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Rogue Affair

Page 41

by Tamsen Parker

  “I’m going to come.” His words were tight, as if torn from him.

  Her only response was to suck even harder.

  He shouted and she looked up his body through her eyelashes. His head was thrown back, and she could see the outline of every single muscle between cock and throat.

  As she hummed, he began spurting into her mouth. She continued sucking until he was wrung out. His cock twitched as she let it slip from her lips. What she hadn’t been able to swallow stuck to him, and she licked him clean. He let out shuddering breaths, unable to do more. Before letting him go completely, she sank her teeth into his inner thigh, near where it met the base of his cock, and marked him as hers. Another bead of come spurted out.

  Satisfaction filled her like it never had before. She had him at her complete mercy thanks to the magical wonders of her pussy and mouth.

  She licked the last of her tribute from him.

  Standing, she ignored the trickle of her own arousal moving from her aching lips to her thigh. He stirred on the bed and opened his eyes. They were still glazed with arousal, but his cock told the truth as it relaxed down onto his thigh.


  “No. I’ve got to get home.”

  He must have seen how much she ached to be filled again as he waved his hand. “Come here.”

  “Nope. Thanks for the fuck.” She turned and headed out the bedroom door.

  She underestimated his recuperative powers as he was on her before she’d passed the bathroom in the hall.

  “We’re not done.”

  Turning in his arms, she lifted one brow, deliberately provoking. “I need to go home.”

  “I haven’t had my mouth on you. Only fair that I reciprocate that phenomenal blow job.”

  He should have been questioning his name with the way she’d left him on the bed, not this commanding presence that had her trapped with her back against a wall. God, she was even more turned on and wished his cock could recuperate as fast as his mind.

  She glanced down and saw it remained flaccid between his legs, though she thought she detected some twitching as if it were trying its best to rise to the occasion. “It doesn’t look like you’re up to the job.”

  One of his hands moved from the wall to between her legs where he easily thrust three fingers into her.

  Her breath caught.

  He moved his fingers, not saying a word, but staring intently into her eyes. His fingers crooked and she whimpered as the tips of his fingers stroked against a sensitive spot in her sheath. Pleasure began pulsing out from her center. She wanted to close her eyes, hide from him, but she refused to give into the temptation. He was hers to control.

  “Give it to me. Make me come.” If she commanded, he had to obey.

  He sank to his knees, his fingers still inside her. With his other hand, he lifted her leg and brought it over his shoulder. She was wide open to his every ministration. She balanced herself with her hands on his head and dug her fingers into his scalp.

  Instead of going directly for her clit, he feathered kisses along her lips as he continued to thrust his hand in and out of her. Every time his mouth came close to her clit, he blew on it. The air heated by his body cooled as it passed over hers, adding to the tension building inside her.

  Her legs began to buckle, but instead of using his hands to steady her, he latched onto her clit and began sucking. Timing each move of his mouth to that of his fingers, he had her crying for relief.

  Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes as she strained for release. The orgasm, when it came, crashed into her.

  She shuddered, trying to remain upright, but knew she did so only because his mouth had her pinned to the wall.

  Aftershocks racked her body. She lost track of time as she waited for them to subside. The sensations finally faded enough that she could feel the light licks of his tongue on her most sensitive flesh. It was if he were trying to comfort her.

  When he pulled away, she wanted to curl up into a ball on the floor and never leave. She forced her muscles to obey and managed to stay standing.

  He looked up, and she saw her fluids coating his face, making his scruff glisten. His grin was devilish. Temptation incarnate.

  She forced the words she knew she had to say past her lips. “Good job.”

  That wiped the smile from his lips. “Come back to bed?”

  “Like I said earlier, I need to go.” If her legs would carry her.

  He must have read the resolve in her face because he stood even as he shook his head. “You’re stubborn.”

  “And you’re a good lay. We should do this some other time.” What? What the fuck was she saying? She should leave him wanting her so much, and not getting her, that he would be driven crazy.

  “Give me your number.”

  Mentally smacking herself, she shot a glance up at him as she grabbed her panties and jeans from the floor. “Give me yours and I’ll send you a message.”

  He went into his kitchen and she heard the clink of glasses followed by the faucet running. She was fully dressed except for her shoes and socks when he came back in with a filled glass in each hand. He passed one over, and she accepted. She downed the water as she would a shot.

  She placed the glass on the floor and hunted for her socks. One was sticking out from under the recliner, but the other seemed to have disappeared. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his foot sliding against the floor and moving behind his leg. Turquoise cotton peeked out from under his large foot.

  Her shoes were between him and the door. Should she forget the sock and just get the hell out of there?


  Her sock. Her rules. Hers to command.

  She walked over and stopped in front of him with minimal inches to spare. “Give me my sock.”


  “Why not?”

  “Think of it as an excuse to come back.”

  She gripped his stirring cock in her hand. As it began to harden, she watched the blood rush down his body. “If I come back, this is all the excuse I need. Understand me?”

  He nodded and kicked her sock away from him. Acknowledging the concession, she lightly squeezed him before letting go. She bent down for the sock, her hip brushing against the head of his cock. He let out a groan, but she ignored it as she put her socks on and went for her shoes. She really needed to explore this need to dominate him.

  She retrieved her phone from her bag. “What’s your phone number?”


  “Your phone number. Give it to me.”

  He rattled off a set of numbers. Good thing he’d long ago memorized it as it was clear he wasn’t processing anything other than what his cock demanded of him.

  In this contest, however, her will won. She opened the door and headed out. She was halfway down the hall when she heard the door open again.


  She turned around, but continued walking toward the elevator. He was full-on naked and cock waving in the air. “What?”

  “Call me.”



  She pulled her phone out of her pocket, zoomed in and clicked a quick photo, then waved and hurried down the hall to where she could hear the chime of the elevator.

  As she ran down the hall, she passed a couple eating ice cream cones. In the distance, she heard Rafe’s door shut. She managed to stick her hand in the elevator door before it closed all the way. The sensor stopped it and had it reopening. No one was waiting. Thank, Christ. She hit the button for the lobby and collapsed against the wall. Instead of going down, however, it continued up.

  She didn’t care.

  Closing her eyes, she focused on recentering herself. That had been way more intense than she’d expected. She pulled out her phone and opened the photo app. God, he was pretty. She should hate him even more for making her want him, but her body craved a return to that den of sin.

  Her finger hovered over the delete button, but she couldn’t d
o it. Instead, she opened the message app and texted Rose and Julia to let them know she was heading home.

  * * *

  R: Done already?

  F: Shut it.

  R: Be prepared to share *everything*!

  * * *

  She sent back the emoji with the tongue sticking out and turned off her phone. Once she was outside, she drew in a deep breath. Maybe without pheromones clouding her mind, she could think objectively about this.

  It was supposed to have only been a way to exorcise her anger about his employer with him as a convenient avatar. Instead, it had turned into something much bigger. Something she wasn’t sure she could handle.

  As she headed home on the train, she let her thoughts wander to the surprisingly easier-to-handle looming disaster of what to do with her professional future.


  Monday morning, Frankie juggled her coffee, backpack, and sweater as she searched her pockets for the office keys. She felt the edge of one key and started to pull them out when her books and coffee started sliding from her arm.

  “Shit, shit, shit.” She tried to catch them, but only managed the books. The coffee hit the ground bottom first. One would think that would have been enough to save it, but no. Instead, it fountained up, spraying her entire left side with her morning elixir. “God fucking damn it.”

  Closing her eyes, she leaned forward until her forehead hit the glass of her office door. She needed to call building services to have them come wipe down the hall, but what she really, really needed was the coffee that now coated the floor and walls of the hallway. She heard the squeak of shoes against the polished tile and looked up. An undergrad student who’d done some coursework in the lab was walking toward her, head down as she texted.

  “Leah! Stop!”

  Her short afro bobbed as she looked up. “What?” Frankie watched as Leah’s eyes focused and she stepped to the side of the hall. “Hey, Frankie. What happened?”

  “Fumble fingers. I didn’t want you to slip. Can you give me a sec and watch the hall for anyone else while I stick my stuff in my office? I’ve got some napkins in there.”


  She opened the door and dumped her books and bag on the visitor chair. Her little cube was down at the end, and she pulled open the drawer where she kept various lunch supplies. The napkins wouldn’t do much, but maybe enough so no one would slip.

  When she got back to the hall, Leah was talking with someone and pointing in her direction. Rafe. Fuck. Knots forming in her stomach, and fighting the urge to close her eyes and barricade herself in the office, she bent down and began cleaning up what she could. “Thanks, Leah. I’ve got it from here.”

  “This guy says he’s looking for you. Are you going to be okay with him?”

  Frankie smiled at the younger woman’s concern. “I will be. I’ll email you when I hear about the short course.”

  “Great. Thanks, Frankie.”

  Leah continued on and turned the corner. Frankie went back to cleaning the floor. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Rafe crouch down next to her.

  “I didn’t realize you did floors.”

  She whipped her head up and glared at him. “I don’t want anyone slipping.”

  He reached over and picked up the now-empty cup. “Want to go out for a replacement?”

  “No. I need to call building services and then get to work.”

  She grabbed the cup, but he didn’t let go of it. His eyes were hard as he looked into hers. “You didn’t let me know you’d gotten home safely.”

  “Why do you care?”

  His jaw firmed as he gripped her upper arm with his free hand. Unable to resist the power he used, she stood up with him. “Call building services. I’ll be back in twenty minutes and we’re going to hash this out once and for all.”

  He let go and yanked the cup from her hand, taking it with him. She watched as he stalked down the hall to the stairwell. It wasn’t until he had disappeared from view that the spell capturing her attention broke. She let out a harsh breath and went back into the office.

  Building services assured her they’d send someone up in ten minutes, and she went down the hallway to the bathroom to clean herself up as best she could.

  When she finished, she saw that building services had been as good as their word and a wet floor sign was now up outside her office, all evidence of the coffee disaster gone. She went back in and found Rafe sitting at her desk, a coffee cup on the desk and another in his hands.

  He stared at her as she shut the door. None of her office mates were due in that morning, so, as she leaned back against the door, she flipped the lock.

  “What are you doing here?”

  He lifted the cup to his lips and sipped. Was he ignoring her question or trying to draw the moment out?

  She could play that game, too.

  She walked over to her desk, her body inches from his, and picked up the second cup. Thanks to the sticker on the side, she saw that he’d managed to copy her original order. The thoughtfulness of the act in spite of his very apparent anger over her identity didn’t escape her.

  She sipped and enjoyed the rush as the caffeine hit her system. He stared up at her, still not speaking. She came from good Italian Catholic stock, and no one wielded the silent treatment the way her Nonna did. Utilizing one of Nonna’s more feared tricks, she kept her eyes on him, one brow raised as she drank her coffee. A silent Nonna was a deadly Nonna.

  He finally tossed his empty cup into the bin under her desk and leaned back in her chair, his hands cupping his head. She could have told him it was a losing proposition as there were no comfortable positions other than being hunched over a keyboard. However, she saw his gorgeous abs outlined below his T-shirt. The hem rode up a bit and showed off some skin above the waistband of his jeans.

  If he thought he was decomposing her with the action, he was dead wrong. She put the cup to her lips and let her head fall back as she drained what was left of the coffee. Following his lead, she threw the cup away. Then, she swung her leg around his and straddled his hips.

  With a gasp, his hands went for her hips as she ground herself down on him. His cock stirred and was soon a hard rod. She stroked her center up and down, watching his eyelids close halfway.

  “What are you doing?”

  His voice was husky, and she bent her nose to where his neck met his chest. Darting her tongue out, she licked. Salt coated her tongue, as if sweat had dried there. She lightly bit him and felt his cock jump.

  “You came into my space and tried to control the situation. I’m putting you in your place.”

  His hand rubbed her ass, squeezing in time with his hips lifting up against her. “Where’s that?”

  Instead of immediately answering, she indulged her senses and pulled the neckline of his shirt down. Underneath the light scent of salt, she could smell the same orange spice scent from Friday. Probably his shower wash. Her teeth scraped his skin as she sought the edge of his chest hair. Her other hand reached between them and she rubbed her thumb along the valley of soft skin delineating his hip bone and stomach.



  “Where do you want me?”

  She swallowed her smile as she rewarded him with a particularly hard grind. He groaned. “Do you have a condom?”


  Her brows rose. “Do you have one because you always carry one with you?”


  She lifted her chest up so she was fully seated on his cock. Two pairs of jeans and underwear separated them, but the pressure was exactly what she needed. She rolled her hips and his eyes closed all the way. With her feet planted on the floor, she had enough stabilization to continue the motion without having to rest her hands on him.

  “Where did you get the condom from?”

  Even with her clarifying what she was asking, he took a moment to reply. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed before answering. “Bathroom dispenser.”

  “Why did you get a condom from the bathroom?”

  She circled her hips and she felt the twitch in his cock. Her pussy responded, wanting him to invade.

  “I’m going to fuck you.”

  “Who says?”

  His eyes opened and they stared straight into hers. “You.”

  She cocked a brow at him. “Why should I?”

  He lifted his hips up, and her pussy clenched. “I can feel how wet you are even through the jeans. You wouldn’t be doing this if you weren’t going to fuck me.”

  Relaxing her knees, she let her weight pin him back to the chair. “I could be cockteasing you.”

  Even as she said it, power coursed through her. She had him at her mercy and it was delicious. She wanted more.

  He moved his hands from her hips and began undoing her jeans. She didn’t bother to stop him. “If you were a cocktease, you would have left me high and dry on Friday. You want me as much as I want you.”

  Unable to deny the charge, especially once he got his hand in her panties and coated in her juices, she rocked against him. Other than positioning his fingers, he didn’t do anything further, letting her direct the action. She undulated her hips, dragging her center across the rough skin of his fingers. Soon, both their chests were heaving as they tried to draw in air. He crooked his fingers into her, and the resulting pressure on her clit had her coming.

  She bit her lip to keep her moans to herself, but pumped hard onto him. The muscles in her legs were still twitching minutes later as she pushed up.


  She shed her jeans and panties and pointed to him. “Get that cock out and condom on now.”

  He didn’t say anything else, only pulled the packet from his front pocket and did as she commanded.

  Once he was sheathed, she moved back onto him and sank down on his cock until he was fully buried in her. They both groaned.


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