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Ready For It (MacAteer Brothers Book 2)

Page 22

by ML Nystrom

  “Owen MacAteer, don’t you dare abandon me.”

  I heard a muffled set of words that included “yard” and “hose.” A few minutes later, I spotted Owen spraying off the swing next to the driveway.

  “Hmph. I guess we can let this one go, since he is helping with poop patrol after all. Right, stinky-stinker?”

  “Ngahd!” my little man declared in agreement.

  Spring flirted with the weather, bringing cold April showers mixed with ice one week, and warm, sunny temperatures the next. Owen had spent the winter weeks gutting our kitchen. He put in new countertops, bigger cabinets, a new dual sink, and new flooring. Next, he planned on redesigning the large unfinished area downstairs into a family room with a big play area for Ryan. If I’d learned one thing about Owen, it’s that he liked to work. A lot.

  A low lug-lug-lug sound came to my ears, and I watched a motorcycle with two riders approach. Connor and Bevvie had come for a visit without the kids. Eva, Connor and Owen’s sister, had married a man who was a member of the Dragon Runners motorcycle club over in Bryson City. Connor had a motorcycle but had never joined the club. He and Bevvie just enjoyed riding from time to time. Owen said he liked motorcycles and had handled them in the past but didn’t have one. I kinda wished he did as it looked like a lot of fun. Maybe someday, I’d buy him one for his birthday or on our ten-year anniversary.

  I glanced at my ring as I lifted up the freshly cleaned and sweet-smelling Ryan to my shoulder. “Whatchoo think, stinker-boo? Is it weird for Mommy to get Daddy a motorcycle, or weird to think Mommy and Daddy will have a ten-year anniversary?”


  “Yes, Mommy plans on a ten-year. And a twenty-year. And a thirty-year.”

  “Melanie! Get your ass out here!” Bevvie’s yell came through the walls as I walked down the steps to join the other adults.

  “You bellowed, ma’am?”

  She rolled her eyes in perfect imitation of her oldest daughter. “Have you seen the new curriculum report?”

  “Not yet. I’ve been having a blast with a Ryan MacAteer poop-fest. How the hell does someone so small produce so much shit?”

  Bevvie waved off the question with a flick of her outstretched hands. “That’s their job. Gimme.”

  I placed Ryan in her arms.

  “Hello, my little munchkin. Boo-jee-boo-jee-boo-jee.”

  Her gibberish words made me laugh out loud. “We have four degrees between the two of us and countless hours of professional development seminars. We’ve lectured students and other teachers, led faculty meetings, and served on every kind of education committee the school has ever established. We get around a baby and forget how to speak English.”

  She lifted her nose in the air and raised her eyebrow. “I’m bonding with my godson. Go away.”

  “Your godson just had a major blowout.”

  “Even better. He knew Aunt B was coming and didn’t want to spoil any time with her. Right, boo-jee-boo-boo?”

  Owen and Connor shared an amused look before getting down to business. “The Bowers called me about their house this morning. Apparently, they’ve had a leak in their upstairs bathroom for quite some time. The subflooring has completely rotted under the toilet and collapsed last night. Mrs. Bower said there’s a pile of moldy wood chips, and the toilet itself is hanging halfway through the ceiling. I know you wanted to get started on the deck off your back porch today, but Mrs. Bower is rather upset. Mr. Bower is willing to pay extra to keep Mrs. Bower happy. Care to make an emergency house call?”

  Owen grunted and turned to me with a question in his eyes.

  “Go ahead, O-man. Sounds like Mrs. Bower needs a superhero today.”

  He smiled and pointed at his truck. “I’ll drive.”

  Maybe I should scratch the idea of getting him a motorcycle for our ten-year. Perhaps a cruise instead.

  The men took off, Connor on his bike and Owen in his truck, and Bevvie and I moved to the kitchen.

  “Coffee?” I asked as I reached for the pot.

  “Why are you asking? Just pour.” Bevvie settled Ryan in the bouncy chair in the middle of the dining room table and sat in one of the chairs. I pulled down two mugs and filled them for our morning gab session.

  “How’s the driving lessons coming?”

  Bevvie leaned over and pointed to her scalp. “See these new gray hairs? Abby’s gift to me. I so wish I could get her father to do this.”

  “Doug still MIA with the kids, then.”

  Bevvie sighed and stirred creamer and Splenda into her coffee. “Yup, and not a thing I can do about it. He’s missing out on some of the best years of the kids’ lives and someday he may regret not being a part of it.” She tapped the spoon against the side of the cup. “I can’t help him, and I don’t want to. He’s an adult. Speaking of adults, I think Garrett is finally coming to terms with his ex. Connor and Owen gave Garrett the bulk of the big restoration job on that bed-and-breakfast place, and he’s been spending a lot of time out there. I’m glad he’s able to help take on the workload, but Connor is still getting piles of calls for work.”

  I took a big sip of my own cup. “Really? Even with Patrick and Angus coming down from Pennsylvania? Owen said they plan on sticking around at least for the summer to help with the overload.”

  Bevvie waved a hand in the air as she swallowed and cleared her throat. “I’m glad they’re here, but I don’t know that they’ll stay long-term. They never really do.”

  I hummed and gently bounced the chair. Ryan, gurgled a bit and tried to eat his fist. “An old friend of mine is opening a yoga studio, and the guys are taking on the job of designing it. Between the B and B, the yoga place, and all the deck jobs Owen’s got booked, they might want to consider something long term. We should check out the yoga thing soon.”

  “I’m game, but don’t you make fun of me when I break something by bending over to touch my toes. How’s the baking coming along?”

  I stuck my tongue out and put a square plastic container in front of her. “Here. My latest batch of chocolate chip cookies.”

  She popped off the top, took one of the lumps inside, and looked at it dubiously. I shrugged. “Yes, they are the consistency of hockey pucks, but they make great teethers and aren’t so bad when you dip them in your coffee.”

  She dipped and managed to gnaw off a chunk. “Mmm. Yummy.”

  Her expression absolutely did not reflect her words.


  “You love me. I’m the godmother to your son.”

  “Still a PITA.”

  “Love you too, Mellie. Have you heard about the job yet?”

  Ryan started fussing, and I plucked him from his bouncy chair and opened my shirt and nursing bra to feed him. He latched on like a limpet and kneaded my breast with his tiny hands as he nursed. “I’ve heard I’m in the running for the position, but I’m not sure I want that right now. I have plenty of my own money, so I don’t really have to work. Owen brings in quite a bit with all the work he’s doing. We’re not hurting at all financially, and I’m really thinking I’ll take a step back for a few years until this little booger is in preschool before I go back to work. I’ll keep tutoring a few nights a week, to keep my chops up, but that may be it for a while.”

  Bevvie nodded. “I get it. I didn’t have that option and had to use a church day care ’cause I had to work. My kids turned out pretty damn good, but I would have loved to stay home with them. You’re a great mom, Mellie-Jellie.”

  “Thanks, Bevvie-Levvie. Here’s a thought. Why don’t you apply to be the principal? You have the administration credentials, right?”

  “Yeah, but that’s from years ago.”

  “Still valid.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Me as a school principal? In charge of everything and everyone? I’m not sure I can handle that.”

  I laughed out loud, and Ryan made a sound of protest as he let go of my nipple. “That’s too funny. I’ve watched you handle your four kids with all their a
ctivities, balance a full-time job with a part-time one, work out the logistics to take your choir kids to competitions, and still make time for your husband. Running a high school should be a piece of cake.”

  She turned thoughtful. “Maybe. The pay increase would be welcome, for sure. It would be nice to put aside some money for the kids’ college so they don’t have to take out huge loans. It’s still a lot of responsibility.”

  I shifted Ryan to my shoulder and patted his back. He grunted some baby noises, then let out a huge burp. “That’s my little man. Bevvie, I have every confidence in you. Apply for the job and see what happens. You have my vote.”

  “It’s not an election.”

  “I’ll vote for you anyway.”

  She laughed and sipped at her coffee. I switched Ryan to my other breast, and he latched on again.

  “You look happy, Mellie. I always thought you were happy with your life, but now there’s something more every time I look at you. There’s a radiance around you that just glows with contentment. Like you found yourself when you weren’t even looking. I don’t know who’s luckier, you or Owen.”

  I paid attention to Bevvie’s words but watched my son’s hands as they pressed and grabbed my skin. Ryan MacAteer, the first one to carry the family name in the next generation, and if Owen got his way, there would be many more.

  “Me, Bevvie. Definitely me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Owen moved closer to me and wrapped me in his big arms as we lay in our bed watching the evening news. Ryan slept in his crib in his own room, blissfully unaware of the turmoil brewing in his mother’s head. Even with the volume low, the words from the reporter drilled into my brain like spikes. A film clip played over and over again, showing something I never thought in my wildest nightmares would happen.

  “The city of Asheville is reeling from the arrest last night of Mr. Robert Corrigan for the sexual assault of a college intern at First and Trust Bank. The victim alleges Mr. Corrigan drugged her and tied her up before raping her multiple times over a ten-hour period. Sources say investigators have discovered the date rape drug Rohypnol in the bank president’s car along with text messages between him and the victim. Since the arrest, several more women have come forward claiming to have experienced an assault by Robert Corrigan from as far back as his college days. Their stories are eerily familiar and show a pattern of predatory sexual behavior, and it has been speculated there could be more victims. If convicted, Mr. Corrigan will face up to forty years to life for each count of aggravated sexual assault.”

  The clip showed a handcuffed and belligerent Robert struggling and yelling as several police officers wrestled him from the main bank building to a waiting squad car.

  “Brave women,” Owen commented as he kissed my temple. “Not easy to step up and tell everyone that kind of personal trauma. Big risks involved.”

  A knot in my chest formed as I thought about the implications. This would be a long trial. A lot of garbage would be exposed and thrown out for the public to pick over and gossip about. Reputations, names, families, and more would be affected for years.

  “I’m a member of that club. I hadn’t thought that there would be others like me. Ones he terrorized and assaulted for years. The statute of limitation is probably long over in my case, but some of those women are in that boat as well. They’re telling their stories anyway.”

  He squeezed me in the circle of his arms and kissed me again. “I can’t tell you what’s right for you. Keep quiet and see how this plays out or talk to those lawyers. He’s facing a lot of shit and will be tarnished for life no matter what. I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t end up in prison whether or not you tell your story. You feel the need to add your voice, you’re not alone anymore. I got your back. You got Connor and Bevvie, Garrett, the kids, and a pile of students you’ve taught over the years. You have an army behind you if you want it, but it’s up to you.”

  The news switched over to another story, but my mind kept sifting through possibilities. “Robert will fight it. He’s arrogant as hell and always been that way. As long as I’ve known him, he always thought his shit doesn’t stink and rules that apply to the rest of us, don’t apply to him.”

  “Assholes are assholes. He’s just a rich one.”

  True, he had lots of money and the best lawyers it could buy.

  So did I.

  I thought about the sword tattoo on Owen’s back and the saying about how the quiet pig gets the acorns. I’d been quiet a long time. Maybe I didn’t need to be any longer. Owen was right. I had a fucking army.

  “I think I’ll make a phone call tomorrow morning. If those other women can find the guts to stand up for themselves and what’s right, I can too.” Just saying those words out loud gave me a sense of peace. “I’m ready for it.”

  Enjoyed Melanie and Owen’s story? In that case, be sure to check out the next book in the series, Hold It Close—Garrett MacAteer’s sweet and sexy story.

  A man recovering from a toxic relationship and slowly healing. A woman recovering from a divorce and seeking a new life. When their worlds collide, will Garrett and Bertie finally heal and find their happily ever after?

  Check out the complete Dragon Runners MC series too, starting with the incredible Mute.

  Thank You

  Thanks for reading Ready For It. I do hope you enjoyed Melanie and Owen’s story. I appreciate your help in spreading the word, including telling a friend. Before you go, it would mean so much to me if you would take a few minutes to write a review and share how you feel about my story so others may find my work. Reviews really do help readers find books. Please leave a review on your favorite book site.

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  moje dítěmy - daughter

  mo rúnmy - love

  amadán - fool


  Thank you for reading Ready For It. This book was my nod to the #MeToo movement that affected so many women during its inception and still carries weight now. It is my hope that the more people are aware of this issue the more support will be offered where needed. The upside is I believe there are many Owen MacAteers out there. Wonderful and respectful men who know how to treat a woman right. I hope you’ve found yours, and if not, keep looking. Never forget, you deserve the best.

  A big thank you to some wonderful women who helped me keep my words on the right track. Rebecca Allman, Andrea Robinson, Virginia Gaylor, Barbara Hoover, and the always fabulous Olivia Ventura, you ladies rock!

  Another shout out to the wonderful Becky Johnson and all the wonderful people of Hot Tree Publishing. Some years ago, they took a chance on a budding author and here we are today, with seven published books and more to come. I’m so glad I hit ‘send’.

  About the Author

  ML Nystrom had stories in her head since she was a child. All sorts of stories of fantasy, romance, mystery and anything else that captured her interest. A voracious reader, she’s spent many hours devouring books; therefore, she found it only fitting she should write a few herself!

  ML has spent most of my life as a performing musician and band instrument repair technician, but that doesn’t mean she’s pigeon-holed into one mold. She’s been a university professor, belly dancer, craftsperson, soap maker, singer, rock band artist, jewelry maker, lifeguard, swim coach, and whatever else she felt like exploring. As one of her students said to her once, “Life’s too short to ignore the opportunities.” She has no intention of ever stopping... so welcome to her story world. She hopes you enjoy it!

  About the Publisher

  Hot Tree Publishing opened its doors in 2015 with an aspiration to bring quality fiction to the world of readers. With the initial focus on
romance and a wide spread of romance subgenres, Hot Tree Publishing has since opened their first imprint, Tangled Tree Publishing, specializing in crime, mystery, suspense, and thriller.

  Firmly seated in the industry as a leading editing provider to independent authors and small publishing houses, Hot Tree Publishing is the sister company to Hot Tree Editing, founded in 2012. Having established in-house editing and promotions, plus having a well-respected market presence, Hot Tree Publishing endeavors to be a leader in bringing quality stories to the world of readers.

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  Other Books by ML Nystrom

  If you loved Ready For It, you might enjoy the other sensual, sexy, and romantic stories and books ML Nystrom has published.








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