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Nowhere to Hide (Tundra Wolves Book 4)

Page 8

by Maggie Walsh

  He smiled when Alex huffed, then asked impatiently, “So, are you just going to lie there acting like you’re sleeping, or are we going to figure out what the hell is going on?”

  Marlo’s eyes opened and he looked to Alex as he snarled softly.

  Alex wasn’t intimidated at all and crossed his arms over his chest as he glared at Marlo. “Really? You’re the one who ran from…” Alex looked to him with a raised brow, his eyes full of questions. “Ran from what? Did he run, Dell? Shit, Marlo, shift back and tell me what the hell has you running around in the near dark and almost freezing your butt off. I know it wasn’t just so you could come over here and listen to my mates plow me. Shit, if that’s what you wanted, all you had to do was ask. I’m sure my men wouldn’t mind a voyeur.”

  “Depends on the voyeur, baby,” Tug said, as he and Raiden stepped back into the room, giving Alex a smile then they quickly exited up the stairs.

  “Don’t listen to him, Tug would love to have an audience. So, anyway, what’s up?”

  Marlo looked to him, his eyes pleading with Dell to do something. “It’s up to you, Marlo. It’s not my story to tell, but I’m not going anywhere until you and I have a conversation and I help you either figure this out or ease your mind. Preferably both,” Dell said.

  Marlo’s body began to shake and Alex reached over to a nearby chair and grabbed a blanket from where it hung on the arm, then held it out for Marlo just as he completed his shift back to his human form. He took the blanket, giving Alex a grateful smile, then wrapped it around his waist before he too sat cross-legged before them.

  He and Alex both sat silently, allowing Marlo time to gather his thoughts. Dell knew that Marlo would tell them everything that was going on inside him when he was ready, they just needed to give him a little time.

  Finally, after a few minutes he raised his head and met Dell’s gaze. Dell’s heart tugged as he saw tears brimming in Marlo’s eyes. “I’m scared, Dell.”

  He reached out and gently took one of Marlo’s hands in his. “I know, sweetie, but it’s all going to be okay, I promise. I always told you that the day an alpha came along and wanted to claim you that I would protect you and make sure he was worthy of you, right?”

  Alex gasped from beside him as Marlo replied, “Yes. You’ve always been here to help me with anything, Dell, but this in different than just some alpha showing up and wanting to petition to claim me. This is my mate, which means I don’t have a choice.”

  “Your mate? You’ve found your mate?” Alex asked, his voice coming out both shocked and thrilled as he turned to look at him for confirmation.

  “Yes, I did,” Marlo whispered, as a single tear fell from his eye and rolled down his cheek.

  Alex sat forward and took Marlo’s other hand in his as he tried to comfort Marlo. “Oh, Marlo, that’s a good thing, trust me, I know. True mates are different than just some random guy coming along and wanting to stamp his name on your ass. A true mate will love and accept you for exactly who you are.”

  “Not this one,” Marlo mumbled, as he dropped his chin to his chest and looked down.

  “Why would you say that, Marlo?” Dell asked.

  Marlo looked back to him as another tear rolled down his cheek. “Because I know who he is, Dell. Before I came into your office I was talking with Lysander and he told me he just left Ridge’s cousin Fane and some other guy named Oberon in your office and that the other guy was a vampire.”

  “A vampire?” Alex gasped again.

  Dell shot him a look to calm down for Marlo’s sake and Alex instantly pulled back his excitement and fear. Dell turned back to face Marlo and gave him a soft smile. “So, let me guess, when you walked into my office with the keys to Bo’s knowing I would eventually call you for them, you immediately smelled the vampire and knew the other one was Fane, and by scenting him you smelled your mate,” Dell surmised.

  Again, Alex gasped, but quickly covered his mouth and shook his head.

  “I knew you were meeting with them because of my conversation with Lysander, and then when you yelled for Jude I knew you would call me next for Bo’s keys so I was ready, but I wasn’t ready to walk in and find that the guy was my true mate. I mean, I’ve heard the stories you told about what Ridge had told you about Fane and I even heard a few from Caleb and Bo from what they heard from their mates. From everything I’ve heard about him, he’s not to be trusted, Dell. They say he’s an elitist blowhard from New York City who thinks he’s god's gift to the world. How am I supposed to be mated to someone that we can’t trust? To someone you can’t trust? And how is that going to be good for me? I don’t want to be someone's slave, Dell. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life like my father did. I don’t want to just agree to everything he says and bend over whenever he demands, or do... other things... I don’t want to be whipped or flogged or chained down. I like sex, Dell, but I don’t want that. I know I’m an omega and I’m supposed to be all submissive, but I don’t think I can do that, Alpha,” Marlo said, in a rushed panic, his fears coming out in every word.

  “I’m sorry, Alex. I know you like all that kinky shit and that’s fine for you and your men if that’s what you’re into, but it terrifies me to even think about being bound, gagged, and whipped. I don't like pain,” Marlo cried, and the tears began to flow freely down his face.

  “Oh, sweetie,” Alex cooed, as he slid next to Marlo and wrapped his arms around him. “What my men and I like and are into has nothing to do with what you or anyone else are into. Every relationship is different. We each have our own things that turn us on. Our own kinks.”

  “But he’s an alpha/beta, Alex. You know what he’s going to expect from me as an omega and I just can’t... no... I won’t do it,” Marlo insisted.

  Dell was damn proud of Marlo for knowing who he was and what he wanted, and for having the balls to say it. He also knew Marlo would stick to his guns and not let anyone, even his mate, walk all over him. And, of course, he would always have him and the others like Caleb, Bo, Jude, and Alex on his side.

  “Marlo, I know what you’ve already heard about Fane, and just from those stories I would have to agree with you, and I would be nervous about your relationship with him too, but there’s more to his story than you know. If he didn’t turn out to be your mate I probably would have shared what new information I have from Ridge about him, but seeing as he is your mate, I think it is his story to tell you. Once you have all the facts, then you can make the decision that is best for you and I will stand by whatever choice you make,” Dell said.

  “So, your mate is this Fane guy? Ridge’s cousin, right?” Alex asked.

  “Yes,” Marlo replied, then looked to him. “Dell, if what you’re saying is different from what I’ve already heard about him and I think it is with the way you’re talking to me about it, then maybe I should at least talk to him. I wish you could tell me what you found out, but I know you’re too honorable to gossip or tell other people's stories. Can you just tell me one thing though?” Marlo asked.

  “Of course. Ask me anything.”

  “Do you think he’s a bad guy? Do you think he’ll be a controlling asshole who will stop me from being me? What do you think of him now that you’ve met him?”

  “I’m not sure I should answer that last one, Marl. I don’t want what I think to cloud or sway your judgment in any way. You need to get to know Fane, and then decide for you if the two of you have a future together,” Dell replied.

  “But, Dell,” Alex said, and Dell turned to him. He could see the worry and near panic in Alex’s eyes and knew exactly why. Alex was worried about Marlo not accepting his true mate, then being a victim of the Purge. As much as Dell wanted to protect Marlo and keep him safe as well as keep him alive for a long time, he knew he couldn’t do anything to interfere. It was in the gods plans and he was bound to do their bidding as they saw fit. If he used the Reckoning and the Purge to help Marlo decide, it wouldn’t be fair. Marlo needed to make the decision based on his heart, n
ot a threat that he may die if he didn’t accept his mate. Because of Marlo’s position as his assistant and his fathers before him, Marlo already knew about the Reckoning and the Purge, and had taken the oath. Marlo knew what was at stake and needed to make the decision that he thought was right for him, without being reminded of what was to come if he turned his mate down. So, he gave Alex a pointed look and shook his head, then turned back to face Marlo.

  “Marlo, remember that we can’t always believe everything we hear. Sometimes we need to find things out for ourselves and make our own judgements and decisions. Sometimes people can, and do, change. Sometimes it is an experience that causes it and other times it’s just growth, like growing up. The gods made Fane for you as they made you for him. Mates are supposed to be exactly what we need, so that is where I think you should start your thinking. Why would the gods create someone for you that would be the total opposite of what you wanted or needed? And vice versa. You’re probably exactly what Fane needs as well. The perfect match,” Dell said with a smile.

  “That’s true, Marlo. Mates are the other half to our souls, which means they are perfect for each other like pieces of a puzzle that have finally found their place. I don’t know who this Fane is, but I do know you and I know the type of man I wish for you. I have to have faith that our gods hold that same knowledge and will do what’s best for you as they have done for me. Look at Caleb and Ridge, as well as Jag and Bo, they are mates who were perfectly made for each other on every level. And then there is me and my men, again, we three are perfect for one another. We complement each other and make us all better people and better men. I have total faith in the gods after seeing what they have done with mates so far, and I know they have done what is right for you. You just need to get to know Fane and give him a chance, and if it doesn’t work out and he is a total asshole or abusive, then Dell, Jude, and my Tug will make him disappear where no one will ever find him,” Alex said, and gave Marlo a devious smile at the end causing both him and Marlo to laugh.

  Marlo squeezed each of their hands as he smiled. “You’re both right, and thank you for always being here for me and wanting to protect me. I think I need to stop running and just man up. I need to face Fane and see what happens, then I’ll know and I can make the best decision for me.”

  “That sounds like a great plan, Marl. How about you and I head out and let Alex and his men get back to... well, whatever they were doing?” Dell said with a chuckle, causing Alex to blush a little. “I’ll call Jude and see where Fane and Oberon are and we’ll go find them, so you and Fane can talk. I’ll take Oberon out for a tour or something so you can have some privacy, or we can stay close in case you need us. Your choice.”

  Marlo gave him a shy smile as he nodded. “Okay, Dell. Thank you.”


  After first stopping by Bo’s place to stow their things, Jude had taken Fane and Oberon through the main part of town, pointing out everything they might have need for in their first few days like the grocery story, pizza place, auto garage, general store, small bowling alley slash movie theater, and then the bar. Jude had saved that for last which made Fane happy. After the last few weeks he had, Fane could really use a good beer and some time to just relax.

  During all the time Jude led them around, Fane’s mind kept going back to the stunning man that the gods had blessed him with. His mate. Fane never thought he would ever have a mate, like most didn’t, but for him, he figured with his past that a gift of such magnitude was out of the question for him. Even after finding out about the Reckoning and the Purge, Fane didn’t believe he would ever be lucky enough to find the other half to his soul and have a happy life. He figured he was doomed to fall to the Purge when the time came and until then he would live the best life he could and do the least amount of damage to those around him.

  But now he had a mate—and wasn’t that just... surprising?—was the most prevalent thought in his head. Absurd? Confusing? Unheard of? Gods, what were you thinking giving me a mate? And one who was so beautiful to boot. Hell, one who was one of the sweetest, smartest wolves around from what he had heard of Marlo so far. Everything he had been told about his mate from Ridge, Caleb, Bo, and Dell screamed that his mate was well loved and respected as well as an omega. What the hell was he going to do with an omega mate?

  He didn’t want a mate who would just roll over and do whatever he demanded. First of all, he wouldn’t demand anything from the man. There was a time in his life he absolutely would have been a prick like that but now... no. He would never try to boss people around or be their master or anything like that. Fane did want someone to call his own. Someone he could love and care for and who would love and care for him as well. Someone he could be equal with in and out of the bedroom. Sure, he had some kinks like all other Tundra Wolves, but that night so long ago had taught him a lesson. One that he would never forget. Inflicting any kind of pain on someone he loved was a big turn off for him, but teasing them with pleasure... now that, he loved.

  Fane knew that one of the reasons a lot of the guys back in New Orleans loved to flirt with him and try to get him into bed was because he was the complete opposite from the majority of the vamps in the nest who liked to think they were some big badass Dom or some shit but they weren’t. Sure, there were a few who were and lived the lifestyle, but most were just blowing smoke and making unwarranted claims because they thought it was expected of them. Most thought Fane was the same way and had been shocked when they discovered he was nothing like that.

  Fane had changed a lot since that night and in a way he was grateful for what happened. Not that he could ever forgive himself for hurting the beautiful wolf like he had, but it had caused a huge shift in his thinking. Over the years he came to realize that gentleness, caring, tenderness, teasing, and playing could all be just as erotic and satisfying as when he was younger and wanted someone to bow to him. There was still some appeal in seeing a lover on his knees waiting to pleasure him, maybe with his hands tied behind his back or a ball gag in his mouth, but only if his partner was into it and wanted it too.

  He was no longer into the heavy aspects of the Tundra Wolf life, or what humans in their world referred to as BDSM, and Fane had learned long ago through his travels that there were so many different facets to BDSM. It wasn’t all whips, chains, and pain, no there was so much more and it had a very large spectrum. All forms of kink fell under its umbrella from age play to Daddy/boy slash Mommy/boy or daughter, to horse play, dog play, furries, orgasm denial, rope play, Shibari, wax play, and so many other things. Fane now knew exactly what he liked and hoped his mate would be okay with it, because there was no way he was walking away from the gift that had been given to him. If he had to change for his mate, Fane would, he just hoped his little omega didn’t want the full heavy BDSM with a twenty-four seven Dom/sub thing because as much as he would do anything for his mate, Fane didn’t think he could do that.

  “Holy fucking hell, I think we’ve been blessed and dropped into homo heaven, man,” Oberon exclaimed in excitement, bringing Fane out of his thoughts.

  Jude laughed as he slapped Oberon on the back, then moved around him to line up his shot with his pool cue. Fane had been so engrossed in his thoughts that he had forgotten they were even playing pool.

  “What, Fane didn’t warn you that Tundra Wolves were pretty much all gay? I mean, there are a few straight couples, but not many. We had a few, like Dell’s parents, our ex-Alpha couple, but they left last year and with them so did all but one of our male/female couples. But even they are planning on heading to one of the southern packs before the full-dark season comes, so we’ll be all male by Christmas,” Jude said, then flicked his arm, shooting the cue ball into the stack to break, sending the balls rolling over the green felt.

  “So, every single guy I see has no problem sucking cock or bending over? Well, hot-fucking damn,” Oberon said, with exuberance. “How about switching? Do most of these boys like to switch it up?”

  “I know so
me that are only tops and some who are only bottoms, but yeah, I would have to say the majority of men in the pack are versatile. It all depends on the dynamics of their relationship,” Jude answered, then took another shot, but missed.

  It was Oberon’s turn to take a shot, but Fane noticed his friend was staring somewhere across the room and his eyes filled with heat and desire. Fane turned on his stool to look what had caught Oberon’s attention, then smiled when he caught sight of what had caused his best friend to impersonate a statue.

  On the other side of the not-too-crowded bar, in one of the booths, sat a group of four men who were being very friendly with one another. One guy had another pinned to the seat as he devoured his mouth like a starving man, while another pressed in tight to the first guy and had a hand wrapped around his waist. Fane could see the guy’s hand was moving up and down and knew he was jerking off the heavy kisser. The fourth guy sat on the table with his legs spread wide as guy three, jerk-off guy, used his other hand and rubbed table-guy’s cock through his jeans. Table guy’s head was thrown back, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open. He looked like he was in bliss.

  “Wow. I heard the Alpha talk about it, but seeing it, and out in the open with no one even blinking an eye, is just... wow. So, no one here cares if people just fuck wherever?” Oberon asked, his gaze never leaving the foursome.

  “It’s who Tundra Wolves are. We actually love being fucked in public,” Jude replied.

  “Especially gammas,” Fane threw in, then took a drink from his beer.

  Jude chuckled. “Very true. Our gammas love fucking and don’t care where they are or who watches. Most others do it to show others who they belong to or who belongs to them.”


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