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Dragon Emperor 10: From Human to Dragon to God

Page 10

by Eric Vall

  “Fuck no,” I snorted. “If it becomes life threatening, I’ll patch him up, but he can suffer for now.”

  The lizard mage arched a magenta eyebrow, but she didn’t argue.

  So, Aaliyah and Nike grabbed Byron under the arms, and they dragged him behind us as Naomi led our group back up the winding path to the castle.

  The return seemed to take less time, and we arrived at the bottom of the stairs quickly. Then we climbed the steps and followed Naomi into the castle, where Vallen paced back and forth and chewed on his claws.

  “Oh!” he exclaimed when he saw us. “You, ah, you only have one left.”

  “Yeah, the others were golems,” I answered. “So, we destroyed them. Where can we take the prisoner?”

  “Oh, of course, ah, right this way,” Vallen stammered as he gestured toward the front hallway. “It’s near the castle.”

  “Aaliyah, Nike, go ahead and take Byron to the cell,” I instructed. “Make sure it’s secure before you leave.”

  The two nodded and followed Lord Vallen down the hall to the front door.

  “I found it!” Alyona cried out suddenly and held up the journal. “She made her own version of the Blanche Curse, so none of the things we tried on the samples would have worked anyway.”

  “So, what do we need to do?” Trina asked.

  “Yes, how do we save them?” Marina pressed as she clasped her hands beneath her chin.

  “I hope this one works,” Polina said with a frown.

  “It will,” Alyona reassured her. “Sila’s instructions are clear, so the reversal should be easy. I’ll need Naomi’s help, though.”

  “My help?” Naomi said with wide eyes. “What could you need me for?”

  “You’ll have to help the plants recall their normal state,” the princess explained. “I can’t do that on my own.”

  “Um, okay, sure,” the lizard muttered, and her brow furrowed. “I can do that.”

  “Great.” Alyona smiled and gestured to the hallway. “After you.”

  Naomi strode through the hall and out the front doors of the castle, and then she turned and led us down the path to the field.

  As we followed the lizard mage, something nagged at the corner of my mind, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I pushed the thought away as we approached the dunes above the field, and we walked down the side of the dune and stood in front of the blackened crops. Even since this morning, some of the curse had crept into the next row of plants, though it was harder to see which ones were healthy in the darkness of night.

  Alyona stepped forward and took Naomi by the hand.

  “Now, concentrate on the mental image of what the fields normally look like,” Alyona directed her. “I’ll say the spell, and you repeat each line. I’m basically pulling out the curse while you fill in their memories. Okay?”

  “Plants have memories?” Naomi breathed.

  “Of course!” Polina gasped.

  “They live and breathe, don’t they?” Trina said with a confused expression.

  “I guess--” the lizard began to answer.

  “Yes!” Marina answered for her. “They aren’t meant to speak, but they live lives just the same.”

  “Now, I know, I suppose,” Naomi murmured, and her face was thoughtful.

  “Okay, let’s do this,” I said to refocus the women.

  I was tired and hungry, so the discussion over plant life would just have to wait.

  Alyona giggled and turned back toward the field, and then she gripped Naomi’s hand tighter as she lifted her arms into the air and began to chant.

  The white light of her pure magic radiated from her hands, and then Naomi repeated the first line. Suddenly, her black magic beamed out of her hands, and the colors bounced off each other as the beams emanated out of their clasped palms. The rays of white and black looked like a strobe light, and it washed over the field as though it were water dumped from a pitcher.

  The blackened stalks glowed and then faded before they lit up again from the combination of Alyona and Naomi’s magic.

  Then the curse began to peel away from the crops like a second skin and melted into the air. Ebony chunks fell faster and faster until it was hard to see where the crops began and the curse ended.

  “Keep the vision in your head,” Alyona reminded Naomi through gritted teeth. “Picture it in your mind’s eye as though what is here never was.”

  Naomi nodded silently and clenched her jaw as she concentrated.

  The black and white rays of magic swirled around and formed a funnel that shot up toward the night sky, and it reminded me of a lighthouse as it sliced through the few clouds in the air and seemed to go on forever.

  Then it disappeared.

  I looked back down at Naomi and Alyona, and they were both doubled over and breathing hard. Then I glanced past them at the field, and the crops were back to normal. The blackened skin had been replaced with their normal emerald covering, and the leaves and crops looked healthy and ready for harvest.

  “You did it!” I heard Vallen’s voice from behind us as he scuttled and slid his way down the dune to join us. “They’re back to normal!”

  “Yes,” Alyona confirmed, and she wiped beads of sweat from her brow. “They weren’t actually poisoned, but they were designed to look like they were. Then you would spend your time trying to get your crops back to normal instead of guarding the Sundex.”

  “What a dastardly plan!” Vallen exclaimed as his eyebrows turned down with anger. “I’m glad you were here!”

  “We’re happy to help you,” I replied. “And now, I think we all need some food and rest.”

  “And tea,” Ravi suggested as she took Alyona under her arm.

  “Yeah, you look a little pale, princess,” I agreed before I checked her status.

  Classification: Divinity

  Condition: Fatigued due to overuse of power

  Priority: Sufficient rest will aid recovery

  Danger: Low

  Status: Fatigued

  “I’m okay,” Alyona replied with a gentle wave of her hand.

  I looked over at Naomi, and she took in several deep breaths before she looked at me with a weak smile.

  “Yeah, you’ll be even better with some tea,” I said firmly. “The dryads can make you both some tea to drink with your dinner.”

  “Okay,” the princess agreed and smiled sweetly at me.

  I reached over and lifted her into my arms to carry her up the hill.

  “She’ll be alright?” Laika asked as she fell into step next to me.

  “Yes, I checked her health status,” I confirmed. “The tea and some rest will get her back to normal.

  Laika nodded and continued the walk next to us.

  “We already had the full dinner,” Vallen said with a frown as we walked. “But I can wake up the cook to prepare more for you.”

  “I hate to wake someone up,” Alyona mumbled against my chest.

  “You need to eat, though, princess,” I reminded her and looked back up at Vallen. “Do you keep leftovers?”

  “Leftovers?” he repeated with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yeah, like, if there’s food left after everyone has eaten, do you keep it?” I clarified.

  “Um, I’m not sure,” Vallen replied as he narrowed his yellow eyes. “Do you?”

  “It’s traditional on Earth, yes,” I chuckled. “I’m not sure how normal it is here.”

  “Then I will find out,” he declared and hurried ahead of us to the castle.

  “He really doesn’t know much about what other people do,” Naomi explained with a yawn. “He knows how to run the city, charge taxes, all the big picture things, but he doesn’t usually pay attention to the little details.”

  “Fair enough.” I shrugged. “If not, I’ll find something. I’m starving.”

  On cue, my stomach grumbled loudly enough for everyone to hear.

  “You worked up an appetite doing badass dragon things?” Polina teased.

bsp; “Too bad you don’t have more energy,” Trina giggled.

  “Oh, yes, we love when you have lots of energy,” Marina said and waggled her jade eyebrows.

  “I also love when I have energy,” I growled as I pictured the three sisters naked on my bed, and I had to calm myself down. “But I do need to eat and make sure the princess eats.”

  Just then, we reached the castle, and Ravi rushed forward to open the door.

  “Oh, we understand,” Trina replied with a smile.

  “Yes, milady will always come first!” Marina added.

  “It is our duty,” Polina chirped as she nodded solemnly.

  “Thank you,” I said to the dryads. “I’ll make it up to you, don’t worry.”

  “We know.” Marina winked, and her sisters giggled as they skipped down the hall to their chambers.

  “Good news!” Vallen cried out when we entered the great hall. “We do indeed have leftovers!”

  “Great,” I laughed. “Let’s eat.”

  “One of the cooks is warming the food over the fire, and then it will be ready,” the lizard said cheerfully. “Just have a seat in the dining hall.”

  We followed Lord Vallen into the room, and I gently placed Alyona down into the seat next to mine.

  Aaliyah and Nike strode into the room behind Naomi, Ravi, and Miraya. Everyone was exhausted, so we all sat at the table in near silence. It was only our first day in Kana, and we’d already been in two fights.

  And neither of the enemies was the Green Glass Sect.

  Maybe I was wrong when I thought they’d come here, but so far, they’d been intensely focused on Alyona and trying to get rid of her. Maybe we had beaten them here.

  “Thank the gods,” Aaliyah moaned as Vallen’s staff brought out a set of trays with steaming food on top.

  There weren’t as many trays as this morning, but I wasn’t going to complain. My stomach rumbled again as the scent of rabbit meat filled my nose, and I made a small plate for Alyona and set it in front of her before the rest of us made our own plates.

  Then the dryads rushed in with a mug of herbal tea, a trick we’d picked up in Tikal to help heal Alyona when she was fatigued from overusing her magic for a large spell. As soon as the princess lifted the mug up to her lips and took a sip, I could see some of the color return to her face.

  “You look better already, milady,” Miraya said with a smile.

  “Yes, should we get you some more?” Trina offered.

  “No, this will be fine, thank you,” Alyona assured the sisters.

  “Okay, we’ll see you in the morning, then!” Marina squeaked, and the dryads rushed out of the dining hall to go to bed.

  “This tea is divine,” the princess moaned as she closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair.

  The sound of her moan sent my blood south as I imagined her curvy body underneath mine. I thought about how my fiancée never wore panties, and I knew I could reach under the table right now and feel her hot core.

  A growl rumbled in my throat, and Miraya looked at me with alarm before she peeked down and noticed my cock standing at attention.

  “Ohhh,” she exhaled.

  My inner dragon roared at the chance to take both women into my bed, and it took everything I had to wait until the princess finished eating. I shoveled my own food into my mouth and emptied my plate in only a few minutes.

  Now, I was a different kind of hungry.

  I slid my hand under the table to Miraya’s thigh and squeezed. She gasped at the touch, and her nipples pressed against her white dress.

  Then I reached over and laid my other hand on Alyona’s bare leg, and she giggled as I trailed my fingers around to her inner thigh and rubbed at her creamy skin.

  “You’ve regained your energy, my love?” she asked in a hoarse voice.

  “I have,” I rumbled, and then I pushed my chair back and held out my hands to Alyona and Miraya. “We have many successes today to celebrate, over and over.”

  My women giggled and took my hands to stand up.

  “You might be thinking I’d want to celebrate with you, but you’d be wrong,” Naomi interjected out of nowhere, and I glanced over to find the lizard mage watching me intently.

  “I wasn’t actually thinking that,” I chuckled. “You said you preferred women.”

  “Exactly, yes,” the lizard replied as her forked tongue caressed her lips. “So, I’m not going to mate with you.”

  “I didn’t expect--” I started.

  “Or join your harem,” she added.

  “Well, right,” I said with an arched eyebrow. “You’re a beautiful woman, but I have my own--”

  “Good, because I would rather have one of them than you and that very large bulge in your pants,” Naomi cut me off and turned her nose up into the air.

  “Glad you noticed,” I laughed. “You seem quite concerned with my women, and my pants, though. Anything else you’d like to tell me you really don’t want?”

  “Nope,” she replied without looking at me. “Go ahead and give them hours of pleasure. I’m sure you can do that.”

  “Damn right,” I growled as I pulled Miraya and Alyona toward the door.

  “Have a good night!” Aaliyah called out.

  “Glad to see you feel better, milady,” Laika chuckled.

  “We’ll see you in the morning!” Ravi chirped.

  “Goodnight, brother,” Nike snickered.

  After we walked out of the room, I led the women upstairs.

  “Naomi sure seemed… interested,” Alyona giggled as I pushed open the door to our room.

  “She said she likes women.” I shrugged. “But so do I.”

  I picked up both women around their waists and carried them to the bed as they squealed and fell back onto the blankets.

  Alyona rolled over onto her stomach and then crawled to the edge of the bed. She tugged on the strings of my trousers until they dropped to my ankles, and then she dragged her tongue along my shaft as chills ran down my spine.

  “Oooh, you must have liked that,” Miraya murmured as she clambered up to her knees and kissed me. “Should I try?”

  “Yessss,” I hissed.

  Miraya smiled and dropped down next to Alyona. Both women took turns licking and sucking on my hard cock, and I ripped off my shirt as sweat started to run down my chest. Then I leaned down and reached across their slender bodies to grab each of their asses. I pulled them closer to me, and Alyona hummed against my throbbing arousal before she took the entire shaft into her mouth.

  “Fuuuuck,” I groaned as Miraya sat up and let Alyona take over, and then I reached over Alyona’s bobbing head and slid Miraya’s dress up over her head.

  The spirit’s pink nipples poked out as her perfectly round breasts were exposed, and I licked my lips hungrily as she rubbed herself and thumbed her nipples.

  Then Alyona thrust my cock deep into her throat, and I groaned as my climax hit. I emptied my load into her mouth, and she sucked up every drop of my seed while my orgasm racked my body.

  “Your turn,” I murmured as she sat up and licked her lips. “Why don’t you both kiss each other.”

  “Yes, Lord Evan,” Alyona giggled, turned to Miraya, and kissed her, and my cock rose again as I watched their tongues mingle together while Alyona slid her robe off her shoulders to reveal her creamy naked body.

  “I can see now why Naomi enjoys women,” Miraya whispered with a giggle as she looked over at me.

  I stared at the women through hooded eyes and then growled as I pounced onto them. I laid them side-by-side on their backs and slid one finger inside each of their steaming hot pussies. Both of them were slick with their desire, and I quickly added another finger as they moaned with pleasure.

  “Oh, gods,” Miraya cried out as I rubbed my thumb across her clit, and the spirit’s back arched off the bed while I massaged the most sensitive part of her newly awakened body.

  Then she orgasmed on my hand, and her juices poured over my fingers as waves of ple
asure rippled through her.

  “Yesss!” Alyona moaned when she saw Miraya’s orgasm, and then she followed the spirit’s lead. Her thighs quivered with her climax, and soon her pussy gushed just as much.

  As my women caught their breaths, I slid over to straddle Miraya’s hips, and then I thrust my erection between her trembling legs and deep into her tight tunnel.

  “Lord Evan!” she squealed as I pumped in and out of her spasming body.

  “Ohh, you two look wonderful while you make love,” Alyona purred as she rolled to her side to watch us. “I can sense the strong connection you share. It’s so beautiful.”

  “You’re next,” I growled, and then the princess gasped, dropped one hand to her pussy, and began to finger herself.

  I nearly climaxed again as I watched my fiancée get off while she watched me fuck another woman, but instead of cumming, I reached under Miraya’s hips and lifted them from the bed. My cock slid even further inside her tight body, and she moaned as her pussy walls tightened around my dick.

  “I’mmm… ohhhh! Evan!” Her orgasm sent me over the edge, and I allowed my second release to pour from my body.

  “You feel sooo gooooodddd,” I growled as I thrust my cock deep into her throbbing sheath, and after I’d emptied what felt like a cup full of my essence into her fresh womb, I slid back out and left a trail of my dragon seed dripping from her pussy lips and down her thighs.

  Then I turned my attention to Alyona as she slid her fingers in and out of her sopping wet apex. Her violet eyes gazed at me with desire before she pulled her fingers away and opened her thighs to me.

  “Your turn now,” I growled as I flipped her over onto her hands and knees and then thrust my slick cock into her tight pussy from behind. Her ass jiggled against my hips as I pumped back and forth, while Miraya laid on the bed and watched.

  “Oh, yes!” Alyona cried out as I grabbed her hips and pulled her even harder against me. Then her walls squeezed my cock hard as her back arched, and her fingers clenched the blankets while her orgasm racked her body.

  But I was just getting started.

  I slowed my pace, and then I let my thrusts plow deeper into her. Then, just as Alyona was about to climax again, I changed my tempo and the motion of where my cock scraped against her velvety walls. After what felt like thirty minutes, and several different changes, her entire body was trembling with the need for release.


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