his hand out. “Let’s just say this were Riley—”

  “Fuck that, she’s a sweet-butt, Block.”

  Block shook his head. “You just mentioned this was about ‘blowback.’ You think sweet-butts can’t lead to that shit? They can.”

  “A sweet-butt runs into problems because she was hanging with us, that’s the risk she takes. Neither Tovar or Wreck’s brother should’ve approached Kenzie, let alone her fuckin’ douchebag ex-husband.”

  “She matters that much to you?” Har asked.

  “Not the point. She’s got shit on her doorstep because of me. No, because of us. Told her straight up, I shot Wreck and I’ll do the time since it was a case of you or Wreck, but —”

  “You told her you shot him!” Block cried.

  Brute spoke over him. “She shouldn’t have to fight to keep her daughter because of shit that happened before I ever met her.”

  Har’s lips pressed together as he contemplated it.

  Block leaned forward. “Plenty of times women have to deal with shit they ‘shouldn’t have to.’ Doesn’t mean it’s on us to pay for that.”

  Brute glowered at him. “Get that you’re treasurer and trying to protect club money, but how ’bout you set that shit aside. Think about this from her point of view.”

  “So she asked you to pick up the bill.”

  Anger welled up inside him. “No, asshole. I know we need to pick up this bill. That little girl needs her mother, and she isn’t gonna miss out on a day with her if I have anything to do with it.”

  “Then you pay the bills,” Block said, sitting back in his seat.

  Brute’s fists clenched. “Pretty goddamn sure I paid the fuc
kin’ price when I took out Wreck. Askin’ the club to handle her legal battle isn’t askin’ that goddamn much, Block.”

  Har leaned into his forearms on the desk. “You told her you committed that crime?” The question was whispered, which put Brute on high alert.

  He stared into his brother’s green eyes. “Yeah. She goes anywhere with that, it’ll be hearsay. Hell, you said it yourself. No body. No weapon.”

  Har turned his face a fraction. “You trust her that much?”

  Brute closed his eyes and felt that overwhelming tightness in his chest. He opened his eyes and stared Har down. “Yeah. I fuckin’ do.”

  Har looked to Block. “Back down, man.” He turned back to Brute. “Call Monica Wright at the legal firm. She’s our lawyer, but if they handle family shit, she’ll know who you need to talk to.”

  Block ran a hand over his bald head. “I need to set up a separate line item for this?”

  Har gave him a look. “No.”

  “I’ll let you two get back to—”

  “We were shooting the shit, Brute. You got somewhere to be?”

  He grunted. “Almost always somewhere I need to be, though Meg’s making some of my day-to-day shit more tolerable.”

  “You’re serious about a woman? Never thought I’d see the day,” Block muttered, stretching his legs out in front of him, crossing them at the ankle.

  “Shut it.”

  “What’s Truman Strickland gain by cornering your woman’s ex-husband?” Har asked. “Sure, it ought to turn her against you, but that shit doesn’t get him any closer to finding out where his brother is.”

  Brute sat up straighter. “How the hell did he know who her ex-husband is?”

  The tone of his voice made Block and Har sit straighter too.

  “Shit probably works both ways, Brute. If the asshole’s tellin’ Tovar what she’s doing and that you’re spending the night at her place, then it stands to reason that Tovar would inform Strickland about her ex-husband.”

  Brute gave him a stern look. “Yeah, but the bastard confronted him at a restaurant while the daughter was with the stepmom in the restroom. He’s following them. For all we know he might plan to hurt Aubrey.”


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