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The Chosen One

Page 6

by Davis, Siobhan

  “I can’t believe they built such a gorgeous place for us,” I say in between eating.

  “I can.” Coop places his hand on my thigh. “Glennev worships the ground you walk on, and it’s clear he wants you to want for nothing.”

  “It makes me uncomfortable,” I admit.

  “You’d better get used to it,” Maddox supplies, waving his fork in the air. “Because this is only the start. Once you are reinstated on the throne, everyone will trip over themselves to do shit for you, and you’ll be inundated with extravagant gifts.”

  “Then I’ll make a new ruling as the first order of the day. I don’t want or need special treatment. Honestly, it freaks me out.”

  “This is how they show you respect,” Beck says in between mouthfuls. “You’ll have to suck it up. At least for a while.”

  “We should work on your speech,” Dane says, ignoring our conversation, pushing his barely touched plate away.

  “Let the girl eat,” Maddox says, narrowing his eyes as he looks at Dane’s unfinished plate. “Something wrong with it?”

  “I’m just not hungry.” Dane shrugs. “I’ll work on a few things,” he adds, stepping away from the table. “Come to my room when you’re ready.” I nod, and he walks off, leaving awkward tension at the table.

  “I’d like to discuss something,” I say after a few silent beats.

  “Shoot,” Coop says, squeezing my thigh.

  “Now that our relationship is moving forward, I’m wondering whether we need to set rules? Like assigned nights for when you each stay with me and stuff like that?” My gaze bounces between all three guys.

  “Can’t say I’ve thought about it,” Maddox says, speaking up first. “But I think that makes sense. We all love you and want to spend time alone with you, and free time will be a sparse commodity these next couple months.”

  “I agree,” Beck says. “But maybe it needs to be flexible too in case something happens, and you need one of us on a different night? I don’t mind if there are occasional circumstances where we have to change the plan up.”

  I lean in and kiss his cheek, grateful for his thoughtfulness and his selflessness. Beck is so easy to love. “Thank you.” I turn to Coop. “This impacts you the most. What are your thoughts?”

  He scrubs a hand over his jaw. “I can’t continue to monopolize you.”

  “I’ve never felt like that,” I assure him, threading my fingers in his. “I love sleeping with you in my bed.”

  “But the others need the opportunity to hold you at night too. I get that. I might not like it, but I’ll adjust.” He raises our conjoined hands to his mouth, planting a kiss on the back of my hand. “Because I love you, and I love my brothers,” he says, glancing at Maddox and Beck, “enough to compromise, so I’m cool with that.”

  I beam at them as I stand. “Thank you for making that easy. Beck will stay with me tonight and tomorrow night. Then I’ll spend two nights with you, Coop, and two nights with you, Maddox.” They bob their heads, and no one needs to mention the glaring omission. We all get that Dane is not a part of this yet.

  “What about your spare night?” Coop asks.

  “That’s group sex night,” I blurt, joking, until I see how uneasy Beck and Coop are with that suggestion. “I was joking,” I quickly add. “Although, I won’t lie—I have thought about that.” I pin my heated gaze on Maddox and Coop. “Especially after the night the three of us shared a bed.” I place my hands on the back of the chair and lean forward. “I spent half that night wondering what it would be like if you both took me at once.”

  Desire rushes through me, and I squeeze my thighs together as I run my thumb along Coop’s lower lip “Think of how hot it would be,” I say in a breathy tone. “Both of you touching me at once.” My chest heaves, and I’d be seriously turned on if the look of discomfort on Coop’s face didn’t bring me back to Earth with a bang. I shake all lustful thoughts from my mind, damping down my disappointment. “But I’d never force any of you into anything you weren’t comfortable with, and it’s not like I’m going unsatisfied or anything.”

  I kiss each of them, cursing my big mouth for raising the subject. “Forget I said it. It’s no biggie.”

  “It’s not that,” Maddox says, looking introspective. “I’ve just never given it any consideration.”

  “I don’t think I’d like that,” Beck sheepishly admits.

  I kiss him again. “I didn’t expect you would, and that’s fine.”

  “I don’t know if I’d be into it,” Coop admits, and it’s so rare to see him disorientated. My suggestion has really thrown him for a loop. “I’ll need to think about it.”

  “Seriously, it’s not a big deal. I don’t even really know why I said it. It just came out of my mouth. But I’d like to think we could all share the same bed from time to time, without it being sexual. It’s comforting to wake up with all of you.”

  “I don’t have a problem with that,” Coop admits.

  “Let’s just play it by ear.” I straighten up. “And I’m sorry for bringing it up now when we don’t really have time to talk about it.” But that’s just the thing. We’ve broached the subject of our relationship countless times in the past, and there’s never time to discuss it at any length. We’re so busy with everything else that our relationship has tended to get relegated to the background.

  But after I spent weeks worrying I’d never see them again, I made a promise to myself to prioritize my relationships with all of them. And I’m even more convinced now it’s what we need to get us through the difficult months ahead.


  “Are you sure about this, Alinthia?” Glennev says, worry lines creasing his brow.

  “I mean no disrespect to you or your team,” I say, smiling apologetically at the three girls as they reluctantly walk away. I can tell they were enthusiastic about doing my hair and makeup, and I hate disappointing them, but I need to do this on my terms. “But I’m not getting dolled up to speak to my people.” I gesture at my plain pants and shirt combo and my makeup-free face. “This is who I am. This is the face I want to put forward. I’ll wear a pretty dress and a full face of makeup at my inauguration ceremony, where it’s appropriate. Right now, the focus is on the message, and I want nothing interfering with that.”

  “This will endear her to people,” Dane says. “Even if they find it strange. It sends a direct message that we’re entering a new era, dealing with a new type of leader, and the time for change is now.”

  “Nations revere the traditions,” Glennev says. “I’m worried it’ll come across as too new age. That they’ll cast aspersions on her youth and her ability.”

  “Because I’m not putting on a mask when I first face them?” I question, planting my hands on my hips. “I sincerely hope my people are smarter than that.”

  Glennev sighs, throwing up his hands. “Very well. It’s your call, and I trust your instincts. We’ll do it your way.”

  My protectors are the only ones allowed into the small room with me. A long table and five chairs reside on an elevated dais facing a large wall with a mounted high-tech camera. Glennev initially wanted me dressed in fine robes, with my hair and makeup styled, sitting on a gold throne on an ornate dais in a vast auditorium as I prepared to address the nations of the galaxy for the first time, but I’m so glad I put my foot down. I’m already nervous enough as it is, and I won’t put up a front. What they see is what they are getting, and I’m trusting my actions will ultimately speak louder than words.

  “You nervous?” Maddox asks.

  “I’m fucking petrified,” I admit.

  “You’ve got this,” Dane says, piercing me with a confident gaze. “Just stick to what we agreed, and you’ll ace it.”

  “And we’re all here with you,” Coop says.

  “Like we’ll be every step of this journey,” Beck adds.

  “I want to do something,” I say, the idea coming to me on the spur of the moment. I place my hands up on the table. “Take
my hands.” I look at Coop and Dane seated alongside me, praying Dane doesn’t make a big deal of this. Coop immediately holds my hand while Dane falters for a split second before placing his hand in mine. “Now, you two hold Beck and Maddox’s hands with your free hands so we’re all linked, and keep your wrists upturned so everyone can see the mark of the prophecy on our skin.” The boys hold hands without argument, and a power surge charges through our bond. I gasp. “Did you feel that?”

  They all concur.

  “This is the way it’s supposed to be,” Beck confirms. “Our life connectors are supposed to be intertwined. We’re more powerful as one.”

  “I could totally get used to this feeling. It’s a cross between being high and in a sex coma,” Coop says, and I giggle.

  “Your strength gives me strength,” I admit. “And I don’t feel so nervous anymore.”

  “One minute, Alinthia,” Glennev says through the sound system.

  “We’re ready.”

  “Sometimes I can’t believe this is my life,” I admit. “A few months ago, I was a normal high school girl, and now, I’m sitting here with all of you ready to address the galaxy for the first time. It blows my mind.”

  “Just remember you were born to do this, Alinthia. It’s in your blood,” Dane says, and I can’t help squeezing his hand. Being able to touch him, even with something as simple as holding his hand, is huge for me.

  “I love you all so much,” I tell them as Glennev calls out twenty seconds. “You complete me.”

  “We love you too, and we’re all in this together. For now and all time,” Coop says. The emotions coming at me through the bond confirms the others feel the same, and the connection purrs and hums in satisfaction.

  The five-second countdown passes, and then we’re live.

  It’s now or never.

  I swallow the nervous lump in my throat, hold my head up high, and address the vast audience watching in different planets across the galaxy.

  “Greetings, my fellow citizens. My name is Alinthia, and I am the daughter of Verron’s last serving king and queen, the last descendant of the Nantor Dynasty, and the subject of the prophecy, the one that has named me the Chosen One, the last savior of the galaxy.”

  I pause briefly, smiling serenely at the camera. “My parents sent me to Earth, seventeen, almost eighteen, years ago, to protect me from those enemies who seek to destroy me. Those same enemies killed my parents, seized control of my homeland of Verron and my legacy homeland of Nantor, and they are the same enemies who have wielded terror and an iron fist over many of your home planets for years.”

  My mouth is dry, my palms clammy under Dane and Coop’s hands, my heart racing wildly as I continue. “That reign of terror is coming to an end because I will be claiming the birthright that has been stolen from me. With my protectors by my side”—I turn my head left and then right, smiling at the guys—“and supporters of the prophecy at my back, I will return to the galaxy and restore peace.”

  I eyeball the camera, going slightly off script. “None of you asked for this tyranny, and you should be free to live your lives the way you want to live them, free of threats, hostility, and punishment. General Arantu had no right to blast his way through the galaxy, taking planets and homelands without invitation, enforcing his will and his rules on countless species. He hides behind dark magic and rules by fear, but that ends now.”

  A muscle clenches in my jaw at the thought of all the harm he’s done. “The general and his loyal supporters will be stopped. I give you my solemn word that I will do everything in my power to end his control, but we can’t do this alone.”

  I lean forward, gripping Dane and Coop’s hands harder. “We need you. I need you.” I wet my dry lips. “There are many ways you can help support our effort. Contact details are on the bottom of the screen. Please reach out to our highly specialized team who is available to answer any questions you may have.”

  I stare into the screen, beseeching the millions of nameless, faceless viewers to hear my plea. “Together, we can defeat our mutual enemy and finally take charge of our future. Together, we reclaim the lives we deserve. Thank you for listening, and thank you for your loyalty. May bravery and good fortune guide your future path.” I end with the official royal mantra in a nod to tradition, slumping in my chair as soon as the feed is shut down. Air whooshes out of my mouth as adrenaline courses through my limbs.

  “What’s the verdict?” I ask, as Glennev, Donovan, and a few others enter the room. Dane slides his hand out from mine, and I instantly miss his touch. The line that bonds all of us dulls a little, that euphoric high eliminated when the physical contact was broken.

  “You did great,” Coop replies with his usual enthusiasm, keeping hold of my hand.

  “I altered things a little in the middle,” I admit.

  “I liked that,” Donovan says. “It made you more relatable. You don’t want to come across as too formal and stuffy.”

  “You did well,” Dane supplies. “You struck a nice balance between formal and informal, professional and personable.”

  “I agree with Dane,” Glennev says, squeezing my shoulder. “And at least everyone in the galaxy knows you exist. That you’re not a figment of some ancient elder’s imagination. Everyone now knows exactly who you are and what you intend to do. Now, we can begin reaching out to every nation and hopefully secure more allies.”

  “The team is already fielding numerous comms,” Denzil confirms. “And the hotline is going crazy.”

  “That’s an encouraging start,” Glennev confirms. “And as much as we can hope for right now.” He turns to me. “You should get an early night. Tomorrow will be a big day.”

  “Is everything still in place for the transfer of the remaining prisoners?” I inquire.

  “Everything is organized, and we’ve scheduled a meeting in the auditorium for twelve noon.”

  “Good. I look forward to it.”

  “Have you had any contact from Director Tanner?” Dane asks.

  “Yes. Ground troops have moved into key cities around the US, and the president has addressed the nation.”

  “And what of the ships in space?” I ask.

  “No movement. Things are still at a standstill.”

  “I suppose that’s better than the alternative. Okay, we’ll call it a night and see you for breakfast in the morning.”

  I reach out, telepathically, to Tav as we leave the room, quickly conversing with him as I walk hand in hand with Coop. “Does anyone have any objection if we stop by the cafeteria? I want to catch up with Tav and Ellya.”

  “That depends on whether he’s going to drool over you or not,” Coop deadpans.

  “C’mon.” I sigh, shaking my head. “Cut the guy some slack. For me?”

  He slings his arm around my waist. “Only for you.”

  I narrow my eyes to slits. “Be nice to him or else.”

  “Or else what?”

  “Or else no sex for a month.”

  Coop slams to a halt, hauling me over to the wall. “You can’t be serious.” He reels me in close to his body. “Now that I know what it’s like to be inside you, I want to do it over and over again.”

  I circle my arms around his neck as the others slowly walk ahead. “I want that too, but I also want you to play nice, and if I have to resort to bribery, I will.”

  “Fine,” he says, brushing my hair aside. “I’ll be nice to the tool.”

  “Coop.” I drill him a look.

  He draws a circle around his head with his hand. “I’ll be an angel. Promise.”

  I stretch up and peck his lips. “Then all is forgiven.” I tug him forward. “Come on. Let’s catch up with the others. I’ve no idea what reception I’ll receive now everyone knows who I am, and I’d rather we didn’t walk alone.”

  We exit the quiet, safe confines of the conference center, entering the main corridor which is busy at this hour. Most everyone has finished work for the day and they’re making their way to the re
tail center, heading to their quarters, or grabbing something to eat in the cafeteria.

  The journey to the cafeteria is only ten minutes, yet it feels like ten hours. Every person we pass, without exception, drops to one knee and bows their head, and by the time we reach the cafeteria, my blood pressure is through the roof, my clothes are glued to my back, my temples throb, and my unease is at epic proportions.

  I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.

  I don’t want to be treated like I’m someone special, and the attention is already too much to handle. “I can’t do this,” I say, stalling outside the cafeteria. “I can’t go in there and have everyone bow down to me. I just… can’t.”

  “Hey.” Cooper cups my face. “It’s okay. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

  “Tavroc and Ellya can come to our place,” Maddox says. “You go with Dane and Coop, and Beck and I will get your friends.”


  “There’s a teleporting block on all residential quarters, but I’ll meet you at the door to our place,” Dane tells Coop before disappearing. I bury my face in Coop’s chest, squeezing my eyes shut as he teleports us behind Dane. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the sensation, but I guess I’ll have to, as I’ll probably gain the ability once I awaken. Although that’s pure guesswork, because no one seems to know what’ll happen once I awaken on my eighteenth birthday. Maybe, that won’t be something I can do.

  Dane has the doors to our chambers open by the time we arrive, and he’s standing guard, waiting for us. We speed run down the long hallway, reaching the second set of doors in a nanosecond. I only release the breath I’m holding once we step foot inside our place.

  “I’m running you a bath,” Coop says, his tone brokering no argument.

  “We have guests due.” I grab hold of his elbow before he disappears.

  “We can entertain your friends. You need to destress.” He kisses me before racing out of the room, not allowing me to mount any further protest.


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