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Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset 2

Page 11

by Lisa Blackwood

  “And they will,” Gregory said in a soothing voice. “As much as I would like to deal with them myself, our human allies will need to make the next move. If I do not like what that move is, we will discuss alternatives.”

  Lillian side-eyed Gregory. “Thanks for the support. I think.”

  Still, some of Lillian’s weariness fell away, and she felt another wave of warmth that Gregory had sided with her over his sorceress.

  Daryna sighed, the tense set of her shoulders relaxed. “You have more experience with these humans. I will bow to your wisdom in this, my protector.”

  Lillian was certain there was a silent ‘this time’ at the end of Daryna’s sentence. But for now, she’d settle for temporary peace. She drew a deep breath and let it hiss out between her lips. “Good. Because I’m sweaty, smelly, sore and bleeding again.”

  Inspecting the graze on her arm, she noted it still stung and seeped blood readily. “And I’m also hungry, and I want to shower. So let’s keep the damn peace when these nice soldiers all come rolling up.”

  She nodded at the first of several armored vehicles sliding to a halt. Apparently, they were closer to finishing the fifty-kilometer run than she’d thought if the vehicles had already made their way to them so swiftly.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. They brought scientists with them.” Anna groaned and dropped her head into her hands.

  Shadowlight paced beside Anna. His tail flicked happily. “I like the scientists. They’re nice.”

  Anna just shook her head. “You only like them because they give you candy.”

  “Do not.”

  “Ha. Yes, you do. That reminds me. We should have the talk about not taking candy from strangers.”

  “But I like candy,” he admitted.

  When Shadowlight leaned against Anna’s leg, she reached out and patted the young gargoyle on the shoulder. “Come on. We’ll deal with this and then see if we can find something sweet and totally bad for us. I think we deserve it after all this.”

  Lillian watched as the unlikely duo walked to meet the soldiers filing out of the vehicles. Even though she was tired, dirty and sore, a smile pulled back her lips, flashing fangs in a toothy gargoyle grin.

  The three realms might just have a grumpy soldier and an exuberant gargoyle child to thank for a peace treaty which could save them all.

  Though, they couldn’t do it alone. Lillian glanced up at Gregory and then over to his other side where Daryna stood looking at the approaching humans with disdain and anger.

  Sighing, Lillian squared her shoulders. “Come on. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get cleaned up and find some food. It’s been a hellishly long day.”

  Chapter 16

  After the epic disaster of the first joint training exercise with the humans, Lillian returned to their quarters with Gregory and Daryna while Gran, Whitethorn, and the banshee remained with the humans to salvage the peace treaty and see to Shadowlight and Anna’s wounds.

  At the moment, Lillian doubted if Gregory was feeling particularly forgiving. Actually, his dark expression hinted that he was probably trying to figure out a way to deal with the Battle Goddess without the help of the humans.

  “Oh, come on,” Lillian said as they trudged up the stairs and turned down the hall that led to their chambers. “The day could have turned out far worse. No one has died yet.”

  “You sound much calmer. You realize you weren’t half so calm when you thought Shadowlight had been harmed.”

  “So what? I embrace double standards. If they’d hurt Shadowlight, you would’ve had to fight me for the kill.” Lillian sighed, her humor vanishing. “This incident was brought about by less than a dozen humans. We couldn’t just punish all of them for the acts of a few.”

  “Innocent? If Resnick and the rest of his kind had been doing their duty, they should have scented the deception on the soldiers under their command.”

  “You forget humans don’t have the highly developed senses of a gargoyle.” Once inside her rooms, Lillian started to peel off her bloodstained clothing. “Even we didn’t catch the dark intent of the traitors until we were practically on top of them. How can you blame all the humans for the failings of a few?”

  Gregory huffed again, wanting to deny her words, but he couldn’t.

  Lillian pulled her crusted hair away from the graze on her shoulder and growled out a pained hiss.

  “I should have braided this mess.” She pulled her thick mane over her shoulder and studied the wound more carefully. “The graze burns like a sonofabitch.”

  “Let Gregory clean the wound,” Daryna said as she stepped closer to examine it. “Then I’ll heal it.”

  “Sure.” Lillian glanced at Daryna, not really wanting the other woman to use her magic on the wound, but it wasn’t like Lillian could say no without raising suspicions. And that was the last thing she needed this night. The banshee’s concerns were still prominent in her mind. Focusing on the small wound, she pushed her other concerns away to deal with later as she probed at the minor injury.

  “There doesn’t seem to be dirt or foreign debris in it. It’s all yours,” she said with a glance in Gregory’s direction.

  He didn’t get the first aid kit like a human would. Instead, he stepped closer and dipped his muzzle down to the wound. At the first swipe of his tongue, Lillian grunted even though she expected it.

  Not that she should have been surprised. Gargoyles were touchy-feely and weren’t turned off by a bit of blood. He continued to lap at the wound for a couple minutes and then nuzzled his way up her shoulder to the curve of her neck.

  His warm, male scent wrapped around her like a comforting blanket. Having Gregory close was pleasant. She dragged in a deeper lungful of his scent. Her thoughts turned to more intimate things than the wound on her forearm.

  At least until a movement behind Gregory caught her attention. Her gaze focused on Daryna and that effectively smothered the embers of desire Gregory’s presence had been fanning.

  Yep. Nope.

  No audience.

  Lillian stepped away from Gregory and then presented her wounded arm to Daryna.

  “You were going to heal it. I think it’s clean enough.” Truthfully, the small sting had already vanished. Gargoyle saliva had a healing compound or enzyme in it that made quick work of wounds.

  Daryna stepped closer and touched Lillian’s arm, lightly drawing a fingertip along the abrasion. Just one swipe, a bit of tingling heat, and the wound was nothing more than a pale line against her obsidian skin.

  Lillian huffed in acknowledgment and then realized she was turning as nonverbal as Gregory. “Thank you, Daryna.”

  The Sorceress nodded her head. “If you will allow me…” Her gaze dropped down to the barely noticeable bump that curved Lillian’s otherwise toned gargoyle form.

  As a dryad, her pregnancy was more noticeable. But in her gargoyle form, not so much. Lillian decided that might come in handy when she was further along. Not to mention everything about her gargoyle form was bigger including her hips.

  Again, Lillian felt the slight heat and tingle of Daryna’s power as it hummed along her skin and sank into tissue and bone. After a moment, the other woman glanced up. “All is well with our little one.”

  “Good. And now I call dibs on the shower.”

  Lillian stepped around Daryna and Gregory and made for the bathroom. Had Daryna not been present, Lillian would have invited Gregory, but as it was now, she wasn’t certain if he’d be the only one to join her.

  Fate had an evil sense of humor. She and Gregory had finally found a way to be together, and then Daryna had used magic to will herself into existence.

  My life sucks, Lillian decided as she entered the bathroom. Once inside, she summoned her magic and returned to dryad form. At least shape shifting was becoming easier. Turning to the mirror, she examined the small white scar.

  The pale mark reminded her of Daryna. With a sour expression at her reflection, she turned and shed
what passed for clothing in her gargoyle form.

  Cranking the hot water to steaming, she stepped under the pounding spray. Blood turned the water a pinkish color and dirt soon muddied it further. Unfortunately, her unease and jealousy couldn’t be washed away so easily.


  Gregory stared at the closed bathroom door, listening to the sounds of splashing water as Lillian washed up. Had the situation been different, he would’ve joined her. He was rather fond of showering with his mate. Memories of other times flashed to the forefront of his mind. He grinned.

  “We should not place her in danger like that again.” Daryna’s voice was an exact match for Lillian’s down to the tone, cadence, and timber. It never failed to draw his attention.

  He flicked an ear in her direction but continued to watch the bathroom door. “I didn’t intend to place Lillian in danger—not that she has ever listened to me once she’s set her mind to something. However, you are correct. What happened this day could have turned out much worse.”

  Gregory glanced down at his hands, his talons flexing. He forced himself to relax. Worrying about what might have been was not something that was ever beneficial. “Later, I will speak with Vivian and discuss having every last human that works directly or indirectly with the Fae scanned by myself or one of the others capable of sensing intention and deceit.”

  Daryna walked a semicircle around him, her glance flicking over his form. After another half turn, she stepped in closer. He relaxed when she only reached up and removed a twig from his mane. She smoothed his hair back down with her hand. “We cannot allow something like what occurred today to happen again. It was careless. And carelessness will get us killed in a war against the Lady of Battles.”

  “I was too busy playing at mentor. I shouldn’t have allowed myself to become so distracted by that role that I forgot my true duty—to see to your and Lillian’s protection.”

  Daryna laughed. “Don’t, as Lillian would say, beat yourself up over this. I, too, underestimated the humans. It won’t happen again.”

  She turned from him, walked over to the dresser, and then picked up one of the brushes Lillian often used on his mane. Daryna returned to his side and gestured for him to sit on the bed. He did but glanced towards the bathroom door again. Sounds of water still reached his ears, so he shrugged and allowed Daryna to start working on his mane, a job usually Lillian performed.

  It was just hair, he told himself. It was a harmless enough activity.

  Daryna settled on the bed behind him, her knees on either side of his hips. He tensed, wondering if she would forget herself and touch him as she had last night. He did not wish to hurt her, but this thing between them wasn’t what he’d always known.

  However, nothing more than the brush of bristles touched him, so he relaxed and enjoyed the sensation of having his mane combed smooth. He rumbled a contented sigh and allowed his eyes to drift shut.

  They snapped back open a moment later when Daryna hugged him from behind. Warm lips brushed the curve of his shoulder.

  His wings twitched and unfurled, forcing her arms away from his body. They needed some new rules. Apparently, he hadn’t been clear enough the night before.

  “Lillian will be finished her shower soon…”

  Daryna stood, and then stepped around in front of him and settled on his lap. “Well, then I better hurry if I want to enjoy the other half of my soul for a brief time.”

  Her hands brushed across his chest, stroking and kneading his tense muscles. When he opened his mouth to say something, she pressed kisses along his throat and worked her way down.

  This close, her scent was stronger, familiar and just as addictive as Lillian’s. Her magic raced over his skin a moment later, and he’d be lying to himself if he said he didn’t like it. He’d missed his other half. He always did when they were born in separate bodies. The desire awakening in his blood was also familiar.

  His sorceress pressed closer, brushing herself against him. Her left hand grasped one of his larger ones and guided it to her breast while the right settled on his hip where her thumb stroked back and forth slowly with promise.

  Even as his body responded, his mind snapped into focus. Yes, she was the Mother’s Sorceress, the other half of his soul. And, yes, he loved her—always would. But his heart only wanted Lillian’s touch.

  “No.” Many times in the past when the loneliness became too great, they’d played love games—dangerous, delightful games that walked the line of what their sacred vows allowed.

  This lifetime was different.

  He captured her hands and brought them up to his chest, to rest over his beating heart. “This doesn’t mean I love you less, but I will not partake of these types of games with you until you and Lillian are reunited in one body. It’s not fair to either of you.”

  Daryna broke eye contact and looked down.

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled softly. “I remembered what you said last night. Still, I can’t just deny what my heart still remembers and craves. But neither will I force myself on you.”

  When she glanced back up, she slipped her right hand free of his grip—he let her—and then she cupped the side of his face. “But I would have one kiss from you each day all the same. That will be enough for me.”

  Gregory wasn’t certain of the wisdom, but her request was reasonable. In the past, he’d never denied his lady anything that was in his power to grant. She was a part of him, and he couldn’t bring himself to deny her a simple kiss.

  “Get a room.”

  The words burned through the haze of confusion. Lillian stood in the bathroom door wearing a robe and toweling her hair dry. “And by get a room, I mean a different one.”

  Chapter 17

  Lillian had exited the bathroom about thirty seconds before. Plenty of time to see Daryna straddle Gregory’s lap as they kissed and caressed each other. Lillian’s heart had frozen in her chest, sympathizing with her shocked mind which didn’t know what to do.

  She’d stood there, silent, her heart breaking. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise—she’d been expecting something like this since Daryna had first emerged from the tree. The Gargoyle Protector and the Mother’s Sorceress had a long history—an ancient one. They’d loved each other longer than Lillian had been alive.

  Hell, longer than the human civilization had been around.

  So, it wasn’t a surprise that they would share a deep affection and intimacy. Still, Lillian’s mortal-raised heart ached, her throat tightening with unshed tears.

  Then Gregory had told Daryna no.

  A clear ‘no’ that left no room for misinterpretation. He had denied her. Lillian dragged in a deep breath. When she released it, much of the earlier heartache was expelled with it.

  Gregory had denied his sorceress because he was loyal to Lillian.

  Narrowing her eyes, she focused on the back of Daryna’s head. The other two still weren’t aware that she’d exited the bathroom. Lillian waited to see how the other woman took Gregory’s rejection.

  When Daryna reached up and caressed Gregory’s cheek, pressing her courtship, Lillian felt her claws lengthening. The now familiar vision of her grabbing Daryna by the hair and dragging her from the room kicking and screaming formed in her mind.

  However, Lillian held her position while Daryna apologized to Gregory for acting like a cat in heat.

  Fisting her fingers, she forced her claws to return to their regular length. She listened to Daryna’s crocodile tears and apologies to Gregory and then after a coy pause, the demand for a kiss. And how that would be enough to satisfy.

  I call bullshit, Lillian thought to herself and then cleared her throat. “Get a room.”

  When she had Gregory’s full, guilt-laced attention, she added, “And by get a room, I mean a different one.”

  Gregory bolted upright. Only a firm grip on Daryna’s shoulder prevented her from sprawling on her ass.

  Damn. That would have been entertaining. Lillian shoved the pe
tty notion aside. This new development needed to be dealt with, so none of them were distracted. They had a war to prepare for. The Lady of Battles would certainly enjoy it if her enemies were suddenly at each other’s throats.

  And Gregory looked so torn. Her beloved didn’t know what to do, but clearly he thought he was guilty of something.

  His look of anguish was enough to extinguish her petty thoughts. For his sake, she would find a way to work with Daryna.

  “Lillian.” He released Daryna once she had her balance and then he stepped away from her. “Forgive me. Both of you, forgive me. I should be strong enough to be the protector you both deserve. I should not allow my own needs and desires to taint my judgment.”

  “Gregory, I’m sorry,” Lillian said.

  He stepped further away from them both, toward the door. “I will not choose between you or hurt either of you. So, I shall be your protector, your loyal gargoyle, but not your beloved.”

  “Gregory, wait,” Lillian called softly and held out a hand. “You have not failed us or betrayed us. Don’t let this drive a wedge between us. That is what the Lady of Battles would enjoy the most if she knew.”

  When Gregory didn’t come to her immediately, she went to him and grasped one of his hands in hers. He didn’t try to pull away, so she gestured Daryna over as well.

  Daryna watched Lillian with what could only be described as surprise, touched with a hint of admiration.

  “Yeah. I promise I won’t start any slap downs or bitch fights.”

  Again, Daryna’s eyes widened. And then to Lillian’s surprise, the other woman started to laugh. “Perhaps another time? Gregory might enjoy the show.”

  Lillian grunted, but felt a begrudging twitch of her lips at Daryna’s words.

  She turned her attention entirely upon Gregory. And tapped him on the chest. “I came in time to see you say no to Daryna. And I thank you for being honorable. But I am not so selfish to deny you the other half of your soul. Or to deny Daryna hers.”

  “Lillian, I—”


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