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Secret Daddy

Page 5

by Liam Kingsley

“I’m not the only omega dad who had had to raise an alpha child…” I objected.

  “I know that, but Brock is a shifter. He really needs specialized help with his wolf, and that’s why you hired the private investigator to find his dad in the first place, remember?”

  “Yes, but what if he just ditches us, though? What if Brock gets close to him, and he turns out to be a loony or just abandons us?”

  “Alright, you’re absolutely overthinking this,” Britt said. “Take it slow but at least take the opportunity you’ve been given. Let him in.”

  “Let him in?” I asked, absolutely not willing to do that yet.

  “Let him in,” Kennedy agreed.

  “You’re a good dad. Gavin deserves the option to be, too. And Brock deserves the chance to meet his other dad,” Britt insisted.

  I bit my lip and let out a sigh of defeat. She was right, but I still didn’t know if I was ready to let a complete stranger into my life, into Brock’s life. And then my phone started ringing.

  “Oh my god, it’s him.”

  “Answer it!” they said in unison.

  “I can’t! Oh my god, what am I going to say?”

  “Answer it!” they said, shoving me from both sides. I broke out in a nervous laugh, then jumped up and paced around with my phone in my hand.


  I nodded, and then pressed the little green button on my screen.

  “Hey,” I said, then grimaced at how pathetic I sounded.

  “Hi.” His deep voice sent a shiver ran up my spine.

  “Did you get home okay?” I asked, and then scowled when Britt and Kennedy shared a look about my conversation skills.

  Gavin chuckled. “Yeah, I got home okay. Did you?”

  “Yep, just got in really. I just… Hang on…” I covered the mouthpiece and motioned to the girls that I was going to my room, which was on the same floor level as the living areas.

  Britt gave me a thumbs up.

  I scurried off down the hall and quietly shut my door before I sat down heavily on the edge of my bed.

  “Hey,” I said. “Sorry, I just needed to get some privacy.”

  “Mm, good,” he said, and I thought I caught a hint of sexual energy in his tone. I instantly felt my cheeks flush, and I was really glad he couldn’t see me.

  “Thanks for dinner tonight,” I said wondering where the hell my aplomb had gone. This was not going well.

  “You’re very welcome, but I wanted to ask you something… About Brock.”

  Here we go.

  “Oh?” My voice came out so high-pitched I sounded like a fourteen-year-old.

  “I couldn’t help but notice…”

  I waited for him to continue, not willing to admit anything yet, not until Gavin actually said what he noticed.

  “You remind me of someone I hooked up with about ten years ago,” he said.

  Well, that technically wasn’t about Brock, but I guessed Gavin was leading up to it. He no doubt felt as odd about this conversation as I did.

  “I was just thinking the same thing about you.” Actually, as I vaguely recalled flashes about that night at the Cove Brewery and what happened afterward… I felt a mixture of embarrassment and arousal.

  “Because of Brock?”

  “Yeah. I noticed he looks exactly like you,” I said.

  “Yes, he does. Not as many wrinkles, though.”

  I let out a short laugh, and then a deep, anxious sigh. “I don’t know for sure if he’s…”

  “Was there someone else?” Gavin asked.

  “Actually, no. I hadn’t hooked up with anyone for months before that, and I found out I was pregnant right after. So…”

  “So it was me.”

  “If you were wearing some punk outfit with leather and spikes…” The memory of grabbing his spiked jacket and dragging him in for a kiss had stayed with me for a whole decade, that and a few other choice moments.

  He laughed. “Yeah, not my best fashion choices.”

  “This is crazy,” I said.

  “Well, it’s crazy we didn’t have this conversation earlier.”

  “Are you…okay with this?” I asked, biting down on my lip nervously and bracing for the answer. I still didn’t know if it was a good thing to bring Gavin into our lives, but like Britt and Kennedy had said, I should give him a chance, and it might help Brock.

  “Yes, I’m okay. More than okay. Not something I ever expected to happen, but I’m glad it did.”

  “You never expected to have a child?”

  “Um, well, I’ve been busy, and I haven’t…” Gavin cleared his throat, and I immediately felt a little sorry for him. I hadn’t expected to have Brock when I did, but the idea of not having him or any child certainly wasn’t part of who I was. I probably would have had more children if it wasn’t for the fact that Brock was a shifter…

  “Look, I want you to know I hired a private investigator to find you, but all I had to go on was a groggy memory. Your DNA isn’t in any system he could get access to, either.”

  “No, it wouldn’t be. Um, Kyle, I need to know something about Brock.”

  I took a deep breath and braced myself. I was glad he was going to bring it up.

  “Does he have any signs of uh… There’s something that runs in my family and…”

  “If you’re asking whether there’s a wolf inside his chest that wants to burst out of there all the time, then yes, there is,” I said frankly.

  “And is he okay? I mean, he seemed okay when I saw him today, but how are you dealing with it? It must have been a shock to you,” he said, genuine concern in his voice.

  “It was, and Brock isn’t doing well. He thinks he’s a freak,” I admitted. “When he was younger it wasn’t too bad, but as he’s gotten older and his alpha tendencies have increased, he’s finding it harder to stay in control. He’s confused and worried, and so am I.”

  “I’m sorry. If I’d known about him, I swear I would have helped out. Does anyone else—” A hint of panic rose in his voice.

  “My best friend is a conspiracy nut and has been talking about a secret community of wolf shifters living in Timberwood Cove since we were teenagers. When I told him about…that night, he immediately jumped to that conclusion. I originally didn’t believe him, until Brock shifted for the first time.”

  “What did you tell him to have him figuring out I was a shifter?” Gavin asked, still sounding suspicious and a little anxious.

  “Well, I needed a second opinion as to why your cock swelled up so big when you came.”

  “Oh, shit. That. It’s called knotting. To be truthful, I don’t remember much about that night either. I was pretty drunk, but I do remember it was some of the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  I’m positive I heard him release a soft moan, and my cock twitched at the sound. I wet my lips and ran a hand over my inner thigh. I suddenly evoked a memory of kissing him outside the brewery, his lips smashed against mine, his hands all over me…

  “We should meet up to discuss this further. Without Brock. That way we can work out what you want to do going forward. I’d love to get to know Brock, and you, if you’re not seeing anyone…”

  “No, I’m not, I’m single.” Shit, did I need to say that?

  “That’s good, so, can we meet?”

  Should I meet with him? Should I let him have access to Brock?

  “Please, Kyle. It’s important to me.” The plea in his voice was my undoing.

  “Yes, okay. I’m free weekends, but during the week I work in the evenings—”

  Gavin chuckled. “I know your shifts,” he said.

  “You do?”

  “I listen to your show every night, remember? You have an extremely sexy voice.”

  “I do? Oh, well, um… I pick Brock up from school, and I’m usually with him until I have to be at the station a little before eight to get my stuff ready, but I can get my sister Britt to watch him on Monday, so I’m yours.”

  My heart thumped as silence
descended on the line. Did I just tell him I was his?“Very good. You’re all mine before eight on Monday.” When Gavin spoke, I could actually feel the smooth sound of his alpha voice all through my body. Damn, he was hot. Definitely well practiced at seduction. Was he a total player? Was I inviting a real playboy into my life? I mean, Brock’s life…

  “Monday,” he repeated.

  “Monday,” I promised.

  After I ended the call, the air in my room felt like it was buzzing. I stared down at my phone and saw my reflection looking back at me in the black screen—and noticed there was a huge, silly grin on my face. I let out a laugh and fell back on my futon bed, spreading my legs and arms as wide as I could.

  I stared up at the ceiling and took in a ragged breath. I could barely believe it. The whole thing felt like a dream. I’d woken up that morning with a heavy weight of dread about the stupid gaming convention and ended the day having found the father of my son, who happened to be incredibly hot and seemed kind of into me.

  I closed my eyes and strained to remember what Gavin had looked like ten years earlier in the dim lighting of the Cove Brewery bar. I’d been six tequila shots in and he’d appeared out of nowhere, standing close to me at the bar. I’d been sitting on a stool, swiveling back and forth when he’d put his hand on my thigh. His grip had been firm and stopped me from moving. Then he’d leaned close to me and whispered in my ear. I don’t remember what he said, but it must have been good because not long after he was fucking me senseless.

  I opened my eyes and took in a sharp breath as my dick throbbed in my jeans. I hauled myself up off the futon and began unbuttoning my pants as I stumbled toward the door.

  “Going to bed! Night!” I shouted down the hall to the living room.

  “Wait, what happened with Gavin?” I heard Britt ask.

  “I’ll tell you tomorrow, bye,” I said quickly as I shut the door and switched off the light. In the dark, I undressed and threw myself down onto the low bed. I knelt and closed my eyes, running my hands over my body. It felt good to be touched like that even if I was the only one doing it.

  I remembered Gavin grabbing my hips firmly as we swayed on the dance floor. I grabbed my hips now, just like that. It wasn’t the same, it was nowhere near as furious and demanding as his touch had been, but it still felt good. My cock got a little harder.

  I now remembered his scent—whiskey, and something else like lilacs—earthy, green, and wild. I inhaled and imagined I could still smell him. My breath caught in my throat as my dick twitched and started to ache, demanding attention.

  I sat down on my heels and took the base of my cock in my hand. I moaned and gripped it tightly as it firmed with a surge of blood. My cockhead swelled, and I teased the tip with the fingers of my other hand. Even though a drop of precum oozed from the slit, it wasn’t enough, so I reached over to my bedside table and rummaged around for my lube, disguised as a bottle of moisturizer. I pumped up a huge amount of it into my hands. I loved it wet and sloppy, and I lathered it all over my cock before I started slipping both my hands up and down its length. My cock hardened even more, and a hoarse moan escaped my lips. My balls tightened. Fuck, it felt so good.

  Though I’d tried several times to remember all of that night in detail and couldn’t, it was suddenly easy to call to mind Gavin’s hands on my hips, pulling me forward and grinding me against him, our dicks pressing together as we swayed to the music and urgently kissed.

  I thought about what his mouth looked like now—full lips red and wet as he smiled at me at dinner. What if he’d kissed me goodnight? How would it feel to have him kiss me right then on my bed, with me kneeling in front of him?

  Where else could I kiss him?

  My breath caught again and I started to pump myself harder. My mind raced. It was easy to imagine tasting his cock on my tongue, but what I remembered with clarity was how big it became when he blew his load deep inside me. I wondered if would thicken up like that in my mouth. How much of his cum could I take before it dribbled from my lips and down his shaft?

  “Fuck,” I moaned, tugging my balls gently and sending a rush of pleasure through my body. I wanted to taste him. I wanted him to fuck my mouth, fuck my ass like he did before. I don’t remember how we ended up in bed together, but I did remember him bending me over and shoving the head of his cock inside my tight opening.

  I reached down and ran a finger over my hole. It twitched and an urge for more pulsed around the edges of my ass. I gave in, shoving two slippery fingers deep inside my aching hole and barely holding back a loud moan as my ass clenched down on them. I fucked myself as best I could, bouncing up and down on my hand as I held my dick in a loose grip. Everything was soaking wet. I gasped and breathed through parted lips, trying my hardest to stay quiet as shock after shock of pleasure rushed through me and buried itself deep in my groin, growing stronger and hotter by the second, threatening to explode. My cock leaked precum, adding even more fluid to pump over my shaft, and my hole dripped with slick, which ran down my hand.

  That’s when I unexpectedly remembered how wet I’d become the moment Gavin had thrust the full length of his cock in my ass. I’d gone into full blown heat, and sex hadn’t become something I simply wanted, it had become something I frantically needed. I’d whined like crazy as he’d rammed his fat cock into my tight hole over and over, pushing me through multiple orgasms. By the time the base of his cock was swelling and locking us tight and I felt him flooding my ass with cum, I’d been seeing stars.

  Now, my ass clenched down, desperate for that same feeling again. I knew I couldn’t outdo how he’d made me feel that night—god knows I’d tried so many times to recreate that feeling on my own… But I could come close. I roughly shoved a third finger into my hole and started to fuck myself hard and fast with it. There was a light pain that joined the waves of pleasure, and I bit down on my lip to stop myself from whimpering from it.

  I leaned forward to give myself more leverage and urgently tried to fit another finger and a thumb inside my hole. My eyes squeezed shut, and I barely moved my hand on my cock, but I didn’t need to, I was going to come, and I was going to come hard. When my balls pulled up tight against my body I fucked my hole harder and faster, on the edge of being too rough, but I was so far gone by then I didn’t care. My muscles tightened, and I managed only a few short, raspy breaths before my whole world focused only one thing; the intensity of my pleasure.

  My cock pulsed and shot a heavy load of cum high into the air. I felt the splatter as it landed on my chest and stomach. I also felt my ass spasming, and each spasm squirted more slick over my hand and more cum out of my dick. It felt like I was literally coming front and back, and it was too much. I groaned, aware of how loud I was, chanting Gavin’s name over and over but unable to stop as my balls emptied themselves and my vision grayed.

  I collapsed onto my mattress with a heavy thud, face-down and panting hard. I could feel my slick leaking down the inside of my thighs, and it reminded me of Gavin’s cum. He’d filled me up so much I hadn’t been able to take it all. I shivered, a little lost in the memory of being face-down like this after Gavin had fucked me senseless. After his cock had shrunk back to a normal size, after his knot had released me, he slipped free and lay down right beside me. I’d opened my eyes and found him staring at me. The room had been spinning, but I’d been able to focus on his smile. He’d been panting just as heavily as I was, but he also seemed to be breathing me in.

  “I think I love you,” he’d whispered just before his eyes had closed and he’d sank into a deep, motionless sleep.

  Now, my eyes flew open and I stared into the darkness of my bedroom. My heart was pounding so hard that I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

  What the fuck?

  Had Gavin really said that? It seemed as crystal clear as a sober memory, but had I just made it up? Did my subconscious just fabricate it to top off the sweet orgasm I’d just had?

  “Oh god.” I rolled over onto my back and
put one hand on my chest and the other on my stomach. I tried to focus on my breathing instead of the panic that was racing through me.

  So what if he’d said I love you in a moment of passion? He was drunk.

  Sure, it didn’t mean anything. But what did mean something was that now, ten years later, he was back in my life, I’d just jacked off over the memory of him, and when I thought about him saying those three words, it made me giddy and dizzy.

  And he was a, uh… wolf shifter.



  “Everyone! Quiet down!” Jaxon shouted as he stood on the stage at the Lodge, with the pack elders standing behind him. The hall was jammed full of shifters—almost everyone in our pack and even a few neighboring packs had crammed themselves into the space to hear the last-minute news he was to deliver to us.

  Instead of listening, everyone was chatting, catching up, and laughing. Even Nic was prattling on with Cole while I stood by them with my arms crossed. They’d brought Paco, their wild-eyed husky, to the morning’s emergency meeting and he was weaving through legs, sniffing butts, and looking for treats. I kept an eye on him, even though I knew there wasn’t much I could do if he decided to be a rascal.

  “Paco!” I called as he tried to squeeze out of view behind Cole.

  Of course he ignored me and was gone in a flash. I was about to take off after him when the energy in the room suddenly changed. Jaxon shifted, and the scent of our pack alpha in his wolf form made my own wolf stand to attention. My eyes were locked on him as he released a blood-chilling howl.

  The room fell silent.

  He shifted back to his human form just as quickly as he’d changed and addressed us all with a serious tone. “Listen to me. I called you here this morning for your own safety.”

  A murmur ran through the crowd. I glanced over and saw Jaxon’s mate, Bryce, bouncing their ten-month-old baby girl, Lori in his arms. Her mouth was wide open in awe and she stared at Jaxon with huge eyes. A feeling of envy raced through me and I took in a deep breath to try and calm the hell down. Was this… Was I feeling clucky?


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