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Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset 2

Page 60

by Lisa Blackwood

  He skimmed just above her, so close he could feel her body heat against his skin. It would be so easy to reach out and grasp her hips, entwine his tail with hers and lick the delicate skin at the base of her neck. New heat spread throughout his body at the thought.

  “Hey, what part of ‘I’m rusty’ don’t you understand?” She dipped lower. “No acrobatics or I might fall out of the sky.”

  He grunted at her interruption but realized how close he’d come to doing something stupid that would likely only drive her away from him.

  Platonic. Keep it platonic, he chanted to himself.

  Belatedly, he realized her statement required some response from him. “You don’t give yourself enough credit.”

  “And you give me too much.” She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Where are these baths anyway?”

  “The stone pathway just below us—follow it until it forks. Take the left branch, and you’ll see the waterfall that feeds all the constructed streams and pools.”

  She nodded and followed the path until the baths could be seen ahead. Dropping lower, she came in for a landing.

  He dropped down beside her.

  “This way. The water is cooler at this side of the baths because it’s farther from the main heating spell at the base of the waterfall, but it will be quieter. I figured you’d prefer a little privacy since you’re still in your gargoyle form.”

  “Yeah. Sounds like a plan. Been ogled enough for one night.”

  Obsidian trotted toward the most private of the baths, hoping it would be empty this time of night. It had nothing to do with the fact he’d get to have her all to himself for a while. There was also a secondary reason for seeking out one of the more secluded private pools.

  Flying wing-tip to wing-tip with Anna had stirred his blood a little too vigorously.

  “You’re awfully quiet, what’s up?”

  He snorted at her wording and turned it into a cough to cover up. Well, something was up, wasn’t it? But she didn’t need to know that. If he remained in his four-legged form with his wings drooping slightly, she wouldn’t notice anything. He hoped.

  “Just thinking about the future.” And hoping you’ll accept me as your mate one day.

  A few of the pathways leading to the pools were marked with piles of brightly painted stones to show those pools were already in use. Even without the artful piles of rocks, the occasional soft voice, seductive laugh or deep moan would have told him which pools were in use.

  “Oh, geez,” Anna reared and shifted to walk on two feet, and then cast a glower in his direction. “If I see any live-action gargoyle smut, I’m so gone.”

  “As am I,” he agreed with a chuckle. He could smell her embarrassment and couldn’t resist one little dig. “Unless I’m misremembering, it was your idea to come for a very late-night bath, wasn’t it?”

  “In your dreams.”

  “Now you’re giving me ideas.”

  Her swaying tail froze in place, the end quivering ever so slightly. Then one ear flicked forward and the other back as if she didn’t know how to respond. Goddess, she was adorable when she was caught off guard.

  At last, her eyes narrowed upon him. “It’s just a phrase.”

  “I know. But I couldn’t resist.”


  “You swear too much.”

  “Who died and made you Gran?” Her snarky tone was ruined by the corners of her lips curling up.

  He stalked up to her and bumped his muzzle under her hand and was rewarded by the feel of her talons gently working his scalp.

  “Seriously, though, I don’t want a bath badly enough to accidentally interrupt someone’s one on one time.”

  “See those painted stones?” He pointed with his muzzle as he trotted past. “When they are scattered, they are telling others that the pool is empty. A straight line means it’s occupied, but others are welcome. Rocks stacked in a tower means the occupants wish to be left alone.”

  “Piled up rocks—bow chicka wow wow. Got it.”

  Obsidian laughed. He couldn’t help himself. Soon the laughter included snorts. In turn, Anna started laughing at him.

  “It wasn’t that funny.” She managed between chuckles.

  “Yes, it was.” He was still grinning as he shifted a circle of rocks into a line. That done, he gestured her to go ahead of him.

  He watched Anna as she surveyed the area as they walked the rest of the short distance to the pool. Her gaze went to the small waterfall first, moving to the pool next, and then the overflow last, where the old water vanished into an irrigation channel that would deliver the water to the hamadryads.

  “Magic Realm hot tub. Cool.” She stuck one talon-tipped toe in the water. “Nice.”

  Turning back to him, she made a shooing motion.

  He flexed his jaw. “I’m staying.”

  “Like hell.”

  She pinned her ears back and looked a little like she might bite. His blood surged a little more hotly at the thought. Which probably wasn’t the reaction she was going for. He cleared his throat. “If it were safe, I’d give you as much privacy as you wanted. But after Reaver forced you to reveal your shadow magic, I can’t guarantee that others won’t feel the same as him. I’m staying.”

  Anna glanced away from him, studying the area with new eyes. He nodded when she looked back at him. “Yes. Someone wishing to sneak up on you would have the tactical advantage. The waterfalls will drown out any noise of approach, and the scent of soaps and flowering vines will help disguise and muddy any warning your nose might normally give you.”

  After a moment her gaze returned to his. “Sorry. I thought you had less pure reasons. You can join me.”

  She faced the pool and reached behind her back and under her wings to untie her top. Casting it aside, she reached for the knots tying her loincloth in place. Obsidian fought to keep his breathing even as he watched her. He shouldn’t be staring. But he was mesmerized by the subtle shift of muscle beneath her skin and the play of shadow and moonlight upon her supple body.

  When she started forward, he hurried to shed his loincloth, wanting to get into the water as quickly as possible. As the ties released, he sighed in pleasure as the constricting fabric fell away. With luck, it was dark enough that the shadows below the surface of the pool would hide his problem.

  As she moved across the pool, closer to the waterfall, he swiftly descended the stairs cut into the side. Once he was safely chest-deep in the water, he waded closer. “See that basket to your right sitting on the lip of the pool? That holds body soaps and gentler products for your mane.”

  Anna waded over to check out the items. He drew closer, intent on grabbing one of the small washing towels and some soap from one of the jars, but his thoughts scattered as her tail brushed along his thigh. It was an accidental touch, and she quickly pulled her tail away, but his entire body jerked at the contact.

  Goddess, this was a bad idea.

  “This one smells a little like jasmine, but prettier. Though, it’s a little on the strong side.” Anna half turned and waved the jar at him. “What do you think?”

  ‘I think I’m going to embarrass myself profoundly if you brush up against me again.’ Then out loud, he said, “It’s nice. The scent will fade once you dry off.”

  His gaze followed the curve of her neck to her shoulders and then to where the water lapped against the upper swells of her breasts. Her skin was all creamy darkness, just a shade lighter than the shadowy water.

  Realizing he’d been staring, he looked back to her eyes to find them on his face. He didn’t know what that look in her eyes was, but it seemed a little haunted.

  She gave herself a little shake and then slipped by him and waded back toward the waterfall with her supplies. He prayed she hadn’t caught that last thought. He’d been keeping his shields locked tight since she mentioned wanting a bath. So surely not.

  They washed in silence for a time.

  She seemed to have relaxed around him
again, so he did his best to ignore his body and carry on a conversation about training.

  “How the heck do you guys manage to wash the parts of your wings you can’t reach?” She twisted and turned, but no matter what she did she couldn’t reach the section of wing closest to her body. “I used to shift back to my human form during baths. But you guys must have some secret voodoo. Time to share.”

  “No magic. We use our tails and a cloth, or if we’re in the communal bathing area, we just ask our nearest neighbor to wash our wings.”

  “Nope to the second.” She stood looking at the bit of cloth in her hand and then her tail emerged from the water. With a little experimenting, she got the rag balanced on her blade-tipped tail, then attempted to scrub her own back.

  He managed not to laugh at her failed attempts.

  Then after about the fifteenth try of the cloth slipping off her tail and vanishing under the water again, she smacked her hands against the surface.

  “Fuck it! Get over here and scrub my damn wings!” She paused, her voice softening slightly on an awkward, “Please. I’ll do yours first.”

  Grinning he went to her aid, all too eager to accept her offer and present his back. Then, even though it was just an impersonal washing, he had to fight back more of his purring as she rubbed the stout membrane between his wings and the area where the joints met. Then she started on his back. The entire time he fought to keep his tail still at the bottom of the pool.

  Her touch was glorious and over far too soon.

  Before disappointment swamped him, she was offering her back, her wings spread slightly. He touched her reverently. And if his knuckles grazed her skin in places instead of the rag? She didn’t seem to mind.

  He was lost in the moment, enjoying the pure pleasure of touching his Kyrsu in a way she permitted, when suddenly her tail swirled through the water and wrapped around his thigh. While he was still registering the not so subtle pressure and warmth, she reached behind her to touch his waist.

  A surprised grunt escaped him.

  “Easy,” she whispered. “I can feel your hunger. If you let me, I can help take the edge off so you can sleep.”

  “I’m not sure—”

  But she was stepping back into him, the base of her tail going between his legs, the firm globes of her backside pressing into his groin. Another grunt of surprise escaped him as his hips jerked forward instinctively.

  She reached for his hands and wrapped them around her waist as she rocked her hips back against him again. His thoughts scattered as the aching length of him ground against the small of her back.

  He tightened his hold on her middle as helpless purrs of pleasure escaped him.

  She chuckled, the tone deeper and more seductive than before. “I think your purr is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  Purr? He was purring. There was a reason that was bad, right?

  Before he could remember why, Anna was turning in his arms, her breasts brushing against his chest as she leaned in and nuzzled him under the throat. Her tongue flicked out, caressing him there even as her hands were trailing a slow, seductive path down his chest.

  Simultaneously, she nipped his shoulder and her fingers closed around him under the water. They were strong and sure, working up and down his length, making him rise nearly onto his toes as he chased the sensation.

  “Goddess! Anna…I…”

  “You like that.”

  It hadn’t been phrased as a question, but if he’d been able to speak, he’d have told her it was better than anything he’d experienced in his life.

  Something was nagging at his consciousness, but it was hard to think when she was touching him. That was it, though, wasn’t it? The fact she was touching him at all. Anna didn’t desire him in this way.

  No. Oh, great Mother Goddess, no.

  Was this her gargoyle nature’s fertility cycle overwhelming her? Or perhaps it was even worse than that. Was she reacting to some silent command his need had somehow issued? Had he stolen her will?

  He couldn’t know for sure which it was with her skilled fingers working to drive him into a frenzy. But he knew this wasn’t his Anna. This was conditioning implanted in her by the darkness that slept in their blood.

  He’d promised that he’d never steal her will.

  “Stop.” He let authority ring in his voice for once. “Not here.”

  She didn’t step away, but she did stop.

  “What’s wrong?” The skin along her muzzle scrunched up as she sniffed at him, attempting to read his emotions and thoughts.

  “I want to return to our nest.”

  Her tail was caressing him below the water, but thank the Divine Ones she’d released him from her fingers’ grasp.

  “Are you shy?

  “Does it matter?” he asked suddenly as he stepped back. He continued until he was at the steps and then walked up them backward so as not to take his eyes off her. “Let us dress and fly back to my quarters. We can talk more there.”

  “Talk?” Her delicate snort told him she thought they’d continue current activities there.

  He didn’t enlighten her. First, he had to get her someplace safe and then he planned to turn them both to stone for the rest of the night if that’s what it took to return them both to sanity.

  As he fled the pool and got dressed, Anna followed him and pulled on her clothing. Though she reached out to caress a shoulder or wing every so often as if to reassure herself that he was still there, warm and willing.

  “You are a magnificent male.”

  He sighed, his heart aching along with his body. If Anna had said those words, she would have quickly brought him to his knees, but now that he had the space to think, he knew he’d forced this upon his beloved Kyrsu. His desire had bled over into her, and their link had shaped it into a command, forcing her to want to please him.

  It was wrong. He couldn’t have Anna.

  Not like this.

  Never like this.

  It would still be force, no matter how willing she might seem.


  As they returned to his dwelling, Anna flew just behind him. The night air cleared her head and cooled her blood, and she almost wished she could pull the persona of the gargoyle back over her mind. It was better than having to face Obsidian after what she’d done.

  All too soon they were landing outside his place. He’d dismantled the ward spell over the door in record time and was hurrying inside before she’d even landed. She hesitated outside, debating flying deep into the island interior for the night, so she wouldn’t have to face Obsidian.

  Had he run back there at the pool because he’d lost his nerve or was he eagerly running home, so they could continue? The first opened a well of guilt inside her. The second made fear churn in her gut.

  Gods, this was such a mess.

  But then he was back, standing in front of her with a white smear of cream on his upper lip and his eyes streaming. She recognized the potion by scent and didn’t struggle as he reached to smear some under her nose.

  While it burned away her sense of smell, she shifted back, secretly hoping Obsidian wouldn’t find her human form as appealing.

  “Anna, I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m sorry too. I don’t know what came over me.”

  Obsidian glanced down at the little jar he still carried. “I know exactly what came over you. That’s why I’m so sorry. I…my wish…my desire. Our link turned it into a command. Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. But I don’t think it would have had such an effect if I wasn’t in heat. I’m pretty sure my gargoyle didn’t need much encouragement.”

  A greater wave of guilt made her flush as she remembered how eager and willing she’d been. Even though he was only a couple years younger than her, she was certain Obsidian was pretty damn innocent. And she just teased him until he’d nearly spilled in her hand. Only his noble nature and knowing her actions weren’t really hers, prevented him from giving over to his
own desires.

  She certainly hadn’t been able to slow herself down.

  “Are you sure you’re fine?” he asked softly. “I didn’t traumatize you when I stole your will?”

  “No, of course, you didn’t traumatize me. I should be asking you the same.”

  Obsidian laughed for the first time since they’d returned to his place. “You need not fear on that front. I enjoyed it very much. If it had been your choice and not our link or your gargoyle nature forcing you to do those things, I would have gladly stayed there in that pool until dawn.”

  He was so damn earnest and sweet. He loved her.

  Anna felt herself flush with a sickly heat. It was a mix of guilt, embarrassment, and anger.

  Her gargoyle nature wasn’t afraid of intimacy. For the first time since the fucking attack, she’d been confident enough to overcome her fears and dark memories. She’d even become the aggressor, wanting to give Obsidian pleasure but also seeking it herself. For close to three years, she’d wanted to get back to who she’d been before her personal life imploded.

  But that confidence wasn’t real. What she felt—none of it was real. It was all just a compulsion.

  While she was angry and guilty, she was also envious of her gargoyle’s boldness and resilience. Now that she’d returned to her human form, she couldn’t even find the fucking courage to tell Obsidian why she was too messed up to give him more of her heart. He still thought it was their bond she feared, that loss of freedom.

  While that was concerning, it wasn’t the root of her fear.

  “Anna, I’m going to hug you now.”

  “What?” But then she felt the wetness tracking down her cheeks. What the hell? She didn’t cry. She didn’t. Not even directly after…

  His approach was slow and non-threatening. It might almost be comical if it wasn’t for the haunted look in his eyes. “You desperately need a hug.”

  Standing there frozen, she allowed him to take her in his arms. After a moment, he crushed her to his chest, and Anna reached around his waist to give him a hard squeeze in return.

  “I don’t know what caused this pain,” he was saying his voice muffled in her hair. “But it’s eating you up inside. One day you must share this with someone and lance the festering wound. I hope it will be with me but I understand if this is something you don’t want to share with a male.”


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