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Ready For It (MacAteer Brothers Book 2)

Page 20

by ML Nystrom

  And the sex. Oh. My. God. The sex was incredible! Once we got started that first time, it became a feeding frenzy. I couldn’t get enough of the man and craved his touch like I did my next pair of high heels. Owen was just as generous in bed as he was out of it. I had free reign over his body anytime I wanted him. I loved sucking him off while we watched TV at night. Because of my shape, we did it doggie style for the most part or spooned. He never complained and always asked if it was safe for me and the baby. My pregnant body didn’t turn him off or deter him in the least. Sometimes we’d start the day with morning sex, sometimes we’d finish it making long, slow love. Whenever we came together, the level of personal intimacy between us reached a depth I’d never had and never thought possible. Every time he touched me, he gave me a piece of himself as well as took a piece of me, until I didn’t know where he started and I ended. Pure. Magical. Love.

  He told me he loved me. Often, and I had no doubt he meant it. My life with Owen had become so good and so perfect, it was more like a Hallmark movie than reality.

  Garrett only stayed around a few days during the Thanksgiving weekend from hell and then left to go back to his life. The few bits I heard from his conversations with Owen centered on their father’s deteriorating health and the woman Garrett lived with. Neither were doing so hot. Sooner rather than later, some decisions needed to be made about Fergus MacAteer and the best way to take care of him. I got the impression that none of the man’s kids particularly liked their father and his future care was borne more of obligation than as an act of love. I could relate, and I found the willingness of the MacAteer men admirable, in that they really didn’t have to take care of their father. If a similar situation cropped up in my family, and my brother got put in the position where he had to take care of me, I’d be out on the street or he’d try to euthanize me like an old dog.

  Owen willingly came with me to the police station Monday after Thanksgiving. The legal advisor I talked to said that filing the charge of a false police report might stick, but Principal Bradshaw had friends and cronies in high places. Even if he ended up getting found guilty, he would probably just get fined. It pissed me off to think that bastard could get away with doing that shit to me with not much more than a slap on the wrist, but I still planned on going through with it. If I decided to drop the charges later, I had that option. I probably would, as I imagined it would be one big hassle and ultimately a waste of time, but for now I wanted that asshole to squirm a little.

  Owen put up a Christmas tree in my house, but we spent Christmas Eve over at Bevvie’s. We attended the candlelight church service and watched the kids perform their parts in the play. Owen sat next to me in the pew and held my hand through Bevvie’s beautiful solo. Jeez, my BFF could sing! Connor thought so too, from the rapt expression on his face as he watched his wife. Total, complete adoration.

  The one mood killer happened during the candle lighting. The entire congregation had little handheld candles and passed the flame from person to person. The lights turned out, leaving only the tiny pinpricks of fire to light the large sanctuary. I thought the sight was beautiful and turned to Owen to share my thoughts, and my eyes crossed with Robert’s. A hard thud punched my gut as our gazes locked.

  Shit… uh… I mean, shoot! Of all places tonight, why in the hell… heck… is he here? It didn’t take me long to figure it out. This church was one of the biggest in the city and a large number of high-ranking businessmen and council members attended. Even the mayor came to tonight’s service. On holidays, the attending congregation more than doubled as this building became the place to be and be seen. Bevvie referred to them as CEOs. Christmas and Easter Only.

  Kiki stood next to him, resplendent in gold and glitter, oblivious to his attention wandering to me. I froze at the menacing glare he gave me. He didn’t lick his lips, grab his crotch, or make any gesture other than to stare, but I still got that vibe from him. The vibe that if given the chance, he’d be all over me… again.

  I was so focused on Robert that I almost failed to see Magnus standing with him as well. He nudged Robert’s arm and sneered at me. I heard an angry growl next to me, and Owen’s body grew stiff. He saw them too, and if we’d been at any other location, a massive testosterone-fueled fight would have already broken out.

  Junior took that moment to wake up and did his usual four-way stretch. My attention shifted to my kid moving around and reminding me of his presence. I broke off the stare-down with Robert and Magnus and covered my rippling stomach. The dress I had on fit well and somewhat minimized my protruding belly, but my pregnancy still showed. Owen moved his candle from one hand to the other and put his arm around me, pulling me into his sheltering body. He didn’t have to say a word for me to get his meaning. If either Robert or Magnus tried to mess with me, I had someone to protect and defend me. Warm fuzzies crowded my belly next to my kid, and I leaned against Owen’s side, sniffing his light cologne. He responded by kissing the top of my head.

  I covered up a giggle and whispered, “I don’t think you’re supposed to kiss in church, sweetheart.”

  He did it again and answered, “God’s house is a place of love. He won’t mind.”

  After the service, we all went back to Bevvie and Connor’s house for presents, hot chocolate, and food. Owen and I walked into a house smelling of rich beef stew, yeasty bread, cinnamon-sweet sugar cake, and total bedlam.

  Abby and Beverly were arguing in the open kitchen area.

  “That’s so unfair, Mom.”

  “You’re too young.”

  “I’m sixteen!”

  “That’s too young.”

  “No, it’s not. I just need parental consent.”

  “You’re assuming I’ll give you consent.”

  I looked at Connor with questioning eyes, and he explained. “Abby’s found a new boy she likes. This one is big into Japanese anime and cosplay. Abby wants to get a tattoo of some cartoon character I’ve never heard of on her side for Christmas. Bev is against it.”

  I stifled a laugh. No doubt who would win that battle. I could hear Abby’s wail through the house.

  “You’re so mean!”

  Beverly pulled bowls and plates from the cupboard while ignoring the teenage meltdown. “Yup, I’m the terrible mean mom, now and forever.”

  “It’s all I want.”

  “Too bad. I already bought you socks and underwear.”

  “Why? Why can’t I get a tattoo? Harvey’s parents let him have one, and it’s soooo cute!”

  “It’s a Pikachu Pokémon. I agree, they’re cute.”

  “So why can’t I get a matching one?”

  “You’ve never been into Pokémon before.”

  “I’m into them now, and Harvey thinks it will look really cool.”

  “If you’re still into them when you’re eighteen, you can get one then.”

  “You’re just prejudiced against people with tattoos.”

  I had to admire Bevvie’s patience. I was sure there was a special place in heaven for moms of teenage drama queens. She lifted the top from the huge crockpot, and fragrant steam rose from the bubbling stew. “I’m not against tattoos, Abby. I’m against the reason you want the tattoo so bad.”

  “Why?” Bevvie was not the only stubborn female in the house.

  Bevvie paused, stirred the stew, and placed the large spoon on a rest next to the pot. “You’re talking about going through a painful and permanent experience just because a boy you like says he wants you to. Do you not see what’s wrong with that?”

  Abby crossed her arms and huffed. “I don’t see your point at all. Connor, make her stop.”

  Connor barked out a laugh as he rejoined Bevvie in the kitchen. He unwrapped two round loaves of homemade bread. “Sorry, Abby. Your mom is right. You shouldn’t have to get a tattoo for this Harvey fellow to like you. No woman, young or old, needs to twist herself into knots and become something she’s not in order to keep a man interested. If he can’t love you for just being you, t
hen he’s not worth your time.”

  Abby still wasn’t ready to give up the argument. “I like Pikachu.”

  “Enough to have him on your body for life? Suppose you and Harvey don’t work out and the next guy you like can’t stand Pokémon. Are you going to go through a laser removal because of that?”

  Abby hesitated and then rolled her eyes before she flounced off. “Ugh, I hate it when you use logic.”

  Connor’s chuckle followed her, and he turned back to the task of slicing the bread on a cutting board. Mattie, already in pj’s, surfed through the kitchen. Sarah sat under the tree, sorting the gifts into separate piles for each person. Jacob started a medley of Christmas music playing on his phone.

  Good food. Good family. Good man at my side. How could it get any better?

  It did in the form of a breaking news text alert.

  Former Principal Garland Bradshaw has been arrested this evening on charges of possession of child pornography and solicitation of a minor. Details to follow.

  Bevvie got the same alert I did. Our bugged eyes met, and both our mouths formed perfect Os. “Holy shit!” I mouthed at her. She nodded mutely.

  Neither of us really knew what this news meant for the future, but we both knew one thing for certain. Principal Bradshaw no longer worked for the school system and wouldn’t be coming back. How in poor taste would it be to offer a high five to my best friend?

  We ate the filling stew, nibbled on sugar cake, and watched the kids open presents. Jacob got his own soldering iron and other electric gizmo stuff I couldn’t quite figure out. Sarah got her own Kindle plus a lot of Amazon gift cards for books. Abby got a new smart phone with a blinged-out case and wireless earbuds. Mattie ignored the clothes and concentrated on the trick skateboard. Fortunately, knee pads, elbow guards, and an industrial strength helmet came with the gift.

  I had only one small gift for Owen, but it meant a lot. At least, I hoped it did.

  Connor and Bevvie gave themselves a gift of concert tickets and overnight resort accommodations at Harrah’s casino. It didn’t take a psychic to see Owen and I would be spending a weekend with the kids while Bevvie and Connor got it on with some slot machines and great music.

  Owen handed me a Christmas card covered in candy cane and Santa Claus stickers. Mattie danced around us. “I helped decorate your card, Auntie M. Ain’t it pretty?”

  “Isn’t. Not ain’t.” I opened the card, and several pictures fell out. A beautiful handmade crib of dark mahogany wood, a sturdy changing table, and a glider rocker met my eyes.

  “Connor designed them. I built them.” Owen’s rumble filled me ear. “Too big to wrap. Sitting out there in the shop, ready to be moved in.”

  I bumped his arm and snuggled under it next to his warm side. This routine and position had become a habit, and I doubted it would ever get old. “These are beautiful. Thank you, O-man.”

  He looked at me with those gorgeous green eyes of his, and my breath disappeared. God in heaven, how did I get so lucky to have this man? I brushed at my eyes. “It’s just a bit of wood dust.”

  Mattie broke the moment. “Ewww, they’re gonna go all kissy face!”

  Sarah tapped at the screen on her Kindle. “That’s what you’re supposed to do when you’re boyfriend and girlfriend, doofus.”

  “It’s still gross. I’m never getting a girlfriend if I have to do that.”

  “Might change your mind someday, boy-o.” Connor remarked as he unwrapped Muttface’s present. The dog spun in circles at his feet until given the ginormous rawhide chew bone.

  Only my gift to Owen remained, and I handed him a huge wrapped box. Mattie had helped with this one too and fidgeted while Owen carefully slit the paper with a pocket knife.

  “Just tear it, Uncle Owen!”

  Inside that box, he found another one, wrapped just as prettily with bows and ribbons. He gave me a wry look as if saying I know this game.

  Four wrapped boxes later, he pulled out a small gift bag filled with paper and confetti. From the bag, he lifted a snap ring box. He popped it open to reveal a house key.

  My stomach fluttered. “What do you think, O-man? Wanna move into a house instead of living in a camper?”

  He held the key in the palm of his hand and stared at it for several moments. I held my breath. Too soon? Maybe he wasn’t ready? I hope I didn’t just fuck this up!

  “Guess I n-n-need to add more closet space.”

  My eyes grew wet. “I guess you do.”

  He smiled and hugged me. The Grinch was not the only person at Christmas whose heart grew three times as big. Happiness burst and overflowed inside me. Junior flipped in agreement.

  Later that night, we lay together in Bevvie’s guest room. The kids had zonked out immediately after presents and coming down from the excitement of the holiday. The whole house settled into post-Christmas lull. Owen snuggled behind me, spooning me in what had become our favorite position.

  “Was that the man?”

  I had been drifting into sleep, all warm and comfy. “What man?”

  “The man at the church next to your brother. You stiffened up when you saw him.”

  Owen’s voice sounded calm and rather nonchalant. His body stayed relaxed against mine, and his arm was secure around my front, holding me close. Safe. I felt safe.

  “Saw him at the party at your parents’ house. Saw you react to him then too. He’s the one.”

  I saw no reason to deny or confirm what Owen accurately guessed. He’d already heard the entire story of that horrible night.

  “Yes. That’s him.”

  Owen kissed my hair. “You scared of him?”

  Am I? “I don’t like being around him and wish he lived somewhere else, but I’m older now and know better. When it happened, I was a kid who didn’t know how to handle things and I was by myself. I’m not alone anymore. He can’t hurt me.”

  He can’t hurt me. Those four words made my heart grow light and my head giddy. It was true. He could stare, make rude statements, try to fuck with my accounts, even resort to physical intimidation. He could do whatever he wanted, but he couldn’t hurt me.

  Owen moved my hair to kiss the back of my neck. “No, he can’t and won’t. He comes around, he has to go through me to get to you.”

  His hand moved over my breast, and he lightly thumbed the nipple. “I move in, I’m not moving out. Not in a month, not in a year, not ever. This is it for me, Mel. I’ve waited for it a long time, and I’m not giving it up.”

  I slipped off my panties and raised my leg to hook his hip behind me.

  “I love you, Owen MacAteer.”

  He freed himself from his boxers and pressed the head of his dick against my opening. He slipped in like a well-fit glove. Christ, I would never get tired of this!

  His hips flexed as he slowly made love to me, moving in and out of my pussy at his leisure. Each stroke pressed against my G-spot, drawing a gasp from me every time he flexed. He filled me not only with his dick, but with his love, until I couldn’t tell where he ended and I began. His hand shifted from my breast down between my legs, and his fingers plucked at my clit, rolling it gently between them.

  I came breathing his name. He came breathing mine.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Um… the decimal point goes where again?”

  God save me! How did this kid plan on getting a good SAT score when he didn’t have basic math concepts? He needed to scrap the idea and take a remedial course instead of wasting my time and his parents’ money. This was my last tutoring session for the evening, and I couldn’t wait for his mom to come pick him up. My back had been aching all fucking day, and I was ready to put my swollen feet up and relax. That was, if I still had feet. I hadn’t seen them in a long time.

  Owen texted to ask if I wanted him to pick up food on the way home. I smiled and texted back my latest craving for Panera Bread potato and bacon soup.

  It was mid-January. New Year’s Eve had come and gone. School started back, and
life had settled into a new norm. Owen moved in the day after Christmas. It didn’t take much time, as he mostly owned his clothes and a few personal items. The rest of his belongings consisted of his tools. The camper stayed parked at Bevvie’s, as it was a pain in the ass to move and Garrett would be using it for a while. He showed up at Bevvie’s on Christmas Day, having broken up with his girlfriend. Owen didn’t say much about it, but I got the impression it was a bad scene and Garrett needed time to heal and figure out his next steps. I’d listed my condo as an Airbnb rental and planned to keep it that way for a few years. If Garrett planned to stick around, maybe I’d offer it to him to use.

  I was also nearly two weeks late and on the verge of having labor induced. Junior just didn’t want to join us in the big outside world.

  Coral had taken over my classes at the school, but I still did some nighttime tutoring to help some of the more challenged students, Gary Tharpe being one of them. His lanky build, towering height, and prowess on the court put him in the perfect position to earn a basketball scholarship, but he had to score well on the SATs. That possibility diminished bit by bit the longer I worked with him on his limited math skills.

  I stood from the spot at my kitchen table and felt rather than heard a weird pop. A moment later, a small flood gushed from between my legs.

  Oh shit, my water just broke!

  “What’s that?” My genius student gawped at the puddle that formed at my feet. “Did you just piss yourself?”

  “No, I’m in labor.”


  “The baby is coming.”

  The kid’s brain cells finally fired up, and his mouth formed a perfect O. “What do I do?”


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