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The Phoenix Blade: Project Justice

Page 18

by Andrew Hess

  Natalya plastered her sensual smile and batted her eyes playfully. “Good looking and powerful. I like that in a man.”

  Sanders exuberated confidence and was fooled into thinking he was well on his way to becoming the luckiest man in the world.

  “How would you like to make this a private party,” Sanders asked while caressing his thumb on Natalya’s shoulder.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  Sanders took Natalya by the hand. “I can bring you up to the luxury suites and show you Vegas like you’ve never seen it before.”

  “Very tempting,” Natalya paused and waited for the signal.

  Erik’s voice echoed over the com. “We’re in place.”

  Natalya downed her drink; stinging her as the liquor slid down her throat. “Let’s go.”

  I stood by and was forced to watch Sanders walk away with Natalya. The two goons accompanied them to the elevator and took it to the top floor.

  “Andrew,” Erik’s voice shouted into my earpiece. “Get to the elevator and rendezvous with Joe to setup the pinch bomb.”

  “I’m on it.” I entered the double doors and found Joe standing over two large bodies. “You do some nice work.”

  “I’ve handled worse. Let’s get downstairs.” Joe picked up a small backpack off the ground and held out a black and green card.

  “How did you…”

  “I told you this wasn’t the first time I pulled a job here. Come on let’s go we have work to do.”

  Chapter 74

  Natalya entered a lavish suite; marveling at how big it was in comparison to her room a few floors down. The room had a leather couch, a king sized bed, a hot tub and a full kitchen. She could tell that Sanders only used this room for high powered rich friends of his or to impress a woman enough to take her to bed.

  Natalya moved towards the large bay windows. Sanders was right, this suite had one of the best views of Las Vegas. “This is a pretty nice view.”

  “That’s not the only one I wanted you to see.” Sanders unzipped his pants and grabbed Natalya firmly by the arms.

  “That’s a pretty strong grip you have. Maybe we should take things a little bit slower.”

  “Why wait? I’m ready to go.” Sanders pushed Natalya towards the bed; smothering her neck with kisses. She could feel him getting bigger; poking her from behind.

  “Whoa buddy; you need to calm down a bit.”

  “You told me you like a man that’s strong and gets to the point. That’s exactly what I’m doing.”

  There was a loud noise in the distance as if someone used a sledgehammer to break down the door.

  “What the hell was that,” Sanders shouted. He looked at Natalya and threw her on the bed. “This will only take a minute.”

  Sanders exited the bedroom and found Erik standing over one of the large goons that followed Sanders everywhere. There was a giant hole in the door where Erik knocked the big man through.

  “What the hell are you doing here,” Sanders questioned.

  “I’m ending our business arrangement.” Erik steadily held out his gun; pointing it at Sanders and pulled the trigger. A loud firecracker like noise came from the gun as the bullet exited the barrel and slammed into Sanders’s heart.

  Natalya appeared visibly shaken from the bedroom. “Is he dead?” Erik shook his head yes as Natalya stepped over the body to hug Erik. She grabbed the gun from him and fired another two rounds; hitting him in his forehead and groin.

  “Hit the fire alarm and let’s go guys.”

  Chapter 75

  Nine o’clock was drawing closer as Lilly paced around the queen sized bed in her hotel room at the Roosevelt.

  “Calm down,” Mike said as he sat in a nearby chair watching TV. “They’ll be here in a little bit.”

  “Yeah but they were supposed to be here almost an hour ago. What if something went wrong? What if one of them is hurt? What if…”

  Mike grabbed Lilly by the arms; stopping her from walking in circles. “They’re fine, I’m sure of it. They probably just ran behind schedule and are on their way here now.”

  “But what if Walters shows up before they get here?”

  “Then I’ll follow you guys and keep an eye on you until they get back.” Mike waited until Lilly took a deep breath before sitting back in his chair.

  “How do I look,” she asked while playing with her hair.

  Mike looked her up and down; noticing the slit in the leg of the dress came up to mid-thigh. “If you were my sister, I’d put the fear of God into him.”

  Lilly blushed and said thanks as she stared at the clock on the wooden nightstand. The red numbers on the black screen showed eight fifty eight.

  “Where are they,” she whispered.

  There was a loud knock at the door that made Mike and Lilly jump to their feet. Mike flung himself under the bed while Lilly fixed her dress and opened the door.

  There were two muscular guards in black suits standing in back of Kevin Walters. He was wearing a silver suit with matching tie over a black button down silk shirt.

  “Hello Lilly, you look incredibly beautiful tonight.” He saw her cheeks glow with a rosy red tone. He took her by the hand; let her twirl around for a moment before leading her out of the room. “Are we all set?”

  Lilly hesitated; looked around the hall as if she expected Andrew or one of the others to come around the corner any moment and nodded her head yes in reply.

  “Splendid.” Walters followed the first guard while walking hand in hand with Lilly. The second guard trailed them to ensure no one came after them. “I believe we’re about to have the night of our lives.”

  Lilly plastered a fake smile across her face. All she could do was pray the group got there soon and eliminated Walters before he made a move on her. Her skin crawled every time Walters touched her; she couldn’t imagine what would happen if he tried to kiss her.

  They reached a private elevator in time to hear a small commotion down the hall. Lilly could hear Andrew’s voice in the distance as the doors closed. She knew he was there to save her.

  Chapter 76

  The Hummer pulled up to the Roosevelt just before nine. There was no time to waste. Lilly was about to meet up with Kevin Walters any moment and we were far from ready.

  “Do you think she can handle herself,” Erik asked as we hurried inside the building.

  “She should,” Natalya replied. “We talked this morning while shopping through my closet for the perfect dress for tonight. I gave her a killer purple studded dress. He’ll take one look at her and won’t care what she tells him.”

  Part of me was hoping Natalya was right, but Walters was a man that gets everything he wants out of life no matter the price. I was just hoping Lilly wasn’t the one having to pay for it.

  As our elevator doors opened, another set across the hall closed and we could see someone running down the hall towards us.

  “Whoa, what’s the hurry,” Erik asked; finding Mike sprinting around the corner.

  “Walters just picked Lilly up and took the elevator downstairs. I was trying to follow them.”

  “All right; let’s split up. Mike and I will go downstairs to keep an eye on Lilly. You three take care of what you need to up here.”

  Mike hit the button to call the elevator back, but Natalya pulled me aside. “I didn’t want to worry you back at the Reece, but things got a little more intense than we planned.”

  “How so?”

  “Sanders was getting a little too touchy feely for my taste. He was copping a feel and trying to insert himself in me. I held him off long enough for Erik to bust in and take him out.”

  The elevator doors opened behind me. Mike entered and stopped them from closing. “What are you saying?”

  “Don’t let her go anywhere alone with him. This guy seems like a creep; more than Sanders was. Lilly is a sweet girl; you need to make sure she stays that way. Take them out before he brings her somewhere they can be alone.”

“He won’t have a chance to do anything; I promise.” I said as the elevator doors closed.

  “Do you know where Walters is taking her,” I snapped at Mike as we plummeted several floors.

  “I don’t know. He talked about this being the night of their lives or a memorable night or something like that.”

  “What do you mean or something like that?”

  “I was trying to make sure no one saw me and was hiding under the bed. They were only at the door for maybe a minute before they headed towards the elevator.”

  “That doesn’t help us.”

  “Calm down; we’ll find her,” Mike reassured me.

  The steel doors opened; revealing a packed casino. The women in the gold and silver skimpy outfits were hidden in the crowds of gamblers; staying closer to any table that seemed like the action was getting hot.

  “Let’s spread out,” I commanded. “They have to be around here somewhere.”

  I needed to find her. The thought of Lilly being stuck with such a dangerous man made me want to go all Rambo on them. But I knew how good their security was thanks to Joe. It would be me with one gun against an army of well-trained shooters posing as security.

  Mike appeared moments later at my side. “I found them. They’re sitting in the VIP section upstairs at his restaurant, but it’s blocked off.”

  We scurried through the crowd; scouting the bar area and finding two large bald men standing guard at the entrance to the bar. No one was getting passed either of them; not unless they were a hot woman with a rack that would make their eyes pop out.

  “Sorry gentlemen,” one of the guards said as we approached. “This area is off limits tonight.”

  “Come on man,” Mike shouted using an annoying drunk voice. “I just wanna get another drink.”

  “I said it’s off limits. Go find one of the girls to take your order.” Mike inched forward, but the guards shoved him back. “Go before you’re thrown out for good.”

  “This is bullshit. There’s no one around to take my order.”

  “Calm down Mike,” I urged.

  “No, I want another drink and these damn bald morons won’t let me in.”

  I could see the guards getting pissed off at Mike’s antics. One of them whispered into the cuff of their jacket; no doubt calling for more security to escort us from the building.

  I pulled Mike’s arm; dragging him away from the guards. I knew we were asking for trouble. “Sorry,” I shouted back to the guards as we continued back towards a crowd walking by.

  “What the hell are you doing,” Mike snapped as he ripped his arm away from me. “I’m trying to help your girl.”

  “Yeah, but you almost got us kicked out instead.” Mike wanted to add his rebuttal but I held a hand up silencing him and pointed to the windows upstairs. “They’re on the move. Let’s go; we can’t be seen.”

  We power walked to the slot machines; keeping our eyes locked onto the restaurant and bar. It was the closest position to view the VIP section.

  “You need to get closer,” Mike suggested as he pointed out a spot near a set of glass doors and the Texas Hold Em tables.

  As I made my way to the tables, Walters and Lilly appeared with the two large bald men trailing behind them. Lilly caught my gaze, smiled and headed towards the elevators. But Walters had something else in mind. His eyes flashed my way and snatched Lilly’s wrist; forcefully pulling her closer to him as they neared the thick glass doors.

  “Stop, you’re hurting me,” Lilly shrieked.

  “You don’t think I know a setup when I see one,” Walters replied; his face contorting from the smooth businessman to enraged psychopath in the blink of an eye. “I see your boyfriend in the crowd; just like I did last night.”

  “You knew?”

  “Of course I knew. I know everything that happens in my casino. Now it’s time to pay the price.” Lilly struggled in his grasp, but Walters inched her towards the doors. “You get the pleasure of becoming one of my little whores while your friends get arrested.”

  Chapter 77

  I noticed something was wrong. Lilly’s eyes had pure terror in them as she struggled to free her wrist from Walters. Her body jerked away allowing me to see Walters pull a small revolver from his pocket and jab Lilly in the side with it.

  My hands were sweating as I pulled them into fists. My heart was pounding as I frantically searched for a way to help Lilly. I only had one chance to throw them off guard and take them out, but was too risky to do on my own.

  I could hear Mike’s voice echo in my ear as I started running towards the guards. “We need everyone down here now. They’ve made us and taken Lilly hostage.”

  I ignored the worried replies that rang in my ear; focusing on Walters as he swiped his security card over a keypad next to the double doors. The light switched from red to green and Walters pushed his way through; dragging Lilly behind.

  The guards turned to follow, but stumbled back as a bullet flew through the air; winging one of the bald guards in his left shoulder. It was the opportunity I needed. The guards backed towards the door; searching for the shooter as crowds of people ran frantically around after hearing the loud crack of a gun firing. The guards were distracted long enough. The door was closing and my window of opportunity was slipping away.

  I tucked my head and charged at full speed into the second guard; knocking him into the glass door; forcing it open and giving me the access I needed.

  I looked up; seeing Walters exit into the vault elevator in the distance; dragging Lilly behind him. I crawled towards them; feeling around for my gun and finding it several feet in front of me.

  More gunshots were heard as dozens of security guards grouped together to take down the shooter. I looked back wondering if Mike was alive; was he dead; did the others get downstairs yet? I crawled to my feet; taking a step back and seeing three more people hid behind a turned over poker table; returning fire at the security.

  I wanted to help them, but knew they were paving the way for me to save Lilly. I tried to take a step forward, but was stopped. A massive hand gripped my ankle, yanked my leg back; sending me crashing to the cold tiled floor. The guard I crashed into was awake and on the attack. His club like forearm bashed me in the back of the head before rolling me over until I was face up; staring at the ceiling.

  His face hovered over mine as he pointed his berretta to the side of my head. “You’re friends are outnumber,” he laughed. “They’re going to die because of you.” I glanced back towards the elevator. “Oh don’t worry about her. Mr. Walters is going to have some fun with her before tricking her out to his friends. Hell, Mr. Walters might let us have a turn with her for stopping you. And you…you get to go to jail.”

  I knew there was a good chance we were going to die there, but I wasn’t going down without a fight.

  “Fine you win,” I said pushing my hands up towards my shoulders. The big oaf never saw it coming.

  My right foot shot up; connecting with his groin. His concentration broke; giving me a moment to gauge his eyes and land a right to his jaw. His body slumped to the floor next to me; letting his gun fall to his side. I slid out from under, picked up his weapon and pointed the barrel directly in his face while pinning his arms down with my knees.

  “What’s the matter; you don’t like it when the gun is pointed in your face?”

  “Fuck you,” he spat.

  I slammed the butt of the gun into his nose; breaking it instantly. “You know who I am. You know what I’ve done. Take me to Walters or I swear I’ll pull the trigger in some very unpleasant places.”

  “You’d rather save her than your friends?”

  “They can handle themselves.” I cocked the hammer on the gun back placing the barrel just over his left hand. “I won’t ask again. Where are they?”

  He watched my finger rest on the trigger. I squeezed it slowly; moving maybe centimeters at a time.

  “They’re down in the vault,” he snapped. “There’s a tunne
l down there that leads to a private parking garage. Mr. Walters stores his showroom quality cars down there.”

  I patted his head like a dog. “Good boy. Now, get up slowly and don’t try anything funny.” I backed off the guard; keeping the gun pointed at him. “Take me down to the vault.”

  “You won’t make it out alive,” he smirked.

  I spun him around as we heard a high pitched click behind us. Joe and Natalya entered through the thick glass doors using a key card they pocketed from one of the guards.

  “Easy Drew,” Joe said as he raised his hands.

  “Where are the others?”

  “They’re holding off the rest of the guards. We slipped in to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine, but Walters tool Lilly down to the vault. We need to get down there.”

  “Then you might need this.” I looked down at Joe’s left hand and saw the green Celtic cross on the sheath of my sword. He took the strap; draped it over my shoulder and took over watching the guard. He nudged the bald man with the gun. “I suggest you open the doors and bring us to the vault.”

  The guard knew he was outnumbered. Even if his backup made it through the door to save him, he knew there was no way to make it out alive.

  “Fine, follow me.”

  The guard inserted his keycard and pressed the down arrow; bringing the elevator back to the main floor. The steel doors slowly opened.

  “Get in,” Joe snapped.

  The elevator threw us down several floors until we reached a long deserted hallway.

  We marched the guard down the corridor until we reached a solid steel door. “Open it,” I commanded.

  “Why should I? You’re just going to kill me anyway.”

  Natalya picked his pocket and looked through his wallet; taking out a picture of a little girl. “But could you live with yourself knowing something happened to this little girl?”

  “You leave my daughter out of this.”

  Natalya put the picture in the guard’s pocket. “Help us and I promise nothing will happen to either of you.”

  The guard hesitantly punched in the code. The lock retracted and the vault door swung open. Joe knocked out the bald man and dragged him inside with us.

  “Can’t be too careful.”

  We expected to hear silence, but all we heard were the echoes of a woman sobbing and shouting.


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