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Kingdom of Lies (The Kane Saga Book 1)

Page 5

by R. S. Williams

  She frowned and scrunched up her nose. “I’ve never seen you here before, so you could be lying for all I know.”

  “I only arrived recently,” he said, not allowing his chest to deflate. “My uncle, Merrick, has taken up the position of Captain of the King’s Guard.”

  “And they let you join the Elite without going through the tournament?” Elijah could tell from the grin on the girl’s face that she was teasing him. “Seems a bit premature. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to get past.”

  “What are you doing out here, anyway? Shouldn’t you be tucked up in your bed this late at night, or are you sneaking off to find a warmer one?” Elijah winced at the words as they came out of his mouth.

  “How dare you!” She stepped forward. “I don’t have to answer to you. Now move,” she demanded. A frown grew across her face as she crossed her arms.

  “I’m sorry, that was rude of me.”

  “Yes, it was,” she said before he could finish his thought.

  “Still, I shouldn’t let you wander around at night on your own. Why don’t you let me take you where you need to go?” He smiled, but she didn’t answer. “Or I can walk you back to your room?”

  “Why should I trust you? You’ve already proven you’re incompetent at observing anything by walking into me.”

  Elijah chuckled to himself. Let the lies continue. “Love, I might be an Elite, but I can’t see through walls.” He watched her roll her eyes and continued to try and charm her. “How about we start again? I’m Elijah,” he said, holding out his hand to take hers.

  She furrowed her brow but put her hand in his. “I’m Si-uh-Sara. I’m Sara.”

  Eli kissed the back of her hand and then smiled. “Where are you off to, Sara?” She frowned at him. “As a guard, it is my job to make sure everyone is safe.”

  “The kitchen to have some food. I got peckish and I know the chef leaves the leftovers out at night for anyone who needs a pick me up.”

  “After you then.” He stepped to the side and allowed her to pass, following her down the corridor.

  Upon reaching the kitchen, Elijah noticed there was a long table with benches down either side. Separated from the rest of the room with a half wall, the other side housed the cooker and storage for the food. Sara skipped forward and grabbed a handful of what looked like a dessert. A plate full of small round balls covered in chocolate. She took a bite and cream squirted out. He smiled and then bit his lip to stop from laughing.

  “So, you must be a pretty good fighter?” she asked, not noticing his amused expression. “To be in the guard, I mean. They don’t allow just anyone into the Elite, that’s why there is a tournament.”

  “I’ve had training since I was ten,” he paused. She pursed her lips and looked down at the balls in her hands.

  “The new captain, right?” asked Sara as she popped another ball in her mouth.

  “Yeah... What are those things you are eating?”

  “Cream balls. You want one?” She held one out to him.

  Taking it, Eli put the whole thing in his mouth and bit down. He swallowed it down after a few chews and licked his lips. “Yeah, I guess it’s alright.” He smiled as the last bit of sweet taste left his mouth.

  A noise to the right alerted them to someone else coming into the kitchen. “Quick, come with me,” Sara hissed as she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the kitchen and down the corridor.

  “Thought you said they were left out for anyone who needs a pick me up?” Elijah asked, as she pinned him to the wall and pulled one of the curtains around them.

  “Shut up, they’ll hear us.”

  “So, you lied,” he whispered in her ear. It was then he realised how close she was. He’d never been in such proximity to a woman before, and yet here he was pinned down by one.

  “Can you still hear them?”

  “Yes,” he lied, savouring the floral smell of her hair. “They’ll be past soon.” He pushed his arms around her back and pulled her closer. A bold move, but she seemed to allow it. He was tempted to kiss her, but as he moved his head forward, she stepped back.

  “I think they’re gone now.” He let her go, and she took another step away from his embrace. “Thank you. It wouldn’t have looked good if they had caught us. I better get back to bed now.”

  “Do you need me to take you? Make sure you get back alright?”

  “I’m in a castle full of patrolling guards, I’ll be fine.” She turned to leave, as her cheeks blushed, only making it two steps before she stopped and looked back over her shoulder. “It was nice to meet you, Elijah. See you around.” With a flick of her hair, she disappeared into the darkness, leaving him to walk back to his room. His mind filled with thoughts of her.



  The morning came too fast for Elijah. Still groggy with sleep, he dragged himself to the door, ready to meet Merrick. When he reached the training courtyard where Merrick was already practicing, he stopped, not wanting to break his uncle’s concentration on the slow moves. He was topless, revealing his Elven tattoos, and his chest glistened in the early morning sun. Merrick had always told him the markings were related to a script for the Elven god of wisdom, Galo. There were some girls standing in the nearby field swooning as they watched him.

  Two of them turned to each other and giggled, while the other fanned herself. They were all wearing similar dresses and one of them was still wearing her apron, a bundle of white cloth at her feet.

  Merrick has distracted them from their work. Elijah walked closer to them and cleared his throat. They huddled together and took off without another word. He had to smile to himself. It was odd to see women swooning over his uncle, and yet Merrick had hardly noticed.

  “You’re late,” Merrick said, turning to face him. “Get in here and grab a sword.”

  The doors to the barracks opened as guards emerged, ready to head to their posts.

  “I’m not late. You said dawn.” Elijah ducked beneath the top post of the fence and slipped into the training ground. “It’s dawn now.” He nodded his head to the soldiers going to their shifts.

  “Dawn is before the sun rises.” Merrick gestured up. “The sun has already risen, you’re late.”

  “Okay, I’m late. I’m sorry. Now what am I doing here?” Elijah asked. “You’ve been teaching me my entire life.”

  “Today we will do something different,” Merrick said as he threw something at Eli. Catching it with ease, Elijah furrowed his brow at the blindfold in front of him. “Put it on.”


  “Because, as you so rightly put, I’ve been training you since you were ten, but that hasn’t been your sole job. So, now it’s time to see how you fare against others. Blindfold on.”

  Three soldiers came into the sparring ring. Elijah gulped down his initial feelings of fear. He would show Merrick he didn’t need training. Blindfold on and he was ready for the first attack, but the second took him by surprise. A kick to his side sent him to the left where another attack caught his knees, sending Eli to the ground.

  “Come on Elijah, you’re better than this,” Merrick called. Eli put his arms up and blocked an attack to his head. Trying to focus on what Merrick has taught him, he caught one of the soldier’s legs as they came at him again but was knocked off balance by a punch to the back.

  “Stop.” Merrick’s voice echoed all around them. “I think that’s enough. Eli, you may take off your blindfold.” He ripped the blindfold from his eyes and looked up. “Still think you don’t need any training?” Merrick put his arms to his hips as two of the soldiers came over and helped Elijah up. He could’ve sworn he heard one of them mutter something as they walked off, but thought it better not to ask questions while in front of Merrick.

  “When it’s only one attacker I am fine,” said Elijah crossing his arms in a huff.

  “Yes, you demonstrated that well the other night. You’re comfortable fighting with me, not strangers or actual attackers. You nee
d training. If people attack the castle, they won’t come at you one by one.”

  “I don’t understand why you want me to do this.”

  “Because, I won’t always be around to protect you, and you should know how to protect yourself.” Merrick looked down at the ground. “Who knows? Maybe you can take over as Captain one day.”

  “I don’t need protecting,” he mumbled.

  “You do, more than you realise,” Merrick said. “Let’s try without weapons for now. Once you’ve mastered hand to hand, we will practice with a sword.”

  With a roll of his eyes, Eli agreed to continue training, hoping Merrick would allow him his freedom. They trained for a couple more hours before Elijah told Merrick about his riding session with Maevine. They wrapped up and Eli headed to the stables.

  No-one he knew was around. Only the stable hand who had taken Jaxon’s horse in when they had arrived yesterday. Eli walked up to Keela, who put her head over her stall’s gate when she heard him approach.

  “Nice to see you too, old girl. But I am afraid I don’t have any treats today, so how about a ride instead?” He stroked her nose, and she seemed to nod in answer.

  “I’d never have guessed you were so good with horses.” He turned to see Maevine standing there.

  Elijah smiled. “I have many hidden talents.” Maevine laughed and opened the door to the stall next to Keela’s. “Did you find out anything about the symbol on the note?”

  Maevine shook her head. “Not yet no. I’ll do some more digging though.” She stopped and turned to face him. “About today… I asked the princess if I could ride with you and…”

  Before she could finish speaking, four other girls walked into the stable.

  “Are the horses ready, Maevine?” That voice. He knew that voice, and it made his heart flutter.

  “In one moment they will be, Your Highness.” Maevine walked the black stallion out of the stall and saddled it up.

  The three girls who had walked in parted and the one who had spoken walked forward. It was the girl who he had encountered last night. His mouth hung open and one thought filled his head. I am such an idiot.

  “Your Highness,” Elijah said, bowing his head. He busied himself with getting Keela ready for the ride while Maevine finished saddling the two other horses. “Is it only yourself joining us today?” He looked at the other three girls standing in the doorway to the stables.

  “Yes. Lilliana and Aylee will wait for us to return while Mary prepares my clothes for this afternoon. The prince is arriving and my dress isn’t finished yet.” She walked past him to get next to her horse and her hair flowed behind her, the scent reaching Elijah’s nose. Just as sweet as before.

  Mary nodded her head and left. Maevine helped the princess up onto her horse and then climbed atop her own.

  “Well then,” Elijah said. “Lead the way, Maevine.”

  She kicked her horse and moved through the stables and out the door on the other side. The princess followed and Elijah at the rear. As they rode down the bank of grass, Keela picked up the pace and moved next to Maevine.

  “How are you feeling?” Maevine asked him, glancing back at the princess.

  “Fine, it’s been a bit of a whirlwind since I arrived.”

  Sienna rode between them, and Maevine had to lean forward to see him. “Yeah, leaving home for a funeral, being attacked by bandits and then being thrown into life in a castle must be overwhelming.”

  “You were attacked?” Sienna asked, her eyebrows raised.

  Eli nodded. “Yeah, they tried to rob us while we camped for the night. Maevine and I were in the tent, but I couldn’t leave Merrick. They needed an extra hand.” He shrugged, trying to play it cool.

  “He was amazing, Your Highness. Jumped out all ready to defend. It was incredible.”

  Sienna frowned. “Sounds like you risked your life for no reason. I’m sure the king’s guard would have been able to handle it.” She lifted her chin and stared straight ahead.

  Maevine caught Elijah’s eye and shrugged.

  “You’re probably right, Your Highness. Merrick is teaching me every morning, but I still have a lot to learn,” Elijah said. Maevine smiled at him and turned away to hide her giggle.

  They built up speed and trotted around a corner. They circled the large grounds and then headed back up towards the stables. Elijah opened his mouth to ask about the prince that was coming to visit, but the princess cried out as her horse reared.

  “Sienna!” Maevine cried, as the horse bolted at her cry.

  Elijah kicked Keela into a canter and raced after her. Sienna’s horse was fast, but Keela had been training to race ever since he got her. The mare slowly gained on the black stallion. Elijah leant over to the left, holding onto Keela with his thighs, one hand on the reins, and reached for Sienna’s.

  He missed, slipping from his saddle slightly, and the princesses’ horse veered away from him. Regaining his balance, he corrected himself in the saddle and urged Keela forward after the princess. He could see her horse heading towards the forest. I have to get to her before she reaches the trees. The princesses black stallion veered back towards him and he took this chance to really push Keela into going faster and reaching her before she fell off.

  Keela performed exceptionally and moved him exactly into the position he needed to be in alongside her. In one risky movement, Elijah swiped forward, grabbing hold of the other horse’s reins and pulled them both back, bringing them to a halt.

  He got down from his saddle and calmed the black horse’s nerves. Humming a tune that Keela always loved and calmed her down. “Princess, are you alright?”

  “Get me down from here!” She was flustered, looking from side to side but not moving. Eli reached up to help her and she twisted, foot catching in the stirrup and she fell backwards.

  She landed in his arms. “It’s alright, you’re safe,” he said, holding her close. “I’m going to put you down now, but please stay calm or your horse may scare again.”

  “Are you trying to suggest it was I who spooked him?”

  “Not at all. That was probably a snake,” he said, putting her down. “But if you don’t calm down, you will add to her fear.”

  “Your Highness!” Maevine rode up and slowed her horse as she reached them. “By the gods, are you both alright?”

  Elijah nodded while Sienna huffed and walked five paces away from them. He shook his head and moved to the black horse. His heart had slowed and the black stallion nudged Elijah’s shoulder with his head.

  “Maddox,” Maevine scolded gently as she passed. “Princess Sienna, shall we walk back to the castle?”

  “I just need a moment.” The princess put a hand on her stomach and took a deep breath.

  “She can always ride with me?” Elijah offered.

  “That’s a good idea.” Maevine looked up at the sky. “The prince will be here soon so we should get you back so you can change.”

  Sienna tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at Elijah. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking, but she nodded. Once he was back up on Keela, he helped the princess up and set her in front of him as they rode back to the stables.

  “Your Highness,” said a guard as they arrived back into the stables. “Prince John has been delayed by a day and so will only be here tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, Erleon.” The guard bowed and turned on his heels to leave. Sienna seemed to let out a breath of relief.

  Getting down, Elijah looked to Maevine as she rode in with both horses. A hand grabbed his, pulling his focus back to the princess, and Elijah helped her down. His hands lingered on her hips for longer than they should, and her eyes stared into his.

  “We should go, Your Highness.”

  Sienna cleared her throat. “Thank you, for saving me today.” She stepped back and lowered her head. “Maevine, come with me. The stable hand can put the horses away.” The princess clicked her fingers, and they all left.

  Elijah smiled to himself and patted Keela.
He stayed to help the stable boy put the horses back in their stalls before heading back into the castle.


  The Visiting Prince

  Training went as smoothly as it had the day before, and Elijah had a limp where his thigh had been kicked. A large oval shaped bruise was taking shape there, along with a smaller one further down. On the bright side, he had heightened his senses a bit, which allowed him to block more of their attacks than he had the day before. Merrick was seemingly unimpressed with him, and now he was having to go through some drills to end his morning,

  “Eli, straighten your back when you kick. You’ll fall once you hit your assailant otherwise,” Merrick called from the fence. He was leaning back in the late afternoon sun. The servant girls from the day before were watching again, but were now sitting down on a blanket. Elijah wondered how Merrick ignored the advances of the ladies. Even when he was younger, Merrick had accepted none of the comforts from the women who would make advances on him.

  Eli remembered there was one woman, two years ago, who kept coming around to see Merrick. She would bring her sword broken, and ask him to fix it, or request lessons for self-defence as she lived by herself. No matter what she tried, Merrick never took advantage or accepted a romance with her. He didn’t know if it was because of him, but Elijah knew there was a reason behind it.

  “Drill four.”

  He moved to Merrick’s command and faltered. His breath was heavy and his muscles were tight. Dirt ground underneath his knees as his legs gave out.

  “Elijah,” Merrick said as he moved to his side. A hand slipped under his arm and lifted him up. “Are you alright?”


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