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All the Powers of Earth

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by Sidney Blumenthal

  Douglas and, 389, 391–92, 403, 453, 454

  Douglas speech on, 1857, 293–97, 313–14

  fate of individuals involved in, 286

  Lecompton Constitution and, 321, 322

  legislative codification of, 509

  Lincoln-Douglas Senate race and, 364, 380, 386, 389, 391–92, 403, 405, 407, 411–12

  Lincoln’s “All the powers of earth” speech on, June 26, 1857, xii, 297–304

  Lincoln’s objections to, 364, 411, 532

  popular sovereignty and, 286, 293–94, 330, 542

  Slave Power and, 357

  Taney and, xii, 273–88, 357

  Dubois, Jesse K., xvii, 196, 196, 199, 200, 204, 351, 425, 523

  Chicago convention and, 577, 582, 587, 590

  DuBois, W. E. B., 118

  Dubuque Daily Express and Herald, 451

  Dudley, Thomas H., 589, 591

  Dunaway, John, 235

  “Duty of the Free States, The” (Channing), 63

  “Duty of the Soldier, The” (Forbes), 466

  Dwight, Louis, 66–67

  Dyer, Thomas, 546

  Eastman, Zebina, xvii, 190–91, 622

  Edmundson, Henry A., xvi, 125, 132–34, 138, 140, 149, 152

  Edwards, Benjamin S., 220, 377, 379

  Edwards, Jonathan, the Younger, 161

  Edwards, Ninian, Jr., xxii, 220, 377

  “Effect of Slavery on the American People, The” (Parker), 350–51

  Eliot, Samuel A., 67, 69, 75, 76

  Elliot, Jonathan, 526

  Elliott, R. G., 170

  Elmer, Rufus, 166

  Emancipation Proclamation, 262, 439

  Emerson, Irene, 275, 276, 286

  Emerson, John, 274–75

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, xviii, 59, 74, 75, 127, 147, 177, 476, 494, 495, 498

  Emery, James S., 200–201

  Engels, Friedrich, 257, 623

  English, William H., 343

  Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races (Gobineau), 283

  Essays (Bacon), 183, 194

  Evanston, Ill., 575

  Evarts, William M., 584, 593

  Everett, Edward, xiv, xviii, 39, 67, 149, 559, 608

  Ewing, Thomas, 500

  “Execution of John Brown, The” (Strother), 489

  Federalist Party, 60

  Fee, John G., 499

  Fell, Jesse W., xvii, 253, 254, 263, 423, 518–19, 527

  Chicago convention and, 577, 583, 592, 594

  Lincoln and, 253, 423–24, 442, 518, 522

  Lincoln’s autobiographical sketch and, 517–19

  Felton, Cornelius, 62

  Fessenden, William Pitt, xv, 441, 585

  Ficklin, Orlando B., 397

  Field, David Dudley, 527, 530

  Field, Henry Martyn, 530

  Fillmore, Millard, xv, 31, 38, 75–78, 149, 217, 218–22, 377, 438, 523, 559, 590

  Electoral College vote and, 261, 559

  legacy of, 261–62

  Lincoln’s opposition to, 255–56

  nativism and, 220–21

  presidential run, 1856, 218–23, 228, 238–39, 249–50, 255–56, 261

  Fitch, Graham N., 447

  Fitzhugh, George, xix, 260, 264, 356, 357, 381

  Fitzpatrick, Benjamin, 604, 605

  Fleurville, William de “Billy the Barber,” 304

  Florville, Varveel, 399

  Floyd, John B., xxii, 323, 343, 454, 477, 479, 548, 625

  Foote, Henry S., xv, 209–10, 321, 326

  Forbes, Hugh, xx, 465–67, 471–72, 476, 491–92

  Forbes, John Murray, 475, 476

  Forney, John W., xxii, 205–6, 211, 213, 268–69, 270, 278, 333, 343, 346, 495, 548, 610

  Buchanan and, 268–70, 278, 327, 451–53, 548

  Philadelphia Press and, 270, 326–27, 381, 451, 453

  Forsyth, John, xvi, 452, 541, 552, 614

  Foster, Henry D., 269

  Founding Fathers, 283, 285, 436

  Douglas on, as proslavery, 294, 295, 380, 381, 383, 453–54, 526, 532

  Lincoln on, as antislavery, 200, 304, 386, 393, 403, 408, 531–32

  Francis, Simeon, 617

  Franklin, Benjamin, 41, 115–16, 311, 531

  Franklin, John Hope, 85

  free blacks, 4, 130–31, 226

  John Brown and, 163

  citizenship and, 61, 272, 278, 282, 285, 287, 294, 295, 364, 381, 393, 399, 493

  Dred Scott decision and, 274

  school segregation and, 73–74, 107

  Shelby case and, 304–6

  in Springfield, Ill., 304

  voting issue, 300–301

  Freeport, Ill., 388, 389

  “Freeport Doctrine,” 391, 392, 422

  Lincoln-Douglas debate at, 388–92

  Free Soil Party, 9, 10, 38, 39, 46, 71, 81, 89, 93, 94, 96, 129, 175, 199, 233, 246, 259, 345, 399, 435, 573, 585

  founders of, 527

  Sumner and, 57, 59, 70–72, 75, 76, 79–81, 89

  Free State, 124

  Free West, xvii, 191

  Freie Presse, 434

  Frémont, Charles (Louis-Rene Fremon), 240–41

  Frémont, Jessie Benton, xxi, 240–43, 579

  Frémont, John C., xv, xxi, 149, 230, 237, 237–47, 571, 578, 579

  birther attacks on, 238–42, 240

  campaign slogan, 237

  Catholic smear, 239, 243–44

  “disunionism” used against, 244–46

  Electoral College vote and, 261

  Lincoln campaigning for, 258–59

  as Republican candidate, xii, 96, 99, 174, 226, 228–31, 233–35, 238–39, 242–43, 255, 420, 579

  running mate for, 234–35

  secession threat and, 496

  Fremont, Lily, 243

  French, Benjamin B., 205

  F Street Mess, 23, 25, 77, 78, 105, 116, 123, 132, 207, 269, 271, 276, 542, 543

  Fugitive Slave Act, 55, 58, 75–76, 85, 87, 89, 90, 105, 112, 120

  Christiana Riot case, 232

  Clements case, 436–37

  Douglas and, 545

  Hossack case, 437

  impact in Springfield, Mass., 165–66

  Lincoln’s views on, 436, 437

  Republican opposition, 197, 436, 440, 504

  Sumner and repeal, 77, 78–79, 89–90, 108

  Supreme Court upholds, 226–27

  Fuller, Margaret, 59

  Funk, Isaac, 252

  Gaines, John P., 112

  Gale, George Washington, 399

  Galesburg, Ill., 399

  Lincoln-Douglas debate at, 399–401

  Galloway, Samuel, 440–42, 462

  Garner, Margaret, xix, 105, 112

  Garnet, Henry Highland, 163

  Garrison, William Lloyd, xx, 61–63, 65, 77, 94, 381, 399, 402, 478, 620, 621

  American Anti-Slavery Society and, 61

  John Brown and, 176, 498

  as pacifist, 159, 176, 478

  Geary, John W., xviii, 308, 309–10, 315

  Geyer, Henry S., 276–77, 278

  Giddings, Joshua, 38, 45, 46, 69, 107, 131, 229, 271, 381, 399, 402, 500, 588, 620

  John Brown and, 485, 496

  Edmundson attempts attack on, 132

  Lincoln and, 463

  Gihon, John H., 308, 309

  Gillespie, Joseph, xvii, 219, 220, 370, 376–77, 425, 567

  Gist, William, 499

  Gobineau, Arthur de, 283

  Goodrich, Grant, 575

  Goodrich, John Z., 577

  Grant, Ulysses S., 275, 616

  Gray, J. W., 547, 550

  Gray, Jim (slave), 437

  Greeley, Horace, xix, 35, 36, 51, 100, 230, 244, 249, 286, 428, 496, 504, 527, 581

  backing Bates, 524, 527, 580–82, 594

  backing Douglas, 334, 348, 350, 351, 352, 361, 376, 425, 426–27, 456, 527

  backing Lincoln, 386–87, 537

  John Brown and, 466

  Chicago convention and, 591, 594

, Bowling, 187

  Green, Duff, 271

  Green, Shields, xx

  Greene, Israel, 482, 483

  Greenhow, Rose, 292

  Gridley, Asahel, 252, 253, 254

  Grier, Robert C., xxii, 280–81, 287

  Grimké, Angelina and Sarah, 92

  Grimshaw, Jackson, xvii, 425, 523, 567

  Grover, A. J., 437

  Grow, Galusha, xvi, 335, 337

  Gue, David J., 477

  Guesses at the Beautiful (Realf), 472

  Gurley, John A., 460

  Gurley, Phineas, 453

  Guthrie, James, 540, 558, 560

  Gwin, William M., xiv, xv, 454–55, 560

  Haines, Elijah M., 425–26

  Haiti, 60, 61, 478

  Hale, John P., xv, 38, 95, 145, 260, 496

  Hall, Prince, 86

  Hallock, Jeremiah, 161

  Halstead, Murat, 103, 205, 208, 214, 229, 231, 234–35, 562

  Baltimore convention, 1860, and, 602, 603

  Charleston convention, 1860 and, 547, 549, 550, 551, 552, 556, 558

  Chicago convention, 1860 and, 576, 584, 585–86, 588, 590, 593, 594

  on Constitutional Union Party convention, 559

  Hamilton, Alexander, 41, 179, 531

  Hamlin, Hannibal, 594

  Hammond, James Henry, xv, 127, 128, 155, 341–42, 342, 344, 428, 541, 553, 560

  “Cotton is king” speech, xiii, xxiv, 340, 342, 399, 455

  “mud-sill theory” of labor, 341, 399, 462

  Hampton, Wade, II, 341, 342

  Hanks, John, xxii, 567, 568, 570

  Hanscom, Simon P., 618–19

  Hanway, Castner, 280

  Harper’s (Weekly; Monthly), 314, 447

  Brady photograph of Lincoln, 529

  Douglas campaign biography and, 539

  “Popular Sovereignty in the Territories” (Douglas), xiv, 453–54, 458, 526, 529

  “Prominent Candidates for the Republican Nomination,” 571, 572

  Harpers Ferry, Va., 166, 478

  John Brown’s raid, xiv, 464, 466, 468, 473, 474, 478–82

  Douglas blames Republicans for raid, 508, 533

  “Floyd letter,” 477

  hanging of Brown’s followers, 482

  Jefferson Guards and, 481

  Lee and, 464, 482

  Lincoln on, 534

  Maryland Volunteers and, 481

  newspaper coverage of Brown’s trial, 487

  political consequences of raid, 525

  Seward’s presidential chances and, 512, 525

  Southern reaction to raid, 497–99

  survivors of raid, 479

  victims of raid, 480–81, 482

  Harris, James, 168

  Harris, Thomas, xvi, 23, 102, 214, 336, 345, 351, 379, 424, 509

  Harrison, William Henry, 35, 230, 251, 312, 375, 500, 559

  Hartford Press, xxi, 585

  Hatch, Ozias, 353, 388, 417, 425, 523, 577

  Hawkins, Taylor, 577

  Hawkins, Tom, 447

  Hawley, Joseph R., 89

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 7, 67

  Hay, John Milton, 626

  Hayden, Lewis, 478–79

  Hayne, Robert Y., 358

  Hayward, Shepherd, 480, 481, 482

  Hazlett, Albert, xx, 482

  Headley, Joel Tyler, 473, 483

  Healy, George Peter Alexander, 205, 451

  Hecker, Friedrich, xvii, 257

  Helm, Emilie Todd, 221

  Helper, Hinton Rowan, xxi, 491, 500–505, 526, 528, 534

  Hempden County Antislavery Society, 163

  Henry, Anson G., 416

  Henry, James Buchanan, 453

  Henry, Patrick, 117

  Herald of Freedom, xviii, 48, 124, 167

  Herbert, Philemon T., 51, 132

  Herndon, Archie, 365–66

  Herndon, William Henry, xvii, 6, 18, 49, 51, 189, 190–91, 255, 260, 294, 426, 434, 437

  abolitionist Parker and, 51, 191, 347, 350, 355, 375, 426–27, 437, 620

  biography of Lincoln, 387

  on Douglas, 347, 375

  Douglas meeting with, 350

  fact-finding tour of the East, 349–51, 621

  on Greeley, 426–27

  on Lincoln, 194, 217, 420

  Lincoln’s Bloomington speech and, 202–3

  Lincoln’s “House Divided” speech and, 258, 355–56, 357

  Lincoln’s political career and, 522

  Lincoln’s presidential nomination and, 523, 577, 590

  Lincoln’s presidential path and, 463–64

  on Lincoln’s research, 526

  Lincoln’s Senate run and, 348, 353, 365, 375

  Seward and, 427, 428

  Shelby case and, 305, 306

  Hickman, John, 153

  Higgins, Patrick, 480, 481

  Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, xviii, 77, 158, 469, 470, 471, 479, 494, 620

  Hillard, George, 75

  Hindman, Thomas C., 504

  Hinton, Richard J., 162, 473, 620

  History of Spanish Literature (Ticknor), 67

  Hoar, George F., 127

  Hoar, Samuel, 127, 128

  Hodges, Willis, 164, 165

  Holland, Josiah G., 305

  Holt, Michael, 228

  Holzer, Harold, 526

  Homer, Winslow, 143

  Hossack, John, 437

  House of Representatives, U.S. See U.S. Congress

  Houston, Sam, 96, 559

  Howard, W. H., 211–12

  Howard, William A., 46, 47, 49

  Howe, Julia Ward, xx, 470, 560

  Howe, Samuel Gridley, 59, 66, 67, 81, 469, 471, 475, 476, 478, 494, 507

  Hoyt, George H., xx, 487

  Hughes, John, 239

  Humboldt, Alexander von, 230

  Hunter, David, 624, 625

  Hunter, Robert M. T., xv, 78, 132, 213, 269, 297, 496, 497, 540, 558, 560

  Hurd, Harvey B., 575

  Hutchinson, William, 474

  Hyer, Tom, 584, 588, 589, 592

  Ida May (Pike), 91


  antislavery movement in, 188

  Archer as state legislator, 234

  balance of power in, 250

  Bissell for governor, 198–200, 262

  Buchanan loss in, 261

  Buchanan’s lack of patronage to, 330

  Calhoun and Democratic Party, 48

  David Davis and, 250

  Democratic Party in, 29, 101–2, 188, 189, 345

  Democrats for Lincoln in, 586

  Douglas’s political power in, 413

  free blacks in, 394

  Frémont’s votes in, 262

  German Americans in, 189, 218, 231, 256, 257, 262, 368, 579

  industrial revolution and, 223

  Lincoln in state legislature, 6, 218–19

  Lincoln’s arrival in, 1830, 186

  political corruption in, 29

  race laws in, 296

  Republican Party in, 30, 174, 189, 262

  Republican Party, Bloomington convention, xii, 50, 186–87, 191–92, 196–204

  social composition of, 189

  Trumbull and, 31, 32, 102

  Whigs in, 189

  Illinois Anti-Slavery Society, 399

  Illinois Central Railroad, 213, 223, 314

  Illinois Central Railroad Act, 14, 413, 450

  Illinois Gazette, “Abraham Lincoln for President in 1860,” xiii, 422

  Illinois Staats-Anzeiger, xiii, xvii, 434–35, 580, 623

  Illinois Staats-Zeitung, xvii, 191, 231, 257, 435

  Illinois State Journal, xvi, 102, 125, 215, 218, 345, 361, 379, 415–16, 517, 589, 596, 617

  “Don’t Like It” editorial, 253

  editorial on threats made by Douglas, 146

  Harris’s death reported, 424

  Lincoln for president and, 522, 564

  Lincoln letter to Canisius in, 434

  Illinois State Register, 218, 253, 256, 258, 260, 294, 304, 336, 344–45, 418,

  “Another Ally of Lincoln” article, 390

  Douglas presidential campaign and, 608–9

  Douglas Senate race and, 366, 370, 371

  Lincoln’s “negro equality” and, 394

  Impending Crisis of the South, The (Helper), 500–506, 526, 528, 534

  Indiana, 245, 256, 261, 333, 342, 398, 407, 439, 447

  Douglas and, 206, 207, 213, 363, 540, 550, 610

  Frémont and, 246

  Lincoln early years and, 186, 567

  Lincoln in Indianapolis, 462

  Lincoln’s presidential nomination and, 565, 578, 582, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593

  Republicans in, 444, 582, 610

  See also Bright, Jesse; Lane, Henry S.

  “Injustice and Impolicy of the Slave Trade, The” (Edwards), 161

  Inman, Henry, 35

  Iowa, 79, 259, 451, 573, 596

  John Brown in, 466, 477

  delegation, Chicago convention, 577, 583

  Frémont and, 261

  Republican party, 462, 579–80, 610

  Iowa Staats-Zeitung, 257

  Irving, Washington, 255

  Iverson, Alfred, 428

  Jackson, Andrew, 7, 26, 96, 97, 100–101, 208, 211, 230, 241, 286, 311, 326, 331, 332, 455

  judicial appointments, 272, 279

  Kitchen Cabinet of, 96, 229–30, 272

  Proclamation Against Nullification, 26, 96

  “to the victor belong the spoils,” 10, 227

  Jackson, Francis, 478

  Jackson, Thomas “Stonewall,” xx, 489

  Jacob, Relief, 60

  Jay, John, 41

  Jay, William, 51

  Jayne, William A., 577

  Jefferson, Thomas, 4, 7, 39, 60, 61, 62, 113, 241, 399–400, 431–32, 605

  Douglas invokes, 399–400

  Lincoln invokes, 400, 458, 526

  Northwest Ordinance and, 69, 97, 458, 526

  Johnson, Andrew, 541, 558

  Johnson, Herschel V., 604, 610

  Johnson, Reverdy, xxii, 277, 278, 288, 451

  Johnson, Richard M., 396

  Johnston, William S., 574

  Jonas, Abraham, xvii, 305, 306

  Jonas, Benjamin, 305

  Jones, James C., 392

  Jones, J. Glancy, 213, 269, 280

  Jones, Peyton, 320

  Jones, Samuel J., xviii, 17, 46, 47, 124, 319

  Jones, William, 574

  Jonesboro, Ill., 392

  Lincoln-Douglas debate at, 392–94

  Jones v. Van Zandt, 226

  Judd, Norman, xvii, 197, 204, 417, 425, 520, 520

  Chicago convention and, 576, 583, 587–88, 589, 593, 595–96

  gubernatorial nomination try, 568, 569, 576

  as Illinois Republican chair, 330, 435

  Lincoln as business partner, 573

  Lincoln’s debating tactic and, 388

  Lincoln’s presidential nomination, 521, 523–25, 564–66, 569–70, 577

  Lincoln’s Senate run, 361, 370, 371, 520, 521

  political intelligence about Douglas, 330–31

  Republican Party and, 525

  Wentworth conflict with, 519–21, 564, 566


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