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The Medicine Man, Book 2

Page 11

by Beverly Cialone

  Ashwin smiled. “As a matter of fact, I am.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I think you need to get away for a bit. Feel up to taking a road trip with me?”

  Kasey smiled and enthusiastically nodded as she leaned over and unzipped the duffel bag. In it were some of her clothes, shoes, and needed toiletries, and as she glanced back at Ashwin she inquired, “Can I take a shower?”

  “Not yet, sweetheart. You have to wait until you're all healed up.”

  Kasey made a sound of frustration as Ashwin gently pushed her back against the pillow, and her confusion was evident as she said, “I thought you just said you were releasing me today!”

  “I am, sweetheart, but if we're going to take a little road trip, I need to put a fresh bandage on your chest.”

  “Oh, OK. You had me worried there for a bit.”

  Ashwin simply smiled and shook his head as he donned a pair of gloves and summoned the nurse, and five minutes later he discarded his gloves into the trash and said, “There. Good as new. Do you need some help getting dressed?”

  Kasey adamantly shook her head. “No, I can manage. I'll be out in a few.”

  Ashwin nodded but insisted on carrying the duffel bag into the bathroom for her, and as he waited for her to emerge from the bathroom, he smiled when he realized that his life was slowly getting back to normal. He could only hope that what he had planned in the upcoming week would truly set things right again, both for himself and Kasey, but especially for Kasey.

  Kasey sighed as she glanced out the window of Ashwin's car, and she felt her throat clog with emotion when they passed the Skywheel and the boardwalk. That special date she and Ashwin had shared seemed like it had happened a lifetime ago, and she sighed again as she turned to look at Ashwin. He briefly turned his head and smiled at her, then turned his attention back to the traffic as he inquired, “What are you thinking about?”

  “I was thinking about that date you and I had.”

  Ashwin smiled again. “Ah, yes. That's a favorite memory of mine as well.”

  “So when are you going to tell me what happened to me?”

  Her simple question was enough to make Ashwin tighten his grip on the steering wheel, but his voice was calm as he replied, “Soon, sweetheart. Very soon.”

  “Why won't you tell me now?”

  Ashwin sighed as he turned to glance at her again. “You'll know everything soon, sweetheart. Just trust me on this, okay?”

  Knowing that he wasn't going to budge, Kasey sighed again and leaned back in the seat, feeling drowsy from the warm sunshine that was streaming through the windshield. Instead of going to sleep, though, she stifled a yawn and inquired, “So where are we going?”

  “I'm taking you to the mountains. More specifically, to the reservation where I grew up.”

  Kasey sat up a little straighter in her seat. “You mean I get to meet your parents?”

  Ashwin nodded. “Yes. Well, my mother and the chief. My father is dead.”

  Kasey nodded and clasped her hands together in her lap at his words. “I'm sorry to hear that, Ashwin.”

  Ashwin shrugged as he navigated through the light traffic. “It was a long time ago. The chief took over as my mentor.” He turned his head to smile at her and added, “I think I turned out alright.”

  Kasey smiled back. “I think you did too. No, wait, I take that back. I KNOW you turned out alright.”

  Ashwin laughed and teased, “You do, huh? And how do you know that?”

  Kasey's smile widened as she replied, “Because you're with me. What more proof do you need?”

  Ashwin laughed again and reached over to ruffle her soft blonde hair, and for the first time in a long time, Kasey's life felt complete.


  Ashwin parked in front of his mother's house at seven that evening, and as he helped Kasey out of the car, she couldn't resist throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly as she murmured, “Thank you, Ashwin. You always seem to know just what I need.”

  Ashwin held her close and breathed deeply of her soft, sweet-smelling hair, then gently tucked an errant strand behind her ear and replied, “You're more than welcome, sweetheart. But right now I think you need something else.”

  “Oh?” was all Kasey had time to whisper before Ashwin lowered his head and bestowed the most gentle, erotic kiss on her lips that Kasey had ever received. She could feel the hard, hot evidence of his desire pressing against her belly as his fingers tangled in her hair, and Kasey couldn't stop her gasp of surprise and desire when Ashwin suddenly deepened the kiss. She melted against him as he gently drew her tongue into his mouth and sucked on it, and she clung to him even tighter as he used his own tongue to gently and thoroughly explore the sweet, silky-soft warmth of her mouth. He groaned before he reluctantly set her away from him and gave her a shaky smile. “We'd better stop that before we do something my mother wouldn't approve of in her front yard.”

  Kasey nodded and blinked up at him, temporarily dazed by his unexpected, erotic kiss. Ashwin gently kissed the tip of her nose and put his arm around her shoulders, then led her up onto the porch and firmly knocked on the door. His mother opened the door moments later, and her smile was warm and wide as she exclaimed, “Ashwin! I wasn't expecting you back so soon! And who is this lovely lady you have with you?”

  Ashwin smiled as he ushered Kasey into his mother's cozy, inviting living room. “A-lu-li, this is Kasey. Kasey, this is my mother, Goga Cornsilk Ross.”

  Kasey smiled at the woman and said, “Mrs. Ross, it's a pleasure to meet you.”

  Ashwin's mother smiled and gently covered Kasey's hands with her own as she said, “Likewise, my dear. Come, come, you look as if you could use a hot drink.” She released Kasey's hands and turned to walk into the kitchen, and Ashwin put his arm around Kasey's shoulders before he guided her into the kitchen and gently sat her down in one of the chairs at the table. Kasey glanced around the equally warm and inviting kitchen, which boasted wooden floors, a light brown pine dining table and matching hand-carved chairs, and immaculate, matching pine counters. The walls boasted various Native American artwork ranging from paintings to hand-woven tapestries, and Kasey finally relaxed as Ashwin sat down beside her. He smiled at his mother as she set two steaming mugs of coffee on the table, and as he busied himself with adding milk and sugar to his coffee he quietly inquired, “Are you feeling alright, sweetheart?”

  Kasey nodded and tentatively sipped her coffee, then delicately blew on the steaming liquid and replied, “I'm just a little tired from the ride, but I'll be okay.”

  Ashwin's mother finally joined them, and her expression was pleasant and welcoming as she glanced at Kasey and remarked, “So you're the woman who has captured my Ashwin's heart.”

  Kasey simply smiled and slipped Ashwin an amused glance before she turned her attention back to Ashwin's mother and tried to change the subject. “This is a very nice place you have, Mrs. Ross.”

  “Thank you, dear. Has Ashwin brought you up here to marry?”

  Kasey promptly choked on her coffee at the woman's words, and Ashwin's mouth dropped open in surprise as he gently admonished, “A-lu-li!”

  Mrs. Ross chuckled at her son's and Kasey's discomfiture before she waved her hand in the air as if to clear it and said, “I apologize.”

  Ashwin nodded. “That's better, A-lu-li.”

  Kasey gave Ashwin a puzzled glance and hesitantly intoned, “I thought you said her name was Goga...?”

  Ashwin smiled. “It is. A-lu-li is Cherokee for Mother.”

  Kasey nodded in understanding and simply smiled at him before she directed her smile at Mrs. Ross, and she relaxed and leaned back in her chair as Ashwin began discussing something with his mother. She wondered just what it was that Ashwin wasn't telling her, though, and when Ashwin saw her frowning and chewing on her lip, he gently placed his hand over hers and murmured, “Are you alright?”

  Kasey nodded and gave him a weak smile, and Ashwin kne
w the signs of exhaustion when he saw it. Kasey had barely slept since waking up in the morgue, and although he could understand her hesitation to relinquish herself to sleep, he knew that it was a necessity. Despite the coffee she'd just had, she was struggling to stay awake. He didn't even bother to finish his own coffee as he got to his feet and said, “A-lu-li, I know we just got here, but I need to put Kasey to bed. We'll see you in the morning.”

  Ashwin's mother nodded and got to her feet to hug her son, and her voice was warm and full of concern for Kasey as she whispered in Ashwin's ear, “Is she going to be alright?”

  Ashwin nodded as he carefully pulled Kasey to her feet and put his arm around her. “Yes, A-lu-li, she's going to be just fine.” He leaned down and whispered to Kasey, “Come on, sweetheart, let's get you to bed.”

  At the mere mention of the word “bed”, Kasey forced her eyes open a little wider and said, “No, no...we can stay down here and visit with your mother. I'm fine.”

  Ashwin shook his head as he led her down the hall. “You need to sleep, sweetheart.”


  “Shh.” Ashwin gently closed the door to his bedroom and pulled Kasey into his arms, then softly added, “Don't argue with me,” before he lowered his head and gave her a gentle yet deep kiss full on the mouth. Kasey moaned softly and clung to him as he lit the spark of her desire, and soon it was raging wildly as he slid his hand inside her jeans and immediately began stroking the little pink bud that had been deprived of his attention for way too long. Kasey's grip on his shoulders tightened when he gently dipped a finger into her soft, wet heat, and Ashwin's mouth never left hers as he continued his slow tease until she was on the brink of climax. He suddenly raised his head and slid his finger from her inviting depths, then smiled down at her as she blinked up at him in confusion and monumental frustration. He kissed the tip of her nose and guided her over to the bed, not bothering to explain why he had stopped his delicious ministrations, and as he gently sat her down on the side of the bed he murmured, “Everything will be made clear to you soon. For now, though, we both need to get some sleep.”

  Kasey opened her mouth to say something, then shrugged and decided against it as Ashwin removed her shoes before removing the rest of her clothing. She didn't protest when Ashwin expertly removed her bra, and she gasped in pleasant surprise when his warm, skilled mouth suddenly closed over one pink, pert nipple. She moaned softly as Ashwin gently eased her against the pillow, and moments later he lay down beside her, still suckling one breast while his fingers stroked and teased the other. Her moans turned into a gasp of pleasure and anticipation when she felt his fingers slide into her again, and as he stroked that deliciously sensitive spot that was located deep inside her, her entire body went rigid as pleasure exploded in her mind and rushed throughout her body. She felt as if she were being tossed about in a raging, white-hot ocean of pleasure, and as her body shook with the force of her release, she was vaguely aware of Ashwin's deep, gentle voice as he murmured soft, sweet words of affection in her ear. Moments later Kasey blinked up at him and smiled, and her voice was thick with the need for sleep as she murmured, “Goodnight, Ashwin...I love you.”

  Ashwin gently framed her face with his hands before he fiercely murmured, “I love you too, Kasey...God, you have no idea...”

  Kasey simply smiled and closed her eyes, and after snuggling against Ashwin's warm, bare chest, she gave a contented smile and drifted off to sleep.

  Ashwin woke at five, and when he heard his mother shuffling around in the kitchen, he quietly got out of bed and joined his mother at the kitchen table. She looked surprised to see him up so early, but she was delighted to have his company as she inquired, “Did you sleep well, son?”

  “Yes, ma'am.”

  “How about your girlfriend?”

  Ashwin smiled. “She's still asleep.”

  Ashwin's mother nodded as a small smile played at the corners of her mouth. “Nothing like fresh mountain air to clear a person's head, eh?”

  Ashwin smiled back at his mother and nodded in agreement. “I'd have to say you're right, A-lu-li.” He sighed and toyed with the steaming mug of coffee his mother had prepared for him, which prompted his mother to cock her head to the side and frown.

  “I can tell something is troubling my Strong Horse. What is it, son?”

  Ashwin sighed again and quietly replied, “It's something I need to speak with the chief about.”

  “I see.”

  “But I will likely need your help as well.”

  Ashwin's mother nodded and sipped her coffee. “That will be no problem, son. Just let me know what you need.”

  “Why don't you invite the chief over for dinner tonight? I'm sure he could use a good, home-cooked meal.”

  Ashwin's mother smiled and said, “That sounds like a wonderful idea. What would you prefer for dinner? Venison steaks, venison roast, or venison stew?”

  “Hmm, that's a toughie. What's the weather supposed to be like tonight?”


  “Then venison stew sounds good.”

  Ashwin's mother nodded. “Then consider it done. I will extend the invitation to the chief, unless you would prefer to do that.”

  Ashwin shrugged and finished his coffee. “I'll do it. I need to go over and see him anyway.” He got up to refill his cup and added, “How is Little Bird and Sani?”

  “They're fine, as far as I know. They returned to Tennessee yesterday.”

  “Have you seen Silver Moon?”

  Ashwin's mother frowned as she shook her head in disgust. “No, and if she knows what's good for her, she will never show her face here again.”

  Ashwin sighed heavily as he explained, “She tried to kill Kasey, A-lu-li.”

  Ashwin's mother gasped in utter horror at her son's words, and after a few moments of shocked silence she inquired, “How? And why?”

  Ashwin leaned back in his chair, absently toying with the spoon he'd stirred his coffee with as he said, “Kasey was already in the hospital due to something that had happened to her when I was here last month. Two weeks after I returned home, Silver Moon showed up with her newborn and Sani. When I found out that she'd kidnapped Sani, I immediately brought him home. That's when Silver Moon slipped into Kasey's hospital room and administered a very powerful poison to her. The poison tricked everyone into thinking that Kasey was dead. When I found out what she had done, I made sure that she understood, in no uncertain terms, that I never wanted to see her again. Otherwise, she would have a very hefty price to pay, and that price would come in the form of the loss of her freedom. She left, and I haven't seen or heard from her since.”

  Ashwin's mother gasped softly as she pressed her hand to the center of her chest. “How did you find out that Kasey wasn't really dead?”

  “She woke up as the medical examiner was getting ready to perform an autopsy on her.”

  Ashwin's mother shook her head. “That poor girl. I cannot imagine the horror of something like that happening to me, or anyone I care about.”

  “That's not all she's been through, A-lu-li.”

  Ashwin's mother nodded and softly replied, “Whatever has happened to that poor girl, I trust you to make it right. It is not my place to be made privy to the details of her suffering. Whatever it is you're planning to do to help her, I know that you, above anyone else, have the power to completely restore her health, as well as her faith in humanity.” She finally raised her head and smiled at her son. “And that is why I named you Strong Horse.”

  At Ashwin's puzzled look, his mother laughed softly and said, “It takes a mighty strong creature to right all the wrongs of this world, to heal sickness and ease or completely erase pain and suffering.”

  “But A-lu-li...the entire world? Surely not just one mortal is capable of such a thing.”

  “Where there is one, many will follow.” She paused long enough to take a sip of her coffee before she added, “Sani now wants to be a doctor, and quite possibly a Shaman, 'just li
ke Mr. Ashwin', to quote the boy verbatim.”

  A slow smile spread across Ashwin's face as his mother's words lifted his spirits. Despite everything that had happened, his faith in his decision to become a doctor, as well as a Shaman, had been restored. Now his biggest task was to gently lead Kasey down the path to complete healing, and with the chief's help, he was determined to do just that.

  After the early-morning coffee with his mother, Ashwin set out for the chief's house. Dawn was just beginning to break, and in the distance he could see the low clouds covering the mountaintops as the sky revealed its breathtaking splendor of the upcoming sunrise. He reveled in the various shades of pink, orange, purple, and gold that streaked across the sky as he made his way to the chief's house, and as he stepped onto the porch he was surprised when the chief suddenly opened the door. He was smiling broadly as he ushered Ashwin in and said, “Good morning, my boy.”

  “Good morning, Chief. How are you doing?”

  “Much better. Please, come in and have some coffee.”

  Ashwin politely declined as he walked over to the fire that was crackling briskly in the fireplace and rubbed his hands together in an attempt to warm them. “I just had coffee with my mother, but thank you anyway.”

  The chief nodded. “How is your mother?”

  “She's fine.” He turned away from the fireplace and added, “You are officially invited to dinner at my mother's house tonight.”

  The chief nodded. “Invitation accepted. What's on the menu?”

  “Venison stew.”

  The chief smiled and rubbed his belly in anticipation of Mrs. Ross' delicious venison stew, and Ashwin laughed as he sat down on the sofa. “I told you the last time I was here that you needed a good woman to take care of you.”

  The chief thoughtfully rubbed his chin before he said, “Ah, yes you did, didn't you?”

  Ashwin cleared his throat and said, “I also have a big favor to ask of you, Chief.”

  The chief nodded. “Go on.”


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