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LUCAS BLADE: Radical Rock Stars: Next Generation Duet Book 1

Page 25

by Jenna Galicki

  He paused, as if he was debating whether or not to speak, then shook his head. “It was nothing.”

  Something obviously happened, but she didn’t want to push him. “It’s OK if you don’t want to talk about it.”

  She felt the muscles in his chest tense, and he looked away for a few seconds. “I had a messy break up.”

  “You were still upset about the ex-girlfriend?”

  “No. It literally just happened.”

  Surprised, Sindy jerked herself up onto her elbow and looked directly at him. “You mean literally, as in that moment?”

  “Yeah. Maybe an hour or so beforehand.”

  She blinked rapidly. “I don’t believe it.”

  “What’s not to believe?”

  “What are the chances that we both met at such low points in our lives? And that we’d meet again a few weeks later? And now we’re in a band together about to release our first single?”

  He smiled. “I guess it was just fate.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “Yes. Don’t you?”

  Confusion and conflicting thoughts clouded Sindy’s head. Her emotions were constantly being pulled in different directions. It was hard to think clearly, and she needed to stay focused, but it was so hard when everything around her was moving a hundred miles an hour. “I don’t know what it was. Or is. But I know that we’re connected. It’s a good thing, and a bad thing.” Neither one of them could stick to the agreement to take a break. They both knew it was the wrong time to start a relationship, and still they both couldn’t stay apart.

  He tightened his arms around her, and she clung to him, just like she had the last time they slept together and she swore it was over.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” he said resting his chin on the top of her head. “This was a mistake.”

  The sadness in his voice cut into her. “It wasn’t a mistake. I care about you Lucas, but we made a decision to put the band first, and we need to stick to it.”

  “I know. This is it for us. For a while anyway. I just wanted to be with you one last time. I promise, no more late night phone calls. No more text messages inviting you into my bed. No more late nights at your window. No more cornering you in the bar. No more . . . just no more.”

  Little pieces of her heart broke off with each word he spoke. She felt as if there was only one little shard left, and it was holding onto Lucas with every bit of strength she had. The tears flowed freely down her cheeks, but she didn’t make a sound. She simply squeezed her eyes shut and pressed her trembling lips together to steady them, and hid her face into his chest.

  Two days – that’s how long it had been since Lucas last saw Sindy. He kept his promise and didn’t call her, and he wondered if she was taking their breakup as badly as he was. He couldn’t stop thinking about what she was doing. If she was lonely. If she missed him. He couldn’t concentrate. He couldn’t sleep. He was falling apart.

  He’d been sitting in the studio for the last few hours waiting for rehearsal to start. He simply felt closer to Sindy down here, since this is where they spent most of their time together. This is where they had their first fight. She had been so defiant and impatient. He smiled at the memory because she drove him crazy back then. She still does and probably always will.

  He ran his hand across the empty seat on the couch next to him, feeling the memories of her in the cushion. This couch was where they first made love. He recalled the heated moment that turned from anger to lust in the blink of an eye. One minute they were screaming at each other, the next their hands were all over one another. Footsteps interrupted Lucas’ memory, and he shifted his gaze to the stairs.

  Mason’s eyes widened with surprised when he saw that Lucas was in the studio before him, and his mouth opened into a wide smile. “Man, you startled me. I’m not used to anyone being here before me.” They greeted each other with a bear hug, before Mason jumped behind his drum kit and warmed up.

  Finally, Sindy walked into the studio with Tessa. She gave Mason a smile and a friendly wave, while Lucas barely received a glance in his direction before she plugged her guitar into the amp. She kept her distance, emotionally and physically, just like she had done after the first time they’d slept together. And after the second time. And after the third time. She was struggling this time though, more upset than she’d been in the past. He knew she’d eventually warm up to him once the awkwardness of being around each other wore off.

  Once they started playing her anguish would dissipate, so Lucas rushed into the first song, which didn’t take much coercion from his bandmates. Mason was still behind his drum kit, and Tessa was always ready to get down to work. Sindy pretended to be hyper-focused on her guitar, turning a key and plucking the strings too many times to make sure it sounded right and wiping a non-existent smudge from the paint.

  Lucas tried to interact with her during the first song, but she backed off. He frowned at her, trying to express the sadness he felt at her rejection, but she looked away. During the second song, she spent most of her time interacting with Mason instead of him.

  After 30 minutes, they took a break. Tessa was all business. There was no chitchat. No small-talk. She sat with a bottle of water and reviewed the video of their rehearsal.

  Mason left his drum kit to use the restroom at the back of the studio, which left Sindy by herself. Lucas had no intention of chasing her or cornering her. He planned on keeping his word of maintaining a strictly professional relationship, so he sat on the couch and pretended to review the video with Tessa. He watched Sindy from his peripheral vision, though, and as soon as Mason exited the bathroom she caught him with the pretense of some intricate discussion. Lucas knew it was a charade and wondered if Mason caught on.

  “Playback looks great,” Tessa announced before turning away from the flat screen. “Where is everybody?” Clearly she expected everyone in position and ready to continue with rehearsal.

  “I’m ready.” Lucas placed the strap of his guitar over his head and moved to his spot on the floor.

  But Tessa wasn’t looking at him. Her eyes were locked on Sindy and Mason. “What’s going on over there with you two?”

  “Nothing,” Sindy replied, a little too defensively.

  Tessa was a ball of stress today. “Can we get back to work? The tour starts in two weeks. Everything has to be perfect.”

  When rehearsal resumed, Lucas made it a point to give Sindy space. There was zero interaction between them, and it blew Sindy’s concentration. Her timing was off on two of the songs, and it clearly grated on Tessa, even though she didn’t say anything about it.

  After another 30 minutes of rehearsal they took another break. Lucas retreated to the couch again and strummed some new riffs that were in his head. While Tessa used the restroom, Sindy talked to Mason. She asked him about his career, and once Mason started talking, there was no shutting that guy up. He stood up from his stool and stepped around his kit in order to tell Sindy an animated story about some antics on the road while touring with a well-known heavy metal band a few years ago. Lucas knew Sindy was only partly paying attention. She laughed in all the right places, but her eyes kept drifting to Lucas.

  Tessa exited the bathroom, just as Sindy laughed with Mason and hung onto his arm to over-emphasize their lively conversation. Tessa stopped short and glared at them. “What the hell is going on here?”

  Mason and Sindy turned toward her, stunned at her outburst.

  Lucas knew his sister’s temper, and he watched warily.

  “What’s going on with you two?” Tessa demanded, when no one answered.

  “Nothing.” Sindy replied. “We’re just talking.”

  Tessa’s face went blank and her eyes widened. She opened and closed her mouth a few times and her face turned beet red before words finally came out. “You’re sleeping with him. I don’t fucking believe it!”

  “No, I’m not,” Sindy said, unconvincingly, dropping her eyes to the floor.

w dare you lie to me?” Tessa was irate, with both fists firmly planted on her hips. “You’re my best friend, and you’re sleeping with Mason behind my back!”

  Sindy’s eyes darted up to meet Tessa’s stare. “What? No. I’m not sleeping with Mason, Tessa. I swear.”

  “You’re lying to me! I’m not stupid, Sindy.” Tessa’s hands flew to her forehead. “It all makes sense now. The way I always found you two alone together.”

  “What are you talking about?” Sindy asked, genuinely confused.

  “After rehearsal that time when I went for a run and you came back to my room an hour later with Mason. I knew you weren’t walking on the beach. There was no sand on your sneakers! And that night at 230 Fifth when I found the two of you alone together on the balcony. And the way you’ve been glued to him on rehearsal breaks. Just admit it. You don’t have to sneak around. Tell me the truth. I’m not working with someone who’s a liar. Just tell me the damn truth!”

  Lucas watched, along with Mason, as the two girls went back and forth. Sindy was growing more and more flustered with each accusation. It was unfair, and Lucas stood up ready to come to her defense, when she suddenly burst into tears.

  “I’m in love with your brother! It has nothing to do with Mason! It’s Lucas I’m in love with!”

  Tessa’s eyes bulged so wide Lucas thought they were about to pop out of her skull. “You’re in love with my brother?”

  Lucas was about to tell Tessa that it was over between him and Sindy. They weren’t going to screw up their chance at making it big. They were putting their feelings aside for the good of the band. Prodigy came first. And then he realized Sindy’s admission, and his head began to spin. Euphoria burst from his heart and filled his entire body. He smiled so wide his cheeks hurt. Happiness overflowed from every pore in his body. “You’re in love with me?”

  Sindy turned so he couldn’t see her face and continued to sob into her hands.

  He went to her and gently pulled them away from her face. “You love me?”

  “Of course I love you! Don’t you know that? How many times have I told you to stay away from me? No matter how hard I tried, I always found my way into your bed. I told you to leave, and I still opened the door and let you into my apartment.”

  “I love you, too!” He kissed her, and she clung to him. A rush of energy shot through him and made his heart flutter. This new sense of wanting someone so completely, and having those same feelings returned, made him high. He couldn’t get enough of her. He slowly pulled away so he could look into her eyes. “I love you, Sindy.”

  Fresh tears streamed silently down her cheeks. “I can’t believe you love me back.”

  “Of course I love you.”

  “You two are in love?” Tessa was still gaping at them with disbelief. “My brother and my best friend?”

  “I love her, Tess. I’ve never been in love before. When I’m not with her, all I do is think about her. When she’s here, all I do is think about her. She’s in my head and I can’t get her out of my mind.”

  “I feel the same way.” Happy tears streamed down Sindy’s cheeks, accompanied by a quivering smile. “All I kept thinking about today was how to stop thinking about Lucas. I can’t. I love him too much.”

  “Did you know about this?” Tessa asked Mason.

  “I just found out a few days ago. But Lucas said it was already over.”

  “Over?” Tessa’s mouth bowed downward. “Why?”

  “Because,” Sindy replied. “We’re getting ready to release a single and embark on a promotional tour. It’s stressful. There’s too much at stake to be messing around.”

  “I thought you just said you loved each other. That’s not messing around.”

  A small smile and gentle laugh escaped Sindy’s lips. “No. It’s not.” She wiped her eyes. “Are you mad?”

  “I’m mad that you went behind my back. If you two were just screwing around, I’d kick both your asses right now for jeopardizing the future of the band and possibly ruining everything. But you’re in love. Obviously, very much in love. And that’s not something you throw away. Love is a wonderful thing. I’m happy for the both of you.”

  “You are?” Sindy asked, tentatively.

  “Yes. Love is amazing. Just being in the same room with the person you love changes everything. The day is suddenly better. Brighter. It turns a bad mood giddy. And when you share the same things, you’re a team.”

  Surprised that his sister articulated exactly how he felt about Sindy, Lucas asked, “How do you know so much about love?”

  “I . . . uh . . . I watch TV,” Tessa said with a smile.

  Mason squeezed Lucas’ shoulder. “I’m so happy for you, man. You two are perfect for one another.”

  “I still don’t understand why you didn’t tell me,” Tessa stated.

  “Because Sindy kept pushing me away. She didn’t want to get involved.” Lucas tightened his arm around her shoulder to bring her closer to him and keep her there.

  “Why?” Tessa asked Sindy.

  “Because I didn’t know Lucas was in love with me. We didn’t plan this. We just fell into each other’s arms during a heated argument and slept together. I hated myself afterwards. I felt like I betrayed our friendship, Tessa. I didn’t know why it happened in the first place. I didn’t even like Lucas.” She glanced at him with a playful smile. “I couldn’t stand him, actually. But I couldn’t stay away from him either. I thought it was a toxic relationship, and it was going to explode and end really badly. I’d have to leave the band. You’d hate me. Prodigy would implode. I couldn’t do that to you. I couldn’t ruin my chance at success, either. I couldn’t ruin my life and everyone else’s. But, then I fell in love with Lucas, and it turned my world upside down. I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t concentrate. I was brokenhearted.” Tears filled her eyes again, and she smiled up at Lucas. “I didn’t know you were in love with me, too.”

  “Well, I am.” Lucas cupped her face in his hands and kissed her again. “And I’m never letting you go.”

  Release day. It was a day Lucas had been dreaming about and anticipating for weeks, and it was finally here. Prodigy had performed Driven live on a morning talk show yesterday and gave an interview. They also did interviews on two nationally syndicated satellite radio stations which previewed the song a few days ago. A high-dollar promotional budget and connections with media executives ensured that the release would be a success. The nation had been introduced to Prodigy weeks ago. Snippets of the song were purposely leaked in order to create a buzz and heighten people’s interest. So much time and effort, from many different people, went into release day. And it was all worth it. Every time Lucas turned the station, a DJ was either mentioning their name or playing their new single.

  Tessa turned up the volume. “Listen to us! That’s my voice! On the fucking radio!”

  “And that’s me on the guitar.” Sindy had a dazed look on her face. “I can’t believe it.” She wrapped her arms around Lucas’ waist and gazed up at him. “I hear your spectacular lead shining through. It’s incredible.”

  “What about me, man?” Mason asked, a smile dimpling his cheeks. “Isn’t anyone gonna gush over my killer drum beats?”

  “Oh, knock it off.” Tessa swatted his arm playfully. “You’re already famous.”

  “I’m famous for playing with other bands as a fill-in drummer. This is our band.”

  “Oh, Mason.” Tessa hugged him. “We’ve been dreaming about this since we were little kids. I can’t believe it’s actually happened.”

  “Was there any doubt that it would? I’ve been telling you since you were five years old that we were gonna make it big and tour the nation. And in two weeks, we’ll be on the road.”

  “When are we going to know if the song charts?” Sindy asked.

  “If?” Tessa replied. “This release is epic!”

  “A week,” Lucas replied. “When the next top 100 is released.”

  Lucas thought the week betwe
en release day and the Top 100 would drag and seem twice as long, but it flew by and adrenaline had his heart pounding as he waited next to Tessa. Mason hovered over her right shoulder, practically down on one knee. Sindy slipped her hand into Lucas’ and gave it a little squeeze as they all watched the computer screen.

  “Get ready,” Tessa announced. “We have only a few more seconds before the site updates.”

  Sindy tugged on Lucas’ arm. “I feel like it’s New Year’s Eve and we’re waiting for the ball to drop.”

  Mason let out one of his infectious laughs. “Even I’m nervous!”

  “Where do you think it’s gonna land, Mase?” Tessa looked away from the computer screen long enough to glance at Mason. “Top 10?”

  “Definitely top ten. It was the number one requested song of the week on two rock stations. Downloads have been astronomical. We’re just waiting for the official numbers.” Mason pressed his lips together and squinted one eye. “I’m going to give it my best educated guess and say we’re gonna come in at number five.”

  “Five?” Sindy almost shouted the word. “That’s crazy! Do you really think so?”

  Lucas smiled at her. He loved the exuberance beaming from Sindy, because she made the entire experience more meaningful for him.


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