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LUCAS BLADE: Radical Rock Stars: Next Generation Duet Book 1

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by Jenna Galicki

  Radical Rock Stars:

  Next Generation Duet Book 1



  Credits and Copyright


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Steamy Epilogue by Tommy Blade

  Sample: Mason Wilder, Radical Rock Stars Next Generation Duet Book 2

  Other Books By the Author

  Sample: The Prince of Punk Rock, Radical Rock Stars Book 1

  About the Author


  Cover Photo: Kruse Images & Photography

  Cover Designer: Chloe Belle Arts

  Model: Clint Lewing

  Copyright and Disclaimer:

  Copyright © 2019 by Jenna Galicki, All Rights Reserved

  This book is not transferable. It is for your own personal use. If it is sold, shared, or given away, it is an infringement of the copyright of this work. No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the author, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or yet to be born, is purely coincidental and entirely unintentional.

  The book is for mature audiences only.


  He’s the son of guitar legend, Tommy Blade. He’s smart. He’s gorgeous. He’s talented beyond belief. He’s perfect. And he knows it. He’s also giving me the opportunity of a lifetime. He’s trying to teach me his wisdom, but I just want to play music. He’s so damn confident and self-assured it makes me crazy. He’s also breaking through all of my barriers.

  She’s a spitfire. She’s got a smart mouth and an answer for everything. I’m trying to help her, but she’s fighting me every step of the way. She challenges me, something no one has ever done before. I can’t stand her, but I can’t stop thinking about her, either.

  Lucas Blade was born into a world of extravagance.

  Sindy Cavanaugh can barely afford to pay for necessities.

  He has a close and loving family who support him.

  She has dysfunctional parents who only call her for money.

  Their backgrounds couldn’t be more different, but music brought them together.

  From the moment they meet, they challenge one another with defiant attitudes and oversized egos, and their constant arguing disrupts rehearsals. They come to realize that the turbulence between them is really only a guise for suppressed passion. With their band about to go mainstream, they need to figure out if they should put their feelings on hold or risk everything they’ve worked toward.

  Steamy epilogue by Tommy Blade.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Tommy Blade took a step backwards, out of the young woman’s salacious grasp. “I’m married. I have a wife. And a husband. And you’re dating my son.”

  Holly pursed her lips together with a tiny shred of guilt. “I know. But I can’t help myself. You look so much like him, with that long blond hair and those big blue eyes. Plus, you’re a superstar. An icon.”

  “You’re my daughter’s age.”

  Holly stepped closer and ran her hand over his shoulder. “I’m 22. A year older.”

  “Stop. Just stop it.” He backed up to put distance between them and placed his hands in front of him in order to shield himself from her advances. “What’s wrong with you? Don’t you care about Lucas at all?”

  She pouted slightly. For half a second. “Of course I do. But . . . he’s not you.”

  “You need to knock it off. Pull yourself together. Get a cup of coffee.”

  Holly let out a small giggle and tried to snuggle against his chest, but he removed her hands and pushed her away, holding her at arms’ length. “You need to leave, before I get my son. This is inappropriate and you’re making me very uncomfortable.”

  Lucas never felt so used and betrayed as he did right now, helplessly watching his girlfriend come on to his father. He’d been dating Holly for almost a year. They weren’t in love, but he thought they had something special. Now, he realized that he had only been a stepping stone in order for her to get to his legendary father. He slowly blinked, stunned as he comprehended what he just witnessed, and found his voice. “Holly, what the fuck are you doing?”

  She closed her eyes and lowered her head, shame coloring her cheeks. “Lucas. I didn’t hear you come in. It’s . . . it’s not what you think.” She abruptly dropped her arms to her sides and stepped back, as if she just realized that Lucas’ father still held onto her wrists in order to keep distance between them.

  She couldn’t twist what happened. She couldn’t talk her way out of the situation. Lucas saw her actions with his own eyes and heard every word she said. “I can’t fucking believe this.”

  “Lucas.” His father’s eyes were huge with innocence, shoulders low with empathy. “I didn’t do anything to provoke this. I swear.”

  “I know, Dad. I know you’d never cheat on Mom and Papi.”

  “Of course not. More importantly, I would never do anything to hurt you. I would never do something like that to you. You’re my son.” His father approached and placed a comforting hand on Lucas’ shoulder. “I’m sorry, Lucas. I really am.” Then he left the kitchen.

  Lucas stared at this girl who, he realized, he didn’t know at all. The shock and disbelief at her actions quickly turned to anger, and he narrowed his eyes. “My father? Out of all the fucking guys you could choose, you go after my father?”

  She rushed toward him, her eyes pleading for forgiveness, and the alcohol on her breath filled his nostrils. They had a few drinks by the pool, and she was a little tipsy. Maybe that’s why she was so brazen as to come on to his dad. The tiny bikini she wore hid little and put her amble breasts on display. Maybe that bolstered her confidence, as well.

  Lucas had dozed off in the chaise lounge, so she probably thought the opportunity was perfect. He shook his head so he would stop trying to rationalize her actions, because this was the furthest thing from rational behavior. Thank God he woke up and saw everything firsthand, otherwise he would have spent the rest of his life wondering exactly what the hell happened.

  “I don’t know what came over me,” Holly pleaded. “I guess I had too much to drink. You know how much I care about you, Lucas.”

  “You don’t care about me at all.” Lucas took her hands from around his neck and held her away, exactly as his father had done a few minutes ago. “If you did, you’d never hurt me like this. That’s my father.”

  “I know. But . . . you c
an’t blame me. He’s one of the greatest guitar players in the world. And he’s just as hot now as he was 20 years ago.” She let out a small giggle. “He’s Tommy Blade.”

  “Is that why you’re with me? To get to my father?”

  “No. Of course not,” she cooed softly, her face now filled with sweetness. “I’m with you for you. You’re Lucas Blade, Tommy Blade’s son.”

  Her statements totally contradicted each other, and he didn’t believe her authenticity for one second. “Really? So if my father was nobody and my family had no money and I was just another struggling musician living in a shitty apartment in a shitty neighborhood, you’d still be with me?”

  “Yes.” She answered without hesitation, her voice entirely too buttery and sweet.

  “Get out.”

  She recoiled, as if he slapped her in the face, but she didn’t make any attempt to leave.

  “I mean it, Holly. Just get the fuck out.”

  “You don’t mean that. Calm down and—”

  He took her by the wrist and led her into the backyard through the sliding glass doors, unwilling to listen to any more of her lies. He gathered her shorts and tank top into a ball and stuffed them into her arms. She stopped trying to protest, and her eyes filled with tears, but he couldn’t let it get to him, even though his chest was caving in from betrayal and anguish. He really cared about this girl. How stupid. It just proved that he didn’t know who he could trust in this world, besides family. There were too many gold-diggers and too many people along for the ride. His last name carried too much power and notoriety.

  Taking her by the upper arm, he walked her to the gate without saying anything further. He hardened his heart at the sound of her soft crying and sniffling, opened the gate and told her to go. “Don’t call me anymore. I mean it. It’s over.”

  She covered her face with her hand and cried as she ran to the car, obliterating 10 months of his life.

  Lucas sighed as he walked back to the pool and sat in the lounge chair feeling totally defeated. Most people envied him because they thought he had everything. And he did. Extravagance was the norm in his family. Their beachfront home dwarfed the others in the area. Even the pool had to be ridiculously oversized. Not just oversized, it had to be a specialty guitar-shaped inground pool. The fret board served as a lap pool while the body of the guitar was perfect for floating on inflatable rafts and furniture. Underwater lighting illuminated the entire yard in a purple haze at night.

  He wasn’t ungrateful. He appreciated everything and never took any of it for granted. He had the world at his feet. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, as they say. All three of his parents were generous and kind-hearted. They loved each other unconditionally, and they loved him and his sister even more. He loved them back, and never went through the typical teenage rebellious period. He wouldn’t trade his parents for the world. But he often felt as if he was living in the shadow of their success. In Tommy Blade’s shadow more specifically. He was a carbon copy of the man, only his talent didn’t mirror his father’s. He was a skilled guitarist, playing since he could hold an instrument, but Tommy Blade was a legend that he could never live up to.

  “Hey, big brother.” Tessa sat down in the lounge chair next to Lucas. “What happened? Did you and Holly have a fight and break up?”

  How the hell was he supposed to explain what happened? Luckily, he was close with his sister. Born less than two years apart, they shared everything, including music. Lucas inherited Tommy Blade’s blond hair, blue eyes and talent on the guitar. Tessa Blade Garcia inherited Angel Garcia’s incredible vocal chords and diverse octave range. She could grind out a raunchy hard rock song as well as carry the beautiful melody of a ballad. Plus, she had their mother’s spunk and love of fashion.

  “Tell me what happened,” Tessa said, flatly.

  “I caught Holly hitting on Dad.”

  Tessa stared at him for a second, then threw her head back and laughed up to the sky.

  Even as adults, little sisters can be annoying, and he scowled at her. “It’s not funny.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. Except . . . it kinda is.”

  A small smile wove its way onto his face, and he gave his sister a knuckle in the shoulder. “Knock it off. She broke my heart.”

  “Aw. I’m sorry.” Tessa leaned over and placed her hand on his arm. “She wasn’t right for you anyway.”

  “I thought you liked her.”

  Tessa pursed her lips to the side and shook her head. “Just because I was nice to her didn’t mean I liked her. She was too hung up on the things we have. She was always commenting on how much everything cost. I thought she was along for the ride.”

  “What ride? We’re not even signed yet.”

  “You know Falcon Records is going to give us a contract and our band is going to skyrocket. Dad and Papi have been with them forever. And do I need to remind you that Mason’s family owns Falcon Records? The meeting is really just a formality.” She sat back in the lounge chair and turned her face up to the sun. “If it makes you feel any better, plenty of my friends from high school hit on Dad. Even a guy I dated back then came on to him.”

  It really shouldn’t have surprised Lucas. His father was a rock god and a sex symbol that time hadn’t tarnished. But, it didn’t make Lucas’ heart hurt any less, and he couldn’t get the picture of Holly throwing herself at his father out of his head. “I can’t fucking believe she hit on Dad.”

  “Fuck her. She’s not worth getting upset over. Why don’t you go out tonight and get laid or something?”

  “Tessa!” He leaned on the opposite arm of the chaise, surprised at his sister’s statement. She rarely cursed and never spoke crudely. She may be outspoken and bold, but she was a lady.

  “You’ve been with the same girl for almost a year. You’re young. Kinda good looking. Sorta.” She gave him a sideways glance with a small sarcastic smile. “If you like that whole long blond hair and bright blue eyes kinda thing. Seriously, Lucas, you can have any girl you want. They practically fall at your feet. Girls have been throwing themselves at you since grade school. Don’t dwell on someone who doesn’t know how wonderful you are.”

  His sister’s praise bolstered his morale, but he still felt betrayed and humiliated. It still sucked, but he had no intention of wallowing in self-pity. “I’m gonna go for a ride to clear my head.”

  “Good idea. Just be careful. You’re upset. Don’t ride too fast and pay attention.”

  He rolled his eyes as he walked away. His little sister sounded just like his mom sometimes.

  After he changed into jeans and a lightweight jacket, he tied his long hair into a ponytail and entered the garage. He had his pick of vehicles. On his eighteenth birthday, he got a Hummer. On his twenty-first, a brand new Harley sat in the driveway. And then, of course, there was the collection that belonged to his parents which was also at his disposal. He planned on taking the Harley, because nothing felt as freeing as the wind in his face and the rumble of the engine between his legs, but decided he wanted to play his guitar on the beach. He went back into the house, shed his jacket, retrieved his acoustic Gibson, and took a long walk on the boardwalk instead.

  He played as the sun warmed his shoulders, letting his fingers create music that mimicked the turmoil ripping at his heart. A few girls waved at him and smiled along the way, but he wasn’t interested and returned a nod and a smile as he kept walking. After about fifteen minutes, he ventured onto the sand and stopped to watch the ocean. He reflected on his relationship with Holly and rehashed as many interactions between her and his dad as he could remember, wondering if there were signs that she was interested in him that he should have picked up on in the past.

  After a while, his thoughts moved to his future. Now that Tessa had graduated college, taking extra courses and finishing a year early, they could focus on their music. His dad had insisted they both get their degrees before embarking on a full-time career in music. His mom had also supported the idea. Papi was m
ore lenient, arguing that hard work was the backbone of success.

  As Lucas embarked on the next phase of his life, he assumed that his relationship with Holly would progress and turn serious. He thought he had a future with her. How the hell could he be so wrong? She had only latched onto him to be near the iconic Tommy Blade, and he wondered if anyone would ever stop looking at him and seeing his father.

  A loud voice to his right sliced through his concentration, and he turned to see a girl stomping back and forth across the sand. She cursed loudly as she picked up scattered articles of clothing and stuffed them into a duffle bag. He watched, intrigued, wondering what the hell was going on. She darted across the sand, picked up a pair of sneakers and yelled something down the length of the beach. She appeared to be looking for someone, probably the person who ransacked her stuff. Lucas wanted to offer assistance, but this chick was majorly pissed off. And feisty as hell. He looked at the articles strewn across the sand – a hoodie; flip-flops; a T-shirt. Were those jeans? She grabbed at them haphazardly and added them to the duffle bag. Then she sunk to her knees and dug through the bag, looking around on the sand every few seconds. She stood, scowled down at the duffle, then drew her leg back and kicked it a good 10 feet across the beach.

  A short laugh unexpectedly escaped Lucas’ mouth. He didn’t mean to make light of the fact that she was upset, but she was such a firecracker that it made him smile. And the way she kicked the duffle bag made her look like she should be playing for the Giants.

  Her head immediately snapped in his direction, and her scowl turned downright menacing as she marched toward him with her hands on her hips.

  Oh shit. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything. Can I help you pick up your things?”

  “Did you do this?” Her tone was accusatory.

  “Go through your stuff? Of course not.”

  “Did you see who did?”

  “No. I wasn’t paying attention.”


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