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Walk The Line (The Dawson Brothers Book 6)

Page 9

by Ali Parker

  The sound of the front door slamming made Connor tense up beside me in his seat. I thought it was a strange reaction to have in his own home.

  “Something sure smells good,” Abi said, as she walked into the kitchen.

  “You are just in time, Abi. I’m just getting the pot roast out of the oven,” Wyatt said, opening the oven door and pulling out the large baking pan. She was right, it did smell really good.

  She stopped in her tracks when she saw me. “Oh, hello Lydia. Good to see you.” She walked to the sink and washed her hands, looking confused. I could feel Connor being tense next to me.

  “I didn’t know we had an appointment today. I hope you haven’t been waiting for me long,” she dried her hands and sat down at the table. “Since the meeting yesterday was canceled, I guess I didn’t get the message that you were coming today.” She gave Connor a look.

  I realized then that Abi had no idea that Connor had come to the meeting by himself the previous day. Obviously, he told her that it was canceled. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind right then and there, but I knew it would only make the situation worse. So I held my tongue.

  “I am sorry you didn’t get the message. I’ll make sure you do next time, and send an email directly to you. I have all my files with me today, so I can show you after we eat. I already took the extra measurements I needed to get.”

  “I would love to see the designs. I’m really excited to get started on the remodeling,” Abi said.

  “Here it is. Don’t touch the pan, it’s very hot.” Wyatt set down the pot roast in the middle of the table and everyone moaned in delight. I myself was very hungry after a hard day working on the ranch.

  “That looks wonderful, son,” Mr. Dawson said.

  “Don’t thank me, I just put it in the oven. Abi prepped it last night and put it in the fridge. She is the food magician around here.”

  “In that case, thank you Abi and Wyatt,” Mr. Dawson joked. We all laughed, and I thought it was strange to see Mr. Dawson being lighthearted. He didn’t exactly look like the type to make a joke, but I guess Connor got it from somewhere.

  Wyatt cut the pot roast in the pan. Next, he loaded a plate that was passed to him with pot roast, potatoes, carrots, onions, and green beans, then he handed the plate off and did the same thing with the next plate until everyone around the table had a plate in front of them.

  As we ate, I realized just how much I enjoyed being with this family. They were loud, funny, and teased each other with love. Being away from home and my family, it was making me a bit homesick. I could get used to dinners at Dawson Ranch. While Abi and Dylan were fighting about the last piece of pot roast, I turned and looked at Connor. He was smiling at me and there was a sparkle in his eye. I smiled back, and really enjoyed sitting next to him after the day we had shared on the ranch.

  “Lydia? What do you have going on Friday? Connor and I are going dove hunting. Would you like to join us?” Dylan asked out of nowhere, catching me completely by surprise.

  “I really doubt that a girl like Lydia would want to go shooting, Dylan,” Abi said, in a somewhat rude manner. I didn’t know why it felt like she didn’t like me, but it did.

  “Actually, I would love to go,” I said.

  “You would?” Connor asked.

  “Yes, I would.”

  “All right then, come hunting with us. But we do go very, very early. Before the sun is up,” Connor smiled at me.

  “I think I can handle an early morning. I haven’t done it in years and it will be good for me,” I said.

  I got a glimpse of Abi frowning and realized that she didn’t want me hanging out with her brother. Maybe she thought it was unprofessional of me, and I realized that was probably why Connor had lied to her about coming to the meeting.

  “That’s good. See, even Miss Myers knows what a good early rise can do for the body. It’s a good thing to do,” Mr. Dawson said.

  I liked hearing him approve. It was nice to have his validation, and when I looked at Connor, he was beaming with pride, as though happy his father approved of me.

  After dinner, I sat with Abi at the kitchen table, showing her the designs and having her approve the appliances, paint color, and a few furniture pieces for the living room. She was really into the work and I was glad for it, because I didn’t want her to bring up anything about Connor and I. It was obvious that I wouldn’t like what she’d have to say about it, so I needed to keep it professional when talking with her.

  When we were done, I said my goodbyes to the lovely family and Connor walked me to my car. This was my chance to clear things up and try to understand what he was doing.

  “You know that I have to ask,” I said.

  “I know. Trust me, I didn’t think I was going to get away with it,” he said.

  “Then why did you do it? Why did you lie to her and tell her the meeting yesterday was canceled? Lying is not a good thing, Connor. That is your sister.”

  “I agree. Honesty is better, but you don’t know my sister.”

  “That is not a good excuse, Connor,” I said, crossing my arms in front of my chest and leaning against my car door. I wasn’t going to let him get away with this.

  “You aren’t going to let me off that easy, are you?”

  “No sir, I am not.”

  “The truth is—I just wanted to see you. I wanted to talk to you alone. I knew the only way I could do that was if Abi wasn’t with me. I know it was wrong and I don’t like lying to my sister, if that’s what you think. I did it on the spur of the moment. I regret it, but I don’t regret having that moment with you in your office.” He grinned.

  I gasped. He had felt it too, the chemistry between us in my office. I had to admit that I was glad he had come alone too, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. I shouldn’t reward dishonesty.

  “I think I should get going. I have the drive back and all,” I said, trying to get away from the new chemistry that was brewing between us. I did want him to kiss me, but not where his family could see and cause problems. I would need to wait, but it would be an excruciating wait.

  “Let me get the door for you ma’am,” he said, teasing me because he knew I didn’t like being called ma’am.

  “Thank you, sir.” I teased back.

  He opened the door and I climbed into my car.

  “So, I’ll see you on Friday then,” he asked.

  “Yes, you will.”

  He smiled and closed my door, then took a few steps back. He just stood there staring at me with that gorgeous sideways grin. His tall body standing there, sturdy as a tree, was a lot to take in. I turned on my car and drove out of the driveway. I sighed, saying, “Lydia, what are you getting yourself into with this cowboy?’

  Driving over the cattle guard and onto the main road, I put my phone on speaker and called Whitney.

  “Where have you been all day?” she asked.

  “You won’t believe it. What are you doing, and do you have wine?”

  “I am home doing nothing, and I have two bottles of red.”

  “Great, I’ll be there in half an hour.”

  “In that case, I’m going to walk to the corner market and buy a cheesecake to await your arrival,” she said.

  “This is why we are best friends,” I said, then hung up the phone.

  The entire drive back to the city I couldn’t stop thinking about Connor and riding behind him as we toured the ranch on the horse. Something simple had been so romantic and sexy. It was a true cowboy moment, and I knew deep down that I liked it a lot. Not only was it nice to be that close to him and inhale his manly scent, it was also sexy to watch him ride. Doing the hard labor on the ranch with him was like hours of foreplay for me and my body had responded to him. Watching his muscular form pick up a bag of heavy feed and throw it on his shoulder made me want to bite my lip. Damn, he was sexy. I was glad that we hadn’t been alone on the ranch or I would have wanted to make my fantasy of doing it in a pile of hay come true.

reached out and turned the AC on in my car as I was starting to feel heated just thinking about him. Turning up the music, I tried to get my mind on the song and off of his incredible body.

  Then I thought about sitting around the table having dinner with his family. I hated that I’d enjoyed it so much, because it made me a little scared. These were supposed to be my clients, and it was turning into much more than that. Janet couldn’t know about any of this.

  The thirty minute drive back to the city felt like it was taking forever. I needed to talk to Whitney as soon as possible. Finally, I found a parking spot on the street in front of her building. I grabbed my bag and got out.

  “What kind of cheesecake did you get?” I asked, speaking through the intercom of Whitney’s high-rise apartment building.

  She laughed. “I’ll buzz you up. And I got chocolate.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about—”


  The front door unlocked with a clunking sound. I walked in and made my way up to her apartment.

  “What happened? Where have you been?” Whitney looked really confused after she opened the front door and I walked in, all tired and dirty. “You look like you’ve been in a dustbowl.”

  “What do you think? Where do you think I’ve been? Cow town,” I said, putting my bag down on the floor and walking over to open the wine. She cut into the cheesecake, putting slices on the plate.

  “No! Really? Safety? Connor?” She asked in rapid fire succession, avoiding the real question.

  “Yes. I was with him at his ranch. We had a fun and romantic day and I helped out with the chores,” I said, wrinkling my nose and preparing myself to get in trouble.

  “Doing chores? That’s romantic for you?” She handed me a plate of cheesecake, shaking her head. I handed her a glass of wine and we walked over to the couch.

  “Well, not just chores. We went for a horseback ride, touring the ranch. Um, on the same horse.”

  “What? Lydia! Very naughty. What would Janet say?”

  “I know. I know. But hey, you’re the one that’s always pushing me to date the clients.”

  “That is true. So are you dating Connor Dawson?”

  “No, I didn’t say that. I just meant—well—I guess it could go there.”

  “That’s great! So, what’s the problem?”

  “Didn’t you say that he was rowdy? And I’m sure that I saw him brawling at the dance hall that night. He is fine, a true cowboy, but he also might have a temper that he’s hiding from me.”

  “Not this again. I already told you that not all men are like your last boyfriend. You have to let go of that. Yes, it is smart to be cautious, but you can’t let it hold you back from enjoying life.”

  “But you’re the one that told me the Dawson brothers are always in trouble,” I said, drinking the wine.

  “Yes, I did say that, didn’t I? But, I just meant it in a ‘boys will be boys’ kind of way. Besides, that was a long time ago and Connor is a grown man, I’m sure that he’s not like that anymore.”

  “I saw him fighting, at least I think it was him.”

  “Right, that was just a few weeks ago. Well, he is your client, so you have to see him anyway. I wouldn’t put too much stress on yourself. What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to see him on Friday.”

  “Oh, are you having items delivered? Did they approve the designs already? Do you want me to go with you?”

  “No, I’m going dove hunting with him and his brother.”



  Connor Dawson

  I nearly lost it when Abi walked into the kitchen that night. I didn’t know how to handle it. I wasn’t prepared to have Lydia stay for dinner, but of course Dylan had put his nose in my business. I knew the whole thing was a disaster waiting to happen.

  But I wasn’t expecting Lydia to cover for me. When Abi asked why she cancelled the meeting, I knew I was done for and that a big fight was about to explode and ruin dinner, and my chances with Lydia along with it. But that didn’t happen. Instead, Lydia covered for me and that only made me like her more. She was calm and collected in answering Abi, and there was something really nice about having her support me already. I felt guilty that I made her lie for me though. It was not a good way to start dating someone. She called me out on it when I walked her to her car. Lydia was a woman that was not going to take my bullshit, and maybe that was what I needed. Maybe it was what all the Dawson men needed.

  Then of course Dylan had to go and be nosy again and ask Lydia to join us to go hunting. I knew that Abi was mad about that invitation, but I wasn’t. I didn’t think Lydia would accept, but I was glad that she did. Now I would be seeing her again.

  “Get your ass out of bed,” I kicked Dylan’s leg. He was still asleep.

  “What? What time is it? And don’t kick me, you jerk,” he said, in a groggy voice.

  “Hey, it’s not light yet, but you need to get up. I’m all ready to go. I’m headed into the city to pick up Lydia. She’s expecting me at five. I’ll meet you out on the land as soon as we get back. Get up. You know it takes you time to eat your breakfast, and you still gotta put the guns in your truck and all.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m up,’ he said.

  “Here’s some coffee,” I set a cup of coffee down on his nightstand.

  “Wow, thanks. You‘re never nice. You must really like this girl.”

  “Yes, I do and I don’t need you messing it up, so don‘t go saying anything stupid when we’re out there.”

  “I will try my best not to embarrass you more than three times, but that‘s all I can promise,” he said, chuckling as he combed his fingers through his hair.

  “Right. I’ve got to get going. Now get up,” I said, as I left his room.

  “I am up, I’m up,” he said.

  A few minutes later I was on the road headed toward the city. It was twilight outside but the dawn was about an hour away. I was excited that Lydia was going to join us on the dove hunt. And surprised. She didn‘t seem like the type to go hunting, especially when I thought about her sitting behind her desk in her little black skirt and stilettos. But maybe she was the adventurous type. I was anxious to see how she would handle this. I hadn’t thought about much else for the last two days since she’d left the ranch. Lydia Myers had been occupying my mind more and more.

  I pulled into the driveway of a small duplex. So this was her place. It was a small city bungalow type. I turned off my headlights and walked to the door, straightening my hat. I rang the doorbell and waited. I was nervous. No woman had ever made me nervous the way she did.

  “Hey Connor,” she said, opening the door.

  “Lydia, you look fantastic,” I said, looking at the way she was dressed. She wore an olive green army jacket, perfect for hunting. Her jeans were tucked into tall boots that went up to her knees, perfect for going through tall grass, especially because of the Texas rattlesnakes.

  “Thank you, Connor, I’m ready to go.”

  “I’m impressed. The sun isn’t even up, and not only are you ready to go but you are accurately dressed for the hunt. My brother wasn’t even up when I left the ranch. I had to wake him.”

  “I think there is a lot about me that might surprise you,” she said, walking past me toward my truck. I raised my eyebrows as I watched her perfect ass while she walked away from me. Damn, she was beautiful. I opened the door for her, wanting to please her. She climbed in, and I shut the door and went around. This was going to be interesting.

  “Is there a coffee drive thru that will be open somewhere?” I asked.

  “Yes. I stop by one every day on my way to work. I’ll show you where it is, and yes it’s open. It’s actually open all night.”

  “Twenty-four hours? I like it. The diner in Safety is open 24 hours, too. There’s something about eating breakfast and having coffee at three in the morning at the diner that I like. It’s nice and cozy,” I said.

  “Cozy? I didn
’t think you tough cowboy types were into cozy,” she said, as I backed out of the driveway.

  “I think there is a lot about me that might surprise you,” I said, echoing her words back to her. She laughed, catching the joke. Her laughter was music to my ears.

  A few minutes later we had coffee cups in our hands and were driving out of the city.

  “So, where exactly are we going, Connor?”

  “My family owns a plot of land just east of here. It is about fifty acres or so of natural land and brush. It floods in the rainy season and isn’t good for farming or building, so we keep it for hunting, camping, and just to get away sometimes. There’s a small cabin on the north side, but there are also campsites for pitching tents on the south side. We’re going to the west area where there are lots of mesquite trees, which is where the doves should be around dove season.”

  “Your family has land out here? I like that. It must be nice to be able to go camping and not have to deal with parks, rangers, and other campers. I would love to go camping one night and look at the stars and all,” she said.

  “You would?”

  She laughed. “Just because I’m a city girl now doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the outdoors. I enjoy it immensely.”

  “Then I would love to take you camping. Let’s do it sometime soon,” I said, already thinking about cuddling up next to her in front of the fire pit and making love to her inside a tent.

  “I would love that.” She turned and gave me a brilliant smile. It had been a long time since I had spent this much time and effort on one woman. I had to admit that I was used to playing the field with more than one woman at a time. This was new territory for me and I realized it was because Lydia was different. There was just something about her that I couldn’t put my finger on. I knew that I was constantly thinking of ways to impress her, and that the moment I saw her at the dance hall was the closest thing I had ever felt to love at first sight in my entire life. If there even was such a thing? Now having her sitting next to me made me feel both nervous and excited at the same time. I felt alive, and I hadn’t even finished my coffee yet.


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