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Kidnapped and Bound for Hell

Page 3

by Philip R Benge


  John Ryman drove on by the gate and parked some half a mile further on. Funny he mused, to be back in Lower Boulding, he wondered how his family were, but he knew better than to call on them, his mother would only go on at him about his chosen profession and then they would argue, loudly, which would upset his sisters. He would finally get so fed up with her nagging that he would swear at her and leave. That was how his last home visit had gone, no it would be far easier to stay away from home and just get on with his job.

  He had realised that his investigation into Bourbon and his disgusting activities might take more than a night, so he had brought a suitcase, which contained a change of clothes and other essential supplies, such as his razor. He decided to check into the Vista Hotel, a small but clean hotel that wasn`t over expensive, and which was also within walking distance of Bourbon`s new home. Leaving his suitcase in the room, he decided to walk over to a small but rather expensive restaurant that he remembered from his last visit home, and he dined there. The church clock was just striking ten o`clock and he had finished eating and was now walking slowly back along a familiar side road until he came to Fairbrother road. This road started at the far end of the village and went back towards the motorway from which Ryman had driven down. As he walked along it, Ryman realised that Bourbon was living in what once was the Fairbrother estate. Now, Ryman thought sadly, it was owned by Bourbon who used it as a base to make even more millions, and maybe conduct his own very perverted lifestyle. He wished that he could have studied the file that Father Pritchard had on the man, to see what else was known about Bourbon.

  Ryman entered the estate using some much-unused muscles; they enabled him to clamber over the new and well-made wooden fence that was obviously intended to deter uninvited guests. Ryman wondered about the possibility of any High-Tec surveillance equipment as he entered further into the grounds along a narrow animal trail, but he didn`t notice any, unless of course it was very High-Tec in which case he would soon be asked to explain why he was sneaking around on the estate. He followed a very narrow track, constantly having to duck beneath overhanging branches for two minutes before stopping. Ahead of him he heard voices, and then he saw a couple of men, but they didn`t appear to be looking for intruders. Although they were obviously in Bourbon`s employ, they seemed more like heavies than country estate workers. Ryman had immediately ducked behind a large oak tree on hearing the men, and now he watched them as they walked along a slightly wider track than the one used by Ryman. Ryman waited until they had disappeared around a bend in the track before he moved forward, and then he stopped for another moment while he listened for any further signs of anyone coming his way. Hearing nothing, he then set off along the track in the opposite direction to that taken by two men. In just one minute he found that he was in a small glade hidden deep within the woods that made up most of the estate. In the centre of the moonlit glade was a large pile of wood that was obviously an unlit bonfire, beside this he saw a large chair that Ryman assumed was Bourbon`s throne for the night. On the opposite side he saw what he assumed was a sacrificial altar, although thankfully there didn`t appear to be any outward signs of recent use.

  Ryman didn`t need to think about the situation before him for too long, he knew from his research that tonight was the night of the autumn equinox, and he now foresaw a night that would make a marvellous second article. Ryman moved to one side of the glade and back into the woods, here he found some ferns to hide amongst for his covert surveillance of the coming festivities. He had chosen a place where he should remain hidden from whoever was going to attend the bonfire party, but also a position where he would also be able to obtain some very good photographs. His expensive digital camera would easily cope with the dim lighting without the need to resort to flash photography, which in any case would mean giving his presence away to a bunch of psychotic perverts, no the light given off by the bonfire would be more than adequate. Ryman grinned, he thought of his editor`s face when he saw the photographs and read the article, yes he was looking forward to seeing a very happy editor quite soon, and a good cheque to cover the discomfort of tonight.

  The faraway church clock was striking eleven thirty when he heard further signs of life, and coming from the direction of the old manor house, he then saw a figure appear, one who he assumed was Bourbon, with him were twelve other people, they were all wearing different masks and some of the men even wore costumes. Ryman could tell that many of them were already drunk, these he assumed were either, members who were new comers to the pagan religion, or else they were members who needed to be drunk to participate in the perversions that he would hopefully see performed before him that night.

  The figure who he thought of as Bourbon nodded to a giant of a man who stepped forward and lit the bonfire, it immediately blazed into life as an accelerant had previously been added to the stack of wood. A cloud of red smoke suddenly clouded Ryman`s view for a moment, something extra must have been added to the bonfire to give this theatrical effect, Ryman thought. The smoke engulfed the members of the coven who now began to dance around the large bonfire screaming out the cry, ‘Lord Lucifer look upon us favourably.’ The dancing grew wilder and several of the Satanists began to engage in various sexual activities, Ryman smiled, for he knew that the photographs that he was taking of the satanic orgy would please the readers of the Sunday tabloid. The smoke gradually drifted his way and Ryman began to feel a little light headed, he wondered if it was having a hallucinogenic effect on him. For twenty seconds at least the satanic party was hidden by the smoke, but as it cleared, he saw the figure that he assumed was Bourbon, walk over to the altar, and he looked down at a young boy who was bound there; his coven immediately turned towards the young boy and cried out ecstatically. Ryman had never stopped taking photographs while on an assignment before, but he did now.

  Ryman went rigid, when had the boy arrived, while the orgy was temporarily hidden from him by the smoke, for he surely hadn`t seen the boy make his appearance? Now his blood ran cold, for he watched as Bourbon took a large ornate knife from under his cloak, surely Bourbon didn`t intend to murder the young boy, not before all of these witnesses, Ryman thought?

  “Oh Lucifer, lord of this world and the next, we beseech you to appear to us now, to watch over us as we dedicate this virgin boy to you. Honour us with your presence that we may worship you. We offer this soul to you to do with as is your desire.”

  A groan of anticipation came from the assembled Satanists as they turned as one to the throne. Ryman too looked at it wondering what trickery Bourbon had ready for his coven. The throne suddenly became lost to his view as another cloud of red smoke appeared, this time it engulfed the throne until a breeze sprang up and blew the smoke away, it blew over the coven, and then Ryman hidden within the trees. As the area around the throne cleared, Ryman could make out a figure who was sitting on the throne. Ryman gasped, for he saw before him the satanic horned goat, the name Baphomet sprung instantly to Ryman`s mind from his internet searches, and he cringed in terror even though part of his mind was telling him that it wasn`t real, it was all part of Bourbon`s theatre. Then the eyes of the coven turned once more to Bourbon and they cried in unison.

  “Give his soul to our great lord Baphomet that he might tell our Lord Lucifer of his followers here on Earth.” Ryman`s eyes were also torn away from the terrible figure of the horned goat and back to Bourbon.

  Bourbon brought the knife down and pierced the heart of the young boy; the boy felt nothing though for he was drugged. The giant of a man moved forward, grabbed hold of the dead boy by his legs, and held him aloft. Bourbon slit the throat of the dead boy and blood began to drip down into a large bowl that he had set on the altar. The Satanists cheered and hurriedly moved forward as Bourbon then brought out a gold goblet and began to fill it with the dead boy`s blood.

  “This is for you my Lord Baphomet.” Bourbon cried taking the gold goblet over to the demon on the throne. The members of the coven quietened in
expectation of what they were about to witness.

  It was now during this moment of silence that Ryman let out an involuntary groan as he tried to stop from spewing out his earlier meal. The crowd turned towards him and pointed towards his hiding place. Ryman stood up and looked towards the Satanists, his mind was in turmoil, he felt more terrified than he had ever been before, but thankfully his self-preservation mode kicked in and he turned and ran back through the woods towards the safety of the road.

  Bourbon saw Ryman running away, he also saw the camera gripped firmly in his hand, and he turned to his followers, his angry voice chasing after the now fleeing Ryman.

  “Bring him back to me, and ensure that you don`t forget to also bring me his camera.” He demanded. “He must be punished for his insult to our magnificent Lord.”

  Ryman could hear the Satanists pursuing him and couldn`t resist looking back, this almost proved fatal for he caught his foot in the root of a large tree, and he only just stopped himself from falling to the ground, and what would have been his imminent death. He still held on firmly to his camera, for he had taken more than two dozen photographs in the short time since the ceremony had started, they would present him with enough evidence to send these perverted murders to jail for a very long time, or so he hoped. He saw the wooden fence before him and was soon over it, but this is hardly surprising as he did have some of the followers of Satan chasing close behind him

  Back at the small glade, the giant of a man who was called Guy Rochelle laid the body of the dead boy back on to the altar and looked to his master. The horned goat approached him and took off its terrible headdress to reveal the head of a woman dressed in a very lifelike costume of a large goat. Bourbon was deep in thought but his mind soon came up with the answers he required.

  “Take your costume off Sybil and stow it away, then you can help Guy to clean up this mess and dispose of the body as you did his parents. I will summon real demonic assistance in case our interloper escapes from the estate.” That Bourbon was in a really bad mood because of the snooper spying on them was an understatement, he vowed to have his vengeance on their spy, and in a way that would tear at the man`s very soul.

  Bourbon walked to the spot that Ryman had been hiding and after just a moment he smiled, there on the floor was a business card giving the Satanist all the information he required about John Ryman. He picked it up and returned to the manor house where he took off his mask and stowed it away with his other satanic regalia. He was once again a respectable businessman. He quickly copied the details shown on the business card, which Ryman had inadvertently lost, into a small notebook. Then he went down to the cellar and walking to one end of it he slipped his hand behind a stack of empty wine crates and pulled a lever, a concealed door slid open to reveal a Satanic temple. Turning the light on Bourbon hurried across to the altar that was positioned at the rear of the temple, behind the altar he slipped behind a large tapestry that showed a scene from Dante`s famed book; the Doomed Souls embarking to cross the Acheron was depicted in all of its glory. Behind the tapestry was a small laboratory. He first took down a glass jug and put it on to the table that filled the centre of the room. Then he took various ingredients down from the shelves that lined the walls and put them into the jug. Then he selected an ornate glass spoon from amongst a tray of utensils and mixed the contents of his jug. When he was satisfied that his mixture was correct he put the business card onto a deep glass tray that always sat on the table; next he poured the contents of the jug into the tray.

  “Veigel obey my call so that I might punish the man who ruined our devotions to the terrible but most magnificent Lord Lucifer.” Bourbon said in a voice that rang loudly within the confines of the small laboratory. Moments later a thin veil of smoke began to rise from the liquid before him and he now spoke again.

  “Veigel come to me I command you.” Bourbon commanded. Veigel, a minor demon that he used on such occasions as this appeared behind the veil of smoke, his stunted body bent and his face terribly misshapen.

  Bourbon was almost sick as the stench of the beast reached him, but he showed no outward sign of it.

  “Veigel, show me where this man John Ryman is staying the night, so that I might visit him.” Bourbon commanded the small demon.

  “Of course Master.” Veigel replied in a thin rasping voice that Bourbon always had trouble understanding.

  An image of the Vista Hotel appeared in the veil of smoke before him, and he watched as Ryman entered his room earlier that evening with his suitcase. Bourbon smiled, if his followers failed him then he would catch up to the meddler soon enough.

  “Now show me where he is now.” He once again commanded the lesser demon, who was his to command, as long as the demon was suitable recompensed.

  The image now showed Ryman running into the entrance of his hotel; he had apparently given the chasing Satanists the slip. Bourbon swore loudly and turned to the minor demon.

  “Be gone foul one until I need you again.” Bourbon commanded. But the demon didn`t go immediately, instead it looked up at Bourbon, its red eyes radiating with the evil that oozed like water from the demon`s presence here on Earth.

  “I need paying Master.” Veigel`s voice now sounding much happier than before, much less servile.

  “Here take it and be gone.” Bourbon commanded as the demon rushed at him and took his payment. When sufficiently satisfied with his payment he disappeared from view leaving behind him the foul stench of hell. Bourbon stood for a moment, weakened by the lesser demon. At that moment Bourbon vowed that after tonight others would be made to pay the blood fee. The fee for their services would eventually lead to him becoming a powerful master of the satanic arts. Knowing that he must call upon the intruder and destroy the camera, Bourbon, now donned a suit much like the one worn by Sybil at the satanic ceremony, and then he knelt by the altar.

  “Mughasar, I am going on a journey, I command you to assist me, make your presence known to me now, and this I command you.” Bourbon`s voice roared out and it was only seconds later that another lesser demon appeared before him.

  “I am here oh master, what is it that you would command of me?”

  This demon looked more like a man than Veigel had done, although his head was quite large and had horns growing out of the top of it; he was jet black in colour with huge red eyes that seemed to glow, and it had large sharp teeth within its cavernous mouth.

  “You see the man here; the one shown in the veil of smoke Mughasar?” Bourbon said pointing at the veil of smoke. His voice sounded so menacing that it even made the lesser demon Mughasar, cringe. “He has intruded on one of our most holy of celebrations and we must teach him a lesson in manners. His name is John Ryman; before the night is over, I will make him wish that he had never been born. Take me to his lodgings Mughasar, that I might punish him for his blasphemous behaviour.”


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