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Page 9

by Jessie Rose Case

  “Then you’ve been doing a piss poor job of it, haven’t you? 39 Injuries female. 39!” He roared then paced. “A bloody fractured skull, a broken leg, a wrist, an elbow, a shoulder dislocation, more knife and shot wounds than I want to think about, I know them all. No more fighting female, no more fucking war. Your done, this is over.” He roared again, then stopped and realised he’d just over shot his mark. He took a deep breath and turned to look at her. Waiting for her reaction.

  Franny looked from Hawk to her father. Her father’s face was neutral, he clearly wasn’t stepping in. Thanks Dad. Franny decided it was time she put Hawk straight. She wasn’t a weak female and he needed to know it.

  She stood slowly facing him. “You, don’t get to tell me what I can do. You, don’t decide for me. You never and I mean never, raise your voice to me again and you will never, order me around. Do you understand Cyborg? You are a guest here, an uninvited one, your here because my father wants it. When and if, I persuade him otherwise, guess what? Your gone. Now get out of my fucking way before I shoot you.” Hawk moved, and she stormed passed him.

  Hawk watched his female leave. She was magnificent. He had no doubt she would shoot him. Pride soared through him. “That went well.” Romero told him dryly. Hawk chuckled watching her leave.

  “That, is just the beginning. She’s marking her territory and I over stepped. She was right to do so. It takes a strong woman to command a Cyborg. She’s fucking perfect. She’ll come around,” he told him.

  Romero laughed, and Hawk turned to him. “You don’t know my daughter.”

  Chapter Six

  Franny stormed across the square. Her five guards with her. She spotted Cassidy and Lorraine and walked over to them. They were working with some of the civilians. They saw her coming and walked over. “What’s with the guard?” Cassidy asked looking them over.

  “Beats me, I’m just stuck with them.” She told them annoyed.

  “You are the mate to our Commander. Protection is required.” Her first guard told her. Franny rolled her eyes.

  “Mate?” Lorraine asked. Franny waved her hand around.

  “Some term used for something in their world. Not relevant here but, no one is listening.” She directed at Mr Guard. She turned back to Lorraine. “What’s happening here?”

  “They want to see their men,” Lorraine answered.

  “Have they seen the vid archives?”

  Lorraine shook her head. “No. They refuse to see um.”

  Franny looked at the crowd. There were plenty of hostile faces.

  Franny moved forward and placed her hands in the air. “Quiet,” she shouted. The noise dimmed. “I understand your need to ensure your people are ok. I also understand that you are not sure to believe what you’ve heard from us or the Cyborgs. I get it and in your position, I’d be the same, but, if you want to see them, you need to sit through the original colonists archive files, on what happened here and hear the testimony from the soldiers themselves. No one is being made to say anything, you can check that with them. We have all the electronic records and believe me, some of it is hard to listen to on both sides, but to move forward as a colony, we all, need to hear them. Listen and watch them and we’ll sort out visitations, no one has anything to hide here.”

  People started looking at each other and nodding. “How do we know its not all lies?” A male in the back asked.

  Franny waved him forward. “I’m sorry I don’t know your name.”


  “Well Keldon, one of the gifts the Cyborgs have is lie detection. So tell some truths then put in a few lies and let’s see what happens.” He looked a little nervous, then started talking.

  Franny looked at her first guard and gave a nod. As the male finished his first sentence, her Cyborg called out ‘lie’.

  Keldon looked surprised then carried on. He talked for a while then her guard called out ‘lie’ again. He went on a bit longer, then ‘lie’ came again. Franny put her hand up to stop Keldon.

  “Understand now?” she asked him. Keldon nodded.

  “He was right each time.” Keldon told the people.

  Franny nodded at the group. “So, the sooner you do this, the sooner we will have a schedule for visits for you.” She nodded at Cassidy and Lorraine who herded them over to a bar. She watched as the group was split into smaller groups and the first was led into the bar. It would take all day for them all to view it, unless her father got the square vid screen up quickly. Franny turned to her first Guard.

  “Your name Cyborg.”


  Franny frowned, she didn’t like the idea of calling him by a number. It was barbaric. “I can’t call you a number, it doesn’t seem right. If you want to take a name, how about Dman, you can always change it later?” She asked. He seemed to mull it over for a bit then gave her a nod.

  “Good, communicate with the guards in the control centre. We will need the offices at the front for visitations. Check with the prisoners who wants visits. Set a rota up, 25 minute intervals, 5 for change over. He glazed off and then gave her a nod. “Get men to put up the square vid screen as a priority and get it active. What’s the situation on the med beds?”

  “We have taken over one of the buildings and people are being seen. It appears to be going well.”

  Franny nodded, “I want to see it.”


  Hawk got regular updates on Franny’s movements. Her lead guard, now named by her as Dman, checked in with him frequently. He liked that she’d helped the Cyborg name himself and it was clear to Hawk that she was trying to bring her people together. She was a worthy female. She’d checked the medical centre and made sure the medics had what they needed. The worst cases had been dealt with, healed physically but mentally for some, it would take a very long time. The beds were now working on minor injuries and those that had injuries or illnesses that hadn’t mended well, because they simply hadn’t had the resources to do it.

  Hawks anger at Earth Corp was never far from the surface. He was sending his reports regularly to the Admiral. His vid pinged, and the Admiral came up on screen.

  “Hawk, I read it’s going well.”

  Hawk gave a nod. “It is. The people are adjusting well. The original soldiers who are still living are being interviewed. You have their records. From what we have so far, most of them, will be answering for crimes. A handful, steered clear of anything nasty but got shit for their thanks from both sides. It wasn’t easy on them. The second generation are another matter, they are entrenched in the doctrine their fathers gave them. We are showing them the original colonists testimony and the interviews with their own people. Some are starting to believe the truth. Most also have families here and want to stay, they see it as their world. The civilian colonists are not keen on that idea. They see them as a constant aggressor that will come back at them. Plus, there’s also the problem of what those men will do, now the army is disbanded.”

  “Do you have enough men?” The Admiral asked.

  Hawk nodded. “D923’s ship has been instrumental in moving this world forward. It would have been harder with out him, plus he owes that blood debt to my mate and her father. He and his men are honouring it.”

  The Admiral nodded. “I have spoken with him. They wish to join the Empire.”

  “That’s good. They have links here, might be a good place for his men.”

  “And yours?” The Admiral asked.

  Hawk smiled. “We stay whereever my mate is.”

  The Admiral gave him a nod. “The Platinum and ore, are they selling them?”

  Hawk nodded, “I expect they will, this world needs an injection of goods and materials to get it going.”

  “A ship is on its way. Fresh produce and building materials. I’d like a sample of that ore and we’ll buy all the Platinum they have. Do the deals, make the contracts. O and, Kim wants to meet your mate, so don’t be too long before you come back to the Station or she’ll kick my ass.” The Admiral gave
him a pointed look. Hawk got it. ‘Don’t make me wait.’

  Hawk grinned. The Admiral meant it. Kim was as tough as they came and the perfect match for the Admiral. “Will do.” He cut the vid call and the screen went blank. He had his orders.


  He gave her as much time as he could before he went looking for her. His body and mind told him he needed to ensure his mate understood his need of her. His logic told him she would not be ready, would not understand his connection to her. His raw emotions, were itching for him to make a move. Images of her in the shower had tortured him. He’d been so close to taking her. Her injury and his need to make sure she was well, had been the only things to hold him back, that and she would have kicked his ass, injured or not and would have injured herself more. Hawk shook his head, she was a warrior. It was time.

  Franny picked at the food. It had been a difficult couple of days. Families were torn apart by the revelations on the vids. Wives’ had found information about their husbands, they did not know, and people had been shocked by the actions of peoples on both sides of the war. Many felt betrayed, lost and angry. Others, that their relationships had been a lie. Franny had spent the day trying to help people come to terms with reality. At this point, she didn’t know if their community was going to make it. Some wanted off this world now that was possible. There was a good chance she’d be losing friends and the people she’d grown up with all her life.

  Franny hated the thought of it and pushed her plate away, going in search of some air. Being alone was another matter. Her body guards continued to stay with her. It was starting to grate on her every nerve. She’d been in a war since she’d been born and now, there was no war and she had a personal guard. Franny didn’t believe she was in this much danger if any. It was over kill. She stopped and turned to Dman. “Hawk, where is he?”

  “He is at our outpost.”

  Franny frowned, “you have an outpost here?” Dman nodded. “Show me.”

  They walked through the town heading in the direction of the mining camp. The air was cooler, and she felt less claustrophobic. The further they went, the angrier she got. No one had said anything about the Cyborgs having an outpost on this world. Not that they could stop them, she thought, but still, it felt kind of ….. final. A done deal. They were staying. The fact that decisions had been made, that futures had been decided, without all their input, didn’t feel right. No one had mentioned anything to her. Not that deciding anything on this world had anything to do with her, that was her father’s job and the other leaders, it was just such a life changing decision, Franny thought they all should have had their say.

  She sighed, it was hard not to miss the lone figure coming towards her and guessed that Dman had told him she wanted to see him. That was becoming annoying too. Suddenly, her guard peeled off and jogged passed her, then Hawk, in the direction of the outpost. She guessed he’d called off the dogs, so that meant she’d be spending some time with him. Franny’s heart did a little leap and her stomach clenched. She remembered his words to her as she slipped into sleep in the med bed. She’d also been dreaming of him for the last couple of nights. It both infuriated her and turned her on. The last time she’d had sex was years ago, a fumble in the dark while on a mission. Not romantic and not good. She was beginning to wonder what all the fuss was about. She’d not really enjoyed it and was glad when it was over but every thought of Hawk, send her body in a spin. Unwanted thoughts of his body and cock continued to surface in her mind, the vision of him in the shower never far away.

  Now all these feelings just kept coming up, feelings she wasn’t sure she wanted. She tapped down on her emotions, she knew he would smell them. She stopped and waited for him. There was no doubt he was stunning. Franny had to admit he was rocking the black clothes and had a strong commanding presence. Every hot blooded females fantasy was coming for her. Her clit pulsed. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea?

  She’d wanted to see him, Hawk was putting a lot on that. As he strode towards her, notes of her emotions and desire floated on the air. He breathed in and his eyes flared, his mate had need of him.

  Franny watched as Hawk slowed his pace. There was a moment when he changed from walking to what seemed …….. stalking. He slowed right down, as if scared he’d frighten her off. Franny narrowed her eyes, why did she feel like pray?

  “I can smell your desire female. I am glad to see you came for me.”

  For a moment, Franny wondered if she’d come for him? It was suddenly very tempting to say she had, then remembered why she’d really come. She tried to ignore his words and the reaction of her body but the fire in his eyes was difficult to avoid, the intensity, a little overwhelming. She felt like a morsel he was dying to eat…. Heat flooded her, her cheeks reddened, and she bit back the ‘shit’ comment that was on her tongue.

  Hawk took a step forward and was now in her personal space and gazed down on his female. Her desire had saturated the air around them and he’d been unable not to act. He watched as Cesca took a deep breath and steadied herself. Hawk ran his hand down her face to where her neck joined her shoulder. She looked calmer when she looked back up at him. “I came here to ask about the outpost. I wasn’t ware that that had been a decision. So I guess you’re staying.”

  Hawk smiled. He liked her challenge. There was no doubt to him, that this was a challenge, Cesca wasn’t happy. “We are. I have spoken to your father and the other leaders and they have agreed it would be good to have a base here. We want to trade, and we can offer security in this part of space. In fact, we have a ship on its way with fresh produce and materials to help this world rebuild.”

  “What’s that going to cost us?” She asked, no longer hiding her anger. Hawk reached out and took her hand. He rubbed his thumb across the back of it. He needed the feel of her skin in his hands.

  “We will buy all the Platinum you have, and we’d like an option on that ore.”

  Franny liked the feel of his hand on hers. She was lost in the contact for a moment, then his words suck in and she pulled her hand free. Was he trying to buy them? Franny took a step back, around him she didn’t think well. “They agreed to that?” Hawk gave her a slow nod. She ran through the options and what this meant. He was staying. They all were. The mine would keep working, people would still be working for others and she would do what? Be a ‘mate’? She looked back up at Hawk. There was no denying that look in his eyes. He could take what he wanted, she knew that. The knowledge both excited her and scared the crap out of her. Franny backed up. She wasn’t a welcome gift for anyone and started to walk away. “Get rid of the guards, they’re pissing me off.”

  Hawk had sensed her fear. He didn’t know what had set if off but at the end, it was there he could taste it. It had taken all his will power not to go to her, hold her, sooth her worries and fears, and just let her go. No matter how much he wanted her, she still wasn’t ready. He begun to wonder if she ever would be. No, his mind screamed, she was his mate. Hawk watched her go, his senses shot. Logic and reason, played out its own war within him, against his emotions. He could sense his grip on them slipping. He needed to find a solution and fast. Hawk frowned, if he didn’t find a way to win Cesca over, he was lost.


  Dman eventually turned up hot on her heels. She’d lost the others and was glad to be back to one. He kept to himself and stayed out of her way unless she needed him. Then he was just there, exactly where she needed him. It was like he could read her and maybe he could. Franny gave up trying to figure it out. It didn’t matter, it was who he was. The conversation with her father on returning from seeing Hawk hadn’t gone well. He confirmed that their leaders had made the deal with the Cyborgs. Her father also confirmed that Hawk wanted her as his mate, Hawk had asked him for his permission and he’d given it. Fanny had lost her temper and raged that her father, told him he had no right to make those decisions without talking to her first.

  Romero had calmly told her that she would never be in danger agai
n. A Cyborg would give his life for her, it was the best protection this life offered but she wouldn’t be pressured into anything, she could make up her own mind. Cyborg didn’t lie, he reminded her. Franny took her work orders and left. She didn’t know why she was so adverse to the idea, but she was, she couldn’t seem to help it. She knew it to be unreasonable and unfounded, but it still persisted. They didn’t need another take over and she’d told her father as much.

  His reasoning, had a firm foundation for their decision. The community needed help, needed resources, if it was to survive and willing hands to work the mine and build up the community once again. The Empire had communicated with him. They had willing miners looking for opportunities. Their offer of buying the Platinum was a good start, he’d been shown market values and the deal was good, in exchange, the colony would get fresh produce and resources they did not have and people to help re-build. The Cyborgs had no military role here apart from security and support, he told her, for which, the Colony would pay the same rate as the other worlds in the Empire. Franny could see it was a good deal and if the ore was useful to the Empire, they’d buy that too and protect them from all aggressors. An outpost made sense.

  Over the following week, Franny carried out the orders her father had given her. She turned up one morning and was handed a data pad. It had the address of her grandparents home. It had been vacated and was now empty. Franny had looked up at her father disbelievingly. He’d told her it was hers now. Franny dropped everything to get there. She’d known of it all her life, but the soldiers had taken it over when her family had left. It was a testament to her grandfathers skill. Franny had gone through each room, deciding what she was going to do and set about getting on with it.


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