All the Powers of Earth

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All the Powers of Earth Page 100

by Sidney Blumenthal

  Douglas’s “torrent of falsehoods” in, 387–88

  Fell encouraging Lincoln in, 253

  “Freeport Doctrine” and, 391, 422, 443, 446

  Lincoln convinced to take offensive, 388, 391

  Lincoln’s fragment on emancipation, 372–74

  Lincoln’s rebuttals, 289, 293, 397–98, 407–10

  psychologically revealing statement, 394

  publication of, by Lincoln, 417–18, 522

  Schurz on Douglas, 404–5

  Schurz on Lincoln, 404, 405

  stenographers recording of, 387

  transcripts published, 387, 527

  Trumbull conspiracy theory and, 219, 393, 396

  Wallace on Lincoln as speaker, 398

  Littlejohn, Dewitt Clinton, 233

  Locke, David R., 421, 457–58

  Logan, Stephen Trigg, xvii, 577, 578

  Loguen, Jermain Wesley, 163

  London Times, Howard on Slidell, 211–12

  Longfellow, Fanny Appleton, 73

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 59, 62, 68, 70, 71–72, 73, 174, 315, 255, 498

  Loring, Ellis Gray, 73

  Louisville Journal, 262, 624

  L’Ouverture, Toussaint, 160

  Lovejoy, Elijah, 190, 275, 505, 622

  Lovejoy, Owen, xvii, 100, 190, 199, 200, 204, 234, 249, 251–52, 263, 353–54, 384, 399, 402, 505–6, 520, 615, 621

  appearance at bolters’ convention, 253–54

  as Illinois Republican candidate, 250–51, 253

  Lincoln’s support, 251, 260, 353–54, 527, 621

  Lowell, James Russell, 1, 117–18

  Lowell, Mass., 73

  Lucas, Josiah, 437–38

  Lyman, Theodore, 62

  Macbeth (Shakespeare), 13, 108, 109, 111

  Mack, Polly, xx, 304

  Maclean. A. L., 316

  Macon, Nathaniel, 4

  Madison, Dolley, 291

  Madison, James, 61, 207, 292, 311

  Magree, John L., 123

  Maine, xv, 4, 91, 441, 448, 578, 583, 585, 586, 594, 610

  Manifest Destiny, 13, 241, 313, 314, 445, 509

  Mann, Horace, 59

  Manny-McCormick reaper patent case, 184, 228

  Manual of the Patriotic Volunteer (Forbes), 466

  Marcy, William L., 10, 22, 208, 311

  Marsh, Sylvester, 574

  Marshall, John, 62, 226, 272

  Marshall, Thomas A., 394–95

  Martin, Henry L., 321–22, 505, 506

  Marx, Karl, 257, 325, 623

  Mason, James M., xv, 77, 87, 89–90, 105, 112–13, 114, 119, 120, 151, 246, 333, 449–50, 484–85, 495, 497–98, 506, 507, 560

  Mason, John Y., 267


  antislavery advocates in, 175

  antislavery position, 116

  convention of the Free Soil Party in, 59

  Douglas’s castigation of, 27

  Federalists in, 60

  lawsuit against South Carolina, 127

  nativism bill in, 434, 440

  prologue to Civil War, 74–75

  Republican Party, 586

  Republican Party, Bird Club, 175, 177, 476, 495, 507

  school segregation prohibited, 74

  slave trade prohibited, 87

  state constitution, 73

  Sumner as Senator, 28, 175

  Sumner attack condemned, 146–47, 149

  Sumner family of, 60

  Sumner’s view of, 73

  Whig Party, 61, 75

  Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, 478

  Massachusetts Kansas Aid Committee, xxi, 468

  Massachusetts State Anti-Texas Committee, 65

  Massachusetts State Kansas Committee, 176–77

  John Brown and, 176–77, 471–72

  Matheny, James H., xvii, 219, 255

  Matteson, Joel, 29, 188

  McClellan, George B., 213, 370

  McClernand, John, 509

  McClure, Alexander K., xxi, 148, 270, 478, 582, 590, 594

  McCormick, Richard C., 528–29, 530

  McCulloch, Hugh, 53–54

  McElhone, John J., 321

  McLean, John, 225, 226–28

  Dred Scott decision and, 277, 280, 284

  as Republican presidential hopeful, 225–26, 228, 233, 234, 564–66, 572, 585, 587, 594

  McPherson, Edward, 611

  Medill, Joseph, xvii, 197, 200–201, 203, 351, 352, 388, 538, 559, 563, 564, 583, 594, 619

  Meigs, Montgomery, 131

  Melville, Herman, 157

  Memminger, Christopher G., xix, 498, 499

  Meriam, Francis Jackson, xxi, 478–79

  Metamorphoses (Ovid), 114

  Mexican Cession, 6, 9

  Mexican War, 3, 4, 5–6, 24, 64–66, 70, 127, 128, 138, 139–40, 212, 251, 275, 308, 313

  extension of slavery and, 5–6, 68–69

  Lincoln opposes, 6, 188, 366, 390, 396, 429

  Mexico, slavery abolished in, 312

  Miles, R. W., 425

  Miller, John Gaines, 134

  Miller v. McQuerry, 226

  Millson, John S., 501

  Milton, George Fort, 447

  Milton, John, 116–17, 120

  Mississippi, 311, 312, 320, 448, 499, 508, 608

  Charleston convention and, 541, 549, 551

  Jefferson Davis elected to Congress, 313

  Joseph Davis and, 311, 313

  Douglas’s plantation in, 25, 414–15, 447, 609

  Gwin in, 455

  secession and, 326, 499

  University of, 320–21

  Missouri, 4, 37, 474

  Benton-Atchison struggle in, 276

  Border Ruffians and, 16, 19

  John Brown’s raids in, 474, 476

  Dred Scott decision and, 274–78

  Missouri Compromise, 3–4, 15, 26, 29, 30, 39, 61, 81, 82, 96, 97, 200, 212, 229, 274, 282

  Dred Scott decision and, 277, 278, 280, 281

  repeal of, 125, 129, 277, 286, 296, 393, 542

  Missouri Democrat, 310, 589

  Missouri Republican, 240

  Mobile Register, xvi, 452, 541, 614

  Monroe, James, 227

  Montgomery, William, 343

  Moore, Clifton H., 387

  Moore, Hugh M., 321, 322

  Moore v. Illinois, 280

  Morgan, Edwin, xvi, 136, 146, 153, 584

  Morris, Gouverneur, 531

  Morris, Robert, 73

  Morrison, Toni, 112

  Munsell, Leander, 199

  Murdoch, Francis B., 275–76

  Murray, Ambrose, 136

  Napoléon Bonaparte, 116, 332

  Natchez, Miss., 311

  National Democrats, xiv, 129, 604, 616

  National Era, The, xx, xxi, 95, 229, 277, 328, 467, 506

  National Intelligencer, 337

  Lincoln’s Cincinnati speech printed in, 461

  McLean’s letter in, 226–27

  National Kansas Committee, 177

  National Negro Convention, 163

  nativism, 188, 218, 220–21, 239, 255, 261, 416, 434, 518, 578, 579–80

  Chicago convention resolution against, 588

  Illinois Republicans resolution against, 191, 231, 257, 368

  Lincoln’s views on, 368, 578

  Massachusetts voting bill and, 434, 440

  Newby, Dangerfield, xxi, 480–81

  New England Emigrant Aid Society, xviii, 16, 17, 27, 28, 30, 59–60, 105, 157, 176, 177, 469, 474, 507

  New Hampshire, xv, 8, 9, 38, 298, 440, 507, 538, 545–46, 583, 586

  New Jersey Republicans, 583, 588, 589

  New Light Calvinism, 158

  New Orleans, 614

  Douglas attacks Lincoln’s politics in, 444–45

  Jonas in, 305–6

  Shelby case and, 304–6

  Yancey promoting secession and, 613

  New Orleans Delta, 448

  New Orleans Picayune, 326

  New Orleans Times Picayune, 305
  New Salem, Ill., 49

  New York

  abolitionism in upstate, 34

  Anti-Masonic Party, 34

  Baltimore Democratic convention and, 605

  Democratic Party of, factions, 10, 22, 70, 71, 345, 452, 527

  Douglas’s 1860 presidential campaign, 452

  emergence of the Republican Party and, xi, 99

  Liberty Party in, 35

  Lincoln’s election and, 626

  nativism in, 518

  Republican convention and, 583–85, 592, 593

  Republican Party in, 585

  Seward as governor, 35

  Seward loses presidential nomination, 595

  slavery outlawed in, 287

  Whig Party in, 34

  New York Central Railroad, xix, 22, 206, 452

  New York City, 445, 529, 584, 610

  Lincoln at Plymouth Church, 528, 538

  Lincoln’s Cooper Union speech, 528–38, 560, 620

  New York Courier, 427

  New York Custom House, 10, 35

  New York Daily News, 240

  New York Democratic Vigilant Association, 492–93

  New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, xix, 419

  New York Evening Post, 130, 136, 240, 310

  New York Express, 239

  New York Herald, xix, 11, 238, 491–92

  anti-Lincoln coverage in, 619–20

  Bell profiled in, 608

  John Brown coverage, 484, 487, 491

  Buchanan-Walker letter reported, 549

  Charleston convention and, 548, 549, 550

  on Constitutional Union Party convention, 559

  on Douglas, 296–97, 333, 370, 452, 541

  “The Exposure of the Nigger-Worshipping Insurrectionists,” 492

  Lincoln’s message to the South and, 618

  on Ostend Manifesto of 1854, 231

  “The Secession Movement in the South,” 626

  on Sherman’s nomination for Speak, 503–4

  Gerrit Smith interview, 494

  “The South and the Revolutionary Consequences of Lincoln’s Election,” 626

  “What is Treason?—Who are Traitors?,” 492

  “Wm. H. Seward’s Brutal and Blood Manifesto,” 492

  New York Independent, 528

  New York Post, 68, 231, 493, 524, 526, 528, 616

  Lincoln-Douglas debates, 527

  Lincoln’s Cooper Union speech, 530, 538, 616

  New York Times, 35, 98, 141, 237, 474, 581, 606

  on the Albany Regency’s “ruin,” 608

  on John Brown and Osawatomie, 170–71

  Charleston convention and, 548–49

  on Constitutional Union Party convention, 559

  “The Disruption of the Democratic Party,” 561

  on Douglas, 21, 102–3, 334, 507

  editor and Republican platform, 100

  giving Lincoln national exposure, 370

  on Kansas violence, 124–25

  on Keitt’s temper, 153

  Seward and, 334

  Seward’s “Irrepressible Conflict” speech, 511

  on Sumner, 88, 90, 91, 135

  “The Trial of the Insurgents,” 487

  “Triumph of Douglas,” 427

  on Walker, 310–11

  New York Tribune, xix, xxi, 28, 47, 51, 91, 91, 104, 153, 270, 466, 530, 544, 581, 619

  John Brown coverage, 158, 170, 178, 474–75

  Charleston convention and, 549

  Cooper Union address text in, 538

  on Douglas, 333, 334, 428–29

  Dred Scott decision and, 286

  Frémont’s candidacy and, 230, 246

  giving Lincoln national exposure, 370

  on Helper’s book, 504

  Howe’s denial in, 494

  The Impending Crisis of the South reprint, 500

  Lincoln-Douglas debate transcripts in, 387

  Lincoln reading, 194

  Lincoln’s speeches in, 361, 528

  Marx and, 325

  Pike on Dred Scott case, 273–74, 282

  report on Republican convention, 1856, 234

  on Seward’s “Irrepressible Conflict” speech, 1860, 509–10, 511, 512–13

  Sumner covered in, 90, 92, 144–45, 146, 174

  New York Vigilance Committee, 492

  Nichols, Roy Franklin, 211

  Nicolay, John G., 197, 256, 353, 417–18, 626

  Niles, Nathaniel, 202, 519

  North American Review, 62, 69

  North Elba black colony, 165, 171, 177, 494–95

  North Star, 34, 164

  Northwestern University, 575

  Northwest Ordinance of 1787, 26, 30, 39, 69, 78, 97, 431, 458, 526

  Norton, Jesse O., 250

  Novum Organum (Bacon), 194

  nullification, nullifiers, 97, 128, 129, 319–20, 342

  Calhoun and, 5, 23, 26, 97, 98, 100, 126, 287, 311, 319–20, 342

  Oberlin College, 161

  Oglesby, Richard J,, xvii, 567, 568, 593


  Chase vs. Brinkerhoff race, 95

  Douglas stumping in, 1859, 456, 457–58

  Fugitive Slave Act and, 440–41

  Lincoln Cincinnati speech, 1859, 460–62

  Lincoln clubs in, 462

  Lincoln in Hamilton, 460

  Lincoln stumping in, 1859, xiv, 456, 457–63

  Lincoln supporters in, 625

  Republican Party in, 95, 435–36, 440–41, 456

  Republican sweep of, 1859, 462

  Republican wins in, 1860, 610

  Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, 213

  Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company, xii, 324–25

  Oliver, Mordecai, 46, 47, 49

  O’Neal, Ellen, 292

  “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience” (Thoreau), 127

  Opposition Party, 438, 444

  Oregon Farmer, 617

  Orr, James L., xvi, 149, 155, 406, 541

  Osawatomie, Kan., 166, 167, 170–71

  Ostend Manifesto of 1854, 212, 231, 267

  Otis, Harrison Gray, 62

  Ottawa, Ill., 381–82

  Hossack arrest for aiding a fugitive slave, 437

  Lincoln-Douglas debate at, 372, 381–88

  Ovid, 114

  Oxford, Miss., 320

  Paine, Thomas, 60

  Palfrey, John G., 69, 71

  Palmer, John M., xvii, 220, 425, 569, 574, 586

  Panic of 1837, 232, 312

  Panic of 1857, xii, 324–26

  Paradise Lost (Milton), 116–17, 120

  Parker, John, 55

  Parker, Richard, 487, 488

  Parker, Theodore, xviii, 51, 54–55, 59, 68, 76, 89, 150, 178, 191, 260, 335, 347, 350–51, 355, 375, 426, 437, 469–70

  John Brown and, 176, 494

  death of, 621

  Herndon and, 51, 191, 347, 350, 355, 375, 426–27, 437, 620

  “incipient civil war” sermon, 147

  Parks, Samuel C., 577–78

  Pathfinder, The (Cooper), 230

  Payne, Henry B., 542–43, 552

  Peace Society, 64

  Pearce, James, 144

  Peck, Ebenezer, xvii, 204, 425, 519, 523

  Pennington, William, 504, 509, 572


  Buchanan and, 207, 232, 267–70, 545

  Charleston convention and, 543, 545–46

  Democratic Party and, 94–95, 207, 213, 267–70, 545

  Douglas presidential nomination and, 451

  Know Nothings in, 231–32, 233, 518

  Lincoln’s election and, 626

  Lincoln’s presidential nomination and, 518, 522, 572, 583, 585–86, 587, 590, 591

  McLean supporters in, 231

  Pennsylvania (cont.)

  presidential election of 1856 and, 259, 267

  Republican Party in, 582

  Republican wins in, 1860, 610

  Stevens and, 232

  Underground Railroad in, 210, 232

  Walker and, 311

oria Journal, 202–3

  Peoria Star, 202–3

  Perkins, Simon, 162

  Perry, Benjamin F., 130

  Perry, Caroline Slidell, 212

  Perry, Matthew C., 212, 587

  Pettit, John, 407

  Phelps, Samuel, 272


  Douglas given hero’s welcome, 445

  Musical Fund Hall, 229

  Republican convention in, 229–35, 580

  Philadelphia Bulletin, 585

  Philadelphia Press, 270, 326, 381, 451, 453

  Phillips, Wendell, xx, 59, 62, 176, 348, 381, 402, 494, 498, 619–20, 621

  Phillips, William A., 47, 474

  Piatt, Donn, 120, 625–26

  Pickens, Francis W., 128

  Pickett, Thomas J., 433, 521, 586

  Pierce, Benjamin, 8

  Pierce, Edward L., 70, 107

  Pierce, Franklin, xi, xv, 3, 7–11, 13, 22, 24–25, 37, 38, 76, 87, 96, 104, 148, 155, 223, 237, 268, 271, 338, 339, 359, 540, 541

  Buchanan and, 208, 281

  Jefferson Davis and, 10, 313, 543, 546

  Democratic convention 1856, 205–7, 213–15

  Douglas and, 214

  Dred Scott decision and, 285

  election of 1860 and, 605

  Kansas appointments, xi, 48, 308, 309

  Kansas-Nebraska Act and, 22

  Kansas troubles blamed on, 206

  King as vice president, 209

  loss of popularity, 11, 100, 101, 129, 205

  presidential nomination, 321

  Slidell and, 212

  Walker and, 313

  Whitman on, 246

  Pierce, Jane Appleton, 8, 9

  Pike, Frederick Augustus, 91

  Pike, James S., xix, 91, 144, 273, 282, 286, 512

  Pike, Mary Hayden Green, 91

  Pike County Free Press, 417

  “Plea for John Brown, A” (Thoreau), 495

  Plessy v. Ferguson, 74

  Plitt, George, 445–46

  Poindexter, George, 311–12

  Polk, James, 573

  Polk, James K., 5, 6, 22, 64, 96, 107, 208, 212, 215, 242, 272, 311–13, 321

  popular sovereignty doctrine, xiv, 15, 15, 18, 23, 25–27, 30, 117, 206, 264, 277, 286, 293–94, 296, 313, 330, 333, 343, 364, 365, 380, 382, 389, 392, 403, 406, 411, 453–54, 458, 459, 529, 532, 542, 561

  Dred Scott decision and, 286, 293–94, 330, 542

  Kansas and, 17–19, 313, 317, 440

  Portent, The (Melville), 157

  Pottawatomie massacre, xii, 168–69, 308, 466, 476

  Potter, John Fox, 337, 505, 595

  Prentice, George D., 262, 624–25

  “Present Crisis, The” (Lowell), 1, 117, 118

  Preston, Francis, 242

  Preston, J. T. L., 489

  Prigg v. Pennsylvania, 226, 272–73

  Prince, Ezra M., 254

  Pryor, Anne Whiting, 241

  Pryor, Roger, xvi, 291, 504, 505

  Pryor, Sara, 291, 292

  P.T. Barnum’s American Museum, 529, 572

  Pugh, George E., 555

  Pugh, J. C., 251

  Putnam, George H., 527


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