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Thomas Cromwell

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by Diarmaid MacCulloch

  Farmer, Richard, 523

  Fastolf, George, 61

  Felixstowe Priory, 83

  Ferdinand I, King of the Romans and Holy Roman Emperor, 136

  Ferrar, Robert, Prior of Nostell, Bishop of St Davids, 490, 533

  festivals, religious

  Fetyplace, Edward, 66–7, 587

  feudal rights: see uses; wardship

  Field of the Cloth of Gold, 206

  Field, John, 244

  Fiennes, Thomas I, 8th Baron Dacre of the South, 324–6

  Fiennes, Thomas II, 9th Lord Dacre of the South, 326

  Finch, John, 367

  First Fruits and Tenths, Act for (1534), 265–6, 274, 284

  Fish, Simon, 120

  Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester, 95–7, 144, 158, 166, 190, 227, 239, 243, 304, 311

  and Cambridge University, 276

  and annulment of Aragon marriage, 116, 233

  imprisoned, 218, 249–51, 264, 267, 287

  death, Plate 39; 268, 278–82, 284–6, 289–90, 297, 304, 350, 359, 380, 473, 487

  and Cromwell, 229, 237, 248–50, 280

  Fisher, Robert, 267

  Fisher, Thomas, 304–5

  Fitzalan, Henry, Lord Maltravers, 24th Earl of Arundel, 370, 534

  Fitzgerald, Gerald, 9th Earl of Kildare, 255–6, 329

  Fitzgerald, Thomas, Baron of Offaly, 10th Earl of Kildare (‘Silken Thomas’), 254–7, 328–9, 482

  Fitzherbert, Anthony, 547

  Fitzjames, John, 302

  Fitzroy, Henry, Duke of Richmond and Somerset, 207, 258–9, 271, 311–12, 329, 357, 372, 386, 418, 436, 439

  Fitzthomas, Thomas, 11th Earl of Desmond, 257

  Fitzwilliam, William, 1st Earl of Southampton, 93, 97, 105, 132–3, 165, 176, 184, 229, 312, 326, 350, 386, 392–3, 397, 406–7, 436, 497

  as Earl of Southampton, 437, 507, 513–14, 523–6, 534, 538

  Flicke, Gerlach, Plate 16

  Florence, 23–4, 28, 41, 56, 72, 101, 111

  Ford Palace, 420

  Forest, John, Plate 434; 459–61, 464–5

  fornication, 167

  Fotheringhay College, 489, 646

  Fowler, Roger, 203–4, 209

  Fox, Richard, Bishop of Winchester, 14

  Foxe, Edward, 191, 244, 252, 304, 385, 412, 414, 417, 446

  diplomacy, 262, 291, 347, 353, 364–6

  death, 445, 507

  see also Collectanea Satis Copiosa

  Foxe, John, 33, 74, 109, 177, 341, 504–5

  Acts and Monuments (‘Book of Martyrs’), Plate 40; 22, 26, 32–4, 68, 97, 105–10, 115, 120, 461, 477, 528, 532

  Framlingham, 512

  France, 12–14, 86, 108, 115, 126, 237–8, 248, 259, 274, 310, 398, 443–5, 498

  ambassadors to and from: see Bonner; Browne, Anthony; Gardiner; Howard, Thomas; Marillac; Perreau; Vaux; Wallop; Wyatt

  Kings: see François I; Philippe IV; Queens: see Mary Tudor

  Reformation in, 333

  wars with, 52, 55, 98, 191, 540

  see also Valois dynasty

  Franciscans, 164, 268–9, 453, 457; see also individual friaries; Observant Franciscans

  François I, King of France, 84, 86, 121, 135, 156, 191–2, 206–9, 222, 238, 277, 279, 288–9, 412, 443–4, 448, 477, 491, 493, 526

  Frankfurt am Main, 495

  free will, 120

  Freeman, John, 322, 377–8, 381, 383, 386, 391, 466, 490

  Frescobaldi, Francesco, 23–5, 27, 41

  Frescobaldi, Girolamo, 23

  Frescobaldi, Leonardo, 23, 25

  friars and friaries, 62, 73, 241, 264–5, 268, 270, 273, 289, 295, 319, 330–31, 395, 399, 411, 459–61, 481, 522; see also Austin Friars; Carmelites; Dominican Friars; Franciscan Friars; London: Crutched Friars; Observant Franciscans

  dissolution, 410, 442, 452–9, 461–3, 467, 490, 532

  Frith, John, 67, 139–40, 244–5

  Fulham, 7

  Fuller, Thomas, 9, 106, 201, 479, 518

  funerals, 465, 467–8; see also eucharist: requiems

  Fyllol, Jasper, 190, 282–3

  Gage, John, 91–3, 98, 100, 105, 107–8, 117–20, 240, 431, 433, 441, 484, 497, 538, 540, 687

  Galway, 521

  Gardiner, Germain, 244–5

  Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester, Plate 15; 117, 244, 250, 261, 264, 275, 277, 304–6, 310, 497–8, 676

  Master of Trinity Hall Cambridge, 178

  in Wolsey’s service, 75–6, 83, 90, 100, 177, 203, 251

  and annulment of Aragon marriage, 83, 115, 218

  royal Secretary, 100, 102, 118, 132–3

  made Bishop of Winchester, 132, 228, 242

  embassies, 158–9, 177–8, 237, 248, 314, 337, 465, 475

  defies Henry VIII, 177, 248, 259, 348, 541

  and Six Articles, 499–500

  confrontations with Barnes, 507, 516–17, 523

  ejected from Privy Council, 507–8, 516

  and Cranmer, 135–7

  and Cromwell, 158–9, 176–8, 186, 314–15, 337–8, 523–4, 529

  servants: see Cromwell alias Williams; Paget; Wriothesley

  ‘Wily Winchester’, 177, 314

  writings, 279, 304, 365–6

  Garigliano, battle of, 22–3

  Garrett, Thomas, 66, 376, 516, 532–4

  Garter, Knights and ceremonies, 334–5, 338, 341, 402, 424, 427–9, 437, 478, 520, 522, 525

  General Councils, 190, 227, 237–8, 289, 412, 446–7, 459; see also Lateran; Mantua

  Geneva, 288, 367, 371

  Genoa, 210

  Geoffrey of Monmouth, 144, 227

  Geraldines (Fitzgerald family), 152–3, 254–7, 329–30, 406, 480–2, 545

  German language, 27, 142

  Germany, 109, 141, 176–7, 207, 257, 260–63, 445, 508

  see also Holy Roman Empire; Jülich-Cleves-Berg; Lutheranism; Schmalkaldic League

  Geyle, Gerrit, 287

  Ghent, 111

  Ghinucci, Girolamo, Bishop of Worcester, 42, 110, 278

  Gifford, George, 322

  Gifford, Nicholas, 126

  Gigli, Silvestro, Bishop of Worcester, 42

  Giggs, Margaret, 409

  Gilbertine Order, 295, 321, 388, 463

  gilds, 241; see also London: Mercers’ Company; Merchant Taylors’ Gild

  Glass of the Truth, 190–91

  Glastonbury Abbey, 320, 509–10, 691

  Glossop, Nicholas, 17

  Gloucester Priory and Cathedral, 510–11, 691

  Gloucestershire, 297, 300, 302

  God: see Holy Spirit; Jesus Christ; Mary; Roods; unitarianism

  Godolphin, William, 375, 438, 445

  Gold, Henry, 268

  Goodall, John, 500

  Goodricke, John, 221

  Goodricke, Thomas, Bishop of Ely, 19–20, 114, 213, 252, 262, 384, 412

  Goring, William, 497–8, 632

  Gostwick, John, 200, 274, 284, 536–7

  Gough, John I, of Calais, 45

  Gough, John II, printer, 192, 222, 288, 460–61

  grace: see justification

  Grafton, 86, 429

  Grafton, Richard, 416, 492

  Grande Chartreuse, 281

  Grantham, 473

  Granvelle: see Perrenot

  Great Councils, 235–7, 411

  ‘Great Matter’: see Henry VIII: annulment

  Greek, 28, 306, 367

  Greenwich Palace and Friary 108, 164, 227–30, 238, 247, 310, 334, 337–8, 369, 395–6, 407, 417, 459, 515, 637–8

  Gregory I, Pope, 37

  Grenville (Plantagenet), Honor, Lady Lisle, 186, 335, 449–51, 479, 484, 509, 522
r />   Grenville, John, 270

  Gresham, Richard, 27

  Grey (Dudley), Cecily, Lady Dudley, 47

  Grey, Lord George, 46–7

  Grey, Henry, 3rd Marquess of Dorset, 7th Duke of Suffolk, 48–9, 370, 541–2, 551

  Grey, Lord John, 47, 369

  Grey, Lord Leonard, Viscount Graney, 47–8, 180, 329–30, 347, 376, 521–2, 527, 534, 545

  and Irish faction, 404–7, 480–82, 546

  Grey, Thomas I, 1st Marquess of Dorset, 54; see also Bonville

  Grey, Thomas II, 2nd Marquess of Dorset, 46–50, 54, 56, 60–61, 178, 180, 309, 329, 618; see also Wotton

  Grey, Lord Thomas III, 47

  Grey, William, 460, 533

  Griffith alias Griffin, Maurice, 200

  Grynaeus, Simon, 136, 366, 368, 619

  Guidotti, Antonio, 25

  Guildford, 367–8, 426

  Guildford, Edward, 48, 193, 369, 467, 484–6

  Guildford, Henry, 43–4, 48, 60–61, 133, 309, 369, 485–6

  Guildford, Richard, 300, 467: see also Vaux

  Guisborough Priory, 388, 400

  Guise, Marie de, 444, 446

  Gwalther, Rudolph, 367–70, 414, 484

  Gwent, Richard, 409

  Gwynedd, John, 212

  Hacket, John, 25–6, 286

  Hackney, Plate 23; 340–41, 350–51, 356, 520

  Hail Mary, 413, 481

  Hailes Abbey, 63, 298–9, 420, 453, 477, 490

  Halden, 485

  Hales, Christopher, 105, 144, 149, 157, 194, 272, 355, 384, 419

  Hales, John, 549, 612

  Hall, Edward, 96–8, 149, 159, 531

  Hall, Francis, 93

  Hall, Thomas, 168, 173, 224

  Hallom, John, 400

  Haman, 331

  Hamburg, 262–3, 446

  Hammond, Thomas, Prior of London Austin Friars, 448

  Hampshire, 298, 437, 497–8, 500

  Hampton Court Palace, 14, 87, 128, 205, 356, 431, 435, 440, 520

  handwriting, 50–51, 181, 214, 423, 441

  Hanseatic League, 262–3, 277

  Hanworth, 132, 177, 205

  Hardham Priory, 200

  Hare, Nicholas, 498

  Harman, Richard, 114

  Harpsfield, Nicholas, 4

  Harrowden Hall, 58

  Hartlebury, 534

  Hatfield, 347

  Hatton, Christopher, 542

  Havering-atte-Bower, 445

  Hawford, Philip, Abbot of Evesham, Dean of Worcester, 489, 510

  Hawkins, Nicholas, 191, 195, 237

  Hawkyard, Alasdair, 159

  Haynes, Simon, 290, 462

  Heath, Nicholas, Bishop of Rochester, Archbishop of York, 261, 291, 366, 449, 517

  Hell, 460

  Helston, 549

  Helyar, John, 474

  Heneage, Thomas, 176, 348, 382, 393, 478

  Henry II, King of England, 528

  Henry V, King of England, 12

  Henry VI, King of England, 55

  Henry VII, King of England, 12–14, 24, 57, 170, 183, 201, 318, 324, 374–5, 402

  Henry VIII, King of England and Ireland, Plate 35; 12–15, 34, 42–3, 81–2, 91–2, 138–9, 157, 173, 197, 226, 234, 419, 437, 459, 473, 493, 551

  annulment of Aragon marriage, Chs. 4–9, 262, 275, 281, 310, 318, 345

  royal summit in Calais, 184–5, 191–2, 214

  marriage to Anne Boleyn, Ch. 9

  excommunicated, 237–8, 477–8

  1535 progress, Ch. 13

  annulment of Boleyn marriage, 339–40, 529

  marriage to Jane Seymour, 345, 351, 359

  and Pilgrimage of Grace, Chs. 16–17

  marriage proposals, 438–9, 443–4, 461, 493–5, 508

  marriage to Anne of Cleves and annulment, 512–23, 528–9, 532, 535

  marriage to Katherine Howard, 529, 535

  ill-health, 520, 541

  marriage to Katherine Parr, 540

  death and will, 540–42

  tomb, 111, 537

  assessment and character, 13, 43, 110, 115, 141, 158, 167, 169, 182, 201, 262, 306, 339, 374, 480, 504, 514, 538

  books, 138, 141, 227

  building, 171; see also defence, palaces

  and Cromwell, 5–6, 27, 102, 106–10, 126–8, 141, 145, 162, 168–71, 184–5, 261, 272, 302, 310, 392–4, 396–9, 406–7, 413, 416, 440, 442–3

  dedications to, 290–91, 313

  foreign policy, 134–43, 156–7, 442–52

  and humanism, 290–91, 415–16, 443, 495

  and ‘middle way’, 289, 449, 494, 532, 499–500, 526, 531

  and monasteries, 97, 201, 299–300, 491

  and Parliament, 52, 95–6, 159, 163, 167, 217–19, 323

  and Reformation, 190, 243, 245, 256, 260

  and social reform, 186–8, 502

  religious outlook, 71, 120, 135, 137, 163, 185, 211, 243, 245, 289, 363–71, 413, 452, 466, 476–7, 499, 524–5, 528

  writings, 43, 191

  see also Supremacy, Royal

  Herbert, Edward, Lord Herbert of Chirbury, 20, 56, 98, 518, 527–8

  Herbert, William, 18th Earl of Pembroke, 541

  Hereford, Bishops: see Foxe; Skip

  diocese, 274, 350, 465

  heresy, 94, 96, 120, 160, 236–7, 241–5, 282, 361, 401, 417, 452, 459–61, 465, 483, 504, 525, 528–30, 532–3, 535; see also persecution, religious

  Hertford, Earl of: see Seymour

  Hertfordshire, 549

  Hessen, 365; Landgraf: see Philipp

  Hever Castle, 428

  Hexham Priory, 380–81, 388, 434

  Hidden (Doyley), Alice, 68

  Hidden alias Eden, Clydesdale or Ledesdale, John 67–8

  Higden, John, 76, 152

  Hilsey, John, Bishop of Rochester, 200, 265, 302, 304, 331, 384, 412, 455, 463, 475, 517, 455, 463, 475, 517

  preaching, 264, 311, 418, 453, 460, 477, 453, 460, 477

  Hinchingbrooke, 521n

  Hinton Charterhouse, 250

  history and historiography, Tudor, 4, 115, 226–7, 417, 464–5, 528

  Hoby, Philip, 478

  Holbein, Hans, the Younger, Plates 2–3, 19, 21, 24–7, 31–7; 174–5, 363, 426, 461, 493, 506, 540

  Holder, Nicholas, 39–40

  Holgate, Robert, Master of the Gilbertines, Bishop of Llandaff, Archbishop of York, 295, 388, 400, 451, 463, 527

  Holland, Elizabeth, 181

  Holland, Hugh, 475

  Holme Cultram Abbey, 50, 194

  Holy Blood of Hailes, 298, 453, 477

  holy days: see saints

  holy orders: see ordination

  Holy Roman Empire, 24–5, 115, 135–6, 191, 260–63, 310, 315, 333–4, 443, 446

  ambassadors to and from: see Chapuys; Hacket; Hutton; Mendoza; Pate; Wyatt

  Diet, 136

  Emperors: see Charles V; Ferdinand I

  see also Germany

  Holy Spirit, 464, 500

  Holyhead, 257, 405

  homosexuality, 300; see also Buggery

  Horde, Edmund, 250

  Horncastle, 384

  Horne, William, 410

  Horsey, Jasper, 474

  Horsham St Faith Priory, 432

  Horsman, Leonard, 196, 380

  Horsman, Margery, 316, 335, 380

  Horsman, Roger, 196, 380, 630

  Horwood alias Placet, John, 298–9, 305

  hospitals, 294

  Hotoft (Huttoft), Henry, 25

  Hotoft, John, 25

  Hough, Richard, 103

  Hough, William, 102–3: see also Cromwell

  Houghton, John, 2
50, 280–82

  Howard (Vere), Anne, Countess of Oxford, 220, 223

  Howard, Katherine: see Katherine Howard

  Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey, 180–81, 357–8, 541–2

  Howard (Fitzroy), Mary, Duchess of Richmond, 258, 358

  Howard, Thomas I, 13th Earl of Surrey, 7th Duke of Norfolk, 512

  Howard, Thomas II, 14th Earl of Surrey, 8th Duke of Norfolk, Plate 14; 46, 56, 75, 83, 95–6, 99–101, 108, 115, 117–18, 127, 133, 152, 165, 192, 228–9, 235, 255, 277, 317, 335, 339, 349–50, 359, 436, 439, 448, 460, 495, 503, 521, 613

  embassies, 179, 511

  and monasteries, 308, 355, 429–35, 490, 501, 511–12

  and Pilgrimage of Grace, 386–8, 390–92, 396, 399, 402, 407, 409, 415, 429

  and Six Articles, 498–9, 504–5

  arrest and imprisonment, 179–81, 541

  assessment and character, 358

  and Cromwell, 91–2, 126, 132–3, 169, 173–4, 178–81, 204, 224, 258–9, 357–8, 386–7, 406–7, 429–35, 437–8, 444–5, 479, 484, 504–5, 516, 525–6, 529, 538

  and foreign policy, 315, 444, 526

  regional power, 176, 293, 355–6, 359, 430–31, 497, 539

  religious outlook, 190, 244, 435

  see also Stafford

  Howard, Thomas III, 9th Duke of Norfolk, 504–5

  Howard, Lord Thomas IV, 357–8, 439

  Hoxne, 355

  Hubberdine, John, 473

  Hull, 400, 409

  Humanism, Renaissance, 28, 69, 82, 264, 290–91, 443; see also Coverdale; Cranmer; Cromwell; Erasmus; Gardiner; Grynaeus; Melanchthon; Tunstall

  Hungary, 277

  Hungerford, 67

  Hungerford, Walter, 1st Baron Hungerford, 530

  Hunne, Richard, 242

  Hunsdon, 312, 349, 351

  Hunt, Richard, 91

  hunting and deer, 141, 359, 427, 429

  Husee, John, 186, 239, 251, 283, 315, 335, 409, 425–6, 429, 436, 440, 445, 453, 484, 498, 503

  Hussey, Anthony, 144

  Hussey, John, Baron Hussey, 56, 165, 199, 229, 234, 350, 401–2, 473

  Hussgen, Johann: see Oecolampadius, Johannes

  Huttoft: see Hotoft

  Hutton, John, 408, 494

  hymns, 364

  iconoclasm, 460, 500, 543, 549

  iconophobia, 346

  idolatry, 414, 460

  images, 361–2, 364, 413–16, 453, 464–6; see also iconoclasm; iconophobia; idolatry

  imperial status, 143–5, 217; see also Supremacy, Royal

  indulgences, 31–4, 68, 465, 487

  Ingham Priory, 308, 419–20, 454

  Ingworth, Richard, Bishop of Dover, 62, 265, 455–8, 462–3

  injunctions, 300, 458; see also Vice-Gerency; visitations

  Innocent III, Pope, 420


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