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The Marquis' Mistake

Page 21

by Giselle Marks

  “Why are you still wearing breeches Sebastian? You can’t make love to me with them still on.”

  “I don’t intend to take your virginity tonight, Alicia. I will have to wait until our wedding night. If we blood the sheets then everyone will know what we’ve done and our wedding will be tomorrow. All I intend to do is give you pleasure.”

  He returned to kissing her body, but he moved downwards kissing her belly as his hands stroked her thighs. She squirmed as his kisses headed lower and a deep ache began inside her. Then his fingers reached the tiny curls at the apex of the legs and stroked within them. His fingers slid between her legs seeking the dampness that lay within her. Her whole body bucked and her nails raked once more into his skin.

  “Open your legs and let me in Alicia.”

  Alicia moved her legs slightly apart expecting him to touch within her but he moved her wider apart and then bent her knees up a little, kneeling between her legs. Then he lowered his head and began to kiss the inside of her thighs, moving slowly upwards to her heat. She writhed wanting more, her hips rising from the bed and once more she felt her hands clench and tear at his skin. Then his tongue began to make small circles in her secret places and his mouth continued the invasion. His fingers parted her further so his tongue could reach deep inside her then his hands grasped her hips, holding her still as she began to buck against the overwhelming sensations.

  Her body seemed to throb and tighten as she found herself trying to move closer as waves of pleasure shuddered through her body. Her back arched finding herself automatically drawing her knees higher while he licked and laved within her. With one last shudder she flopped back on the bed, stunned at how amazing what Sebastian was doing felt. Now he moved to her side and once more began kissing her breasts and licking her nipples. One hand reached down and parted her damp curls his thumb moving gently back and forth over her nub. She stroked his back as even deeper waves shot through her senses. He moved upwards and she nestled into his chest, loving the smell of his body.

  One finger reached down and entered her moving slowly in and out. She quivered and bucked again her fingers digging deep into the flesh of his arms and back as she found herself uncontrollably moving with the rhythm of his fingers, pushing against his hand allowing him deeper with each movement. A second finger joined the first driving her higher and he reached his other arm around her holding her tight against him. That hand moved down her back first stroking, then cupping and squeezing her buttocks so that he could hold her still while she rose higher. As her body juddered and shook he kissed her mouth once more, allowing her to scream her ecstasy silently within his mouth.

  She relaxed once more, but Sebastian continued to stroke her intimately speeding his fingers and thumb until once more she writhed in passion. This time he simply held her tight against him as she gradually came down from the heights. When she returned to her senses, he looked down at her face flushed with pleasure and smiled. Then he drew back a little, watching her.

  “It will be better when we don’t have to be quiet.”

  “I want to touch you too.”

  “You are touching me Alicia, skin to skin, you feel and taste delicious.”

  “I want to touch you there Sebastian,” moving her hand down to his buttons and fumbling to undo them. Sebastian sat up and swung his legs off the bed, moving to fetch a towel before returning to the bedside.

  “I am only human Alicia. It has been a while since I had a woman. If you touch me there, I can’t promise to hold back. If I spend my seed even on your sheets, you will be as compromised as if I took you in truth.” He placed the towel on the bed and unbuttoned his breeches, peeling them down his legs. As he bent to pull off his breeches, Alicia could see a small but still livid scar marring the perfect muscles of one cheek of his rump. He lay on his back beside her as she reached down to touch him and wonder at his beauty. Her fingers touched and fondled the soft blond curls that flourished around his engorged shaft, which reacted growing even larger at her touch. She stroked his length and he bit his lip as she explored the details of his body. He was so hot there and he pulsed as she gripped and felt his manhood.

  Alicia lent over him and started to kiss and lick him.

  “That is not expected of a wife, Alicia.”

  “Did your mistresses not kiss you there?”

  “When they wanted to, but most ladies would be shocked to be asked to do that.”

  “Don’t you like it?”

  “It’s delicious but my self-control is becoming very fragile.”

  “If you let your mistresses do it, I don’t see why I can’t and society ladies would be shocked at you being in my bed anyway,” she said taking the tip of his member in her mouth. This time Sebastian could not prevent an audible gasp.

  “Alicia, please stop!” He said pulling away. He moved one hand down and with a couple of sharp movements released his flow, smothering it in the towel. There was a noise in the corridor and then the door handle rattled.

  “Percival’s up. Make yourself decent,” he said climbing into his breeches and quickly putting his gown back on. Glancing back at Alicia to check she was now covered by nightgown and dressing gown. He picked up the towel. Then he walked to the door and unlocked it.

  Percival stood in his nightshirt shivering in the corridor, but luckily no-one else had roused.

  “Oh! Farndon,” he coughed, “what are you doing in Miss Lambert’s room?”

  “What do you think Percival, we are betrothed? Now you are not supposed to be out of bed.”

  “I wanted a drink, I know someone left some barley water on the sideboard, but the candle was out and I couldn’t find it. Where are we?”

  Sebastian picked up one of the candlesticks and smiled back at Alicia before shutting the door on her.

  “We are in Aylesbury at Lady Prestyne’s house. Keep your voice down Percival, or you’ll wake everyone,” Sebastian turned Percival around and hushed him, returning him to his room.

  “That’s a princely gown, Farndon. Father has a scarlet one, it makes him look fat. But then he is fat. I thought you were going to the Castle, I wanted to stay at a castle.”

  They had reached Percival’s room and Sebastian lit some more candles before helping Percival back into bed and building up the fire. He poured Percival some barley water and handed it to him, checking his temperature.

  “You are lucky I was bringing Miss Lambert here, before going on to the Castle. You would have died if we hadn’t checked that trunk when we did. We did wonder why you were travelling with us. Would you care to explain, Percival?”

  “I didn’t want to go to Chalcombe Manor. They are all angry at me, even Louis. My parents are furious because Rugby doesn’t want to have me either. So I thought I’d run away to sea and castles are always by the sea or at least a big river. So I thought I’d go and look at the Castle and then run away to sea. I left a note for my father saying I was going to be a cabin boy. So they won’t worry.” Sebastian poured a measure of the draught the doctor had left with instructions to give it to him if he woke during the night. He held out the glass and made Percival drink it.

  “Unfortunately your geography could do with some work as well. Langsdown Castle has only a small river close by. Not big enough for any boat larger than a rowing boat. It is miles from the sea. And I should think your parents will be beside themselves with worry. Even if they are angry at you, they will miss you.”

  “Oh, so I have to go to Chalcombe I suppose.”

  “You won’t be going anywhere for a few days at least. The doctor says you are very sick and should stay in bed for several days. As an uninvited guest, I trust you will not give Lady Prestyne and Miss Lambert any more trouble?”

  “I suppose I have been rather dreadful, but it is all so boring. Do you think my parents will really worry?”

  “I think they are very upset. I will send a messenger in the morning to them to relieve their concerns. I really don’t understand why you have to be such a nui
sance. When I was your age I would have been overjoyed to have parents like yours who care about you. I hardly saw mine and they barely noticed I existed. I would have done anything to please them.”

  “They can’t have been that bad?”

  “I was head boy and left magna cum laude, my father didn’t even know. I told him two months ago. He was shocked to realise how much he’d neglected me. Your parents would be proud if you could just buckle down and do your best. Once your studies are up to a decent level, you might even find it interesting. It is only for a few more years and then you can choose to do something with your life. Cabin boys get beaten a lot and the food is awful. They eat salt beef and biscuits with weevils in them every day. Without an education, your choice of career will be rather limited. I trust you won’t say anything about me being in Miss Lambert’s room?”

  “Of course not, I like Miss Lambert.”

  “Good, because I would take my riding crop to you, even if you’re ill and you would have to lie on your front for several days. If you behave while you’re here I’ll see if I can sort out a new school for you in the New Year. Tomorrow I have to go to Langsdown Castle and I don’t like leaving Miss Lambert here. You will look after her for me, won’t you? There is a brutal man called Mallinder who tried to abduct her. That’s a secret! Don’t worry Lady Maud about it.”

  “I promise I will look after Miss Lambert. I would be honoured to protect her.”

  “Good boy, now try and get some sleep.”

  Sebastian blew out all but one candle and tucked Percival down into bed before retiring to his own room with the soiled towel.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The following morning Sebastian visited Percival with a breakfast tray. When the boy had finished his breakfast and taken the doctor’s medication, Sebastian brought his mobile writing desk to the bed and dictated a note for Percival to write to his parents.

  Dear Mother and Father

  I am at Lady Maud Prestyne’s house in Aylesbury and have to stay here for a few days because I have made myself ill. I wish to apologize for behaving so badly and worrying you. I stowed away in a trunk on board the Marquis of Farndon’s carriage and was only discovered when it reached Aylesbury.

  I am very sorry for causing so much trouble.

  Your loving son


  Sebastian wrote another note which gave more detail to his parents.

  Dear Lady Callista and Sir Bardolph,

  I discovered your son Percival when Miss Lambert and I reached Aylesbury. I carried him unconscious from a locked trunk and had a doctor summoned. That gentleman confirmed he had a congestion of the lungs, caused by being in cramped conditions at such a low temperature. He has a mild fever and the doctor has prescribed forced bed rest and suitable medications. The doctor says he has an excellent constitution and will soon shake off the illness.

  There is no need for you to travel to Aylesbury to nurse him as Miss Lambert and Lady Prestyne seem to feel they can cope. It is quite a small house and Miss Lambert’s sisters are expected today. Lady Prestyne will no doubt inform you when he is sufficiently recovered to travel. I apologize for not noticing his presence earlier. It might be better if he remained at Lady Prestyne’s until after Christmas to allow him time to fully recover. (That phrase Sebastian thought a little guiltily might be more honestly put ‘as allow tempers to cool and Percival to come to accept how his actions affected other people.’)

  I suggest you continue with your intention to travel to Chalcombe Manor. You will be contacted there, if there is any deterioration in Percival’s condition, which the doctor and I do not expect. He is thoroughly repentant, realising how his behaviour has caused you both concern.

  May I wish you a joyful festive season and my hopes for a prosperous New Year.

  Your Obedient Servant,

  Sebastian Vernon,

  Marquis of Farndon

  Lady Maud wrote a brief letter stating Percival was welcome to stay until he was fit to travel and he seemed to be recovering from his illness and would be no trouble. That latter part Sebastian doubted, but he thought Alicia was practical enough to deal with Percival for a short time at least. Sebastian sent the lighter of the two ex-soldiers back to London with the three notes on Goldie, as it was the stronger and fastest horse. He would then return by easy stages to join Sebastian at Langsdown Castle.

  Sebastian was not particularly concerned about Mallinder at present, but he had spoken to the ministry man in London outlining his and Miss Lambert’s plans over the festive season. He would be relieved, when Greenways returned from Bath with Miss Lambert’s sisters and hoped Mallinder would cause no trouble while she was in Aylesbury. He knew after Mallinder’s flight injured from Green Park, he had gone to ground somewhere and Grey’s men had been so far unable to locate him.

  Alicia was later than usual rising but visited Percival before going down to breakfast. Sebastian met her downstairs, having had unloaded a box from his carriage containing a number of presents he intended to leave for Alicia, her sisters and Lady Maud.

  “Do you sisters ride, Alicia?” Sebastian asked.

  “Yes, Greenways taught them, but they don’t have ponies at present. I thought Grace might ride Siren during her stay.”

  “I’ll send Randall down with a pony for Phoebe when I reach the Castle. I’m going to miss you over Christmas.” He kissed her, ignoring the servants who were present.

  “This is a present from my father,” he said handing over a small slim package,” and this is one from me,” handing over a similar second box.

  “Now I best be off if we are to reach the Castle before night.”

  Alicia walked to the carriage with him. “Thank you for last night, will Percival say anything?”

  “No, I told him I’d take a riding crop to him if he did. He says he likes you and will try to be good, although I doubt he will be.”

  “You wouldn’t, Sebastian! I don’t approve of beating children.”

  “Neither do I, although I’m tempted to make an exception for Percival, but you don’t have to tell Percival that.”

  He kissed her again and climbed into his carriage, now only accompanied by one outrider. When the carriage had vanished down the lane Alicia returned to the house and spent most of the day keeping Percival occupied. The doctor visited and pronounced himself pleased with Percival’s progress and left some more preparations to ease his hacking cough. Grace, who was nearly twelve, and Phoebe, who was ten, arrived with Greenways and Sally at dusk, very pleased to see Alicia and relieved not to have to spend Christmas at school. They reported they had not received any letters from their father and asked if they could stay with Alicia and the Marquis during the school holidays in future. Neither of them wished to spend one night they could avoid, under the same roof as Lady Clarissa.

  The weather was cold and damp which discouraged outdoor activities over the next couple of days. Percival stayed obediently in bed, although his imprisonment was succoured by both Grace and Phoebe. The three children got on very well. Percival, who was nearly thirteen, was stunned by Grace’s delicate blonde beauty and quiet intelligence. Although she was not being taught Greek at school she was doing very well with her lessons and was ahead of Percival in a number of subjects. He accepted the offer of a few lessons in Mathematics and French from Alicia and when left alone actually tried to catch up on some of his studies.

  As Percival was surrounded by Alicia’s books, and had time on his hands, he tried to make good use of it. Greenways informed Alicia that both Siren and Yellow Star had survived the journey from London without coming to any harm and that both were eager to be exercised. Two days after Sebastian left, Randall arrived riding a nice chestnut gelding and leading a very pretty black pony with white socks on her front feet. The pony was furnished with a side saddle, but the gelding had an ordinary saddle. There was a large bag strapped behind the pony’s saddle.

  Randall took the two horses to the stables and asked to speak to
Miss Lambert.

  “The Markiss said the gelding is for the “Pestival” to ride when he’s fit. There are a couple of presents and some old riding clothes for the pest as well.” Randall said making Alicia laugh.

  “Thank you, Randall. How are you going to get back to the castle?” She asked Randall making her mouth movements large and clear.

  “My lord said I was to put up at the White Hart and hire or buy a hack to ride back. I had a lovely ride down. I told the Markiss that Autumn Leaves is too good for the pest, but Esmeralda should do well for the young Miss.”

  As Lady Prestyne kept early hours, and there was no nursery as such, Alicia’s sisters ate meals with her and Alicia. Percival was soon well enough to be eager to leave his room but he obeyed his orders to stay put and was generally sweet tempered. The arrival of Autumn Leaves coincided with the doctor’s permission to leave his room and be allowed downstairs. The doctor said if the weather was clement on the following day he could see no reason why Percival should not take a gentle ride with the ladies.

  So two days before Christmas Alicia, her sisters and Percival accompanied by Greenways went for a ride on their horses. The riding clothes Sebastian had sent for Percival fitted perfectly as Alicia expected. He did not make mistakes like that. Their style was slightly out of date and definitely not tailored by Weston, but Alicia suspected they had belonged to Peter when he had been younger. Even the boots were a good fit. Percival was already showing signs of becoming a broader man than Sebastian, although he showed no signs of the corpulence that blighted his father. Greenways decided Percival had a good seat and hands and actually found he quite liked the boy.

  Alicia and Lady Prestyne had visited Aylesbury to buy presents for Percival while he had been incarcerated in his room. A letter arrived from London from Lady Callista thanking them for taking care of Percival and confirming they were setting out for Chalcombe Manor. An exasperated enclosed note for Percival from his mother instructed Percival to behave himself and stated he would have to wait until they were reunited to receive his Christmas presents, not that he deserved any.


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