The Strong Family Romance Collection

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The Strong Family Romance Collection Page 102

by Cami Checketts

  “I … I have to work at eleven,” she said softly.

  He nodded. “Three hours isn’t close to enough time, but I’ll take it.”

  Kate shook her head. “Has anyone ever told you you’re incorrigible?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He grinned. “I think it’s one of my best qualities.”

  “No.” Her eyes swept over his handsome face. “Your smile is your best quality.”

  He pumped his eyebrows. “I wish I could say your lips were your best quality, but it’s those eyes that yanked me in.” His voice got low and husky. “But maybe it is your lips. The things you can do with them is incredible.”

  Kate laughed, stood on tiptoes, gave him a lingering kiss, and then asked, “Like what?”

  Austin cuddled her close and murmured, “Exactly like that.” He kissed her again, clinging to her as if the sun wouldn’t come up tomorrow.

  Kate didn’t even feel the cold outside or her usual tired ache. All she could feel was Austin Strong. At this moment, nothing else mattered.

  Chapter Four

  Kate went through the next day in a happy fog, pushing all the worries and concerns aside for one blessed day. Austin had taken her back to her dorm last night, walked her to the door, and sweetly kissed her good night. She’d only gotten a few hours’ sleep, but who needed sleep when you had Austin Strong filling up your mind with beautiful promises of forever? It was the happiest insanity she’d ever known. While she’d known love from her mom, their lives hadn’t been very happy; her mom had tried to be a good parent but had also been an alcoholic until she went to prison.

  As she got ready for her date that night, with Jenny fussing about her hair and makeup and loaning her a gorgeous blue dress that felt like silk against her skin, Kate felt the doubts and fears start to creep back in. She’d promised her mom she’d lie low until Michael Callan was dead or imprisoned. She’d promised herself that nothing would prevent her from becoming successful, making something of her life, and working on her mom’s case and securing her freedom. Austin would be more than a distraction, and life with a well-known athlete could expose her to the media and put a target on her back.

  Yet how could she stay away from Austin? If she allowed him to, the man could easily consume her every waking thought.

  “Why are you frowning?” Jenny demanded.

  “This is nuts, Jen. Austin … Me …” Kate gestured to herself in the mirror, all dolled up like a debutante. This wasn’t her. Sadly Jenny knew nothing of her past. “I need to slow down, way down.”

  Jenny circled around to stand in front of Kate and grasped her shoulders. “Girl, you don’t need to slow down. You need to calm down, way down.”

  Kate let out a nervous laugh.

  “Yes, this is nuts, and yes, it is too fast, but you …” Jenny gestured to the mirror. “Look at yourself, friend. Look at your eyes. You’re all lit up. You’re so happy, you glow. This is right. I feel it. Do you?”

  Kate studied herself. Her blue eyes were sparkling, and her cheeks were flushed. If she saw herself on the street, she’d think she was either an infectiously happy person or head over heels in love. Crazily enough, the latter was true. She pressed her hands to her cheeks to try to cool them down. “Yeah, I do.” She grabbed her friend’s hands, and they squealed and bounced up and down in excitement.

  The doorbell rang, sending a surge of anticipation through her. There were no nerves, no worries. She was shoving them all away for this one night. Only Austin mattered. Why should she be nervous around him?

  Jenny squealed again, then darted for the door. “Sorry, I should let you have your moment alone, but I have to at least see his face when he sees you.”

  Kate laughed. She didn’t begrudge her friend for wanting to watch. Over the past two days, her life had felt like the best chick flick ever—surreal and amazing. She grabbed the little purse Jenny had lent her, which had her phone, some cash, her apartment key, and her lip gloss; then she followed her friend out into the main area.

  Jenny had the door flung wide and was talking rapidly with Austin. Kate’s breath caught. Austin was wearing a dusky blue suit with a white shirt that was open at the collar. He looked so incredible with his golden-brown hair, dark beard, and handsome face that her pulse immediately sped up. Was this perfect man really here for her, or was she in an alternate reality?

  Austin’s gaze jerked from Jenny and landed on her. Time stood still. His mouth opened, and his eyes filled with wonder. “Kate,” he breathed.

  Kate could’ve stood there staring at him all night, especially since she saw her overwhelming feelings reflected in his deep brown gaze.

  Suddenly, Austin was moving, and she was amazed by the graceful and powerful way he advanced. One second he was standing in the doorway staring at her; the next he was right in front of her. He swept her off her feet, bent her down low, and kissed her. Joy, passion, and excitement exploded in her. Kate had never felt safe or loved since her mom had been arrested, and Austin gave her a taste of both through a simple kiss. Yet it wasn’t simple. It was the most intricate and beautiful dance she’d ever experienced.

  Whistling and clapping yanked her back to reality. Austin straightened but held her close.

  “No, sorry,” Jenny rushed to say. “Don’t stop. I just couldn’t stop myself from cheering.”

  Austin chuckled, brushing some hair over Kate’s shoulder and making her tingle. “I can relate. I couldn’t stop myself from kissing her.” He wrapped his arm around Kate’s waist and directed her toward the door. She’d always been aware of her height, and sometimes she felt embarrassed by it. She felt like a delicate, small woman in his embrace.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, his gaze tender on her now but still filled with awe and desire.


  Jenny laughed loudly. “No, you’re not. Put a coat on, girl.” She lifted a dress coat that she must’ve set out for Kate tonight off the couch arm and shoved it at her. “Have fun!”

  Austin took the coat from her and helped her into it. His warm palms brushed her arms, making her vision fuzzy. “We will,” Austin reassured Jenny with a sexy wink.

  Jenny laughed louder. “Yeah, baby!”

  Kate blushed but found that she didn’t mind the teasing.

  Austin escorted her out of her dorm, down the stairs, and into his sport utility. He didn’t say much on the drive to the restaurant, simply giving her sidelong glances and holding her hand.

  The valet opened her door, and Kate stared in awe at the gorgeous three-story mansion/restaurant, 30 Boltwood. She’d heard about this place but never imagined herself eating here. The exterior was a whitish-gray brick with numerous windows accented by black shutters. She started to feel the panic of being exposed or not fitting in, but then Austin appeared at her side, dazzled her with his beautiful grin, and took her hand. All worries and fears disappeared. He escorted her along a redbrick path under an archway to the front doors. Inside, a man took her coat and directed them to a table.

  Kate looked around at the fancy tables with plush chairs and beautiful place settings, the numerous windows and gorgeous flooring and decorations. She was so far out of her league, she could hardly remember her spot in life. Austin walked her to a chair, and the man who’d walked them in pulled it out for her. As she settled into it, she kept her focus on him; it chased away the feelings of unworthiness and the worry that someone might snap a picture of them and post it online. In his eyes, she was more than worthy, but how would he look at her when he found out about her horrific past and the mission that drove her? Would someone innocent and good like Austin even understand where she’d been, or where she still had to go?

  The man took their drink orders and handed them menus, explaining that their server, Rhyann, would be with them shortly. Kate glanced down at the menu and gulped. The dinners were all at least thirty dollars each. She’d figured that Austin was wealthy because of the car he drove and the way his parents dressed, but he was still a college studen
t. She’d heard that the athletes had their schooling, housing, and food paid for, but she doubted that encompassed thirty-dollar meals. She had brought a twenty in her purse; her mom would not approve if she let a man “buy her.” A man had gotten her mom into the messy situation in the first place. No, her mom would be more concerned about a superstar like Austin pushing Kate into the media’s eye.

  She glanced over her menu and found that Austin was studying her. Her breath caught. His gaze was so open and kind and respectful. She didn’t think he was the kind of man who would wine and dine her, but how did she know?

  The waitress appeared, and she was adorable with piles of dark curly hair and a wide smile. “Well, hello, you beautiful people,” she said by way of greeting. “Is this a special occasion?”

  “First date.” Austin grinned and said in a stage whisper, “I’m trying to impress her.”

  She looked him over. “I’d say with that suit and that grin, she’d be a fool not to be impressed.” The waitress turned to Kate and lifted her eyebrows. “Am I right?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Kate murmured.

  Rhyann chuckled. “I think he might be a bit of trouble, though. There’s something about the twinkle in those eyes.”

  Kate wholeheartedly agreed, and she found herself relaxing around the friendly waitress and Austin’s grin. “He is a lot of trouble,” Kate said. “But I think he might be worth it.”

  “Definitely worth it.” Austin pumped his eyebrows and gave her a smoldering look that heated up her cheeks.

  Rhyann laughed at them. “You two have my vote. Now, what can I get you started with to drink?”

  “Just water, please,” Kate said.

  “Water for me too,” Austin echoed.

  Kate felt relief rush through her. Her mom was dry now, but Kate blamed the alcohol and drugs for her family’s troubles, and she would never touch either.

  “And what can I get started for you?” the waitress asked.

  Austin nodded toward Kate, and she felt panic well up inside her chest at being put on the spot. “Um, I’ll have the chowder, please.”

  “Great choice for a starter. Are you ready to order dinner or do you need a few minutes?”

  “Just the chowder is plenty.” Kate caught Austin’s gaze. His brow furrowed slightly.

  “Okay,” Rhyann said smoothly. She didn’t make a fuss about it, but Kate could see that Austin was concerned by her choice. “And for you?”

  Austin glanced at the menu, then back to Kate. His dark eyes got an almost defiant expression in them. Maybe it was just determination; she wasn’t sure. “I’d like the ribeye, the salmon, the roasted chicken, the filet of beef, the seafood stew, the pork chop, and …” He looked up at Rhyann with a definite smirk on his lips. “How’s the vegan cauliflower dish?”

  Rhyann’s mouth had fallen slightly open. She snapped it shut and nodded. “It’s delicious.”

  “Let’s try that too.” He handed over his menu with a smile. “Thank you, Rhyann. Oh, and can you please bring us an extra plate or two in case we want to share?”

  “Yes, I will.” Rhyann took their menus with a huge grin on her face. “You two enjoy, and I’ll be right back.” She walked briskly away.

  Kate blinked at Austin, confused at why he would order that much food. “Did you even look at the prices on those dishes?” she asked before she could stop herself.

  Austin shrugged nonchalantly, but his gaze on her was serious. “Did you think I’d ask you to dinner and not be able to afford more than soup?”

  “I … I don’t want you wasting your money,” she said quietly.

  “Kate, I’m not trying to show off or make you uncomfortable, but please don’t worry about money when you’re with me.”

  Kate thought that she should be offended by his high-handed words, but they were spoken with kindness. Money obviously wasn’t an issue for him, and he wanted to spoil her and treat her well. “Thank you,” she murmured.

  He nodded, then reached across the table and took her hand. “Now tell me all about you.”

  Kate felt a band of concern wrap around her midsection. Would he lose that glint in his eyes when he heard about her? She covered her worries with a smile and said, “I’m just a simple girl from the south side of Boston.”

  “There’s nothing simple about you.” His gaze told her that she was exceptional and appealing, and she actually believed him. “What about your family?”

  She shrugged and used her free hand to take a sip of water. It was difficult, as her hand was trembling. “Pretty boring. Single child.”


  “What about your family?” she asked, praying she could divert him.

  Luckily, that was all it took to get Austin talking, and talk he did. Kate asked him questions, and he expounded on everything from his childhood, when he’d believed that his dad was actually his brother and he’d been raised by his grandparents; to his parents’ story of falling in love; to stories of his large extended family.

  Kate enjoyed all of his stories and the insight into his happy life as much as she enjoyed all the incredible food that Rhyann kept bringing out and Austin insisted on sharing with her. Her stomach was so full by the end of dinner that she could only manage a bite of the salted caramel chocolate dessert and the cheesecake, though both were delicious. Her heart was more full than her satiated stomach. She felt like she was part of the Strong family through Austin’s stories, and more importantly, she could see that he was as genuine and amazing as she’d hoped he’d be.

  Rhyann brought the check, and Austin quickly handed her a credit card. A few minutes later, they said their goodbyes and thank-yous and walked to his vehicle with a large sack of leftovers. As they drove back to her dorm, Kate felt drowsily content; at the same time, she was amped up at the thought of Austin walking her in and kissing her good night. Could this truly be happening to her? Falling in love? Spending time with an incredible man? It would definitely cut into the time she spent studying and researching for her mom’s case. And what if Michael Callan found her and hurt Austin? Those thoughts put a damper on her excitement and joy.

  Austin glanced over at her as he drove. “My mom would be cussing me right now.”

  “Why?” Kate thought his mom had raised the perfect man. She couldn’t imagine what he had done wrong.

  “I’ve been prattling on about myself and my family all night, and you’ve hardly shared a thing. I apologize for dominating the conversation.”

  Kate laughed, but it sounded uneasy even to her. “I’ve loved every second of tonight, loved hearing about your family. I feel like I’m a part of them.” Her eyes widened as she realized what she’d implied.

  Austin gave her a sly grin. “They will love you too.” He squeezed her hand.

  Kate leaned against the seat. She felt like she and Austin Strong were a couple. There obviously was someone in heaven who loved her. Well, she knew that. She fingered her necklace with her free hand. Her maternal grandma had given it to her before she died; she had been a steadying influence in her life, and the only person besides her mom who loved her without questions. Her dad definitely wasn’t in heaven, and he had never cared much for Kate.

  “So tell me more about your family,” he said. “Do your parents still live south of Boston? What do they do for work? How was it being an only child?”

  Kate’s stomach tightened. She’d lied to him about where she’d grown up. She focused on the questions she could answer. “It was pretty boring, actually … being an only child. I loved school, so I spent most of my time reading and studying, and my parents pretty much left me to myself.” That was about as honest as she could be while painting a rosy picture. Austin would not understand her family situation. Give him a chance to, a voice in her head said. She shut that voice down, hard.

  His brow furrowed, but he said, “It’s obvious how intelligent you are. What are you studying?”

  She smiled. Finally, a subject she could talk about. “I’ll graduat
e this semester with my undergrad in political science. I’ve already been accepted into Harvard’s law school, and I start in the fall. I want to focus on criminal justice.”

  “Wow! That’s amazing, Kate. And honestly, how blessed are we?”

  “Excuse me?” Blessed? That sounded like something Jenny would say. She’d assumed from Austin’s stories that his family were religious, but it was an odd way for a tough hockey player to talk.

  He stopped in front of her complex but didn’t shut off the car or release her hand. Instead, he turned to her with a happy gleam in his eyes. “I’ve signed with the Bruins and will also graduate this spring. You’ll be twenty minutes away from me in Cambridge.” He grinned like the world had been handed to them on a platter.

  Kate hated to burst his bubble, but she could see the difference between them growing. He was going to make insane money as an NHL player, and even when she graduated with her law degree, she’d have more debt than income for a while. More importantly, he would be hounded by media. Depression surged through her. Sooner rather than later, she needed to let him go. Why, oh why couldn’t Michael Callan get arrested?

  “Congrats,” she said. “I’d love to see you play.”

  He pumped his eyebrows. “Yes, you would. We have a game tomorrow night. Will you come?”

  Kate knew she should say no. She should study, research, or sleep. She should stay away to keep him safe. “Of course I will,” she heard herself say.

  “It’s after ten. I’d better get you inside so you can change for work.”

  He walked her up to her dorm, and she used the key to let herself in. Only a lamp was on in the main area, and Jenny’s door was closed. Kate smiled. Jenny had said she wanted to watch them, but she was a good friend and would let Kate have this moment with Austin.

  Austin helped her out of her coat and asked in a husky whisper, “Can I stay for a few minutes?”


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