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Jay (Castle Ink Book 2)

Page 8

by Amy Davies

  “Jay,” a sweet voice calls from behind me. I open the driver door but don’t climb in. I stand there and watch as she jogs over to me, her perfect round tits bouncing slightly with the movement. God, I can’t wait to see them bounce when I’m slamming into…STOP! I shake my head, stopping the dirty thought running through my head. Nope. I am not going there at all. But damn they look fucking good. Cassie stops a few feet in front of me, looking a little worried, chewing on her bottom lip. Damn it, woman.

  “I’m sorry about what happened back there. I was worried about Chris’s sister. She’s about to pop the sprog out and she shouldn’t really be driving, but she is. You know, what with her big belly poking out and the baby kicking, it may kick the steering wheel and-” I cut her ramblings off.

  “Cass.” Her eyes snap to mine. “The baby kicking the steering wheel?” I ask. She comes up with some random shit. She shrugs and smiles sheepishly up at me. I shake my head at her. God knows where she gets her thoughts from but they’re funny as shit. I love her ramblings.

  “You never know; it could be a super baby or something. Steph is like Wonder Woman. This is her third sprog now; she just pops them out.” I laugh at her words and her cheeks flush red. God, that blush does things to my dick, but I force myself to ignore him. He will hate me for it now, but from the look of this woman, he will be buying me a thank you gift later. I step closer and tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear – yeah, see, I can do the romantic shit that the girls love. She lifts her gaze to me and licks her lips, releasing the last bit of annoyance from me. I grip the back of her head and slam my lips down onto hers, needing to taste her. Her lips are soft, warm, and fit perfectly against mine. I tilt her head and deepen the kiss. A groan slips from her mouth and slides down my throat, into my gut, making it swirl with arousal. My cock twitches again in my jeans, screaming at me to let him come out and play with this sexy as fuck woman in my arms.

  I slide one hand down her back and take her pert arse in my large hand, pulling her tight towards me. She gasps into my mouth and I swallow that sound, too. I can only imagine what sounds she will make when she comes. My lungs scream for more oxygen - or her, I’m not sure. I pull back and rest my head against hers, breathing deep. We are both panting, our breaths mixing as one. My eyes are closed but I can sense her looking at me, taking in my expression. A smile tugs on my lips and I hear Cassie let out a sigh of relief. She must have thought I regretted the kiss, or something.

  “Do you feel what you do to me?” I tug her even closer, making sure that she feels how hard I am for her. She nods her head and looks up at me.

  “I do. Not sure it will fit when the times comes but…” She leaves her sentence hanging. I bark out a laugh, which sets off her laughing, and she slaps my chest with her tiny hand. “Hey, don’t laugh at me. I’m just saying that, that thing just powered up in your jeans.”

  “That thing? You mean my dick?”

  “Yeah that.” She giggles and I can’t stop the groan that leaves me. How the hell does her giggle affect me like this? I pull her even tighter against me and smile down at her.

  “Listen, I need to go. Let me pick you up on Friday and take you out for a drink.”

  “Okay,” she agrees.

  “Okay, I’ll text you the details, yeah.” She nods her head and goes up on her tiptoes and kisses me before turning and walking back into the dog salon.

  This woman is going to be the one to stitch me back together. I am pretty fucking sure of it.


  The last few days have gone by in a flash. It’s now Friday and I’m nervously pacing around my bedroom waiting for Jay to come and pick me up. It’s a little chilly outside, which is typical for a late November in the UK. I told Jay that I’m not into fancy restaurants. I’m happy with going somewhere we can talk, enjoy the good food and music. I am not a fancy, dress up kinda girl. Chris came over to help me pick out an outfit that was sexy yet casual, while saying ‘yes, I want you to pound me into next week’ - Chris’s words, not mine. So, we settled on a black dress, with three-quarter length sleeves, that stopped just above my knees. It has a thin brown belt that matched the brown knee boots I’m wearing. The dress has a V-neck that Chris said Jay would appreciate. I added a little wave to my hair and minimal make-up.

  I’ve been on dates before, but for some reason Jay is setting off emotions in me that I’m scared to explore, but I know that I have to learn to trust a man again. Dale hurt me, both physically and mentally, and I will never let a man do that again. It’s easier and safer to never let a man in like I did him, again, but Jay seems to be breaking down the walls. Even only knowing Jay for a short amount of time, he seems to be the type of man that wouldn’t hurt a woman; hurt me. He said he wants to take things slow; his eyes were saying that he had been hurt before. So, I will go at his pace, because it’s the pace that I need also.

  The way he kissed me the other day has left a mark on me; his mark. His lips were soft and warm against my own. He tasted of chocolate that day at the salon, invading my senses, making me moan. My poor kickers were wet and left me feeling uncomfortable all day. Chris kept laughing at me and making dirty jokes about my situation. I think I’m going to have to keep some clean knickers in my bag whenever I’m around Jay Castle. I walk out of my bedroom and towards the living room. MJ and Stark are staying over with Chris tonight; he’s that confident that I won’t be coming home. He’s just lucky that my furbabies love him.

  A soft knock comes from the door and my heart skips a beat. I walk over to the door and pull it open. My breath catches as I take in the fine specimen standing before me. He’s wearing a thin light grey jumper under a denim jacket, black skinny jeans, and boots. A chain is hanging from his front jean pocket to the back. He looks good enough to eat, and I bet he would taste amazing on my tongue. Bugger, naughty Cassie. No naughty thoughts if the sexy, fine piece of… I slap my hand over my mouth when I see Jay smirking at me.

  “Oh God. I did it again, didn’t I?” I ask, closing my eyes.

  He nods his head, still smirking at me. “Yeah, Kitten. But hey, I’m good with being called a ‘sexy, fine piece of…’ What was you going to say?”

  “Man-candy,” I mutter. Jay chuckles and steps closer to me. I feel his lips on my head and his hand slipping around my waist. Our bodies are touching, and the heat from his makes my belly squirm with warmth. Jay does all kinds of things to my body. I step back from him and walk into my living room.

  “Come in, I just need to grab my bag and jacket,” I shout over my shoulder. I hear the door click shut, so I know that he did come into my house. I pick up my short black leather jacket off the couch and slip it on over my dress. I turn to see Jay standing by my memory wall. This wall holds so many amazing memories for me. From family parties to weddings and birthdays. Every great thing that has happened is on that wall, in some form. From photos, to concert tickets, to little rubber wristbands from charity events I went to. I have two small medals hanging there, from when I did two half marathons.

  “Are these your family?” Jay asks. I pick up my bag and walk over to him, smiling at the photos.

  “Yeah.” I point to a group photo. “This is my mum and dad, April and Stuart Dawson. These are my aunts and uncles, and some cousins. We’re a big family. My mother is the youngest of ten children. No TV in those days.” I wink at him and he laughs. He lifts his hand and fingers the medals, nodding in appreciation.

  “You did two half marathons?” I nod my head.

  “Yeah.” I know what’s coming next. Between the medals is a photo of me and Dale. He did the marathons with me; he’s a fitness freak.

  “Who’s that?” I swallow hard and answer him.

  “That is Dale. He’s my ex-boyfriend. I want us to start out the right way, Jay, so please don't ruin our first time going out by asking about him. He is nothing, he isn’t in my life anymore.” I can feel his stare boring into the side of my head but I refuse to look at him. I know that if I look at his hands
ome face, I’ll spill the beans, and I don’t need to relive that with him, not yet anyway.

  “Okay, I can understand that. I can see that we both have some shit in our past. But, Kitten, if we are to go forward with this,” he flicks his hands between us, “we need to talk to each other. We need to know everything. No secrets. Got me, babe?” I nod my head again. “Good. Now come on, we have food to eat, music to listen to, and drinks to drink – well, no alcohol for me but, hey, I can get you drunk and take advantage of your inebriated state, right?” He smiles and winks at me.

  “You don’t need the drink to take advantage, Jay.” I gasp and slap my hand over my mouth again. Damn it. I can feel my face getting hotter and hotter, and I can only imagine the colour of my skin right now. Holy smokes, Batman. I need to learn to speak before I think - oh bollocks, I mean think before I speak. See what this tattooed superhero does to me?

  “Right, we need to go. Now.” I step around Jay and pick my keys up from the hook and open the door. I step back to give Jay room to walk out, but he stops in front of me.

  “I love that little mouth of yours, Kitten.” He kisses the tip of my nose and steps out of my house. I stand there for a few seconds, trying to calm myself down, before I make an even bigger muppet of myself. Taking a deep breath, I pull the door closed behind me and lock it. “Ready?” Jay speaks from my side. I nod my head and follow him.

  “Let’s go.”

  * * *

  We arrive at The Royal Harbour and Jay walks me into the pub with his hand on the small of my back. We come to the small hostess table, and I falter. Standing there is Mandy Stevenson, my school bully. She’s like a glorified Barbie doll. She bullied me through all my school years; the school did nothing about it. My parents even went as far as talking to her parents directly, but they just shrugged off her antics, they didn’t really care what she did as long as she was away from them. Her face lights up when she sees Jay, until her gaze lands on me, and her smile turns nasty. I slide closer to Jay and he looks down at me with a smile.

  “Well, if it isn’t Jay Castle in the flesh, and what nice flesh it is.” She smirks at me, clearly letting me know that she’s had sex with Jay. My body tightens and I feel sick to my stomach. Why? Why can’t I have anything good in life?

  “Mandy. How are you?” Jay asks as he pulls me closer to him. I sink into his touch, wrapping one arm around him, grounding myself to him.

  “I’m good, Jay, even better now that I get to look at your sexy face during my shift.”

  “Unbelievable,” I mutter, hoping they didn’t hear me, but this is me we’re talking about.

  “Excuse me?” Mandy snipes. I take a deep breath and go to answer her, but Jay beats to me to it.

  “I believe my date said ‘unbelievable’, because you’re being unbelievably disgusting in the way you’re acting. I am here with this gorgeous girl and you’re flirting with me in front of her. Have some sense of self-respect, Mandy. Now, can you get us a table for two, please, somewhere in the corner, close to the stage.” She huffs and picks up two menus and walks away. Jay chuckles, takes my hand and tugs me along with him. We follow Mandy through the pub, a few people greeting Jay as we pass. One guy even stands and they do the man hug thing. I just smile, because through all this, Jay never lets go of my hand. He says his goodbye to the man and we walk over to the table that has a very impatient Mandy standing by it. My inner superhero is smiling to high heaven.

  “Just order at the bar.” She slams the menus down on the oak table and storms off. Jay laughs, causing me to chuckle with him. We slide into a booth with patchwork material seats and oak wood panels.

  “Stroppy much. Oh, and by the way, she has never seen me ‘in the flesh’. Never.” I let out a big sigh of relief.

  “Oh, thank you, God.” Jay laughs at my reaction. “I don’t know if I could have got over the fact that she’s already touched you. She is a mega hard limit for me, Jay, as in hard like granite. Just FYI for the future.”

  “Got it. Have you eaten here before?” he asks me.

  “Yeah, my parents like to go out for lunch every week. It’s our thing. Every Sunday we pick a different place to eat as a family. We all work during the week, so Sunday is ‘Dawson Day’” I say, using air quotes. Jay smiles at me. Adoration crosses his face, but so does a little sadness. It’s gone in a flash. I love my parents; they are freaking amazing. I drop my eyes to my menu, not being able to see the look on Jay’s face any longer. I don’t know much about him, but his face shows the sadness that one gets when they have lost a parent. I look over the menu, making sure that I read every word to draw out the time, but Jay is having none of it. He seems like a man that doesn’t hide from things. If he wants them he gets them. He says what he wants and he doesn’t let people walk over him.

  “Hey, you okay?” I nod my head, not trusting my voice. “Kitten, look at me. What’s wrong?” I shake my head.

  “It’s nothing, Jay. Leave it.”

  “Nope. Tell me. No secrets remember? I hate the hiding game.” I nod slightly, letting him know that I do remember.

  “I saw the sadness flash on your face when I talked about my parents. I was wondering if you lost one or both of yours. But I don’t want deep tonight, Jay, we need to have things light between us right now. We’re just starting out; dark and deep can come later.” He stares at me for a moment - or several, I’m not sure. Our eyes stay locked, and the light music and chatter fades away until it’s just us in the room.

  “It is sadness, Kitten. Dex and I lost our parents when we were young. But you’re right, no deep conversation between us tonight. The only thing that will be deep, is me inside of you later.” My breath catches in my throat, and Jay winks at me. He said we were going slow. Holy Batman. I cannot do fast, fast messed everything up last time. I need time to get to know him. To see what makes him smile. What makes him tick. I jumped in with Dale and look where that got me.

  “You can’t say that, Jay,” I whisper, and look down at my hands in my lap. My heart races in my chest and I feel lightheaded. I don’t see Jay move until he’s sitting next to me and touching my face. He gently lifts my head until our eyes meet.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Talk to me, Kitten,” he whispers gently. The hot breath from his lungs spreads across my now dry lips. My tongue feels like it’s swelling in my mouth, making it impossible for me to speak. I manage to shake my head and try to pull away from his warm body, but Jay doesn’t let me. He sits closer and pulls my body tight to his. His strong arms are wrapped around me, one hand on my head, firmly holding me in place. I take a few deep breaths and slowly pull my head back to meet his gaze.

  I shake my head one last time to clear the last of the fog. “I’m okay, Jay. I know you didn’t mean to upset me. We need to go slow. Me and fast did not work out too well last time. Slow, okay?” He gives me a sweet smile that still makes my core pulse. Damn, is there anything this man does that doesn’t make my body tighten or tingle.

  “Slow. I can do slow. Slow is good, baby.” He leans in and gently kisses my lips. A soft but promising kiss.

  Jay Castle might be the one person who can put me back together again. I just hope he doesn’t rip me apart when he’s finished.


  We ate our food and talked about anything and everything. Nothing deep, that was the one rule. We both promised that if we got deeper in our relationship, then we would both spill the beans. I can already tell that I want a long time with Cass, she understands the same things as me, from politics to life scenario's. We both want more, but we also don’t want to ruin things by spilling all the bad shit that has happened, not that my shit would ruin things with her. But I sense that she thinks her past is bad enough to make me want to walk away. Well, if there is one thing that Cassie Dawson needs to understand about me, it’s that I am loyal to a fucking fault. Once you are in my head and heart, you’re there for good, unless you commit the ultimate betrayal. But somehow, I don’t think Cassie would e
ver betray me, her eyes say that she’s been betrayed before.

  “Do you want another drink?” I ask her, as she moves our empty plates into a pile, she even wiped the table down. I think my kitten was a waitress at some point in her younger years. I smile at the thought of a younger, beautiful Cassie. A flash of a beautiful blonde-haired little girl running on the beach with Cassie, zips through my head. My heart flutters in my chest, making me gasp.

  “Are you okay, Jay?” I shake my head and smile at her.

  “Yeah, babe, I’m good. So, about that drink. The band will be on soon and this place will start to fill up.”

  “I’ll have another Prosecco, please,” she tells me.

  “On it. Be right back.” I kiss the side of her head before climbing out of the booth, and walk over to the bar. There are more people here than when we walked in earlier. I heard the band that are playing tonight are really good. They’re a cover band from the next town over. I lean on the bar and flag the barman down, but the girl behind the counter signals to him that she’s got me. She walks over, smiling at me, giving me the fuck-me eyes. Oh honey, there is only one woman I want fucking me with her eyes, I think to myself.

  “What can I get you, handsome?” she asks.

  “Can I get a pint of Fosters and another glass of Prosecco for my girl.” I add the ‘my girl’ part to make it clear I’m taken, but by the look on this girl’s face, that isn’t going to stop her pursuit. She nods her head and goes about sorting my order out, which doesn’t take long. She places the pint in front of me and then the glass of champagne for Cass.

  “Here you go.” She looks over my shoulder, towards the booth where Cassie is sitting, staring at her phone. She frowns down at the screen before putting the phone away. “Are you sure you want to go home with her? She doesn’t look like much fun, but me…” She leaves the sentence open.


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