Book Read Free

Knitting With the Dead

Page 6

by Nancy McGovern

  “You did?” James stared at Nora. “They just seemed normal to me. But I guess I was too psyched about our team winning to notice anything unusual.”

  “Well, there you go. Sometimes we’re so busy in our own lives that the most obvious things about other people can escape us,” Nora said.

  “I mean…I know Tyler was mad at her, don’t get me wrong,” James said. “He said something in passing about it.”

  “What?” Nora’s eyebrows nearly hit the roof. “Now you tell us?”

  James looked uncomfortable. “You know how this town is. I didn’t want to say anything because…well…people will just take it as absolute proof or something. And it could be nothing.”

  “What did Tyler say to you?”

  “It was during my party,” James said. “I was having a beer and made some joke that I had to find a wife just like May for myself sometime soon. Tyler just laughed and said sometimes he thought I was better off single and that he would be, too.”

  “He did?!”

  “Yeah but…you know! If every married man who made a joke about being single was a murderer our jails would have more men in them than out. I didn’t pay attention to it.”

  “Was he planning to leave her?” Tina asked.

  “No! I told you, it was just a stupid, drunk joke,” James said.

  “Ah, but Tyler wasn’t drinking that night,” Nora said. “He drove home, didn’t he?”

  James stared at her with wide eyes. “You’re right,” he said softly. “I didn’t remember that. He never had a single beer.”

  “Is it possible? Was he planning on leaving her?” Nora asked.

  “Even if he was that’d hardly mean he was a murderer, right?” James shook his head. “No. No. We’re over-analyzing stupid things because we’ve got no proof. I’m sure Tyler loved May. Maybe he was angry about something, but he wasn’t planning to leave her and he certainly wasn’t planning to murder her. I guess we just have to wait and see what happens next. Hopefully he starts talking soon.”

  “You’re right,” Nora said. “Time will tell.”

  “It’s scary though, isn’t it? Either Tyler killed her - which is scary and horrible to think about - or, well, the other option is even worse, really.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If Tyler didn’t kill Maybelle, then the killer is still roaming free, and it’s one of us,” James said. “I think maybe people are latching onto it being Tyler because they’re too scared to think it wasn’t.”

  Tina shook her head. “It was. This isn’t a novel, James. There’s no mysterious killer. Angry husband has one too many fights and kills his wife. It’s just one more sad, crime statistic.”

  “You know she was killed with the knitting needle, right?” James asked. He lowered his voice. “I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but what if it was one of her friends?”

  “Who? Jess, Brooke or Natalie?”

  James looked uncomfortable. “I mean…don’t ask me how, but maybe. Take Brooke for example.”

  “What about her?” Nora leaned in, alert.

  “I think she’s hiding something.” James’ voice dropped so low it was barely a whisper. “I know for a fact that she and May were fighting.”

  “How?” Nora asked.

  “One of the kids at school skipped last period to go swimming yesterday,” James said. “He told me he saw May at the pool with Brooke.”

  Nora gasped. “He did? Were they fighting? Did he overhear anything?”

  “He recognized Brooke because she’s on the school board, and he got really scared, so he hid,” James explained. “He told me she and May were definitely fighting about something. All he heard was May saying, 'Well you better own up to it fast before I do it for you.'”

  “You need to tell the sheriff this!” Tina exclaimed.

  “I did, but he didn’t seem to take me seriously,” James said. “Still, I told him the kid’s name, and Sheriff Ellerton will hopefully go talk to him. I don’t think he’ll get much more out, though. It’s Brooke he really needs to talk to.”

  “I don’t think he’ll get much out of her, either,” Tina said. “I mean, Brooke is married to Peter Welsh, the sharpest lawyer in town. She’ll know not to say anything that might be incriminating.”

  “But do you think it could be her?” James asked. “I mean...”

  “I think it’s Tyler,” Tina said. “But you’re right, the police should investigate thoroughly before arresting him. Brooke, though? She really doesn’t seem like a killer to me.”

  “Oh, but she’s got quite a temper,” James said. “I booted her kid, Andy, off the team once because he was wise-cracking too much. She came to meet me the next day. She was so charming at first when she was trying to convince me to take him back. When I didn’t budge, she started really losing her temper. By the end of it, she was threatening to use her powers with the school board to have me kicked out of my position.” James shuddered. “I acted tough and all, but I took that kid back on the team eventually. I made sure he ran a hundred laps as punishment, but still. I caved. She was scary.”

  “What do you mean she was scary?” Tina asked. “You have nearly a foot and a hundred pounds on her, James.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ve played enough sports to know that winning a fight is about your determination, not your size,” James said. “That woman has a will of steel, and I pity anyone who gets in her way.”

  “Maybelle got in her way, you think?” Nora asked.

  James shook his head and took a deep breath. “I don’t know. I don’t know anything about it. I’m being really dumb, aren’t I? So I don’t like Brooke. So she acted like an entitled parent of a bratty child. That doesn’t mean she went ahead and killed her best friend. No. I’m sure I’m just making up theories because I can’t bear not knowing the truth.” He got up. “I guess it’s best not to indulge in idle chatter. We should all go on with our own lives and let Sheriff Ellerton do the investigating. Don’t repeat what I said, will you? I wouldn’t want that.”

  “Don’t worry,” Tina said. “You’re right, of course. No need to go spinning theories that could hurt innocent folks. Still…if it turns out she’s not so innocent, well, that’ll be something, won’t it? I wonder what it was that she and May were fighting about. I wonder if Sheriff Ellerton will find out.”

  “I sure hope he does. Good luck to him,” James said as he paid his bill.


  Chapter 10

  A Long Walk

  Saturday came and Nora was busy preparing for Hazel’s party the next evening, alternating between texting all the people who would be attending and preparing the menu. Harvey, in turn, was alternating between helping her and watching a game on TV.

  “Look at you.” He grinned as Nora poured food coloring into the frosting she’d made. “She’s turning twenty-seven, not seven, Nora.”

  “Well, she’s still my baby,” Nora said.

  “No doubt.” Harvey laughed. “Are Grace, Jacob and little K coming?”

  “They’ll be there,” Nora said. “So will Tina and Sam, and a few more of Hazel’s friends. But that’s it. She wanted a quiet celebration, nothing fancy.”

  Harvey gave her a grin. “Nothing fancy, eh? Just like old times. You remember her 14th?”

  “How could I forget? She and two of her friends watched five movies back to back and ate enough popcorn to fill a movie theater.” Nora smiled. “I looked up the weather and it should be nice enough to eat out in the backyard tomorrow. Please make sure you remember to move the dining table out there. And set up the lights, too.”

  “Where is Hazel anyway? I thought she was going to help you with the cake,” Harvey said.

  “She’s out on a hike with Austin,” Nora said. “That’s what the ginger cookies were for, remember?”

  “A hike…” Harvey looked out the window at the bright sunshine. “You know, we used to hike once upon a time.”

  “Then you got that knee inj
ury of yours.” Nora smiled. “Perils of growing old.”

  “Well, give me a stretch of flat land and some nice sneakers and I can still walk farther than kids half my age,” Harvey said defensively. “What about it, Nora? It’s a beautiful day. It’s positively criminal to be sitting in the house on a Saturday like this.”

  “You’re sitting, I’m working.” Nora laughed, putting the frosting into the fridge. She paused and looked out the window. It was still chilly outside, but spring was definitely in the air. The tree outside the kitchen was slowly flowering, and she knew that, in a few more days, it would bloom riotously.

  Harvey crept up behind her and put his arms around her waist. “Come on.” He kissed her neck. “Let’s be young & spontaneous again, if just for one day! Full of energy. Come for a walk with me.”

  She leaned back into his arms and relented. “Okay, but only because you asked so nicely.”

  “You know you’re gonna love it.” Harvey had a big grin on his face.


  Nora knew he was right as soon as the fresh air hit her face. They’d driven out to a quiet trail and were soon walking side by side, letting nature work its magic on them. Nora glanced at Harvey out of the corner of her eye.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I just like how relaxed you look,” Nora said.

  He snuck out his hand and squeezed hers. “As do you.”

  “Thanks for getting me out here. You’re right, it would have been a shame to spend the entire day working at home.” They walked on, soaking in the peace around them, when Harvey stopped suddenly and put a finger to his lips. Nora frowned, but then she heard it, too. Right around the bend, two people were talking.

  “...don’t want Nora to know,” they heard someone say.

  Nora froze and stared at Harvey. Who could be out here talking about her? The voices felt eerily familiar, too. Voices that she should recognize immediately, but couldn’t. An overwhelming curiosity propelled her forward, but Harvey’s arm was around her and he was shaking his head. Best to stay where they were and just listen than to risk being detected.

  “Why would Brooke not want Nora to know?” This voice was a male voice, deep and slightly husky. Nora racked her brain, wondering where she’d heard it before. She’d heard it very recently, in fact. In the diner, perhaps?

  “Natalie?” the man said. “I don’t get it. Any of it. First you call me out here in the middle of nowhere, and now you’re saying that Brooke’s sworn you and Jess to secrecy about something?”

  Coach James! The man was Coach James! And he was talking to Natalie. Nora stared at Harvey wide-eyed and mouthed the names to him. He nodded grimly. His brow was furrowed together in concentration as he tried to listen.

  “Look, James, I don’t know myself. I’m just…I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck or something, to be honest. The last two days just don’t make any sense to me. My best friend is gone. Really, just…gone. And Tyler’s in jail, and Brooke thinks…she thinks that Nora might try and poke her nose where it doesn’t belong.”

  Nora took a step forward and peeked through some trees. Natalie and James stood in a clearing a little way ahead. James looked befuddled, whereas Natalie was pacing with her hands to her head.

  “Nothing makes sense,” Natalie repeated.

  James caught her by the shoulders and patted her back gently. He looked down at her with determination on his face. “I know. But that’s all the more reason it’s important for us all to keep our heads, you know? Stay calm.”

  “I can’t.” Natalie was trembling.

  “Tell me about Brooke,” James said. “What happened? What did she say to you?”

  “I was at her house - so was Jess. The three of us were comforting each other,” Natalie said. “Jess has taken this all the hardest. It’s almost strange how fragile she’s become. I thought she was so tough...”

  A look of sadness and tenderness shot across James’s face. He nodded. “I’ll try and be there for her. I called her, but I don’t think she was ready to talk,” he said. “At least, she didn’t pick up my call.”

  “It’s best to leave her alone, then,” Natalie said. “But you’re a good friend, James. I know I sounded half-mad on the phone when I asked you to come out here. Still, you showed up and you’re ready to help.”

  “It’s alright. The situation’s mad, not you. You’re just reacting to it.” James laughed.

  “You’re so cool, though,” Natalie said. “I mean, it’s good to have a friend like you at a time like this. Someone strong and sturdy that won’t get knocked over by emotion.”

  James shrugged, but he couldn’t hide his pleasure at Natalie’s compliments. His shoulders straightened and his chest puffed out a bit more. “Look, I’m just doing what any friend would do. Now tell me what’s on your mind.”

  “Alright. Like I said, the three of us were at Brooke’s house when Nora showed up. Jess got upset and went to the other room, so I went after her. When I got back, I don’t know what Nora had said to Brooke, but Brooke looked really shaken. She practically threw Nora out of the house. And that’s not like her at all, you know?”

  “Isn’t it?” James’s eyes narrowed. “Why was she upset? Did she tell you?”

  “Well, after Nora left, Brooke sat me and Jess down and said that the three of us have to be really careful. She thinks Nora is investigating Maybelle’s death. I told her that’s ridiculous. That it’s practically guaranteed Tyler did it, after all. What’s there to investigate? He’s the killer, so lock him up.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” James’ lips tightened. “I personally think he’s innocent. Maybe Nora thinks so, too.”

  “But it has to be him,” Natalie said. “I don’t know why anyone would think otherwise. He lost his temper and he killed her.”

  “Well, if that’s so, why’s Brooke so worried?”

  “She thinks…she thinks that Nora’s dangerous. She could spread rumors that give people the wrong idea,” Natalie said. “She told me and Jess that Nora would probably come around and try to poke into our lives, and that we shouldn’t talk to her.”

  “That’s ridiculous and unfair. I know Nora and Harvey and they’re good people. Neither of them is a gossip monger,” James said. “If you’ve got something you’d like to tell her, just say it. Better yet, tell the sheriff.”

  “That’s exactly what Brooke told me and Jess not to do,” Natalie countered. “Look, everyone always has things in their lives that they don’t want the world to know, right? Well, May did, too. Brooke’s just trying to protect her, even in death.”

  “Maybelle had a secret Brooke’s trying to bury?” James rolled his shoulders. “That doesn’t sound so good, you know. This isn’t a time for secrets.”

  “Not just Maybelle. Jess has secrets, too,” Natalie said. “I mean, I guess you had to be there. When Brooke speaks, she can be really convincing. She said that Tyler was obviously the killer but, if Nora started spreading conspiracy theories, it could prevent him from going to jail. After all, all you need is reasonable doubt and the jury lets you off. Brooke said that, right now, the sheriff seems to know what he’s doing and we should just trust him. That makes a lot of sense to me. At least, it did while she was talking. It’s just that, afterwards…well…I don’t know. I felt like I had to talk to somebody. Someone totally neutral, who’d tell me whether it’s okay to hide this stuff from the sheriff, or whether I should tell him.”

  “Depends on the secret,” James said. “But I see why you’d need a neutral ear. I’m glad you felt you could come to me.”

  “I knew I could trust you,” Natalie said. “We’ve known each other forever, after all. You’re always so loyal to your friends.”

  “Not as much as you.” James smiled. “You’re the most loyal friend I’ve ever seen. Even now you’re being protective of May.”

  Natalie’s face fell. “I just wish I could have been there. That I could have saved her somehow. Poor May.”

  The two
of them hugged for a moment then James pulled away. He cleared his throat, and blinked. Natalie sniffed and wiped at the corners of her eyes.

  “Now, what’s this secret Maybelle had?”

  “She was enrolling in a college course,” Natalie explained. “I know, that doesn’t sound like a big deal, except she was applying for a photography course that would take her to Seattle for a year.”

  “Oh…Tyler never mentioned-”

  “Tyler never even knew,” Natalie said. “I don’t know what he’d have done, but I don’t think he’d have been a big fan of the idea.”


  “Well, would you want your wife away from you for a year? Besides it wasn’t as though the course would end up really doing anything magical for her career. It was just a photography course. Not to mention the cost.”


  “But Maybelle was sick of Milburn. I think she was really tired of living here and just wanted a change.” Natalie bit her lip.

  “Was it just Milburn she was sick of?” James asked. “Or was it Tyler, too?”

  “No! She loved Tyler. Of course, she did. She wouldn’t even dream of leaving him. Trust me, I’d know.”

  “Would you?” James asked. “I mean, sometimes, the people closest to us are the hardest to tell these things to.”

  “Well…” Natalie sighed, looking downcast.

  “Look, if it helps, I definitely think you should tell the sheriff this. I don’t understand Brooke, either. If she thinks Tyler did kill Maybelle, she should be urging you to go the sheriff with this. It’s just one more piece of evidence against him, isn’t it?”

  “Well, yes…but there’s more,” Natalie said. “See, I mentioned money. I said the photography course would cost money, remember?”


  “Well, Maybelle had that money,” Natalie said. “A relative of hers died a while back and left her $50,000. She never told Tyler.”


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